Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


New Graph Types







Banded Rows in Worksheet

Alternate row column fill color

Click on upper-left corner of worksheet to turn on/off banded rows and set Banded Rows Color and show color on even or odd rows.

Set Default Banded Row Colors.

LabTalk property for worksheet:

  • =0, Off

  • =1, Odd Rows

  • =2, Even Rows

wks.bandcolor access the banded row color


Freeze Panes

Freeze rows and columns in worksheet

Freeze up to 10 beginning rows and columns to keep them visible while scrolling in worksheet

  • If a column header is highlighted and freeze pane is used, Origin will freeze all columns to the left of it

  • If a row header is highlighted and freeze pane is used, Origin will freeze all rows above it.

  • If a cell is selected and freeze pane is used, Origin will freeze all rows above it and columns to the left of it

Ways to freeze/unfreeze

  • Hotkey Ctrl+Shift+F to freeze/unfreeze

  • Mini toolbar when clicking column, row or cell to freeze

  • View: Unfreeze/Freeze Panes menu to freeze/unfreeze

  • Mini toolbar when clicking in upper-left corner of worksheet to unfreeze


Protect Worksheet

Disable Editing of worksheet by adding a lock on sheet

  • Mini toolbar bar button is added to disable/enable editing of sheet. Lock icon shows in front of sheet name

  • Select multiple sheet tabs and right click to protect

  • Context menu in Object Manager to protect sheet(s)

  • Choose Preferences: Protect Sheet Options… menu to customize protection exceptions.

  • System Variable @WPO for exceptions (default 11 - allow mask, sort, and resize col/row and change colors)

@WPO = 0 will lock up all except to change filled color etc.



Hide Sheets

Hide sheets in Workbook

  • Right-click sheet tab(s) to hide.

  • Right-click sheet(s) in Object Manager to hide/show

  • Show/Hide sheets in Navigate Worksheets dialog


Stack Worksheets Improvements

Skip Hidden Sheets when stacking worksheets

Skip Hidden Sheets checkbox is added in Stack Worksheets dialog.


Wrap rich text in worksheet

Allow wrapping rich text in worksheet cell

In previous versions, rich text in worksheet cells couldn’t be wrapped.

It can be wrapped in Origin 2023 and is set as default.

Ways to set as rich text and wrap/unwrap

  • Format: Worksheet… menu. Go to Format tab to set rich text, or to turn on wrap/unwrap of each level, e.g. long name, comment, data…

  • Set Style: context menu. Depending on the location of the right-click, it may be called Set Long Name Style, Set Data Style, etc.

  • Mini toolbar when click column label row header

Note: When double clicking text to edit (in-place edit mode), text will not be wrapped

In Data cell area, if rich text and wrap are both checked, the text will be center aligned vertically. Adjust the height of the cell to see the effect. System variable @DCWRVC=1

Set @DCWRVC=0 so text is top aligned.


Managing Sheets in Workbook Improvements

Make moving sheets in book easier.

  • Shift+Select or Ctrl+Click sheet tabs to select multiple sheets. Then:

Drag them to another book to move them there..

Drag to workspace to move them to a new book.

There is also Move to New Book or Selected Book in Navigate Worksheets dialog.

Set system variable @SDMS=0 to roll back to old behavior so multi-sheet will not be allowed to drag.

  • Drag and drop multiple sheets in Object Manager to reorder them.

  • Auto scroll sheets when keeping dragging sheet tabs in one direction as in Excel. In older versions, it would be impossible to drag a sheet to a certain location since the sheets couldn’t auto scroll.


Support Deselect Cells with Ctrl Key

Hold Ctrl key and click on those already selected cells to deselect them

Ctrl+Click the already selected cells will unselect the cells.

Previously, there was no way to unselect already highlighted cells.


