Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


New Graph Types






Double-Y on the same Layer - Beta2

Specify which Y-axis to plot against for multiple plots on the same layer.

  • Double-Y in one layer menus under Plot: Multi-Panel/Axis

  • Specify plotting against left or right Y using the Mini Toolbar.

  • Display tab in Plot Details

  • Option to rescale each axis independently (default checked)

  • Subgroup by axis

  • LabTalk properties

set %c -ay 2; // set active plot to follow second y axis

layer.y.IndivScale = 1; // allow rescale each y axis individually

layer.y2.from=1; // setup 2nd y begin value; //setup 2nd y's end value


Vector Plot in Ternary Vector -Beta4

Support Vector Plot in Ternary Coordinate

  • Use XYZXYZ data to plot Ternary Vector plot. Each pair of XYZ define the begin and end point for vector

  • Z End to End Point tab added

  • Label tab turned on from options in X/Y/Z/Row Indices/(X, Y, Z)/Custom/Col

ORG - 24531

3D Stacked Heatmap - Beta4

Support a new plot type 3D Heatmap with flatted surface and fill to grid.

  • To plot the graph, need have XYZ data and another reference column to split the XYZ columns into different groups (layers in graph).

  • XY data should be M*N gridding. Origin will convert each XYZ block to a matrix using the Regular gridding method. If the data is not regular, the Sparse gridding method will be used to convert the XYZ data.

  • The Stacked Heatmap can be created from either a worksheet or matrix.







Improvements on Export Graph (Advanced) - Beta2, Beta4

Added hotkey Ctrl+Alt+G to export with last used theme. Added a clickable link on messages log to view exported graph

  • With a Graph window active, press Ctrl+Alt+G to export graph with last used theme without opening the dialog.

  • After exporting a graph, the file path is dumped to the Messages Log and is clickable to view the exported graph - Beta2

  • System Variable to control output to message log. - Beta4

0 = message with file path
1 = Only dump file path
-1 = no output on messages log

  • Use the Context menu or Ctrl+Click to open File location in Windows Explorer. - Beta4


Toggle layer, plot & graphic object’s selectability

LabTalk command and mini toolbar button to set whether or not layer, plot, or graphic objects are selectable.

  • Set plot, graphic object or layer to be unselectable so users can not click to select it in graph and edit it with mini toolbar or regular toolbars, etc.

  • Clicking the item in Object Manager is always supported. Users can then use the mini toolbar button to turn selectability back on.

  • Corresponding LabTalk property for graphic objects object.mouse=0 not selectable or 1 selectable

  • For layers in graphs, selectability can also be globally (it is an Origin setting) prohibited by setting @GRLS=0.


Multi-layer graph arrangement direction - Beta4

Choose Horizontal First or Vertical First when arranging multi-panel graphs.

Direction control in Merge Graph Windows, Merge Graphs to Layout, Arrange Layers, and Layer Management dialogs.

Example 1: When merging 6 graphs into 1 graph into a multi-panel graph, e.g. 2x3, user can specify arranging horizontally first or vertically first.

Example 2: Suppose user has a 2 x 3 panel graph which were arranged horizontally first. Choosing Graph: Arrange Layers… to switch the number of rows and columns to 3x2 and Direction: Vertical First. The panels will be transposed.


Stack plot improvements

Support stacking plot horizontally without exchanging XY Axis

Choose Plot: Multi-panel/Axis: Stack… menu

User can stack plots horizontally without exchanging X-Y axes. Together with Orientation: Landspace, it works nicely.

Note: In the past, there were only Vertical or Hrizontal(X-Y Axes Exchanged) options.


Batch Plotting Short Name

Better handling of Batch Plotting Short Name numbers

Short Name starting with G09 will increment to G10 instead of G010.


Data highlight mode when switching to worksheet

System variable to quit data highlight mode when switching to worksheet

Set System Variable @QDHT=1, data highlight some data points in graph and switch to worksheet, escape the data highlight mode and allow to plot directly with partial data selected.

