Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.







Align single layer relative to page

Enable toolbar buttons on Object Editor dialog for align a single layer relative to page

Before Origin 2024, the alignment toolbar buttons only works for multi-layer, multi-graphic objects, or layer+object selection.

There was no easy way to align a layer relative to page, such as center of the page horizontally, etc.

In Origin 2024, user can select a single layer and then use Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Vertical, Horizontal toolbar buttons to align layer to page.

Note: if the selected layer is one of the following, align it may affect position of other layers. Please unlink first, or not check the checkbox, or change size unit not to be % of linked layer first before alignment.

  • a parent layer (there are other layers linked to it & size unit set to % of linked layer)

  • or a child layer (linked to some parent layer with size unit set to % of linked layer, and the checkbox When dragged to reposition, also reposition parent layer checked)


Plot: Map menu added

Gather all plot types on map under this new submenu

Reorganized Plot menu so that it’s easier to find plot types on map


Graph/Layout Dark Mode Color

Customizable Dark Mode Auto Color when graph/layout background is auto

This will be helpful for users who want to create dark mode graphs

User can turn on dark mode for graph/layout window types. When turned on and background is auto (new default), it will follow the dark mode background color, which is customizable.

With graph window active, click the 2nd button on Dark Mode toolbar to turn on dark mode for graph/layout window type or click the 3rd button to turn it on for active graph/layout window only.

The color for dark mode in graph is a global setting for all graphs in dark mode and is customizable. Click the 4th button to change background color.

Depending on darkness, black may auto reverse to white.

When copying graph page to other applications, by default what you see will be what you get, except background. Background will be transparent. If you don’t want reversed color, uncheck Preferences: Copy page in Dark Mode like on Screen checkbox.

There is also Follow Dark Mode Color checkbox in Export Graph and Copy graph as Image dialogs.

Useful system variables and script

  • @gvc - dark mode status of graph window type. 1=on, 0=off.

  • @gbc - dark mode background color, e.g. @gbc=color(100,100,100)

  • @gld - threshold to turn on auto color reverse 26(default) so only for very dark background, black will reverse to white. If u set it big, e.g. 50, even for light background colors, black may reverse to white.

  • page.revcolor=1 – reverse color on active graph window, 0 - not reverse

  • @dcr - what color auto reverses when
    0 = Off
    1 = Black only
    2 = Black and White only
    3 = Gray colors
    4 = All colors

5 = Customized (default) - use Preferences: Dark Mode Color Mapping… to edit the corresponding colormapping.



Drag or scroll to change axis scale

Change axis scale without need to open axis dialog

Easier way to only change begin or end.

  1. Click on axis to see red dots on both ends. Drag it to adjust axis begin or end. For large data, while dragging, press TAB key to adjust dragging speed, press SPACE key to adjust crosshair cursor shape.

  2. Press X key, then move cursor closer to layer frame till double arrow shows. Drag to adjust axis begin or end. There is real time plot animation so easier to see how the final graph will look like.

Both dragging methods snaps to major ticks.

Note: System variable @DAA is the fast mode factor, default is 3, which means it will travel 3 times faster than the cursor movement.


Multiple ROI and Enlarged Graphs

Add multiple zoom in region of interests in graph and show each zoomed in region in a separate graph

  • Click Scale in button on Tools toolbar and single click on graph to add one region of interest (ROI) and enlarged graph for it.

Repeat the process will add multiple ROI and corresponding enlarged graph. Adjust ROI size.

Note: If pressing Ctrl key while using Scale in button, user can drag a rectangle in graph to define the ROI size directly.

  • User can also right click on ROI and choose duplicate to create multiple ROIs


Plot_heatmapxyz Support Multiple Z to Compute Quantity

Support multiple Z with this xf. So input should be same as plot_xyz3dstack. Then we get multiple set of XYZ and run binning for xy and compute quantity for multiple Z. Each Z will be a virtual matrix.

