Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.







Hotkey to export graph with last used theme

Ctrl+Alt+G to export graph without need to open the dialog

With Graph widow active, press Ctrl+Alt+G to export graph with last used theme, no need to open the dialog.

It corresponds to File: Export Graph (Advanced): <lasted used> menu


More skip data points options in plot

Smart skip point options based on data density and shape

For scatter plot or line+symbol plot, go to Drop Lines tab.

Two smart skip options are added. Smart Skip(Total Points Kept) keeps the number of points set and skips the other points based on data density and shape. Smart Skip(% of Points Skipped) keeps the percentage of points set and skips the other points based on data density and shape.

System variable @smm determines the method used for smart skip:

0: Largest Triangle

1: Y-threshold

2: Data Distance Threshold

3: Douglas-Peucker-Hull

4: Largest Triangle for Segments(default)

LT controlled can be used to specify starting skip points. In the example below, 10 means start to perform skip from the 10th row in the workbook data.

Code Block


Toggle layer, plot & graphic object’s selectability

Mini toolbar button to set layer, plot or graphic objects selectable or not

  • Set plot, graphic object or layer and to unselectable so user can not click to select it in graph and edit it with mini toolbar or regular toolbars, etc.

  • Click the item in Object Manager is always supported. User can then use the mini toolbar button to turn selectabilty back on

  • Corresponding Labtalk property for graphic objects object.mouse=0 not selectable or 1 selectable

  • For layers in graphs, selectability can also be globally (it is an Origin setting) prohibited by setting @grls=0


Avoid using Function plot as Axis title unless it’s the only plot

Data Plot Index for Auto Axis Titles should exclude function plot unless it's the only one

When there are multiple plots (no matter data plot or function plot), Origin uses the 1st plot’s long name, unit as axis title. See the Data Plot Index for Auto Axis Titles dropdown list on Legends/Titles tab of graph node of Plot Details dialog.

So if user moves function plot as the 1st plot in graph window, F1 will show as axis title. In Origin 2023, we will skip using function plot as axis title unless it’s the only plot in graph.

Use system variable @fpt=1 to roll back to the old behavior.


Batch Plotting Short Name

Better handling of Batch Plotting Short Name numbers.

Short Name starting with G09 will increment to G10 instead of G010.


Data highlight mode when switching to worksheet

System variable to quit data highlight mode when switch to worksheet

Set system variable @QDHT=1, data highlight some data points in graph and switch to worksheet, escape the data highlight mode and allow to plot directly with parial data selected

Default value is 0, data highlight mode keeps when swicth to worksheet


Hide Legend for Function Plots

Option to hide function plot entries in legend

In previous version, function plot would always show in legend. In Origin 2023, a context menu is added to Hide Function Plots in legend.


In-place edit for wrapped text object

For wrapped text, if not long, double click will enter in-place edit mode. For very long text, open Text Object dialog

  • In the past, if text was wrapped, double click it would always open Text Object dialog. In Origin 2022b system variable @tlip (default 80) is added. If text length is less than it, double click will allow in-place edit.

  • In the past, if text wasn’t wrapped, double click would always enter in-place edit mode. In Origin 2022b system variable @tlipn (default 60) is added for text not wrapped as well. If text length is longer than it, Text Object dialog will open.


More Image Window ROI Tools

Recalculate ROI (Rectangle) to copy to matrix/graph with proper XY coordinates.

  • Import an image and use Rectangle tools to select Region of Interest (ROI)

  • Right-click ROI and choose Create Lined Matrix

  • Drag the ROI and see the linked the image to show updated ROI


Fit Layers to Page more accurate

Boundary is more accurate after fitting layers to page and LabTalk command is added

The margin for Fit Layer to Page is more accurate in graph.

Users can use Labtalk command to specify each margin separately.

Code Block
-ml value // for left margin
-mt value // for top margin
-mr value // for right margin
-mb value // for bottom margin

All the margin values can be negative if necessary. So, for example, users graph the following will make it look tighter to also accommodate for text object rectangles of the axis titles being too large.