Default value is 0, data highlight mode kept when switching to worksheet.


Axis Reference Line improvements

Reference line label consider divide by factor

Reference line label will follow divide by factor of tick labels.

E.g. For scales from 1 to 10, if tick label is set to have divide by factor of 0.01, the tick labels will show as 100 to 1000.

When adding reference line at 700, the reference line label will show 700. Used to show 7 (original scale)


Adjust the size of minor tick labels

Font Scaler (%) control on Minor Tick Labels tab

Set minor tick label font size to be relative to major tick label font size.


Fit Layers to Page more accurate

Boundary is more accurate after fitting layers to page and LabTalk command is added

The margin for Fit Layer to Page is more accurate in graph.

Added LabTalk commands to specify each margin separately.

Code Block
-ml value // for left margin
-mt value // for top margin
-mr value // for right margin
-mb value // for bottom margin

All the margin values can be negative if necessary. For example, using the following will make the graph look tighter to also accommodate for text object rectangles of the axis titles being too large.

Code Block
page -FLS -u -c 3 -ml -0.005 -mt 0.001 -mb -0.005 -mr 0.001


Keep Graph and Worksheet size in layout window when copying and pasting

Hold Alt key and then paste graph or worksheet in layout to another layout window to keep the size

Added the hot key Alt when copying and pasting images, graphs, and worksheet objects among layout or graph windows.

Hold Alt while pasting graph or worksheet objects from one layout to another will retain the size properties of the copied selection.


Column/bar type in plotmyaxes Dialog - Beta2

Support Column type in Multiple-Y Axis plot

In plotmyaxes dialog (menu: Plot>Multi-Panel/Axis: Multiple Y Axes)

Plot Type “Column“ is supported


Move data point improvement

Keep plot customizations when moving data points

In the past, choosing Data: Move Data Points, causes plot customizations to be lost. Plots changed to default black symbol.

In 2023, user can press Tab to toggle between using default scatter symbol or customized symbol.


Build Color improvements

We can interpolate according to selection, by group and merge color lists/ palettes.

Added Base Color radio option, with All and Selection as options. All means all color in build color dialog. Selection means current selection in the left panel of build color.

  • If there is only one selection, no need to show this option.

  • If the selection is not continuous, new colors should be from the 1st selection.

Support Interpolate by group option. Can now specify number of group members, and interpolate within group.

When selecting more than 2 color lists/palettes in the left or right panel of the Color Manager, right-click will show a Merge Colors option.







Layer Title Improvements

Center alignment, wrap text, etc.

When right-clicking a layer to choose Add/Modify Layer Title, it will be center aligned and wrap text checked.

Use to set the width of layer title. E.g. means the width of text box is 100% the width of layer .


Angle Annotation - Beta2

Measure the angle between two lines and annotate it

Select Angle Annotation toolbar button.

Single-click 3 times to pick arm, vertex and the other arm. If an arm is close to a data point, it will snap to it.

Click angle and drag anchors to adjust.

Mini toolbar for angle and label for common edit.

Double-click angle or right click and choose Properties to see all options.

Double-click to modify the syntax, e.g. $(v, .3) to show 3 decimal places, $(v*pi/180, .2) to convert degree to radian and show 2 decimal places.


Custom format to show plus sign for number - Beta3

We can show positive or negative sign in custom format

In custom format. Add more options to show signs for numbers:

.3 ----- 3 decimal places. old way
+.3  ----- 3 decimal places, always show sign for numbers, if positive, show +, if negative, show a short minus sign -
-.3 ----- 3 decimal places, if positive, no sign, if negative, show LONG minus sign
-+.3 -----  3 decimal places, always show sign for numbers, if positive, show +, if negative, show a long minus sign -


Hide Legend for Function Plots

Option to hide function plot entries in legend

In previous versions, function plot would always show in legend. In Origin 2023, a context menu is added to Hide Function Plots in legend.


