Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


New Graph Types







Allow for easy placement, resizing, and rotation of SVG images in graphs

  1. Allow placing, resizing and rotating the SVG images in graph

  2. If SVG is not rotated, Reset to Native Aspect Ratio is available.

  1. Drag the SVG image to placing, single click to enter Resize mode, single click twice to enter Rotate mode.

  2. Double click the SVG image to open dialog and change Position, Size, (Rotated) Angle and Reset to Native Aspect Ratio.

  3. LabTalk to change rotation: object name.Rotate = 90. Double click the SVG image to check the SVG object name in the Control tab,


Indicate Linked File, SVG and Image Graphic Objects

Status bar and Object Manager improvements to indicate if graphic object is linked to a file or not

  1. In Object manager, Show Graphic Object view, if an image is linked to external file, (Linked) shows next to the object

  2. When clicking on an inserted image in graph, file path and linked or not info. show on Status bar.


Insert Image Auto Set Linked File and Message

Insert image from file or web should be set as Linked File if file size is larger than 800kb

By default, @IML=800. So if file size < 800kb, image will not be set to Linked File, otherwise it will automatically be set as linked file.

Set @IML =1 to set all inserted image object as linked file.


Copy Paste Linked Image between Graph windows

Keep image linked and updated when copy and paste an image from one graph or layout to other graph/windows

In the past, if image is linked to external file, when copy (Ctrl+C) and paste it (Ctrl+V), the image object shows hashtag, etc. so user needs to double click the image to open Image window and Import to update it.

Much straightfoward in Origin 2023b now. Paste will directly show the image.


Support Gradient Fill for 3D Bar When Color Fill By Point

Enable gradient fill group when fill color of 3D bar and XYY bar is filled by point.


Axis arrow heads in 3D Graph

Turn on arrow head for XYZ axis in 3D graphs


Show arrow in 3D trajectory graph

3D Line Tab Support Arrow

Arrow group is only available when connect symbols is checked.


Index the 3D symbol shape to a column

We support map symbol shape to a column in 3D scatter plot.

Added Increment and column of source sheet in the dropdown of Shape option.


Modify Scale for 3D tetrahedral

We support rescale all axes.


Sankey Link Connect to Center of Node

We put link to center of node, like the right part of the graph


When label is inside node in Sankey, move label could also move node.

When label is inside node, there is no label offset, select label to move should move node.


Inserted SVG needs real-time update

  1. The inserted SVG graph object will be automatically updated if it’s changed outside origin.

  2. The inserted SVG graph object in saved opju will be automatically loaded when opening the opju.

For dynamic update, please right click on the SVG graph object to check Link File context menu.


Improvement on scatter matrix graph

Support mixed display (what is this word supposed to be?) mode to show statistics in lower/upper triangular. More options to customize the label text. More statistical plot type for the diagonal cells.

  1. Show result (fitting curve, statistics) for each group if a group column is specified.

  2. Mixed matrix display option to show additional statistics in lower/upper triangular.

  3. More display option for the diagonal cells: e.g. distribution curve, histogram+distribution curve.

  4. Custom statistics labels.

    1. Custom label text.

    2. Show significant marks.

    3. Label size by value.


Show Heatmap Labels for Lower/Upper Triangular without diagonal

We support Lower/Upper Triangular without diagonal for label display.



Multiple Additional Planes for 3D - Basic

We support Multiple Planes for 3D

In the Plot Details dialog, layer properties level, go to planes tab, there is an additional option for a fourth plane.

When there is more than 1 plane, we could show extra <All> entry in Name fly-out, as 1st option. Select this option, the dialog could set options together.


Increased Histogram Bin Limit

Increased to maximum number of Histograms bins to 10,48,575.

Origin used to have a 1,000 bin count limit. It has now increased to 220-1 (10,48,575).


Only Show Date Part on 1st Tick of That Day

For axis with tick increment by hour(s), only show Date part of 1st tick of the day

If showing both date and time for each tick label, they will run into each other. A checkbox Show Date for 1st Tick for the Date is added on Tick Label → Display tab.


Drag Selection on Graph to show MT

In graph window, drag selection in Region of Interest, support mini toolbar to Scale in or Enlarge to Separate Graph



Apply Formatting MT button on Axis should have choice for layer vs window

For multiple panel graph, click axis in any layer, click Apply Formating To button, support This Layer and This Window in the context menu to easily customize axis for different layer

For This Window, support three more context menu X Scale, Y Scale, All Scales







Sheet Navigator Add Dimension Column

In order to check all sheets' dimension, add the Dimension Column in workbook/matrix’s Navigator.

Right click on worksheet/matrix name tab and choose Navigator menu, check the Dimension column in the opened dialog.


