Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Batch Processing








Allow importing data directly into embedded matrix in worksheet when performing batch processing

Allow importing data directly into embedded matrix in worksheet during batch processing

If the embedded matrix exits in the analysis template, batch processing support importing data or image to the embeded matrix. Besides,  drag and drop to import data or image to opened analysis template is also supported.



Batch Plot dialog now combines options for Book, Sheet and Column into one dialog

Batch Plot dialog now combines options for Book, Sheet and Column into one dialog

Batch Plotting GUI Improvements

  • Combine Batch Plot with Book, Sheet and Column into one dialog. There is Batch Plot with dropdown list on the top of the dialog.

  • Matching conditions to filter book/sheet are moved on top of the book/sheet list.

  • Batch plotting menus and toolbar buttons also combine into single button and menu.

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New App to distribute multiple files across multiple cores for faster Batch Processing

New App to distribute multiple files across multiple cores for faster Batch Processing

Select the Analyis Template and data files. Then specify how many cores to be used. The files will be distributed to multiple instances of Origin running on each core. App can be used to monitor progress. Once all tasks are finished, a consolidated summary report can be created with results from each core combined into one table.



Save Batch Processing dialog settings into Analysis Template

Save Batch Processing dialog settings into Analysis Template

When using an Analysis template in Batch Process dialog, the batch processing dialog settings will be saved into the analysis template so that the next time this analysis template is loaded in Batch Process dialog, no need to set batch processing setting again. 

A system variable @bst is used to control the behavior.

0 : always no save settings;
1 (default): always save settings;
-1: pop up msg to ask.



Some rule changes to batch processing

Some rule changes to batch processing for no dialogue and no interaction,

We tend to have no dialogue, no interaction, in batch process. So the rule of batch process now becomes to:

  1. Before doing any batch process, user must make sure the input files format should be match with the last import settings in .ogw or filter in UFF.

  2. Last import setting must be used when check on "Use Import Setting in Workbook". filter file will be used when uncheck "Use Import Setting in Workbook".

  3. when filter is used, the proper filter should match: a. input file extension must be match with filters setting. b. filter file format must be match with last import settings in ogw.

Once user make analysis template with import ASCII, that means the template is only used for ASCII file. If user want to it for other type file, they must import another file from MENU and save analysis template again.



Support to add data from many sheets/books into a combined graph or an existing graph

Add data from many sheets/books into a combined graph or an existing graph

  • Add data from many different sheets/books into an existing graph

    • E.g. After plotting a multiple panel graph with data in one worksheet/book, user wants to add data from other sheet/book to same graph. 

  • Add data from many sheets/books into a combined graph.

    • After plotting a complicated graph with data in one book with several sheets, user wants to create a similar new graph with all data in another book with different number of sheets

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Distributed Batch Processing

Batch processing with multiple Origin instances.

Download Distributed Batch Processing app from the page and install the app.

This app is capable of batch processing with analysis template using multiple Origin instances in background.

Click the app icon to bring up the dialog, then provide the desired settings, and then click the Run button to start the batch processing. Note: there is a sample project together with this app. You can open the sample folder by right clicking on the icon of this app, and then choose Show Samples Folder from the context menu. In this folder, you can use the provided template and follow the note to get how to use this app.

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Toolbar Maker

Help to create simple and personal toolbar buttons that run script.

Download Toolbar Maker app from the page and install the app.

Simply select an image for buttons, enter the tooltip, enter or copy-paste an existing LabTalk script, and click a button to generate a user-defined toolbar named Toolbar Maker.

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Fitting: Accuracy of p-value has been improved in nonlinear fit results.

Fitting: Accuracy of p-value improved in nonlinear fit results

Calculate the P value more accurately for tcdf and fdcf significance levels in Nonlinear Fitting Tools.

Change code to calculate P value for tcdf and fcdf in fitting tools for significance



Fitting: Standard error on derived parameters is now included in the parameter Summary table

Fitting: Standard error on derived parameters included in the parameter Summary table

Output the SE of derived parameter and in the Summary table.



Fitting: Implicit Function now support Integral

Fitting: Implicit Function supports Integral

Support to define Implicit Function with integral in the Fitting Function Organizer and Fitting Function Builder



Fitting: Sample Curve and Equation Preview images are included when transferring FDF files from older version.