Avoid using Function plot as Axis title unless it’s the only plot

Data Plot Index for Auto Axis Titles should exclude function plot unless it's the only one

When there are multiple plots (no matter data plot or function plot), Origin uses the 1st plot’s long name, unit as axis title. See the Data Plot Index for Auto Axis Titles dropdown list on Legends/Titles tab of graph node of Plot Details dialog.

So if user moves the function plot as the 1st plot in graph window, F1 will show as axis title. In Origin 2023, we will skip using function plot as axis title unless it’s the only plot in the graph.

Use system variable @FPT=1 to roll back to the old behavior.


Symbol Map Dialog Improvements

Gear icon on top-right corner of the dialog to manage symbols on each tab

  • Add… - opens a small dialog to enter space separated unicode codes. Found symbols will be appended to the end of current tab.

  • Delete… - opens a small dialog to enter space separated unicodes of symbols you want to remove from current tab. Or click Select button to pick symbols to remove.

  • Reorder - drag cell to reorder it. click Done button to accept the change. Note: In this mode, all other operations are disabled.

  • Reset to Factory Default - Reset the current tab to default symbols shipped with product.

  • Append from Factory Default - If you have deleted some symbols shipped with product, select this will bring them back to original location, while still keep those you added at the end.


In-place edit for wrapped text object

For wrapped text, if not long, double click will enter in-place edit mode. For very long text, open Text Object dialog

  • In the past, if text was wrapped, double click it would always open Text Object dialog. In Origin 2023 System Variable @TLIP (default 80) is added. If text length is not more than it, double click will allow in-place edit.

  • In the past, if text wasn’t wrapped, double click would always enter in-place edit mode. In Origin 2023 System Variable @TLIPN (default 60) is added for text not wrapped as well. If text length is longer than it, Text Object dialog will open.


More bracket shapes - Beta2

Round and brace bracket shapes added

  • Dropdown list to pick which bracket/brace to add on Add Object to Graph toolbar.

  • Use the Mini toolbar to change bracket shape.

  • Drag the red anchors for curvation and brace.


Improve Worksheet Cell Substitution Format - Beta4

Keep cell display format in column labels and when using plot index when using W as last argument

When referring to worksheet cell in text label in graph

  1. Keep display format in column label cell: e.g. using %([Book1]Sheet1,@WL, B[D1],W), to show user-defined parameter 1 in column B as label, where last argument is w, it will keep display format in that cell

  2. Keep display format when using plot index to specify a worksheet cell. E.g.

  • Using %(1, @WT, 2, 4, W) - 1st plot’s worksheet, 2nd column, 4th cell, using display format.

  • Using %(1@W,2,D1,W) or %(1@W,2,D”mean”,W) - 1st plot’s worksheet, 2nd column’s 1st user-defined parameter, or user-defined parameter row which is named “Hello”, where last argument is w. It will keep display format.







Banded Rows in Worksheet

Alternate row column fill color

Click on upper-left corner of worksheet to turn on/off banded rows and set Banded Rows Color and show color on even or odd rows.

LabTalk property for worksheet:

  • =0, Off

  • =1, On

System Variables to control banding color and if it shows on odd or even rows:

@WBC - RGB color

@WBE=0 -odd rows, or 1 - even rows


Freeze Panes

Freeze rows and columns in worksheet

Freeze up to 10 beginning rows and columns to keep them visible while scrolling in worksheet

  • If a column header is highlighted and freeze pane is used, Origin will freeze all columns to the left of it

  • If a row header is highlighted and freeze pane is used, Origin will freeze all rows above it.

  • If a cell is selected and freeze pane is used, Origin will freeze all rows above it and columns to the left of it

Ways to freeze/unfreeze

  • Hotkey Ctrl+Shift+F to freeze/unfreeze

  • Mini toolbar when clicking column, row or cell to freeze

  • View: Unfreeze/Freeze Panes menu to freeze/unfreeze

  • Mini toolbar when clicking in upper-left corner of worksheet to unfreeze


Protect Worksheet

Disable Editing of worksheet by adding a lock on sheet

  • Mini toolbar bar button is added to disable/enable editing of sheet. Lock icon shows in front of sheet name

  • Select multiple sheet tabs and right click to protect

  • Context menu in Object Manager to protect sheet(s)

  • Choose Preferences: Protect Sheet Options… menu to customize protection exceptions.

