Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.







Sort Alluvial Node by Frequency

We can sort Alluvial node by name/ frequency.

In Node tab, add Node Order by option above Gap between Nodes. dropdown could be

  • None: current way, order of data, or categorical order

  • Name: alphabetical order

  • Frequency: frequency of node in column


XF to Create Multiple VM and Plot Heatmap

A new dialog: plotmultivm to create heatmap with multiple info in one cell.

Command line usage for Existing Virtual Matrices type:

plotmultivm datatype:=vm irng:=VM1|VM2;


Layer Content and Plot Setup Issues to Create Heatmap

Plot setup and layer content could list virtual matrix

In layer content, we list Virtual Matrices in data type dropdown list.

We also do the same for plot setup, list Virtual Matrices above Loose Datasets.

It should also list “Heatmap“ in Plot Type list box.


Alluvial Label Improvements

Alluvial Plot Label On Top

Outside Node Position All Left/Right

In Label tab, add Position option in Show Label for plot group, under font, ratio could be Top, Bottom. Move Offset to 3rd line after this option.

For Outside Node Position, add Left, Right option before Top. This change could also apply to Sankey.



Fit Page to Layers Include All Graph Objects

supportFit Page to Layers Include All Graph Objects

In Fit Page to Layers dialog, add checkbox variable “go“ Include All Graph Objects in the end, default select it. Select it means all graph objects should be included when fit page, including graph objects that attach to page.

In Button Edit Mode (Ctrl+Alt+B), if a graph object is attached to page: a string “(P)” will be appended to the displayed object name.


Sankey Map Support Pie Node

show in and out pie chart instead of bubble

In Node tab of Sankey Map, add Show In&Out Pie Chart for Node checkbox under Fill color. Default is unchecked.


Increment by one or stretch depending on if it's color list or palette

When we set a color list, if increment is None/Binned/Stretch, we should set it to by one. For palette, no need to change current rule.

  1. Enter “s annotation” in Start menu and choose Line and Symbol Graphs - Multi-line-plot with Special Position Annotation Line sample

  2. Highlight all data in book and plot Browser graph: Color Lines

  3. Select all plots on left.

  4. Click on any plot and from mini toolbar Group tab, click Line color to change it to e.g. Bold1

  5. ==> The colors are not red, blue, green purple.

If go to Plot Details → Group tab, the Line Color increment is stretch.


Legend Background Color

For any text object(including legend), set frame to box or shadow, fill color should be None by default.

add sys var @TFC. default is 1. it set text object fill color be None by default. if set as 0, it set as white.


Browser Plot should support changing source data when intermediate sheet involved in plotting

  1. List the real source data in browser panel when one plot is created by one intermediate sheet

  2. Go to Source sheet should go to real source sheet instead of intermediate sheet

  3. show warning in smart hint when user enable browser panel for graph with intermediate sheet that we can not list source data

We only list source data in browser panel if there is one plot created base on one intermediate sheet.

It will show the real source sheet in go to source sheet context menu and MTB.


Better auto binning in XY and XYZ Heatmap

Better binning min, max, and increment to get better heatmap tick labels

Depending on data, better min, max and increment value for binning so better heatmap axis tick labels will show.


Missing value color control in colormapped plots

There was missing value color control in contour plot only in the past. The control is added for any colormapped plot.

For plot with color mapped to a column, missing value control is added on Colormap tab of Plot Details dialog.

User can set the condition to treat as missing value and color for it.


Want Label Form Support for Sankey Node

When there is node label column for sankey(FTWN), we could add Display Name dropdown after wrap text checkbox, dropdown list show columns in same sheet. Select it, we should replace Sankey node label with display name according to row index of node label.

It only works for Sankey(FTWN). If it is Sankey(FTW) or Sankey Map, no display label.


Automatically Set as Categorical for Column Label Row

  • Automatically Set as Categorical for Column Label Row

  • Use categorical value to map color index

Set following setting, it automatically set as categorical for selected label row

  1. Set Color by Column Label Row, method is indexing

  2. Set Layer background color by Column Label Row, method is indexing

  3. Set Z value Source

If a label row is set as categorical, we will use categorical value to map color list.