Ctrl+Shift+Arrow keys for column/row selection

Support Ctrl+Shift+ Arrow key for whole row or column selection similar to Excel

Select a cell in worksheet and choose:

  • Ctrl+Shift+right arrow – highlight from current selection all the way to the right

  • Ctrl+Shift+left arrow – highlight from current selection all the way to the left

  • Ctrl+Shift+up arrow – highlight from current selection all the way to the top

  • Ctrl+Shift+down arrow – highlight from current selection all the way to the bottom

With Ctrl+Shift pressed, press right arrow first and then down arrow to select from current selection all the way to bottom-right corner.


Alignment of URL Linked Cells

Alignment toolbar buttons are enabled for hyperlink cells

E.g. enter homepage in a worksheet cell.

Select the cell and set alignment on Format toolbar.

It’s also supported in other links, e.g.

  • range://[book1]sheet2 here

  • path://"C:\Program Files\OriginLab\Origin2023\Samples\Image Processing and Analysis\bamboo.jpg" open


More Merge by options for reduce columns

Support merge columns by median and also support output multiple quantities

  • Choose Worksheet: Reduce Columns… menu

  • Set Merge by as Custom to specify multiple quantities to output (space separated).

  • Note: SD column will be set as YErr automatically.


Intellisense/Auto complete improvements

Shows Auto Complete hint for the syntax of function argument.

When typing function formula in cell, Set Values dialog, or Command window, the auto complete hint will show the parameters of the function for ease of use.


Autofill for Column Formula Improvements

Enumerate column part with Ctrl+Drag

Example 1:

Enter B-B1 as formula in column E. Ctrl+Drag the F(x) cell corner to the right will fill C-C1, D-D1

Drag without holding Ctrl key, it will fill with B-B2, B-B3 (only incrementing number at the end)

Example 2:

In Book3, set column B’s F(x) as [book1]1!B+[book2]1!B, then Ctrl+Drag the tiny bottom-right corner of the F(x) cell to the right, it will column C, D, … 's formula as [book1]1!C+[book2]1!C, [book1]1!D+[book2]1!D, ….


Show stats of column label row selection

On Status bar, show statistics when doing selection in column label area

Select cells in column label area, statistics such as count, average, sum, min, max, etc. show on Status bar.

This used to only work for selections in data area.


Improvement to Cell URL Link notation

New notations are added to execute LabTalk script, open external file.

  • labtalk:// notation to execute LabTalk Script

    • labtalk://";ty -b hello" Hello World – it runs script in quotes

    • labtalk://";work -r" Click to run script – It runs the script in Worksheet: Worksheet Script… dialog.

The ; is not needed if the script does not open dialog.

  • path:// notation to open external file

    Code Block
    path://[C:\Windows\Web\Wallpaper\Theme2\img11.jpg] img11.jpg

Also, support Alt + Double click to edit URL link in cell.


Select Column… Improvements

Select columns by LabTalk Script

Support select/hide columns by running some conditions defined by LabTalk Script

Examples: x refers to column, j refers to column index

  • x[10] = 2.5 //check if column’s 10th row is 2.5

  • mean(x)> 2 //check if column’s mean is bigger than 2

  • j==2 or j==7 //if it’s 2nd column or 7th column

Other minor improvements:

  • Add Select Columns… menu under Column as well. It used to be under Edit: menu only— which was not obvious.

  • Renamed the Test - Select if True button to Select button


Worksheet cell insert Image from files supports direction

Right-click a worksheet cell and choose Insert Images from Files to open insertImag dialog, a new option Insert Direction is added to choose the direction to insert images.

Default Horizontal First will insert images row-wise, which works same as before. The Vertical First will insert images column-wise.


Unstack columns Improvements

When unstacking columns, choose Custom option to specify where each grouping info. is output to

This feature is useful when there are multiple group columns.

When unstacking, there is an option specify where each grouping info. should be output to.

E.g. in the following example, age is output to User Defined Parameter (D1), while gender is output to Long Name (L)


Move rows in worksheet

Mini toolbar to move row(s) up or down

Click mini toolbar buttons to move selected rows up or down

LabTalk Script

  • worksheet -sou mr 2 //move selected rows down 2 rows

  • worksheet -sou mr -2 //move selected rows up 2 rows

Note: For data imported by data connector, choose Unlock Imported Data to temporarily unlock data so you can edit or move data.