  • System Variable @WPO for exceptions (default 11 - allow mask, sort, and resize col/row and change colors)

@WPO = 0 will lock up all except to change filled color etc.



Hide Sheet - Beta3

Hide sheets in workbook

  • Right click sheet tab(s) to hide.

  • Right click sheet(s) in Object Manager to hide/show

  • Show/Hide sheets in Navigate Worksheets dialog


Stack Worksheets Improvements

Skip Hidden Sheets when stacking worksheets

Check Skip Hidden Sheets checkbox is added in Stack Worksheets dialog.


Wrap rich text in worksheet

Allow wrapping rich text in worksheet cell

In the past, rich text in worksheet cells couldn’t be wrapped.

It can be wrapped in Origin 2023 and is set as default.

Ways to set as rich text and wrap/unwrap

  • Format: Worksheet… menu. Go to Format tab to set rich text, or to turn on wrap/unwrap of each level, e.g. long name, comment, data…

  • Set Style: context menu. Depending where user right click, it may be called Set Long Name Style, Set Data Style, etc.

  • Mini toolbar when click column label row header

Note: When double clicking text to edit (in-place edit mode), text will not be wrapped

In Data cell area, if rich text and wrap are both checked, the text will be center aligned vertically. Adjust the height of the cell to see the effect. System variable @DCWRVC=1

Set @DCWRVC=0 so text is top aligned.


Managing Sheets in Workbook Improvements - Beta4

Make moving sheets in book easier.

  • Shift+Select or Ctrl+Click sheet tabs to select multiple sheets. Then:

Drag them to another book to move them there..

Drag to workspace to move them to a new book.

There is also Move to New Book or Selected Book in Navigate Worksheets dialog.

Set system variable @SDMS=0 to roll back to old behavior so multi-sheet will not be allowed to drag.

  • Drag and drop multiple sheets in Object Manager to reorder them. - Beta4

  • Auto scroll sheets when keeping dragging sheet tabs in one direction as in Excel. In older versions, it would be impossible to drag a sheet to a certain location since the sheets couldn’t auto scroll. - Beta4


Support Deselect Cells with Ctrl Key - Beta4

Hold Ctrl key and click on those already selected cells to deselect them

Ctrl+Click the already selected cells will unselect the cells.

Previously, there was no way to unselect already highlighted cells.


Ctrl+Shift+Arrow keys for column/row selection - Beta4

Support Ctrl+Shift+ Arrow key for whole row or column selection similar to Excel

Select a cell in worksheet and choose

  • Ctrl+Shift+right arrow – highlight from current selection all the way to the right

  • Ctrl+Shift+left arrow – highlight from current selection all the way to the left

  • Ctrl+Shift+up arrow – highlight from current selection all the way to the top

  • Ctrl+Shift+down arrow – highlight from current selection all the way to the bottom

With Ctrl+Shift pressed, userr can also press right arrow first and then down arrow to select from current select all the way to bottom-right corner.


Alignment of URL Linked Cells

Alignment toolbar buttons are enabled

E.g. enter homepage in a worksheet cell.

Select the cell and choose Center in Horizontal alignment dropdown list on Format toolbar.

→ The hyperlink will be center aligned.

It’s also supported in other url links, e.g.

  • range://[book1]sheet2 here

  • path://"C:\Program Files\OriginLab\Origin2023\Samples\Image Processing and Analysis\bamboo.jpg" open


More Merge by options for reduce columns - Beta4

Support merge columns by median and also support output multiple quantities

  • Choose Worksheet: Reduce Columns… menu

  • Set Merge by as Custom to specify multiple quantities to output (space separated).

  • Note: sd column will be set as YErr automatically.


Intellisense/Auto complete improvements

Shows Auto Complete hint for the syntax of function argument.