Support Filling to Next Plot for 3D Waterfall

Support fill to data plot in same plane(same Z value) for 3d waterfall.

In Outline tab of 3D Waterfall(3d wall with outline width=0), add Fill Area under Curve group


Tab key to change 3d Operation mode

Show 3D operation buttons when mini toolbar is turn off

When mini toolbar is turn off(under View menu), we show the old operation button when select layer.

Press Tab key to switch the operation buttons.


Apply Theme to Layer

We can apply theme to layer on Theme Organizer.

Add Active Layer and Specified Layers to Apply Theme to dropdown.


Support None option for border color of Histogram graph

Add None option in Border color control for histogram plot and box plot.

  1. Make a histogram plot/box plot

  2. Double click plot and go to Pattern tab.

  3. Click Border color

==> There is no None option on the color panel.


Pie Map support drag to reposition the pies like Bar Map

Support Ctrl+ drag to repositions the pies like what we can in bar map. Add Map tab for special point in Pie Map

In the past, could not move some overlap pie in pie map. In Origin 2024, Ctrl+ drag to repositions the pies is supported. Map tab for Pie Map Special point to control point offset is added in Plot Details dialog, with Position control and Leader Line control.


Layer Background Color Support by Column Label

New By Layer tab in Layer background Color control in Mini-toolbar and Plot Details' Background tab. You can set Column Label row to set layer color

In the past, layer background color only support single color. In Origin 2024, layer background color by column label of 1st plot is supported. Set by layers we will set it for all layers even if there is no common display. But single layer could still set single color layer background







CSV connector failed to keep Text type column format

Added a system variable @IPKF to control which column format would be kept after import.

The @IPKF system variable is for CSV Connector only.

  • 0(default): keep date/time column format

  • 1: keep date/time/Text column format

  • -1: keep any column format


CSV Connector supports append rows from script

CSV Connector supports append rows to import more files by scripts.

LT sample scripts:

Code Block
string fname, path$=system.path.program$ + "Samples\Batch Processing\"; 
findfiles fname:=fname$ ext:="*.csv";
int num = fname.GetNumTokens(CRLF);
next$ = fname.GetToken(ii, CRLF)$;
if (ii==1)
	wks.dc.flags=256;	// turn on append rows mode
Tree tr1=wks.dc.optn$;
tr1.settings.partial.SetAttribute("Use", 1);


Connector failed for Date Time More Cases

Improved JSON Connector to support auto detect date time, and import it as date time data.

For example:

the 1996-08-20T00:00:00 value will be imported as 1996-08-20 00:00:00 with column format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”.


Want to choose variable for BioLogic Connector

Improved BioLogic Connector to support choose variable(s) to import.

When connect to BioLogic file, will show up Data Connector Browser for user to choose variable(s) to import.


impFileSel supports XF impMSExcel

Import impFileSel X-Function to support impMSExcel X-Funtions.

For example:

Code Block
string fname$=system.path.program$ + "Samples\Import and Export\United States Energy (1980-2013).xls";
impFileSel xfname:=impMSExcel fname:=fname$ trfiles:=tt;
impMSExcel fname:=fname$ trfiles:=tt;


XML Connector support UTF-16 format

Improved XML Connector to support UTF-8 and UTF-16 files.

UTF-32 is not supported yet.


CSV Connector cannot recognize Date format when reimport

Import CSV Connector to support “yyyy/MM/dd“ date format.

Auto detect “yyyy/MM/dd“ date format and import as date data in Worksheet.


Improve speed for import Excel files

Improved import speed of impMSExcel X-Function and Excel Connector for large excel file import.

1.Import import speed for large excel file.

2.Added sys variable @ELSS(Excel Load Singe Sheet) to support load single sheet, default value is 1.


Convert Column to Binary needs to be remembered for DC Reimport

When set column type to binary after import, re-import should keep column type as binary.

  1. Some connectors can covert column data to binary data correctly, like CSV connector, Origin Connector, TMDS Connector, Import Filter Connector, etc.

  2. Some connectors fail to covert column data to binary data, and show as missing values, like Excel Connector, JSON Connector, HTML Connector, etc.
