Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Data Handling







Mini toolbar for label rows in worksheet

Easier way to turn on rich text , insert user-parameter, hide label row, move up and down, etc.

When right click a label row, mini toolbar shows for quick access of some userful operations, such as turn on rich text so user can type superscript, subscript, greek letters, etc.


Data Display Format buttons on Column Mini toolbar

Use mini toolbar to customize date and time display or numeric digits

Add new mini toolbars for easily customize the number of digits, date, and time format.


Change Column (Cell) Format on Pasting Date Time Data

Check if copied data is date and time and paste accordingly

  • Copy Date/Time data from Excel or other places and paste it into Origin worksheet cells. Column/cell will be auto formatted as Date/Time.

  • Insert info variable and select date from file info list, the cell gets correctly formatted as date


Better Handling of Time Data that Wrap Around Midnight

Mini toolbar buttons is added to handle date/time data what wrap around midnight

User sometimes has time data that missing day info. When plotting with such data as X range, the plot may jumps back to beginning of axis at midnight.
Now Origin provides a new mini toolbar to deal with such problem. When click it, Origin will check and detect, then ask if can go ahead to add days to the data.

Also, for axis tick label, DDD info will not be added anymore for time HH format. E.g, 25:00 will be shown as 01:00 instead.


Redo Worksheet Transpose Tool

There were many issues when using transposed data as input of further analysis.

In the past, output of wtranspose maybe problematic when directly use as anlaysis input. Now, this should not be a problem anymore.


Support Color Column in Worksheet

New column type is added to support HTML color code. User can save the colors in the column as a color list or palette for other uses. User can use it to color plots.

In Column Properties dialog, set column format as Color.

  • support HTML color code. Cell background will be colored accordingly.

  • Mini toolbar to set color

  • Mini toolbar of column to save Color List or palette (system variable @MPS is the threshold to save as palette. E.g. default is 20. So if there are more than 20 colors in the column, it will be saved as palette. If less than 20 colors, it will be saved as color list.)

  • Set column as Color to show calculated color based on R, G and B values.

  • Add Display Color Value checkbox under Format in column property dialog if column format is Color.

  • Add Create Color List from Column… in Custom dropdown list under Color fly-out single tab.


Allow setting HTML color code in colors popup.

Entering HTML color code to create color

In Color Popup, add HTML edit box allowing copying/pasting HTML color code.


Support mask column based on Outlier by IQR

Support mask column based on Outlier by IQR

Select Column: Mask Cells by Condition… menu.

Outliers by IQR is added in Condition dropdown


Alt+Enter for new line

We used to use Ctrl+Enter for new line. Changed to Alt+Enter to be consistent with other softwares

Use Alt+Enter for new line instead of old Ctrl+Enter.

System variable @FCA =1 to roll back to old way.

This also applies to adding mult-line text in graph and script window


Missing Value NANUM for numeric column which is not double(8)

When data type isn’t double(8), we used to show 0 as missing values. Now user can specify what value to show as missing value --

When column format is set to Numeric and Data Type is set to other options e.g. Real(4) instead of the default Double(8), user can assign a custom value as missing value, such as:
wks.col1.missing = -99; //-99 will show as missing value --
wks.col2.missing = 0; //0 will show as missing value --

wks.col1.missing = 0/0 //turn the feature off

This property is saved with the column.


Aligning on decimal character in column

Numbers are usally right aligned. Now you can align numbers by decimal points in a column

In Column Properties dialog, set Numeric Custom Display as e.g. .3?


Paste space separated text into one column in worksheet

By default, space separated text will be pasted into multiple columns. A context menu Paste (Keep Spaces) is added to pasted text into one column

It will paste space separated text in one column


Easier way to select highlighted columns in worksheet in Worksheet Query dialog

Newly added checkbox Check all Selected Columns Extract to quickly select highlighted columns only

By default when opening Worksheet Query dialog. All columns are checked so when extracting data, all columns will be extracted.

A new context menu Check all Selected Columns Extract is added. Check it, only columns highlighted in worksheet will be checked and extracted.


paste report sheet table will set 1st row to long name

origin will set 1st row as long name when paste report sheet table since Origin2021, it will provide better format style look, also can easily change table style will mini toolbar.

Image Added








New Color Manager

A new color manager tool to load palette from website or file from other software, create and edit color list/palettes, and customize which color list/palettes to show in color GUIs

Tools: Color Manager… (hotkey Ctrl+Shift+O) to manage color lists and palettes

  • Import color list or palettes from web.

  • Import color list or palettes from downloaded color list or palette files.

  • Create your own color list/palette

  • Control which color list or palette will show from GUI, such as color related control on toolbars and dialogs.

  • Default Plot Colors button for quick access to System Color Lists tab of Theme Organizer.

  • More… context menu from color list and palette related toolbars to open Color Manager.

  • Improved Build Colors dialog for ordering colors, interpolate and save color list/palette.