Code Block
page -FLS -u -c 3 -ml -0.005 -mt 0.001 -mb -0.005 -mr 0.001


Keep Graph and Worksheet size in layout window when copy and paste

Hold Alt key and then paste graph or worksheet in layout to another layout window to keep the size

We added the hot key Alt when copying and pasting images among layout or graph windows.

It’s extended to graph and worksheet object in layout window.

So copy the graph or worksheet object in one layout.

Then in another layout window with different page, size, press Alt key and then right click to Paste.

The graph/worksheet object size will be kept in new layout window.


MT button for Selectable

Support mini toolbar selectable button for Graph objects in Layer, like plot, text object

Click it, Graph objects in Layer will not be selectable, can press Ctrl+Z to undo or click it in Object Manager


More bracket shapes

Two more bracket shapes added

  • Use Mini toolbar to change bracket shape.

Image Added
  • Drag the red anchors for curvation and brace.

Graph Customization






3D plot improvements

Extend the minimum Z axis length to 10%

In previous versions, Z axis length can only be shrunk to 25% of full length. In Origin 2023, it can the minimum value can be 10%


More 3d layer mini toolbar buttons

Auto Rescale control added.

For 3D, it’s a dropdown list,

For 2D, it’s a checkbox


Build Color more improvement

We can interpolate according to selection, by group and merge color lists/ palettes.

We add Base Color radio option, with All and Selection as options. All means all color in build color dialog. Selection means current selection in left panel of build color.

  • if there is only one selection, no need to show this option.

  • If user's selection is not continuous, new colors should be from 1st selection.

Support Interpolate by group option. So user could specified number of group members, and interpolate within group.

Select more than 2 color lists/palettes in left or right panel of Color Manager, right click could show a option Merge Colors.


Plot Data by Sorted X

Added a LabTalk command to toggle line plots by worksheet order or sorted x

Added the LabTalk command layer.plot1.line.sortx=

  • =0, by worksheet order

  • =1, by sorted x


GUI to manage Symbol Map Unicode Symbols

Add Gear icon on top-right corner of simple symbol map.

  • Add…: popup a small dialog to fill Unicode code in editbox, could be one or multiple, separated by space. Append symbols to active tab.

  • Delete…: same as add dialog, but it will delete. We can also provide a button to select symbols in main dialog to return the code to editbox.

  • Reorder: select it will disable all other options, user could drag and drop cells in grid to reorder.

  • Reset to Factory Default: this will simply backup the UFF version and copy EXE over, for the current tab.

  • Append from Factory Default: this will fill in those deleted from EXE but keep user’s, for the current tab.







Relative Position Improvement for Linked Objects

To connect a text object to other object with relative position method, support LT way to specify which anchor, and LT way to control anchor on text frame

When connect a Text object to a Line Object, in old builds, we used Line.connect(Text,0,17,nTargetRefPt,35), nTargetRefPt=0, now support value = 26~34 to specify the 9 anchor for text object

LT way to control anchor on text frame, text.anchorontextframe=0/1, when 0, Text Object dialog: Position tab: Anchor on Text Frame is clear, when 1, Text Object dialog: Position tab: Anchor on Text Frame is checked


provide a labtalk local function to generate Range variable

predefine mkrng function in ORGSYS.CNF file

Some functions doesn’t support using range string. e.g. Can’t use total(A$ + “!” + B$). In such case user can first call mkrng() to generate range variable and then use it as argument in function

Image Added

mkrange() is defined as follows in ORGSYS.CNF

Code Block
function range mkrng(string str)
    range rr = str$;
    return rr;







Some Apps fails to work due to python package version interfere with each other

Some App need same Python Package, one need the latest version and another one need old version, in old version, both of them in same folder C:\ProgramData\OriginLab\PyPackage, it will cause compatibility issue.

Now, Origin Support multiple PyPackage folder by specify @PYP

Example to install two Apps need same Python Package, need to do the following:

  1. Make sure @PYP=0, install one app like SVM Classification app.

  2. Set @PYP=1, restart Origin, install another app like Empirical Mode Decomposition app. Restart Origin.

  3. Empirical Mode Decomposition app should be usable under C:\ProgramData\OriginLab\PyPackage1, while SVM Classification app is available under C:\ProgramData\OriginLab\PyPackage

If you want to use the SVM Classification app, need to set @PYP=0, and restart Origin
