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ORG-27126, ORG-27751

Improve theme in Code Builder Text Editor

1.Support Dark Mode for Code Builder.2.Added Desert and Coffee theme back to code builder.

32.Change default Font to Consolas 10 pt.

Can change them by Tools: Options…



Code Builder in Dark Mode

Support Dark Mode for Code Builder.

Make following changes for GUI (Options dialog - MDI Tabs page):

1.Change to use “3D Tabs“ for MDI Tab style combo, and hide it from dialog.

2.Hide “Flat Frame“ checkbox from dialog.







page level property disabledark mode

page.nodark=1 to disable dark mode in a page

Use this to disable dark mode on specific child window.


Support X-Function load theme from theme file

X-Function support load theme from theme file in the project folder

Suppose there is a theme file MyTheme.ois in the project folder, X-Function can load it now.

Code Block
pa iy:=(1,2) smode:=1 theme:=MyTheme;
expg2img -t MyTheme;


Internal and LabTalk access for graphic object drawing order

Add new LabTalk property to access the graphic object position drawing order

Syntax: obj.order

Graphic object drawing order.

0x000F mask: 0 = all plots, 1 = plot group, 2 = individual plot, 3 = ref lines

0x00F0 mask: index (0-offset), only for plot group and individual plots cases

0x0100 = before, if not set, then it is after


Code Block

The rectangle will be drawn after the fifth dataplot: digit 4 is 0-offset dataplot index (which means it is the 5th dataplot), digit 2 at the end means individual dataplots.

Code Block

The rectangle will be drawn before the second group plot: first digit 1 means before, second digit 1 is 0-offset index, the third digit 1 means plot group (which gives the meaning to the index: it is the index of the group).

Code Block

The rectangle will be drawn after the reference lines. The first digit 0 (can be omitted) means after, the second digit 0 is not used (because the third digit is 3), the digit 3 at the end means reference lines.


LT support 3D OpenGL clip

3D OpenGL graph’s clipping support LabTalk access

Code Block
layer.clip //turn on/off clipping
layer.clip.x1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2 //set clipping value


catrows support options to return different index

Improve the catrows() function to return different index

Code Block
//option=0 (default, if not present), current result, return a dataset of all indexes
//option=1, return a dataset containing 1st index of each category
//option=2, return a dataset containing last index of each category


LT access on plot subset

Add new properties to specify subset by column

Add LT access for the plot creation for SPC stage.

Code Block
layer.plot.subsetcol$=; //by column, range string like [Book1]Sheet1!C
layer.plot.subsetinc=;  //0:none, 1:within subset, 2:between subset
layer.plot.subsetsize=;  //by size
layer.plot.subsetgap=;  //gap%