Fitting: Sample Curve and Equation Preview images included when transferring FDF files from older version.

Transfer User Files tool can now transfer also (if present) the picture files for the formula (.wmf) and the picture files for the sample curves (*.cuv) with fitting function file (*.fdf).



Fitting: Two new implicit fitting functions added for diode and solar cell data

Fitting: Two new implicit fitting functions added for diode and solar cell data

The SolarCellIV and ModDiode fitting functions are added in the Implicit Category.



Support auto install of fitting function and origin template when installing opx

Support auto install of fitting function and origin template when installing opx

  1. Fitting function file(*.FDF) and origin template(*.otpu,*.otwu,*.otmu,etc) will be also installed after installing opxInstall Support Files is removed from package manager dialog.*.otwu,*.otmu,etc) will be also installed after installing opx

  2. Install Support Files is removed from package manager dialog.



Rank Models

Fit and rank multiple functions to identify best fitting model.

Download Rank Models app from the page and install the app.

This app can fit and rank multiple functions ito identify the best fitting model for your data. The app works for XY and  XYZ data.

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Support Plot Range for Dataset Identifier for Gadgets

Support Plot Range for Dataset Identifier for Gadgets

Added option "Plot Range" in the Dataset Identifier drop down list in all gadgets which have the combo.



Better hint indication when run Pro-only features in Regular version

Better hint indication when run Pro-only features in Regular version

  1. In Regular Origin, if the project contains pro-only operation, the analysis clock will show in gray color.

  1. In Regular Origin, if the project contains pro-only operation and users click the recalculate toolbar button, there is a warning message shown in Message Log window.









Signal Processing: Unit description added to metadata of STFT result

Signal Processing: Unit description added to metadata of STFT result

Support unit output in worksheet result of STFT.



3D Smoother

Smooth 3D data.

Download 3D Smoother app from the page and install the app.

This app can be used to smooth 3D data from XYZ columns or a matrix. 

Features include:

  • Support XYZ or matrix data

  • Multiple smoothing methods like Adjacent-Averaging, Adjacent-Median, Negative Exponential etc.

  • Support Grid Settings for smoothed data

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Statistics: Frequency Count/Binning tool supports output format such as: 0-10, 10-20, etc.

Statistics: Frequency Count/Binning tool supports output format such as: 0-10, 10-20, etc.

2D Frequency Count/Binning output sheet creates 4  type columns ahead with following LongName: Bins of A, Bin Beginnings of A, Bin Centers of A, Bin Ends of A and create 3 label row : Bin Beginnings of B, Bin Centers of B, Bin Ends of B.

Frequency Counts output sheet creates 4  type columns ahead with following LongName: Bins, Bin Begin, Bin Centers , Bin Ends.



Statistics: Hidden column will be ignored when computing statistics on rows

Statistics: Hidden column will be ignored when computing statistics on rows

Hidden column should be ignored if do statistics on rows and other statistics tools



Statistics: PCA Loading plot and Biplot support improved plot labeling

Statistics: PCA Loading plot and Biplot support improved plot labeling

Principal Component Analysis: Loading plot and BiPlot use the latest design: plot label tab in Plot  details dialog, and update Axis Labels "Principal Component 1" to be "PC1", add the value of "Percentage of Variance" to the Units label 



Statistics: Stats on columns and rows will carry over Units from the source datasets

Statistics: Stats on columns and rows will carry over Units from the source datasets

Statistics on columns/Statistics on Rows, the result value will carry the same Unit as the source datasets.









ASCII Import:

In ASCII Import, Origin's auto determine header line may not work well for all user's data.

Origin's auto determine header line may not work well for all user's data.

One example is user wants to import files by removing all lines that start with # character.

In sush case, uncheck Auto Determine Subheader lines and then choose By Leading Character option and specify a leading char under Header Lines node in ImpASCII dialog. This option is also available on Header page of Import Wizard.

