Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






Fail to open file by link in Message Log

  1. open Origin, not run as administrator

  2. new matrix window

  3. run script

    Code Block
    // no need to change any text below
    expImage fname:=<[<C:\Users\polly\Documents\MSheet1_1.bmp>]>;

    --> Fail to create path. Note: a file name cannot contain any of the following characters: \ / : * ? " |

  4. new graph

  5. run script
    expGraph type:=bmp;
    ==> cannot open the file by click the link in message log

Fixed in Origin2024


Clip Border fails when directly select theme under Export Graphs (Advanced)

  1. New a graph. drag-and drop the dialog theme “0-expGraph-MyTheme_20230526.ois“
    In the theme, format = jpg, clipped border width =1 and DPI = 400.

  2. Select “File>Export Graphs (Advanced) : Open Dialog”, then loading the dialog theme and selecting OK.
    --> The graph border has been clipped to 1.

  3.  select “File>Export Graphs (Advanced) :< Last Used > or “0-expGraph-MyTheme_20230526.ois”
    ==>The graph border fails to be clipped.

Fixed in Origin2024


Open File Location from Messages Log Should Select the File

Ctrl+Click on the file text in Message Log also failed to select the file in the Explorer

Fixed in Origin2024


Surrogate Pair Not Exported Correctly in SVG

  1. open the attached surrogate pair.opju, whose legend is abcd𤭢abcd

  2. open script window

  3. open expG2img dialog, set image type to SVG, check convert text to outlines, click OK

==> in script window: Glyph Outline General Error!

TextOut Draw Error!

==> in the exported graph, it does not export the whole legend

Fixed in Origin2024. We need to change the font type to SimSun-ExtB before export


Excel export: Warning if there are special chars in sheet name

  1. With Book2 active, that has two sheets named G and G*, Choose File: Export: Excel.

  2. Set Export Sheets: Whole Book.

  3. Click OK.

  4. Open the xlsx file.

  5. ==> Only G sheet shows. G* is gone.

Fixed in Origin2024. We throw out warning message like

"xxx" sheet name does not satisfy Excel naming rule and is not exported.

The following cases are also updated:

  • Be blank .

  • Contain more than 31 characters.

  • *Contain any of the following characters: / \ ? * : [ ]*
    For example, 02/17/2016 would not be a valid worksheet name, but 02-17-2016 would work fine.

  • Begin or end with an apostrophe ('), but they can be used in between text or numbers in a name.

  • Be named "History". This is a reserved word Excel uses internally.


Run time error when exporting netcdf if matrix contains analysis result

Open the attached MatLabel.ogmu then export the 1st sheet as NetCDF.

==> Run time error, fixed in Origin 2024.


Export Image (advanced) settings affect Copy as Image for JPG format

  1. Choose menu “File: Export Graph (Advanced) , export a graph as JPG, make sure to Color Depth = 8 bit gray scale in the Image Settings branch

  2. Choose menu “*Edit: Copy Graph as Image* to copy a graph as JPG and paste to WORD

==> The image pasted to word is 8-bit gray scale too

Fixed in Origin2024


3D Graphs do not support copy image as PNG with transparent background

  1. Open a 3D graph such as 3D Bar Charts - 3D XYY Cylinders.opju

  2. Choose menu Edit: Copy Graph as Image

  3. In the opened dialog, make sure to select PNG and Transparent Background check box , click Copy button

  4. Paste the image to a Powerpoint slide

==>The background is still white instead of transparent.

Fixed in Origin2024


3 Point Segment Plot Export Leads to Data Order Change

  1. New a worksheet with XY data. Fill col(A) with 1, 2, 3. Fill Col(B) with random values.

  2. Highlight col(B) and make Line Plot.

  3. Set the Line Connect to 3 Point Segment and style to Dash.

  4. Export the graph.

==> check the exported imnage file, the order of line connection has changed.

Fixed in Origin2024


Export graph can not handle gradient color of rectangle object

  1. Open the attached graph, Graph2.oggu, in which there is a rectangle object with gradient color

  2. Export it as graph such as PNG, TIF, EMF

==> No color in rectangle object in the exported graph

Fixed in Origin2024.