When typing function formula in cell, Set Values dialog, or Command window, the auto complete hint will show the parameters of the function for ease of use.


Autofill for Column Formula Improvements

Enumerate column part with Ctrl+Drag

E.g. In Book3, set column B’s F(x) as [book1]1!B+[book2]1!B, then Ctrl+Drag the tiny bottom-right corner of the F(x) cell to the right, it will column C, D, … 's formula as [book1]1!C+[book2]1!C, [book1]1!D+[book2]1!D, ….


Show stats of column label row selection - Beta3

On Status bar, show statistics when doing selection in column label area

Select cells in column label area, statistics such as count, average, sum, min, max, etc. show on Status bar.

This used to only work for selections in data area.


Improvement to Cell URL Link notation - Beta4

New notations are added to execute LabTalk script, open external file.

  • labtalk:// notation to execute LabTalk Script

    • labtalk://";ty -b hello" Hello World – it runs script in quotes

    • labtalk://";work -r" Click to run script – It runs the script in Worksheet: Worksheet Script… dialog.

The ; is not needed if the script does not open dialog.

  • path:// notation to open external file

    Code Block
    path://[C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Theme2\img11.jpg] img11.jpg

Also, support Alt + Double click to edit URL link in cell.


Select Column… Improvements - Beta4

Select columns by LabTalk Script

Support select/hide columns by running some conditions defined by LabTalk Script

Examples: x refers to column, j refers to column index

  • x[10] = 2.5 //check if column’s 10th row is 2.5

  • mean(x)> 2 //check if column’s mean is bigger than 2

  • j==2 or j==7 //if it’s 2nd column or 7th column

Other minor improvements:

  • Add Select Columns… menu under Column as well. It used to be under Edit: menu only— which was not obvious.

  • Renamed the Test - Select if True button to Select button


Worksheet cell insert Image from files supports direction - Beta4

Right-click a worksheet cell and choose Insert Images from Files to open insertImag dialog, a new option Insert Direction is added for user to choose the direction to insert images.

Default Horizontal Major will insert images to same row first, which works same as before. The Vertical Major will insert images to same column first.


Unstack columns Improvements

When unstacking columns, choose Custom option to specify where each grouping info. is output to

This is useful when there are multiple group columns.

When unstacking, user can specify where each grouping info. should be output to.

E.g. in the following example, age is output to user defined parameter (D1), while gender is output to Long name (L)







Other Options in CSV and Excel Data Connector - Beta4

Add Other Options button in Data connector for more options

Options includes includes the following.

  • Add Sparklines - available for CSV and Excel connectors.

  • Rename book & sheet – only available for CSV connector

  • Save as Default button for Sparkline and Rename setting – only available for CSV connector

  • Post Import LabTalk Script – available for CSV and Excel connectors


Support importing Shapefiles in geodetic format

Added checkbox “Convert to WGS84” to dialog.

If “Convert to WGS84” is selected on import, the XY values are converted from meter to longitude and latitude.


Improvements when importing Excel data with merged cells

Different treatment of merged cell in column label row and data area

If merged cells are in the data comments area, the merge will be kept vertically but not horizontally (along different columns)

Merged cells in data area will not be kept. The value will duplicate in each cell.

System variable is @XMD (default 1 to duplicate in data area)


GUI to edit user defined type Import Filter

Improve iwfilter X-Function to support edit Python or LabTalk code from user defined import filter.

Open iwfilter dialog and then load user defined type Import Filter, it will show User Defined branch, underneath will be 3 branches with checkbox to enable, Python Code, Python File, Origin C.


Connect to Web Dialog Improvements

Split Recent URLs menu into two menus, Sample URLs and Recent URLs

Choose Data: Connect to Web… menu







Folder and Window Navigation

Added features to folder management to make it easier to navigate folders, Seesaw (toggle folders) and add shortcuts, etc.