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Improvements to labels in ASCII import dialog

Improvements to labels in ASCII import dialog

S1: Some label on ASCII dialog were changed:
1. Show blue hint "each character is treated as one delimiter" when the number of "Other Delimiters” is more than 1.
2. Multiple Delimiters --> Multiple Characters
3. Combine Delimiters as one Delimiter --> Treat Consecutive Delimiters as One (use a same label as ImpWiz)
4. Move "Header Lines" branch node above "File Structure" node, to be consistent with ImpWiz.

S2: Restrict editbox to allow single character input

On Import Wizard dialog, Data Columns page, the "Other" editbox is not allowed to enter more than 1 char.









Copy and paste entire worksheet across multiple Origin sessions.

Copy and paste entire worksheet across multiple Origin sessions.

Right-click on the sheet tab, two new context menu items are available.

  • Copy Sheet

  • Paste as New Sheet

Use Copy Sheet to copy current sheet with all information(including the header lines and structure) into the clipboard, and then use Paste as New Sheet to paste it as a new sheet from the clipboard into a new layer or new window.

LabTalk command is also provided,

clip -cs; /// copy active sheet

clip -ps; /// paste sheet to active book from clipboard, if possible

clip -psn; /// paste sheet to new book from clipboard, if possible



Export ASCII to support ignore empty columns

Add a checkbox named as "Ignore Ending Empty Columns", to control ascii export, to ignore empty columns from the end.

Add a checkbox named as "Ignore Ending Empty Columns", to control ascii export, to ignore empty columns from the end, with the following options:

0 = no ignore (current way, default)

1 = ignore all empty columns after the last column with data, meta data not considered, and column with all missing values are considered empty.

This is used only if export selection is not chosen.



Stack Columns tool check numeric for group identifier label row

In Stack Columns, choose a label row as Group Identifier, then Origin will check if all value is numeric and not set it as categorical in the result.

In Stack Columns, choose a label row as Group Identifier, then Origin will check if all value is numeric and not set it as categorical in the result.



Stack Columns tool will maintain column plot designation for Other columns

Keep column plot designation for other columns in the Stack Columns result.

Keep column plot designation for other columns in the Stack Columns result.



Support Excel column notation in condition string for Counif() function

For Averageif(), Countif(), and Sumif() function, you can use Excel column name in condition string argument in 2018b.

For Averageif(), Countif(), and Sumif() function, you can use Excel column name in condition string argument now. E.g,

Code Block
countif(a, "A>0") //Before Origin 2018b, must use countif(a, "col(A)>0")

Also, the performance of these functons is improved.



Support for custom formatting of User Parameter rows in Worksheet

From Origin 2018b, user is allowed to set data format for a Parameter row or a User-Defined parameter row.

From Origin 2018b, user is allowed to set data format for a Parameter row or a User-Defined parameter row. This option is provided in Worksheet Properties dialog.



Support more numeric format like Excel

Support more numeric format like Excel

  • #5

  • Percent: #%, #.00%


  • Proper fraction # ##/##, # #/8, # #/4, # #/10, etc. and Improper fraction #/#, #/4, #/10, #/100. ##/##, etc.


  • Degrees, minutes, seconds (DMS), D MS, DM, DMF




Support more options when Copy Columns to

Support more options when Copy Columns to.

Copy Columns to is a useful way to copy columns from one sheet to other sheets and keep the linking. But some settings in source columns are not copied. Added in Origin 2018b.

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3D Graphs








3D XYZ bar graph supports customization of individual bars

3D XYZ bar graph supports customization of individual bars

Customize pattern, color and labels



Added Connect Control for 3D Waterfall. 

New connect line control for 3D Waterfall

Before Origin 2018b, 3d waterfall can only be plotted as straight lines. To have spline, etc., user had to plot as 2D Waterfall.

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Improve preview of 3D OpenGL graphs in dialogs

Improved 3D OpenGL graph preview in dialogs

Better preview in our export graph dialog



Support <end> as end of column/row for size, when creating virtual matrices

Support <end> as end of column/row for size, when creating virtual matrices

Add a context menu "Dynamic Ends" to the Plotvm dialog's Input node. When it is selected, virtual matrix's range will be expanded to both row&column ends.



Support 2D annotation for 3D scatter plot.