If source data of XY is not set as categorical, we want to union elements in all X or Y column separately to get X Y of result virtual matrix.


Support categorical for Text on header row (for waterfall)

When Z Value Source’s label is categorical, we should use its categorical values to set up axis scale range.

And when axis type is Column Name or Label, we should check if it is categorical and then make use of it.

  1. Make a new worksheet, and add 3 extra columns. Fill row numbers to col(A), and random numbers to col(B, C, D, E)

  2. Change the Comments entries of col(B,C,D,E) to aa,aa,bb,bb , assuming these are categorical subgroups. Make a new 3D Waterfall,
    ==> Waterfall has 4 separate plots at Z, labeled as aa, aa bb, bb because they are NOT regarded as categorical. This graph arrangement cannot be corrected even by setting the "Z Value Source" is changed to "Comments" from "Auto".

In order to support categorical tick labels, must set these settings:

Axis Scale tab> Majora Ticks > Type: By Plot Column Label

Axis Scale tab> Majora Ticks > Column Label: Comments

Axis Tick Labels tab> Display > Type: Column Name or Label

Axis Tick Labels tab> Display > Display: Comments


Index/map plot elements by column label row

For grouped plots, support indexing or map plot colors of each plot by column label row info.

For multiple plots, on By Plots tab, user can specify plots color etc. to change backed on column label rows.

3 options are added:

  • Index - index to text/number in label row.

  • Direct RGB - color by RGB value in in label row

  • Colormapping – map to numeric values in label row

E.g. in the following graph, the colors can be set to be indexed to Continents row info. in worksheet.


Indicate Graphic Object Attached to Page

(Page) after graphic object or text object in Object Manager

User can easily tell if a graphic object or text label is attached to page or not.


Easier way to copy node path

Copy Node Path context menu added in Theme Editing dialogs

User may want copy the node path and use Python etc. to directly edit the node.


Inserted table/worksheet support dark mode

Add system variable @tcp to control dark mode of inserted table/worksheet

System variable @TCP is added.

Code Block
0: following graph’s dark mode, default
1: following worksheet’s dark mode
2: light mode
3: dark mode


Auto Color Support for Graph Elements

Improve Auto Color for base color

  1. We can set auto color for the following object:
    Axis dialog: tick labels, title, line and ticks, special ticks, reference lines axis
    Line single color in PD dialog
    Text object
    color scale

  2. If we set @WDCPA=1 and @GVC=1, it will load template in making new graph to convert to Auto.

  3. If we set @wdcpa=1 and @loada=1 before loading project, it will allow convert on loading opju


Window title bar dark mode

support dark mode for window title bar

System variable @WTD is added.

Code Block
1:Draw title and frame in dark mode if GUI is dark mode. default
0:never draw title frame in dark mode.


Customizable Color Mapping ini Editor

add a worksheet template, open this template and load the current ini

select Preferences: Dark Mode Color Mapping


Online Template for 2024

Added More online Template for 2024. You can get the latest online template via Tools: Template Center.

  1. Periodic Table

  2. Polar Heatmap

  3. Double Y StackedColumn Line

  4. X-Offset Scatter Plot

  5. Histogram with Range X Tick Labels







LaTeX Equation Access LT Variable

Allow entering Labtalk variable or LabTalk Substitution Notation in LaTeX Equation

Labtalk Substitution checkbox is added in LaTeX Equation Editor.

  • $(variablename)

  • substitution notation %( )


Show label at min, max points

Easier way to label min, max points in graph

On Label tab of Plot Details dialog, user can check Show at Specified Points Only and enter min max begin end (space separated) to show labels at maximum point(s), minimum point(s), begin and end points.

Begin (also -1) is used to refer to 1st point in display in case user scaled in.

Before Origin 2024, there was only row indexing e.g. 1 for 1st point, 2 for 2nd point, 0 for last points. To label min or maximum points user would had to manually find the min and max’s corresponding row index first.