  • System variable @ecd to decide what dialog opens to edit palette. 0 - Build Color dialog, 1 - Palette Editor dialog, 2 - Simplified Palette Editor.


Drag and drop Palette files into Origin to install them

Drag and drop color palette files of other softwares to install it in Origin

The installed palette will be accessible from Palette dropdown list.

  • If the file is MS PAL, it’s copied to User Files Folder\Palettes\

  1. if not, the file is converted to pal file and put to User Files Folder\Palettes\

  2. If the filename already existed, the file name will enumerate.

Following palette files are supported.

  • Office Color Table (.soc)

  • Adobe Color (.aco)

  • Adobe Color Table (.act)

  • Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase)

  • JASC PaintShopPro (.pal)


Image Plot Can't Set Color Beyond Min/Max

Customize color below min and above max in Image plot

Make image plot from random data in matrix.
==> Under Colormap tab in PD, we can change color for any level but not for level <min and >max.

Implemented in Origin2021.


More obvious way to define custom colors

In custom color pop up add a plus mark in the cell to add custom color

In custom color pop up add a plus mark in the cell which can add custom color


Color Scale Mini Toolbar Issues Reported by Beta Tester

Update colormap graph when changing color scale on mini toolbar, delete color scale title by Delete key

  • We can update colormap for the plot which is related to selected color scale by mini toolbar.

  • We can delete color scale title with delete key.


Improve color list popup GUI

It is dynamic now, can be expand to show more items.

Change color list and palette list popup to be dynamic.






Group data according to periodic date/time range using specified statistical value.

Periodic Report app is capable of grouping data according to periodic date/time range using specified statistical value.

  • Download Periodic Report app from the page and install the app.

  • With a worksheet window activated, click the app icon to bring up the dialog.

    1. Choose Input columns for grouping, and date/time column for periodic calculation.

    2. Select how to merge the input columns, including 1st point, last point, mean, sd, mean and sd, min, max, sum, and count.

    3. Change a start and end date/time accordingly, leave them Auto if you want to cover all the data.

    4. Consider the period for grouping you want, including second, minute, hour, day, month, quarter and year.

    5. For day period, you can also specify how many days as a period.

    6. If you have included prior periods, the result will not be merged for the same period in different "parent". For example, the period you choose is month, if not include prior periods, then all data in each month, Jan. for example, will be merged, but it does not care about the years. If include prior periods, Jan.'s data is merged by year, but not all years together.

    7. If there are some other columns need specific consideration, you can include other columns to handle them.

    8. Specify where to output the result, and then click OK button.



Perform neural network fitting using Python.

Neural Network Regression App fits data with neural network backpropagation.

  • Download Neural Network Regression app from the page and install the app.

  • Operation

  1. Activate a worksheet or a graph. Click the App icon to bring up the dialog.

  2. On Input Data tab, select single or multiple datasets for Independent Variables and specify Dependent Variable by selecting a single dataset.

  3. On Options tab, change settings to fit a neural network.

  4. On Quantities and Plots tab, choose which quantities and plots to output.

  5. On Prediction tab, you can select a range of independent data to predict the response with the fitted neural network.

  6. Click OK to output reports.



Perform detrended correspondence analysis.

Detrended Correspondence Analysis App can be used to perform detrended correspondence analysis (DCA). It is a multivariate method that corrects for the major problems (the arch effect and compression of the ends of the gradient) of Correspondence Analysis.

  • Download Detrended Correspondence Analysis app from the page and install the app.

  • Operation

  1. Click App icon to open the dialog.

  2. Select data for sites and species.

  3. Customize DCA parameters.

  4. Click OK to output report sheets.



Use the apparent values for integration according to the current axis scales.

Apparent Integration App calculates apparent integral in Cartesian and polar coordinates according to the current axis scales.

  • Download Apparent Integration app from the page and install the app.

  • Operation

  1. Activate a graph window. Click the App icon to open the dialog.

  2. Choose area type from Mathematical Area and Absolute Area.

  3. Click OK.



Find solutions that minimize or maximize a function defined in a worksheet's cell.

Optimization Solver app can be used to find solutions that minimize or maximize a function defined in a worksheet's cell. It can also be used for curve fitting by defining the residual sum of squares as the target function for minimization.

Download Optimization Solver app from the page and install the app.


  1. Highlight the Objective Function cell in the worksheet. Launch the app.

  2. Drag and drop columns for Initial Values and Solution.

  3. In the Settings branch, choose target, method, bounds and iteration options.

  4. Click OK button. Results in the worksheet and graph will be updated.


Rank multiple fitting functions by their fit reports.

Rank Models by Fit Reports app can be used to rank fitting functions by fit reports. It can find the optimal model by AIC, BIC, Adj. R-Square, Reduced Chi-Sqr or Residual Sum of Squares.

Download Rank Models by Fit Reports app from the page and install the app.

  1. Choose Number of Models to Compare. Click OK button.

  2. In the pop-up Choose Fit Reports dialog, click Browse button on the right of each Report edit box. Click OK button.

  3. A summary report will be created. The optimal model by BIC is marked in red color. You can also select another column and sort worksheet to find the best model by other methods.