Support 2D annotation for 3D scatter plot



Support more 2D arrow shapes in 3D graphs

Support more 2D arrow shapes in 3D graphs



Support total label for 3d stacked column/bar plots

Support total label for 3d stacked column/bar plots









Better legend position when Fitting Layers to Page

Better legend position when Fitting Layers to Page

Add the option -L to the page -FLS command

Code Block
page -FLS -L; //fit layers to page so as to leave room on the right side for the legend. No gap between layer and legend.
Code Block
page -FLS -L 0.03 -m 0.04 //fit layers to page, with space (3% of page) btween layer and legend, margin on edge of page is 0.04.
Code Block
To use the -L option, the following must be true:
  • Graph contains a single layer.

  • There is one (and only one) legend object.

  • Scale Elements (Format: Layer Properties > Display tab) must be Fixed Factor.



Customize Layer/Plot/Axes properties across all layers

Customize Layer/Plot/Axes properties across all layers

By checking what you want to customize together on Layers tab of Page level of Plot Details dialog, and then go to a layer to customize settings, all layers will be customized together.

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Easier notation for adding labels when merging multiple graphs, including support for Roman numerals

Easier notation for adding labels when merging multiple graphs

Set Label Text as Custom and click the dropdown list to see Custom notations.

Notations can be combined, e.g. h$n$ to show #1, #2, ....

a$ (default) – enumerate lower case letters
A$ – enumerateupper case letters
r$ – enumerate lower case roman numerals 
R$ – enumerate upper case roman numerals 
n$ or # – enumerate numbers
h$ – represent #

Graph## – Graph01, Graph02, ...

hsn$ means #1, #2, ....

Labtalk Script example:

merge_graph labeltext:=custom labelcustom:=h$n$;

Tip: Click the > button next to Dialog theme and choose Generate Script, executable Labtalk script will be created.



Easier way to show/hide error bars and data labels from Object Manager

Easier way to show/hide error bars and data labels from Object Manager

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Enlarged graph using scale-in tool supports multiple overlapped layers

Enlarged graph using scale-in tool supports multiple overlapped layers

If layers are linked with 1:1 X axis and area, choose Scale In toolbar button and click in graph to create enlarged graph. Plots in all linked layers show in enlarged graph.




Fit all layers to maximum available page area, including option for margins.

Margin control to fit all layers in graph into page area nicely.

Margin control to fit all layers in graph into page area nicely.

User stories:

  • There are too much white space outside the layer. User wants to make the margin tigher.

  • Some text, axis title, or layer shows in gray area, so they will not be printed/exported. Use this tool to fit them into page siie.

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Improve the assignment of columns to layers for multi-panel plots

Improve the assignment of columns to layers for multi-panel plots

When number of x cols <= number of layers, use x col as separator to plot into layers; When number of x cols > number of layers, pop up error message: When number of x cols > number of layers, pop up error message. Add X Column" to the "Group By" combo in Multiple Panels by Label tool dialog.

For example, if data is organized as XYYYXYY and user asks for a 2-panel plot, the first three Y columns will be plotted in layer 1, and the last two Y colums will be plotted in layer2.



Integrate Gadget now supports marking of Fill Area under multiple curves

Integrate Gadget now supports marking of Fill Area under multiple curves



Keep Aspect Ratio check box at Page level, to resize page

Keep Aspect Ratio check box at Page level, to resize page

This allows user to specify desired page width for publishing, and Origin can then scale the height accordingly to keep the aspect ratio, if this check box is checked.

All elements in the graph will be scaled such that they "appear" the same in the final graph in terms of relative dimensions such as font size etc. MAY NOT work fully yet for elements such as color scale, and for 3D graphs.



New LT command to force all layers to have scale factor fixed but keep the look

New LT command to force all layers to have scale factor fixed but keep the look

Select menu Graph: Fix Scale open dialog, and you will allow to set all layers to fixed scale factor value and maintain current look.

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LabTalk command is also available,



Page size change to keep same look

Page size change to keep same look

Automatically scale all elements similar to the work with fix scale factor.

System variable @PSM controls the minimum change to trigger size update.  Set @psm=100, elements will not resize when changing page size.



Rename Plot Groups instead of just using g1, g2, ... in Object Manager

Rename Plot Groups instead of just using g1, g2, ... in Object Manager

Right click g1, g2, ... node in Object Manager to give a meaningful group name. 

