Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






Alluvial OGG file show wrong color

  1. make alluvial plot, set link color to specified colors: index: col(D), save as oggu

  2. new project, open the oggu file

==> link after each node is same color, which is apparently wrong

Fixed in Origin2024


LaTeX equation in 3D Graph use white background

  1. make 3D scatter plot, add latex equation as axis title or color scale title

  2. open PD, go to page level, display tab, change color to grey

==> all latex equation in axis title and color scale title use white background

Fixed in Origin2024


Origin crashes when inserting image from graph window to text object

  1. New project then new two graphs.

  2. Active the Graph2, use the text tool from toolbar to add a text object.

  3. Paste “\img(Graph1, w=300)“ in the text object when inplace edit mode is on.

==> Origin crashes. Fixed in Origin 2024.


Bar Plot Pattern and Page Size issue

  1. Open 5_Br_I.opju (attached to ORG-27047)

  2. For Graph6, right-click>Fit Page to Layers…>default settings
    ==>Page dimensions go from 15.01x23.57 to 1681x1690

Fixed in Origin2024


Origin crashes when inserting svg map

  1. New a graph then choose Insert: Image from File menu.

  2. Open some special SVG Map.

==> Origin crashes. Fixed in Origin 2024.


Virtual Matrix Manager open from plotvm should list all vm

  1. Highlight some data in worksheet then plot heatmap by menu for example.

  2. In plotvm dialog, click the fly-out button after input and choose the Select Virtual Matrix context menu.

==> Not all VM in the project is listed. Fixed in Origin 2024.

ORG-25472 P3

Speed Issue with large number of subset

Speed mode showing Issue with large number of subset

Fixed in Origin 2024.


Color fails to apply to all in Text for LaTeX syntax

  1. In graph window, new a text and input LaTex expression like \q(S \propto \ln \left(\frac{n^*}{n} \right))

  2. Set Font Color as Green

==> The fraction line still shows black. Fixed in Origin2024


Colormap surface disappear issue

The surface is not displayed if we make the graph with "Set Column values with normal random numbers" that includes "-" values.

Fixed in Origin2024.


No label leader line for special point in 3D scatter

  1. make 3d scatter plot

  2. add one special point, open PD dialog, go to label tab, check enable, check leader line, uncheck auto offset, set X=600, click OK
    ==> no leader line

  3. reopen PD dialog for special point, go to label tab

==> leader line is not checked

4. check leader line again, change connect of leader line to straight, click OK
--> there is leader line

Fixed in Origin2024.

  1. make 3d scatter plot

  2. add one special point, open PD dialog, go to label tab, check enable, check leader line, uncheck auto offset, set X=600, click OK

  3. select page, right click, copy format: all

  4. make new 3d scatter plot, paste format

==> checkbox of leader line is not checked

Fixed in Origin2024


Fail to keep image size when alt+paste svg object

  1. New two layout or graph with different page dimension, insert svg image to layout1.

  2. Copy svg object, hold Alt key, paste it to layout2.

  3. ==>duplicated svg object fail to preserve the size

Fixed in Origin2024


Copy/Paste Format with Special Points Issue

1.On Graph1 right click white page area or select the layer and then and select Copy Format - Scales.

2.Right click on Graph3 white page area and select Paste Fomat.

==> Plot style changed a lot.

3.Right click to select Paste Format (Advanced) to open dialog.

==> There is a “All Symbol Plots“ branch, and underneath there are all special points. which should appear.


Data highlighter fail to work well with histogram graph

  1. Make a histogram graph.

  2. In data tab of plot details dialog, turn off automatic binning and select number of bins.

  3. Use Data highlight select the bin.

  4. ==>wrong bins are selected.

  5. Set data height as other type except count in data tab of plot details dialog. use data highlight to select bin.

  6. ==>wrong bin is selected, and speed is slower

Fixed in Origin2024


Fail to make similar heatmap plot if we add all columns from same sheet

  1. open the attached BrowserPlotWithIntermediateSheet.opju

  2. go to book2, sheet rawdata

  3. highlight col(c) to make heatmap

  4. switch to browser graph by mini toolbar button

  5. click the triangle button, select all columns from same sheet

==> cannot get the similar plots

Fixed in Origin2024


Fail to change color and transparency when select multiple planes in additional plane dialog

  1. make a 3D scatter plot.