HTML Report Assistant

HTML Report Assistant app

  • Download HTML Report Assistant app from the page and install the app.

  • This propose of HTML Report Assistant app is to to help you edit a report according to HTML syntax in Notes window. You can get a nice table without touching the CSS part.


Moving Average Functions NANUM (Missing value) Ignore or Zero Issues

Moving Average Functions NANUM (Missing value) Ignore or Zero Issues

Support different ways to treat missing value in the following functions: movavg, tmovavg and movcoef.

New option “missing“ is introduced:

  • 0: omit missing values from the calculation by default which is same as before

  • 1. include missing values in the calculation

  • 2. omit missing values from the calculation, but keep missing in the output


Improvement on Operation Lock tooltip

Improved info. shows when mousing over the green lock

  • Shows input data range.

  • Shows with better data range info.

  • Shows main range info instead for secondary lock.

  • Change background color of tooltip for locks on worksheet for better visualizing.

  • For Set Column Value operation, shows formula and input range info in tooltip. And when user select the F(x) cell, the before formula script will be shown in the status bar if exists.

ORG-21848, ORG-3958

Range String Builder dialog updates

Makes it easier to build output range

Clearer labels and contexts, update menu entry name as Custom...


Average Multiple Curves with Different X Ranges Issue

No extrapolation added when averaging multiple curves

Adding new option “No Extrapolation”:

  1. Only available when Averaged X is set to Full X RangeCustom, and Follow Curve Trace.

    1. Determines whether to extrapolate the curves when the input curves have different X ranges.


Set Sampling Interval in average multiple curves result

If all input Y has same sampling interval, no seperate X column will be created

If source data's sampling interval is all the same (including name and unit), then result column will set with sampling interval instead of output an X column.


Support set sampling interval on locked columns

Support set sampling interval on locked columns

Allow set sampling interval on locked column now.


Peak Analyzer default theme setting changes

Enable Linear Constraints Status and Constraints are checked by default

2 choices Enable Linear Constraints Status and Constraints change to check by default


GCAS function has no abs

abs in the GCAS function is not necessary and so it’s removed now.

abs in the GCAS function is not necessary and so it’s removed now.


Support Open Book(s) buttons from Summary Sheet when Data Source is set to Use Existing Data

Buttons on summary sheet will also work if the Data source is Use Existing Data in batch processing

There were Open Book, Reprocess and Update buttons in summary sheet created by Batch Processing only if Data Source was Import from Files in the past. Now there are also such buttons if Data Source is set to Use Existing Data.


Vertical Cursor supports side by side layers

In the past, Vertical cursor only worked for layers stacked vertically in same graph. Now it will work for layers even on the left or right side

Linked Cursor for Each Layer button is added in Vertical Cursor tool to add vertical cursor at same X position for all layers in current graph.


Pre-ship Fitting Function Library App and show it in appropriate tools

In Fitting Function Builder and NLFit dialog, there is Fitting Function Library link to download extra fitting functions provided by our website.

Choose Tools: Fitting Function Builder… menu. There is link to open the App

  • Click Search button in Nonlinear Curve Fit dialog and search some non-existing function e.g. crossWLF. It will show hint to open Fitting Function Library App for more functions.


Need consistent way for date time data in grouping variable

Improved tools that support group column with date time data so the output will be sorted by meaningful week, month, quarter, etc. order.

  • When display julian date as Month format, date value with same Month will be considered as same group.

  • Support sort result column by a internal order depends on Date format.

    • 10 (the 5th one, day): 1 to 31

    • Fri (the 6th one, day of week ): Monday to Sunday, Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun

    • Jul (the 17th one, month display): January to December, Jan, Feb,...,Dec

    • Q3 (the 19th one, quarter display), Q1 to Q4

    • 2020 (the 8th one, year display): year ascending

  • Set user-defined label in output result worksheet with correct date/time format setting.

Above rules will be applied in following tools,

  • Pivot Table

  • Unstack Columns

  • plot_gindexed

  • plot_gboxindexed

  • plot_bygroup


Support import data to embedded matrix sheet with data connector when batch processing

Allow importing data directly into embedded matrix imported by data connector in worksheet during batch processing

origin support importing data to embedded matrix sheet since Origin2018b, but not support if matrix data is imported by data connector. we improve this to make it more applicable.

note: drag and drop data or image to opened analysis template is also improved.







Statistics on Rows support multiple sheets as input

In Data Range box, user can enter (1:10)!A:B to do rowwise statistics of column A to B on sheets 1 to 10.

Origin 2021 added this support in Statistics on Rows dialog.

In Data Range box, user can enter (1:10)!A:B to do rowwise statistics of column A to B on sheets 1 to 10.


Significance Label for ANOVA Result Worksheet

ANOVA Result Worksheet adds Grouping Letters Table in Means Comparison

ANOVA Result Worksheet adds Grouping Letters Table in Means Comparison
