Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


New Graph Types







Insert, resize and rotate SVG image in graph

Allow easy placement, resizing, and rotation of SVG images in graphs

  1. Drag the SVG image to placing, single click to enter Resize mode, single click twice to enter Rotate mode.

  2. Double click the SVG image to open dialog and change Position, Size, (Rotated) Angle and Reset to Native Aspect Ratio. Note: Reset to Native Aspect Ratio is only available if not rotated SVG image

  3. LabTalk to change rotation: object name.Rotate = 90. Double click the SVG image to check the SVG object name in the Control tab


Link SVG image with external file for real-time update

Right click on the SVG graph object and check Link File context menu.

  1. The inserted SVG graph object will be automatically updated if it’s changed outside origin.

  2. The inserted SVG graph object in saved opju will be automatically loaded when opening the opju.


Info. of SVG image on Status bar and Object Manager

SVG image object name, linked or not, file path

  1. Click on SVG image to see info. on left side of Status bar

  2. In Graphic Object View of Object Manager, check or uncheck to turn SVG on or off, double click to open Object Properties for further customization. (Linked) show if it’s linked


Insert Image Auto Set Linked File and Message

Insert image from file or web should be set as Linked File if file size is larger than 800kb

By default, system variable @IML=800. If file size < 800kb, image will not be set to Linked File, otherwise it will automatically be set as linked file.

Set @IML =1 to set all inserted image object as linked file.


Copy Paste Linked Image between Graph windows

Keep image linked and updated when copy and paste an image from one graph or layout to other graph/windows

In the past, if image is linked to external file, when copy (Ctrl+C) and paste it (Ctrl+V), the image object shows hashtag, etc. so user needs to double click the image to open Image window and Import to update it.

Much straight foward in Origin 2023b now. Paste will directly show the image.


Histogram mini toolbar to open a mini dialog for bin settings

Support Bin Settings button in Histogram mini toolbar to customize Bin of Histogram


Support Gradient Fill for 3D Bar When Color Fill By Point

Enable gradient fill group when fill color of 3D bar and XYY bar is filled by point.


Axis arrow heads in 3D Graph

Turn on arrow head for XYZ axis in 3D graphs


Box&Whisker mini toolbar button

Dropbox added on box chart mini toolbar button

Dropdown button added before the button to adjust box gaps.


Show arrow in 3D trajectory graph

3D Line Tab Support Arrow

Arrow group is only available when connect symbols is checked.


Index the 3D symbol shape to a column

We support map symbol shape to a column in 3D scatter plot.

Added Increment and column of source sheet in the dropdown of Shape option.


Modify Scale for 3D tetrahedral

Support rescale all axes


Sankey Link Connect to Center of Node

We put link to center of node, like the right part of the graph


Sankey label improvements

When label is inside node in Sankey, move label could also move node

When label is inside node, there is no label offset, select label to move should move node.


Improvement on scatter matrix graph

Support mixed display (what is this word supposed to be?) mode to show statistics in lower/upper triangular. More options to customize the label text. More statistical plot type for the diagonal cells.

  1. Show result (fitting curve, statistics) for each group if a group column is specified.

  2. Mixed matrix display option to show additional statistics in lower/upper triangular.

  3. More display option for the diagonal cells: e.g. distribution curve, histogram+distribution curve.

  4. Custom statistics labels.

    1. Custom label text.

    2. Show significant marks.

    3. Label size by value.


Show Heatmap Labels for Lower/Upper Triangular without diagonal

Support Lower/Upper Triangular without diagonal for label display.

We can select it in Plot Details dialog, Label tab, drop down list of label display.




Multiple Additional Planes for 3D

We support Multiple Planes for 3D

Before Origin 2023b, user could only add one additional plane in 3D graph on Planes tab of PlotDetails dialog.

In Origin 2023b, … button added to add more than 1 additional planes

You can also add it from LabTalk Script by layer.plane.add command.

Syntax: layer.plane.add(type, pos[, color])

  • type: 1 for XY, 2 for YZ, 3 for ZX


Increased Histogram Bin Limit

Increased to maximum number of Histograms bins to 10,48,575.

Origin used to have a 1,000 bin count limit. It has now increased to 220-1 (10,48,575).


Only Show Date Part on 1st Tick of That Day

For axis with tick increment by hour(s), only show Date part of 1st tick of the day

If showing both date and time for each tick label, they will run into each other. A checkbox Show Date for 1st Tick for the Date is added on Tick Label → Display tab.


Drag Selection on Graph to show MT

In graph window, drag selection in Region of Interest, support mini toolbar to Scale in or Enlarge to Separate Graph



Apply Formatting MT button on Axis should have choice for layer vs window

For multiple panel graph, click axis in any layer, click Apply Formating To button, support This Layer and This Window in the context menu to easily customize axis for different layer

For This Window, support three more context menu X Scale, Y Scale, All Scales


Rescale Margin Improvement

Independent rescale margin for min and max of axis

In the past rescale margin is shared between both sides of axis. E.g. top and bottom axis will share the same margin.