For analysis output sheets with locks, this will not be allowed either. You can set Recalculation mode to None to move data. But the result sheet will not be updated if input data is updated.


Improvements on Cell Formula Cache

Improve the handle of cell fomula cache for better performance

Cell formula would be calculated from time to time in the previous versions, so if the source data is huge, it will be slow. There is a value cache for cell formula though, but it will be cleared after time limit is reached, which is control by @SCNT (time interval as milliseconds, default is 5000). So if your project is slow with cell formula, can set @SCNT to be a huge number to avoid recalucation.

Since Origin 2023, cell formula will keep using cache result until data change, so it will not recalculate frequently. And then if you want to force clear the cache to force cell formula values to update, press F5 to refresh or set @SCNT = -1 to do it.


Improvements autofill for cell formula with row index

Improve autofill behavior for cell formula with row index

For cell formula like “=A[1]”, “=sum(A)[1]“,

  • Autofill will do repeat

  • Ctrl + Autofill will do enumerate


Insert Worksheet into Layout Improvements

Improvements when inserting workbook into layout window

  • Directly insert worksheet without need to drag in layout

  • Hide column header, row header, empty rows at bottom

  • No margin around worksheet.

  • Mini toolbar to set border, font, fill color, font color, etc.

  • Support insert worksheet in graph via menu Insert: Worksheet…


Copy Worksheet as HTML/EMF

Support copy whole sheet as HTML table or EMF image without any selection

New menu Edit: Copy: Copy Sheet as HTML/EMF is added for Worksheet.

Also, Frame Thickness and Margin options are provided in Worksheet Properties: Print/Export page for copy as EMF usage.


Worksheet Print, Export and Copy EMF Improvements

Improvements on Print/Export tab of Worksheet Properties

  1. Gridline in Printout and export should be WYSIWYG. So removed grids settings on the tab.

  2. Add Frame and Margin settings when copying sheet or selection as EMF (from Edit: Copy: submenu)







Better default setting when exporting GeoTIFF files

Default GEO information setting Export image dialog when exporting as TIF file type

Default settings of exporting GeoTIFF in Export image dialog from both matrix and image window:

  1. GT Model = Geodetic

  2. EPSG = 4326

  3. Angular Units = Degree

  4. Linear Units = Meter

  5. Vertical Units = Meter


Matrix Export to Image to better support GeoTIFF

There is an option in the dropdown list and default to it if we detect matrix has that info.

Besides geo info, Origin will check file extension as well:

i.e. import *.jpg into image window, export dialog will default to jpg too. while matrix window does not now.


Export Worksheet as Image Improvements

Ignore hidden rows, show border, etc.

  • Empty rows at the bottom of the worksheet will be ignored when Export Area is set to Whole

  • Added a border around sheet in exported image. System variable @ESB to set border width. 1(default) - to turn it on, > 1 will increase thickness, 0 will turn it off


Preview button in Simple Graph Export dialog

Add preview button in expG2img dialog

Click the button will open the graph in internal preview tool.

  • Zoom in/out by Ctrl+mouse wheel. Zoom % will show on bottom left corner of status bar at the bottom of Origin workspace.

  • Drag to pan.

  • Ctrl+W to reset

It does not support for SVG.


Raster Export Misinterprets Middle Colors of Colormap Temperature Palette

Higher default color depth on export

BMP, PSD, TGA: from 256 colors to be 24-bit color.

PDF (Basic Object - Resolution): from 72 to be 96.


Support export image, graph window as Video, GIF, TIFF

  1. We support export multiple frames as TIF.

  2. Export Browser Graph as Video or Multi-frame TIFF

  3. Export Image Window All Frames as Video

  1. When Image Type is set as tif and multiple pages are selected, there is checkbox "Export as multi-frames TIF file"

  2. XF expg2video can be used and we can select type as AVI/GIF/TIFF.

  3. Image window can be exported as AVI in cvExport dialog


Excel Export supports cell formatting

Add checkbox “Export Cell Formats” in expExcel dialog

The following formats are included:

  1. Font, including color and size

  2. Cell color, including fill color

  3. Cell alignment & merge

  4. Numeric decimal places

Note: Excel and Origin has different syntax. For those not matching, it will not be supported. E.g. fraction in Origin will show as decimal in Excel.