Folder & Windows toolbar added

  • Folder Back: – go to previous folder

  • Folder Forward – go to next folder

  • Seesaw (Ctrl+Alt+X) – toggle between recent two folders

  • Add shortcut to previous folder(Ctrl+Shift+F7) – add active window as shortcut to previous folder

  • Add shortcuts from previous folder – bring up a dialog to add windows from previous folder as shortcuts in active folder

  • Arrange Windows - arrange windows in current folder using <last used> theme

  • Pin Window - Pin a window so it will be excluded when arrange windows

Menu and context menu added

  • Window: Seesaw (Ctrl+Alt+X) menu

  • Context menu by right-clicking window title to add shortcut to previous folder (Ctrl+Shift+F7)

  • Right-click a window title to pin the window.


Folder Notes

Add Notes for a folder in Project

  • Right-click folder in PE and choose Folder Note… to add folder notes. - Beta2

  • Ctrl+Mousing over folder to view folder notes with Origin rich text syntax - Beta3

  • Added System Variable @FNS to set default syntax for folder note. Default is 3 = Origin Rich Text


Mini toolbar on folders in Project Explorer- Beta4

Mini toolbar on folders on top panel of Project Explorer for common manipulation

The three buttons on the Mini toolbar are:

  • Add/Edit Folder Note

  • Duplicate Folder

  • Open Folder Properties dialog


Default toolbar layout in Origin 2023

  1. Put the Folder and Window toolbar on top, right above PE, and below the Standard toolbar, in the second row, and push the ones there to the right

  2. Remove Arrow and Layout toolbar


Arrange Window Improvements

More improvements are added such as include minimized window or exclude pinned window in window arrangement

  • Checkbox to include Minimized window option in the Arrange Windows dialog

  • Pin a window so it will be excluded when arranging windows — Right-click a window to pin it or click Pin Windows button on Folder and Windows toolbar.


Improve Shortcuts to Show Pages from two folders

Add shortcuts of windows in another folder to activate the folder for comparison

Only windows in active folder show in workspace.

To compare windows in active folder with some windows in other folder:

  1. Go to Project Explorer.

  2. Right-click the non-active folder and choose Add Shortcuts…

  3. It will open a dialog for user to pick window types there to bring to active folder as shortcuts.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Notice such windows in the other folder show as shortcuts (see Home button on title bar)

  6. Afterwards, these shortcut windows can be deleted. Or right-click the folder in Project Explorer and choose Remove Shortcuts.


More on Improve Shortcuts 2023

Window menu add new items for Shortcuts

  1. Seesaw: Return to previous folder

  2. Add Shortcut from Last Folder to Current Folder

  3. Remove Shortcuts.

  4. Added a new LabTalk Command:

    doc -rs; //remove only current folder's shortcuts

    doc -rsr; //this is from the menu and will remove sub-folder shortcuts as well.


Restore window size

Window: Restore Window Size to restore non-maximized window size and position

After arranging window layout in a folder, a window may be temporarily or accidentally, moved or resized.

To return to the previous arrangement, select Window: Restore Window Size: (Ctrl+Shift+Z) to restore the window to original size and positon.

ORG-24937 -Beta2

Easier hot keys to zoom and scale in

Hold Z key, right-click and drag to change the scale.

Hold Z key, right-click and drag to change the scale.

  • Right-click and drag up/down to rescale y-axis in/out.

  • Right-click and drag right/left to rescale x axis in/out.


Easier way to save window to project folder

Provide <Project Folder> in built-in File Path list of Save Window As… dialog

In the Save Window As dialog, click File Path list.

Two extra paths are added related to Project Path so user can easily save window to same folder as project file or subfolder based in Project Explorer structure.


Recent Project History

OriginProjHistory.txt in UFF

OriginProjHistory.txt created to list recent Origin files, e.g. project, graph, workbook, etc.

System variable @MHF=1000 (default) : max number of entries to keep

Set it to 0 or less to stop adding entries.


Stop saving project as OPJ format

Only support saving as OPJU format

OPJ files saved in Origin 2023 will not be able to be opened in older versions that don’t support OPJU.

So we removed it from menu and OriginC.

Old OPJ files can still be opened in 2023.