In Origin 2023b, independent controls are added. E.g.

  1. Right-click on Y axis and choose Rescale Margins

  2. Uncheck Same Margin for Allow Separate Rescale Margin for Top and Bottom

  3. Click the Rescale (Ctrl+R), Rescale X, Rescale Y buttons on toolbar bottons on right side of workspace to update.

Note: In Browser graph, editing Rescale Margin… will trigger the auto rescale. No need to do 3.


Align Y Axis on Single-Layer Double-Y graph

Align Y axes at specified value in new single-layer double Y graph.

There is this control in old multi-layer double Y graph. It’s on Link Axes Scales tab on layer level of Plot Details dialog

Origin 2023b introduced single-layer double Y graph but alignment option not included.

In Origin 2023b, Align Both Axes at control is added on Show tab of Axis dialog to align both left and right Y axis at specified value

There is also LabTalk command provided, try below with a double-Y graph,

Code Block = 3; // mode=align$ = 0; // value=0


Colormap for Box plots

Colormap box fill color with column label value, etc.

Colormap to checkbox is added under Fill group on Pattern tab, with dropdown list to pick which info. to colormap to.

Then go to Colormap tab to set levels and color palette, etc.


Sunburst Color Sub-Categories by Parent

Add Color Sub-Categories by Parent checkbox under fill color in Plot Details' Pattern tab.

With this checkbox selected, you can make sunburst plot like the following, with the outer rings having a color gradient with respect to the parent ring.


Support indexing the line width of vector plot to a column

Origin now support setting the line width to be index to a column.

You can make a vector plot, then open Plot Details dialog. Go to Vector tab, set Width control mapping to a column.







Floating child window outside main window

Drag child window outside Origin’s main window.

  • Move child windows outside main Origin window.

    • Menus in floating window

    • Customizable toolbar buttons in floating window.

    • Dockable Object Manager window in floating window

  • Window: Float Window submenus to disable this feature, or set different floating behavior.

    • Independent - minimize/restore main window will NOT minimize/restore float window

    • Synchronized - minimize/restore main window will minimize/restore float window.

    • Disable - turn off the feature

  • Window: Retract Floating Windows (Ctrl+Shift+F9) to bring all floating windows in current folder back into main window.

  • Window: Float Active Window (Ctrl+F9) Make active window floating in last used 2nd monitor.


Retract Floating Window To Original Folder or Current

Labtalk command to retract all floating windows to original folders or current folder

Manually drag a floating window back to workspace will always move the window to current folder.

The following commands only controls how floating windows are retracted by Script.

  • document -fma //retract all floating windows to their own folders

  • document -fmac; //retract all floating windows to the current folder


Keep floating window when switching folders

When switching to another folder in Project Explorer, the floating window still shows

Float window will show when switch to another folder in Project Explorer.

  • Pin button shows on title bar which indicate float window auto pins.

  • When retracting window to main workspace, it auto unpin it.

  • Folder info. shows in floating window title if current folder isn’t the floating window’s own folder.

  • Go to Original Folder toolbar button and context menu added to easily return to its own folder

  • User can easily move a floating window to current folder by dragging it back to the workspace.


Keep Pinned inside window when switching folders

A system variable to allow pinned window show when switching folders

In previous Origin, pin a window only locks it in its own folder.

In Origin 2023b, pin a window will lock it to workspace so it will stay when switching to another folder. Set system variable @pws=0 to roll back to old behavior

When the pinned window isn’t in its own folder,

  • folder info. shows in pinned window title.

  • Go to Original Folder toolbar button and context menu added to easily return to its own folder

  • Unpin will make the pinned window disappear in current folder


Indicate Floating Window in PE

Use Different Color on Window Name to indicate Floating

Two new system variables to set color for floating window in PE

@fwca floating window color (Active), like @fwca=color(0,255,0,1)

@fwci floating window color (Inactive)



Menu and Toolbars in Floating window

Mix of Menus and toolbars in Floating window

  • Choose Preference: Customize Floating Window Menus to customize menus

  • Choose View: Toolbars: Toobars tab, add or move button in Floating Graph, Floating Layout, Floating Matrix, Floating Workbook to customize toolbar

  • System variable @FWTB=0/1 (1 by default) to hide/show the menu and toolbar


Default Toolbar buttons for Floating Toolbars

For Floating window like worksheet, graph, matrix and layout, support some toolbar button

Choose View: Toolbar… check the toolbars starting with Floating… to customize the toolbar.

  • Drag buttons to adjust orders

  • Alt+Drag a toolbar button out of Floating… toolbar back to the dialog to to remove it from Floating… toolbar.

  • Add more buttons to Floating… toolbar. E.g. how to add Print button on toolbar for floating graph widnow.