  2. Open PD, go to plane tab, click … button

  3. Check show, set position as At Position=0.2, click add button

  4. uncheck show in 2nd plane.

  5. Select both 1st and 2nd plane, try change color and transparency, click ok.

  6. Click … button to open additional plane dialog again.
    ==>color and transparency are not changed in both plane.

Fixed in Origin2024


some Data Point Tooltip Settings fail to save to Default

In the past, when save <default> theme for Data Point Tooltip dialog, according to ORG-18798 S1, only row element and style related properties will be saved,other such as column content in table, Type, Source(Source affect checkbox), Prefix, Suffix will not be saved.

Begin with Origin2024, all settings can be saved to <default> theme.


Fail to filter menu in data slicer panel on graph window

In the past, when source data is changed, data filter in data slicer panel will not update accordingly. Example:

  1. New a worksheet, import Categorical Data.dat under samples Graphing folder, make scatter plot with col(B).

  2. Select some range with data highlighter tool, Add category “B“ by Create Categories button in mini toolbar.

  3. Add filter to categories group column in worksheet, go to graph, add data slicer by page mini toolbar.

  4. Select other range, click create categories button in mini toolbar and create category “B”.

  5. click data filter in data slicer to show filter menu.

  6. ==>only ”A” and “undefined“ are shown, “B“ is not shown

Origin provide two way to force to update filter since Origin2024.

  • “Update Filter” context menu in data slicer panel

  • Code Block
    page -fd 1;


Pick Color with Eyedropper switch to other software

  1. open two Origin,

  2. in 2nd one, plot scatter

  3. switch to browser, then back to Origin

  4. select plot, open border color fly-out in toolbar, select eyedropper, click any place in graph

==> switch to browser, then back to Origin

Fixed in Origin2024.


Fit Page to layer for Sankey/Alluvial

  1. open attached ORG-27775-SankeyData.ogwu, plot Sankey

  2. open PD, go to label tab, set outside node position to Half Left Half Right, ok → some labels run outside of page

  3. open fit page to layers, ok with default ==> labels are still outside of page

Fixed in Origin2024.


Common Display does not work for Axis Table settings

  1. Open the attached test_grid_heatmap.oggu. Please note that the graph has turned on common display( Layers tab of PD dialog)

  2. Double click on the Y axis of a layer to open the axis dialog, in the Tick Labels > Table tab, select Enable check box and set Number of Rows = 2

==> The axis table of other layers on graph won’t be turned on.

Note: Common display won’t work for all the settings in the Table tab of axis dialog

Fixed in Origin2024


Wrong Palette color is saved by Worksheet Color column

  1. new wks, set column format of col(a) to color

  2. check @mps, which should be 25 by default

  3. fill col(a) with row numbers, make sure number of col(a) cells is lager than the value of @mps

  4. select all col(a), click save as increment list button in mini toolbar, save

  5. → an *.pal file is created UFF’s Palettes subfolder.

  6. select Preferences: color manager, find out the palette saved in step4
    ==> not the same as wks

Fixed in Origin2024


Text Object inplace edit issues

  1. New a text object and type some text, make sure it’s in in-place edit mode.

  2. Switch to the other window then switch back.

==> The text became not visible and showed background from last active window. Fixed in Origin 2024.


Show Color palette button on Colormapped Line Series

  1. new worksheet, fill column A with row number, B C D with random data

  2. fill units of B C D with 2 5 6, plot 3d waterfall z value color mapping

  3. select plot

==> line color button shows, it should be palette button. Otherwise, changing palette in by plot tab will set color to not z value color mapping.

Fixed in Origin2024.


Crash when create pie chart wihout data

1.New a project with an emoty workbook.

2.Highlight for example cells B[2] to B[7] and create a 2D or 3D pie chart.

==> Origin crashed.

Fixed in Origin2024


Crash when drag axis table title

  1. Open some Unbalanced Grouped Box Chart project.

  2. drag one axis table title.

==> Origin crashed.

Fixed in Origin2024


Centroid Label Disapears with Specific Data Label on

  1. Make a scatter plot. Open Plot Details dialog. Go to Centroid tab.

  2. Check Show Centroid Point for Subset and check Show Label.

  3. Go to Labels tab. Enable Data Labels, and set show at specified points only to 0.

==>The centroid label is gone. Fixed in Origin 2024.