Runtime error if export large dataset as ASC

  1. Open the the following file, whose size is 1034065KB


    Code Block
    \\poly\dropbox\TS\File Types\Origin Project\LargeXYZ.ogwu
  3. Choose File: Export: ASC then click OK directly to export.

==> Wait until export is finished but show runtime error: External call execution error Origin C error (24) in X-Function code.

Fixed in Origin2024.


3D floating graph show incorrect when exporting worksheet if open expG2img once

  1. Open the attached floating graph.ogwu

  2. Select File: Export: as image file to open expWks dialog, check auto preview.
    -->floating graph show correct position and size.

  3. Close expWks dialog, double click on 3D floating graph to make it shown, press ctrl +shift +G to open expG2img dialog.

  4. Click cancel to close expG2img, repeat step2.
    ==>position and size of 3D graph is incorrect

Fixed in Origin2024


Failed to open Sheet Browser

.New a project; File menu - Export - As Image File.

3.on dialog select “Specified“ from Select Sheets combo, click the … button next to Worksheets node.

==> No dialog opens.

Fixed in Origin2024


Text in Exported EPS file are broken as pieces and treated as missing font

Open TestOrigin.opju in \\poly\dropbox\TS\Customer Files\Alexander Tarasevitch

  1. Export Graph2 as EPS file make sure to use build-in font.

  2. Open the exported file in Illustrator

==> You can not edit the X and Y axis title in a time. They are broken as pieces. Such as, Transmission are separated as "Tr", "an", "sm", "i", "ssi", and "on".

  1. Set the font as Times New Roman in Graph

  2. Export Graph2 as EPS file make sure to use build-in font.

  3. Open the exported file in Illustrator

==> An error message pops up and said Missing Font is Time New-Roman

  1. Keep opening the file in Illustrator and try to update the font.

==>Illustrator supports Times New Roman but the one in Origin calls Time New-Roman. That is why Illustrator treat it as missing font

Fixed in Origin2024.


EMF/SVG export shows wrong size when inserted into Adobe Illustrator

  1. Export the graph in attached “2021Apr.1.3.opju“ as EMF or SVG. Note that the page size is set as 3.4 x 4.2 inch

  2. In the File: Export Graph (Advanced) dialog, set the Resolution = 1200 DPI (attached Graph1_1200.emf and Graph1_1200.svg), click Apply button

  3. In the File: Export Graph (Advanced) dialog, set the Resolution = Keep Size (attached Graph1_keepsize.emf and Graph1_keep_size.svg)

  4. Open the exported images in Adobe Illustrator 22.0 or in Power Point

==> The size of Graph1_1200.emf and Graph1_1200.svg are much larger than Graph1_keepsize.emf and Graph1_keep_size.svg

Fixed in Origin2024. Only fixed for SVG, no EMF


Exported ROI failed to display correct after reimport

  1. New a project, open attached expROI.opju

2.With Book1 active, use shapefile connector to import attached test.shp

3.Activate MBook1,right click inside and select “Create ROI from XY“ to open dialog.

4.Pick col A&B as ROI Coordinates, col C as ROI Index, col G as ROI Name, click OK.

→ some ROI are added on the matrix.

5.Seelct any ROI in Object Manager and select Export ROI to save a file like hello.ROI.

6.Activate MBook2 and right click inside to select “Import ROI“ and pick above hello.ROI.

==> A big red rectangle showed on the matrix.

Fixed in Origin2024






Origin mess up the file order when import multiple files in a folder

  1. Select Data: Connect Multiple Files menu.

  2. Select Data Connector as CSV, Source as “Files in Specified Folder“, check “Same Book“.

  3. Set specified folder as Samples\Batch2 under the program folder. Click OK.

==> The imported files are in wrong order. Fixed in Origin 2024.

Note: similar issue also exist in the File: New: Image: Multiple Image Files tool and findFiles x-function.


CSV Connector failed for heading has umatched quote

CSV Connector failed to import the ASCII file with umatched quote in header.

Fixed in Origin 2024.

If still fails, try to set system variable @deng=0, and then import.


Import GeoTIFF to matrix issues

Import large GeoTIFF image to matrix wrongly.

Fixed in Origin 2024.


Import Excel File with Time Value exceeding 24 hours

Excel Connector failed to import the Excel file which contains time value exceeding 24 hours with format [h]:mm in Excel.

Fixed in Origin 2024.