Such group name will show in

  • Layer Contents dialog as tooltip

  • Data menu

  • Context menu when right clicking on graph



Support for grouping and ungrouping of data plots in Object Manager

Support for grouping and ungrouping of data plots in Object Manager

In Object Manager,

  • Right click group node, e.g. g1 to Ungroup.

  • Right click a plot that doesn't belong to any group and Set as Group Begin. Then Origin will find all consecutive plots below it that have same plot type and group them.



Support Tagging Sheet as Exclude from Plotting Dialog

Support Tagging Sheet as Exclude from Plotting Dialog

Some users have a lot of worksheets in project. And it's hard to select which sheet to plot.

In Origin 2018b, User can exclude some worksheets from showing in Plot Setup and Layer Contents dialogs by right clicking worksheet(s) and tag as "Exclude from Plotting Dialogs". 









OC: Added a parameter for specifying the title of dialog created by "okoc_folder_browser"

Added a parameter for specifying the title of dialog created by "okoc_folder_browser"

Added a new parameter "lpcszInitTitle" to the OC function okoc_folder_browser, and the new parameter is used to specify the title of dialog box, now the function is:

int okoc_folder_browser(LPCSTR lpcszInitDir, StringArray* saFolders, LPCSTR lpcszInitTitle)

The new parameter "lpcszInitTitle" is used to specify the title of dialog box, and its default value is NULL.


Code Block
#include <Origin.h>
#include <okocUtils.h>
void folder_browser_ex1()
	vector<string> vsFolders;
	int nRet = okoc_folder_browser("C:\\test", &vsFolders,"Folder browser");
	printf("%d folders selected!\n", nRet);
	for ( int ii = 0; ii < nRet; ii++ )
			printf("Folder%d: %s\n", ii + 1, vsFolders[ii]);        



OC: Better default for index in  GetParameterResults

Better default for index in  GetParameterResults

The default value of second parameter of OC function GetParameterResults() was changed to 0.



OC: function for Code Builder File Access

function for Code Builder File Access

Added a new OC function:

BOOL CBFileOpen(LPCSTR lpcszFileName, LPCSTR lpcszSectionName=NULL, int nCntrl = CBF_OPEN);

lpcszFileName: File path and name.

lpcszSectionName: Specify a section you want to go.


  • CBF_OPEN: Open the file in Code Builder.

  • CBF_TEST_IS_OPEN: Check if the file is opened in Code Builder.



OC: Need better support for accessing embedded matrix via LabTalk and OriginC

Need better support for accessing embedded matrix via LabTalk and OriginC

Added a new OC function:

int Worksheet::IsHolderSheet(PageBase& pg = NULL);

Check if the Worksheet is embedded page.



OC: Access to get and set LabTalk LT properties of Origin Objects

Access to get and set LabTalk LT properties of Origin Objects

S2: Support accessing page properties by OC functions:Pagebase::SetProp() and Pagebase::GetProp(), for example:

Code Block
void test_Graph_Set_and_Get_Properties()
	GraphPage gp;
	double vv;
	gp.SetProp("active", 2);
	gp.GetProp("active", &vv);



OC: Functions for  Batch Plotting

Functions for  Batch Plotting

Added three oc functions:

1. int GraphPage::CanDuplicate(int nWith = CAN_DUP_WITH_ANY);
Suppose a graph is active, use this OC function to tell if this graph is possible to duplicate with new columns, sheets, books.

2. int GetDuplicateWithCols(StringArray &saItems, DataPlot &dataPlot = NULL, int nModifier = PMMT_IGNORE);
Assume a graph is active, use this OC function to get the list of columns which can be used to batch plot the graph.

3. int GetDuplicateWithBooks(StringArray &saItems, int nModifier = PMMT_OFFSET, int nMatchCol = MATCHCOLUMN_INDEX, int nMatchSheet = MATCHSHEET_INDEX);
Assume a graph is active, use this OC function to get the list of sheets or books which can be used to batch plot the graph. If nMatchSheet == MATCHSHEET_IGNORE then Range is Sheet, else Range is Book.

Code Block