Support Function to Calculate RMSE MBE MAE

Add new functions to calculate RMSE, MBE, and MAE

Three new functions are added to Statistics category in Set Values dialog to calculate RMSE, MBE, and MAE.

  • rmse(vobs,vpred): root mean square error

  • mbe(vobs,vpred): mean bias error

  • mae(vobs,vpred): mean absolute error


Unfreeze panel Mini toolbar

Unfreeze Mini toolbar when clicking on frozen column/row/cell

Added a Mini toolbar option to to unfreeze any cell/column/row when clicking on the frozen selection.


Prefer Long Name in SCV dialog

Remember the Prefer Long Name option status in Set Values dialog

In the Set Column Values dialog, at the Col(A) menu, the "Prefer Long Name" is checked by default. Now the status can be rememberred next time open. It’s controls by system variable @SCVPL.


Quick Find: Show found cell contents on Formula Bar

Show contents of found cell by Find tool in the Formula Bar

Ctrl + F to open Find tool, enter text to find. When a cell is found, show the content in the Formula Bar for convenient.


Delete Hidden Rows

Delete Hidden Rows is added in Reduce Rows dialog

When adding filter in columns, rows that don’t fit the filter condition will be hidden.

Then user can choose Worksheet: Reduce Rows...

Choose Reduce Method: Delete Hidden Rows to remove those rows.

Edit: Undo is supported.







Want Flip Colormap MT button for Matrix

Show the Flip Colormap button on Mini toolbar for matrix when it is in the view image mode. And it’s after the Palette button.

The Flip Colormap button will apply to all matrix objects by default which will affect by @MAP(default = 0 to apply to all and set to 1 to apply to active object only),


Show Number of Matrix Objects on Status Bar

Shows information like: [Columns x Rows x Number of Matrix Objects] on the Status Bar

Activate any matrix sheet which has multiple matrix objects to show matrix dimension information on the Status Bar


Support ROI across multiple matrix sheets

For the 4D matrix book(the 4th dimension is sheets), the single ROI will be displayed across matrix sheets.

4D matrix book is set when importing. Add ROI on the 4D matrix book then switch sheets. And the ROI will be displayed on the active sheet.


Intensity Profile across matrix sheet

For the 4D matrix book, add ROI then do intensity profile. And it will generate all sheets' intensity profile result.

When input matrix is 4D, the dialog’s input will be Matrix Book.


RGB Profile for Intensity Profile

When import colorful image, it supports generating the intensity profile result base on RGB value of each cell.

Check RGB Profile checkbox to generate the profile result base on RGB value of each cell.

It could sort the output columns by statistics first, within each statistics value should be RGB order. Or sort by RGB first, within each color should be different Statistics.







Support multiple files per book when performing Clone Import

If need to repeat import multiple groups of files, then create a workbook connecting to a group of files, and use clone import to select other groups of files to import.

For Example:

1.Create a Workbook with two sheets, the first sheet is connecting to “Group1 File 1.txt“, and the second one is connecting to “Group1 File 2.txt“.

2.Click Clone Import button, and select following files:

Code Block
Group2 File 1.txt
Group2 File 2.txt
Group3 File 1.txt
Group3 File 2.txt

-->The first two files are imported into one new book, and others are imported into another new book.


Drag and Drop to Import SVG files to Graphs and Layout

Support drag and drop SVG files into Graph/Layout to insert.

1.Drag and drop a SVG file into the Graph/Layout—will insert the SVG file.

2.Drag and drop SVG file to other places— will show error message.


Insert SVG Web Image to Graph/Layout

Insert: Image from Web… supports url links with SVG image



Link to external SVG file

If image is linked, Origin project file size will be small and the image will auto update if external file changes

Right click SVG image in graph/layout to link/unlink

Right click image and choose Source File Path to change file path.

The Link status shows in Object manager in Graph Objects Mode.

The Link status and file location show on Status bar of Origin. Link status also show on Object Manager.


SVG image resize & rotation

Resize and rotate SVG image inserted in graph/layout


  1. Single click SVG image and drag to resize. Aspect ratio kept.

  2. Double click SVG image and on Dimensions tab of Object Properties dialog, uncheck Keep aspect ratio so user can change aspect ratio.

  3. On Dimensions tab, user can also enter position and size of object precisely.


  1. Single click SVG image twice to enter rotation mode. Drag the handle to rotate.

  2. Click SVG image on graph. The image object name shows on the left side of Status bar. E.g. SVG, SVG1, … Enter SVG.rotate=90 in Script window to change it.


Default File Filter for File Selection Dialog

Added menu “Custom File Extensions…” to CSV Connector and Import Filter Connector to customize file extensions.