    • Choose View: Toolbar…

    • Check Floating Graph on Toolbars tab. So a Floating Graph shows in Origin workspace

    • Go to Button Groups tab, and select Standard in Groups list.

    • Drag the Print button onto the Floating Graph toolbar in workspace.

    • Closing the Customize… dialog.

    • Now make a Graph window float outside workspace. The Print button will be on the toolbar inside the floating window.


Floating window actives together with Origin main workspace

When activate or minimize main workspace, floating window activates or hides together

System variable @FWA to control the behavior.

@FWA=1 (By default), floating windows should be shown together with main window (including minimize action).

@FWA=0, floating windows and main window work independently.


Include floating windows when toggle child windows

Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab should include floating windows

When with @fwa=1 (default),

when using Ctrl+Tab or Ctrl+Shift+Tab to toggle windows in Origin, the floating windows are included.


Accidentally floating when move window to upside of main MDI

Adding system variable @FWD to avoid accidentally floating case when move window to upside of main MDI

@FWD=0: All direction allow to drag window outside of MDI

@FWD=1: Horizontal direction only (default)

@FWD=2: Vertical direction only


Object Manager in floating window

Object Manager inside floating window

  • Button to turn on/off Object Manager (OM) inside floating window.

  • Better default on/off setting for floating window

    • If OM in main frame is docked and shown, when floating a child window, the OM will show inside floating window.

    • If OM in main frame is turned off or not docked, when floating a child window, the OM inside it will not show.

  • OM in both main frame and floating window works for active window.

  • @FWOM for default position of OM in floating window. 0 = hide, 1,2,3,4,5 = top,left,rigth,bottom,float


Scale child windows in Origin Project Improvements

Unmaximized Origin project saving and opening in different monitor resolutions should scale properly

In Previous versions of Origin, if Origin workspace isn’t maximized on a lower resolution screen and saved as project file (OPJU), and later opened on a monitor with Higher resolutions, the workspace and child windows inside may look tiny and squeezed.

This is improved in Origin 2023b, so that no matter saving on lower resolution and open on higher resolution or vice versa, the workspace and child windows will scale fine.

New system variable @MFRLA added related to Save and loading OPJUs saved with non-maximized workspace

  • 2 (default): When saving on lower resolution monitor and opening on higher resolution monitor, it will resize so the workspace will NOT be tiny and squeezed. If saving on higher resolution monitor and opening lower resolution monitor, the size will only adjust if it does not fit (otherwise it will be left unchanged).

  • 1: Resize no matter saving on lower resolution monitor and opening on higher resolution monitor or vice versa. It fixes earlier versions issue of saving on lower resolution monitor and open in higher resolution monitor (see 0 below) but casues issue the other way around. If saving on higher resolution monitor (e.g. using only 1/4 of whole screen) and open on lower resolution monitor, Origin will resize to take 1/4 of whole screen. All child windows may look tiny and squeezed.

  • 0: Old behavior before Origin 2023b of no resizing at all and use info. in OPJU. Therefore if saving on lower resolution and opening on higher resolution, windows will be tiny and squeezed. No issue when save on higher resolution monitor and open on lower resolution monitor.

Note: No issue with maximized workspace saved and loaded on different monitor resolutions.


Scale Minimized Window Positions

Minimized windows will not be squeezed together

Improve positions of Minimized Window when OPJU open in higher DPI so they are not overlapped.


Script window remember zoom level

Keep the zoom level of font size in the Script Window.

In Script Window, input some text, then Ctrl + Mouse Wheel to zoom font size. Close it then reopen, the zoom level will be remembered.


Want tooltip to show Long Name for minimum window

Want tooltip to show Long Name for minimum window

In Origin 2023b, tooltip will show Long Name when mouse hover over minimum window.


Save Favorite Folder

Shortcuts in Favorite Folder Saving

In Origin 2023 and earlier versions, when a shortcut is inside a favorite folder, and you choose to save that folder as a project, but it fails to save the actual window.

Origin 2023b improved to save the actual window in the Favorite Folder Project.


Object Size 2023b

  1. “Show Saving Size” is added to right-click Project Explorer empty space menu,

  2. “Linked File” is added to right-click inserted picture context menu.




Support Arc Tool

In left toolbar, support Arc Tool in Line object fly-out. Draw an arc, click it, drag the anchor point to draw a large arc


Duplicate Windows and Objects with Ctrl+Mouse Drag

Duplicate Window and Graph object by hotkey

In Project Explorer, support CTRL+Drag windows to duplicate in same/different folder

For Graph Objects in Graph/Worksheet/Matrix/Layout, support CTRL+SHIFT+Drag to duplicate multiple selected graph objects, system variable @CSDND to turn off


Support ort theme file type in Transfer User File and Group Folder Manager

.ort files can be transferred to new version’s User Files Folder, and can be published to member PCs for the Group Folder Sharing configuration.

.ort files are node expand/collapse status configurations in analysis report sheets, see more information here: (search for “Save Node Configuration”)