Import Export Issues with GeoTIFF in Image Window

Support export Multiframe TIF with GeoTIFF info

Export multiple frames tif file from image window will also export the GeoTIFF info like XY mapping.








Improved Script Window

Improved Script Window with Unicode Support, etc.

  • Toolbar button added on Standard toolbar to open/close Script window.

  • Unicode support

  • Enable Auto complete and Syntax color via Edit menu in Script window.

  • Sharper font and font size control

    • System variable @swf for font, 0 (default use ScriptWindowFaceName, which is default to Consolas) , 1 (Scintilla default which is Courier New)

    • System varialbe @swfs for font size.

    • Ctrl+mouse wheel to zoom and panning

  • Removed Python support fom Script window. User should go to Connectivity: Python Console for python.


Range notation Improvements

Window long name search to favor same folder

When using window long name in range, etc. definition, it will favor the same folder.

If user later duplicate such folder, or save the folder as opju and append to other project, etc. the script will still work fine since window long name will be kept when duplicating folder, window or appending project.

If using window short name, e.g. Book in definition, since short name must be unique in a project, the script/formula may not work well.

Example 1: Column B in Book1’s calculated by interpolate A,B in Reference book, using new X in A of Book1.

Duplicate the folder and modify reference book data, the calculation will update based on the Reference book in new folder.

Example 2: In Book2’s B1 shows x value of vertical line in graph window with long name KZ LL

Duplicate the folder. The graph window in new folder will have same long name. Therefor the var:// link refers vertical line in graph of same folder. Move vertical line. Press F5 to see update in workbook.


Relative Position Improvement for Linked Objects

To connect a text object to another object with the relative position method, LabTalk support was added to specify which anchor, and a way to control anchor on text frame

When connecting a Text object to a Line Object in previous versions, we used Line.connect(Text,0,17,nTargetRefPt,35), nTargetRefPt=0. Now Origin supports value = 26~34 to specify the 9 anchor for text object

LabTalk method to control anchor on text frame, text.anchorontextframe=0/1, when 0, Text Object dialog: Position tab: Anchor on Text Frame is clear, when 1, Text Object dialog: Position tab: Anchor on Text Frame is checked


Provide a LabTalk local function to generate a Range variable

Predefine mkrng function in ORGSYS.CNF file

Note: This can only be used in cell formula, not column formula.

Some functions don’t support using range string. e.g. Can’t use total(A$ + “!” + B$). In such cases, first call mkrng() to generate a range variable and then use it as an argument in a function.

mkrange() is defined as follows in ORGSYS.CNF

Code Block
function range mkrng(string str)
    range rr = str$;
    return rr;


Add a LabTalk method to add button in the gap area

A new method adds to wks object to add button in the gap area

Syntax: wks.AddButton(objName text label for button)

Code Block
wks.Gap = 20;
wks.AddButton(Test Click Me);


LabTalk command to convert non-SCN column formula

A new command is introduced to convert non-SCN column formula to use SCN notation

Usage: work -cof

Run this command will convert non-SCN column formula in active sheet to use SCN notation, like wcol(2)-col(C) will become B-C.


Axis Arrow control from LabTalk

Add LabTalk properties to control axis arrow and grid

Code Block =; //Show/Hide axis arrow
layer.axis.arrow.length =; //Length of the axis arrow
layer.axis.arrow.width =; //Width of the axis arrow
layer.axis.arrow.offset =; //Offset of the axis arrow from the axis line
layer.axis.arrow.shape =; //Shape of the axis arrow =; //1: Show Major, 2: Show Minor, 3: Show Both


LT string object to load from text file

Add a method for LabTalk String object to load from text file

Syntax: int nRet = str.FromFile(fname$)

Code Block
dlgfile g:=*.ogs;
string str$;
i = str.FromFile(fname$);
i =; //1 for success