Steps to change the file extension for CSV Connector and Import Filter Connector.

1.Right click the app icon and select “Custom File Extensions…”

2.Change “File Extensions“ and click OK.


Import and parse text data from clipboard improvement

Improved paste Ctrl+V to check TAB, comma and semicolon.

Copy data from third-party software and paste it into Origin Worksheet will auto check TAB/comma/semicolon as delimiter.


NetCDF Import Time Dimension Smarter Labels

If dense data is averaged into daily data, then matrix name will be show date info. only

1. We used to show a range, e.g. 2022-10-01 1:00 - 2022-10:01: 23:00 as matrix name for consecutive daily average, now we only set date to matrix name, like 2022-10-01.

  • If user further does intensity profile, column A would show such text string instead of date.

  • If user then plots the data against column A, it’s not plotted against date.

2. Now only show year as matrix name for consecutive yearly average, like 2022. Can set @MOL = 1 to turn it off.


View Mode Improvements

Auto decide Image/Data mode depending on matrix size and keep modified view

If the matrix dimension (rows*columns) is small, data view will be used instead of image view.

  • System variable @VIM=400 is added minimum number of pixels to set view image on initial import

If View mode is modified by user, reimport will not modify the view mode.

  • Choose View: Data Mode and reimport data. The view will still be Data Mode.


NetCDF Import Check Dimension of Single Value

Auto detect single cell matrix and import into worksheet column instead.

E.g. for a 3D variable such as Time[2000]*lat[1]*lon[1], Origin will auto detect it is a single cell data and import it into worksheet column.


NetCDF 4D Variable Import

Import 1st level instead of middle level

E.g. for 4D variable such as Time[2000]*level[18]*lat[50]*lon[50], imports the 1st level.

In previous versions, middle level 10 is imported.

Level value will show as matrix sheet name.


Improve Dimension Labels from NetCDF file - Z Dim

Set long_name of NetCDF data to matrixobject comment

E.g. a “long_name“ key, with value “Near-Surface Air Temperature“, after import, open Matrix - Set Dimension/Labels dialog.

--> On Z Labels tab, the Comments shoud be set to “Near-Surface Air Temperature“.


Check to support 3D variable Add to Active Sheet

Support appending certain 3D Variable as Columns in same sheet.

E.g. If the structure of NetCDF 3D variable is “time[N]*lat[1]*lon[1]”, then show Add to Active Sheet item to Workbook Data Navigator for appending data to active worksheet.


Structure Proection to prevent GUI sheet changes by DC import matrix into 4D

Not allow insert/delete/add sheet or drag sheet out into new book, when import 4D NetCDF variable into Matrixbook as 4D.

E.g. When there is a 4D variable V time[24]*lev[145]*lat[96]*lon[144]“, set selected path as “NetCDF/V[z][1:3][y][x]” to import, then then number of Matrixsheet will not allow to change.


Support Importing multiple Slices as Matrix Sheets

Support importing 4D NetCDF to Matrixsheet as 4D.





E.g. When there is a 4D variable V time[24]*lev[145]*lat[96]*lon[144]“, set selected path as “NetCDF/V[z][1:3][y][x]” to import.

-->The time frames are imported into multiple Matrixobjects, while lev frames are imported into multiple Matrixsheets.







Open File Location from Messages Log Should Select the File

  1. Export a graph.

  2. Choose Open File Location from the context menu in Messages Log

– – > the folder should be opened with the very file selected.


Worksheet Export to Excel Improvements and Issues

We add new X-Function to export as Excel and call it expxls


old LT code broken due to LTXF_FROM_GUI_PROMPT removed from VC code

1. New design for LT script to open XFs dialog.

-d: allow fname and path and allow last used theme
-dg: no fname and path and allow last used theme
-dm: no fname and path but no last used theme

2. Change all export XFs Menu from -dm to the new -dg


  1. Set path$

  2. Code Block
    string fname$="C:\temp\test.dat";
  3. New a Workbook and run.

  4. Code Block
    expasc -d;
  5. -->File Path is auto set, and last used theme is used.

  6. Close the dialog and run.

  7. Code Block
    expasc -dg;
  8. -->File Path is not used, and last used theme is used.

  9. Close the dialog again and run.

  10. Code Block
    expasc -dm;
  11. -->Both File Path and last used theme are not used.


SVG Export need option to convert fonts to path

Add convert text to outlines checkbox in expg2img dialog for EMF and SVG

After check the checkbox, graph exported as SVG is like that we temporarily set @to=1 and @tob=0.

When you open the file in Notepad, you will not find the text-drawing elements <text>/<tspan>, but you will find many <path>elements. These <path> elements are which does not depend on the presence of particular fonts even when text exists in the graph.