Origin hangs when edit certain graph object with LaTeX string

  1. Open some specific opj.

  2. Right click on Y axis title and select Properties to open dialog.

  3. Highlight texts below and try to press Delete key.

==> Origin hangs for several minutes. Fixed in Origin 2024.


Transparency for fill only should be ignored when Auto transparent is checked

  1. Make a network plot.

  2. Open plot details dialog, activate symbol tab.

  3. Check auto transparent. Transparency for fill only is gray out. transparency become 70%

  4. click apply.
    ==>symbol edge is not 70% transparency,which means transparency for fill only is still working.


No theme entry for ion labels in stiff diagram/Sankey plot

  1. Fix the problem of theme entry to ion labels in Stiff Diagram

  2. Fix the problem of theme entry to label font in Sankey plot


Failed Insert contour levels using comma separated decimal values in G Origin

  1. Make a contour plot in G Origin.

  2. Double click the contour.

  3. Click Insert … button on Colormap/Contours tab of PD.

  4. Enter 0,5 0,75

  5. Click OK

==> Nothing happens. User complains they use , as decimal place so not intuitive to enter 0.5 0.75


Data Label of the Right-axis Plot does not Show for Outside End Position

  1. Make a double axis column plot in one layer plot with error bar.

  2. Enable data label and set position to Outside End.

==>Data Label of the right-axis plot does not show when label position if set as outside end


Axis Break on Contour Plot Doesn't Show White Separator Box

  1. New a wks and add one more column. Fill all with random numbers. Set Col(C) as Z.

  2. Highlight all columns and make a contour plot.

  3. Open Y Axis dialog and go to Break tab. Set break number as 1 and click OK.

==> Axis break’s white box could not show.


Drag to change scale Issues for double Y

  1. fill column A B with Row Number, column C with random data

  2. plot double Y (single layer)

  3. click left axis, move red indicator to change scale

==> both axes is changed. In Origin 2023b, there are two kinds of position controls Y scale. The center area and corner area which split by 45-degree straight line go thought layer vertex. After this change, each corner control Y will control the related Y only. But if mouse is in center, it still controls both Y.


Plot Setup: Edit range for matrix plot not works fine

  1. Make a contour plot from a matrix.

  2. Choose Graph: Plot Setup menu, in the lower panel, Range column, click the … button

  3. In the Range dialog, uncheck Auto checkbox next to the Row To edit box

  4. Set Row To value as 9 for example. Click OK.

    ==> The Row To value is set a 0 automatically.


Empty Graph when open OGGU for Streamline

Make a streamline plot and save as oggu file. Open the oggu in a new project. ==> The graph is empty.


Size by Scale should not affect by page size change

  1. Make a scatter plot

  2. Open PD, go to symbol tab, set size unit to X scale, set size to 0.9, ok

  3. Reopen PD, go to page level, set page size to 5 inch width, ok

==> Symbol size become smaller. When size unit is x scale or y scale, we should not change symbol size when changing page size.


Line+Symbol plot error for Horizontal Panel Wrapped

For some multi-panel plot with Wrap Panels if Columns/Rows Exceed on, some panel banner could not show correctly.


Symbol Size could not be smaller than 0.5

  1. Plot a scatter plot with row number, open PD, set symbol size to 0.5, ok

  2. Reopen Plot Details, set symbol size unit to x scale, size =0.51, apply → works fine

  3. Change size to 0.5

==> symbol size is very large. I think when symbol size unit is x/y scale, it is ok to allow symbol smaller then 0.5, since it may be not small.







End Power/Amplitude value of FFT is incorrect when spectrum type is one-sided

In old version, end power/amplitude value of FFT result is incorrect when spectrum type is one-sided.

  1. when input is even, end power/amplitude value of one-side should be same as two-side.

  2. when input is odd, end power/amplitude value of one-side should be double of two-side.

Fixed in Origin2024


Data cursor fail to show after picking point when doing subtract straight line

  1. New a worksheet, fill with row number, make line plot.

  2. Select analysis: mathematics: subtract straight line.

  3. Double click on graph to pick 1st point.

  4. Move data picker to other place.

  5. ==>no data cursor show in position of picked point.

Fixed in Origin2024


VM analysis lock is not removed if delete source workbook

Plot graph by virtual matrix then do analysis. Delete the source workbook. ==> The lock on analysis result is not removed.

Issue existed since Origin 2022b and fixed in Origin 2024.
