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Dark Mode

Turn Origin interface to dark style, including workspace, toolbars, menus, worksheet, notes window, etc.

To turn on dark mode for Origin


  • Use dark mode toolbar (Can be found back from View: Toolbars dialog)

Note: Graph page dark background is controlled by Preferences: Options. Page tab separately.


Dark Mode toolbar

Add Dark Mode toolbar to easily toggle dark mode on and off for GUI and window level, etc.

  1. Toggle GUI: toggle dark mode on and off for whole GUI

  2. Toggle Dark Mode by Window Type: toggle dark mode on and off by window type

  3. Dark Mode for Current Window: toggle dark mode on and off for current window

  4. Background Color: specify graph dark mode auto color

  5. Update Sparklines: sparklines in existing project may not show in dark mode. Click the button to update sparklines in active window.


Support different dark mode color theme

Provide a variety of dark mode themes

Origin provide 6 build-in dark themes: Black, Blue, Coffee, Grey, Pumpkin, Purple from Preferences: Dark Theme menu.

To create user-defined dark theme:

  1. Choose Help: Open Folder: Program Folder.

  2. Go to \Themes\DarkMode\ subfolder and copy any ini file there.

  3. Choose Help: Open Folder: User Files Folder.

  4. Go to \Themes\DarkMode subfolder. If no DarkMode folder there, create it.

  5. Paste the ini there.

  6. Rename it e.g. MyGray.ini.

  7. Open it in Notepad to edit the colors. Most entries are self-explanatory. E.g. modify the workspace background color to light gray, and show red as active widow indicator.



  1. Select Preferences: Dark Theme: MyGray (user) to see effect.

  2. Every time making some change in ini file, save the file and click the toggle GUI button on Dark Mode toolbar twice to see updated effect.


Graph/Layout Dark Mode Color

Customizable Dark Mode Auto Color when graph/layout background is auto

This will be helpful for users who want to create dark mode graphs

User can turn on dark mode for graph/layout window types. When turned on and background is auto (new default), it will follow the dark mode background color, which is customizable.

With graph window active, click the 2nd button on Dark Mode toolbar to turn on dark mode for graph/layout window type or click the 3rd button to turn it on for active graph/layout window only.

The color for dark mode in graph is a global setting for all graphs in dark mode and is customizable. Click the 4th button to change background color.

Depending on darkness, black may auto reverse to white.

When copying graph page to other applications, by default what you see will be what you get, except background. Background will be transparent. If you don’t want reversed color, uncheck Preferences: Copy page in Dark Mode like on Screen checkbox.

There is also Follow Dark Mode Color checkbox in Export Graph and Copy graph as Image dialogs.

Useful system variables and script

  • @gvc - dark mode status of graph window type. 1=on, 0=off.

  • @gbc - dark mode background color, e.g. @gbc=color(100,100,100)

  • @gld - threshold to turn on auto color reverse 26(default) so only for very dark background, black will reverse to white. If u set it big, e.g. 50, even for light background colors, black may reverse to white.

  • page.revcolor=1 – reverse color on active graph window, 0 - not reverse

  • @dcr - what color auto reverses when
    0 = Off
    1 = Black only
    2 = Black and White only
    3 = Gray colors
    4 = All colors

5 = Customized (default) - use Preferences: Dark Mode Color Mapping… to edit the corresponding colormapping.


Add dynamic color reversal control on Page tab of Preferences: Options dialog

Provide GUI to control dynamic color reversal mode(@DCR)


Customizable color reversal in dark mode

Color mapping for color reversal can be customized

Select Preferences: Dark Mode Color Mapping menu to customize the color mapping for color reversal in light mode and dark mode.


Graphs can be exported with or without Dark Mode settings

Export or copy-page graphs with or without Dark Mode settings

To export or copy graph page with dark mode setting

  • Export:
    ”Export Graph” dialog: “Follow Dark Mode Color” check box

  • Copy Page

    Menu“Preference: Copy Page in Dark Mode Like on Screen”

(Note: Registry sys var Graph-Export-Follow-Dark @GEFD = 1, set to 0 to ignore dark mode)


Inserted table/worksheet support dark mode

Add system variable @tcp to control dark mode of inserted table/worksheet

System variable @TCP is added.

Code Block
0: following graph’s dark mode, default
1: following worksheet’s dark mode
2: light mode
3: dark mode


Support dark mode toolbar bitmap when making toolbar package/App

Origin support customize toolbar buttons with different toolbar bitmap in light mode and dark mode

Origin support dark mode since Origin2024, therefore, origin also provide way to use different toolbar button bitmap for light mode and dark mode. User can create 4 toolbar button bitmap files when making toolbar package/App, they are used in different situations as follows.

Code Block
toolbar_name.bmp: origin light mode, essential
<toolbar_name>_dk.bmp: origin dark mode
<toolbar_name>_dk_hi.bmp: origin dark mode with High DPI
<toolbar_name>_hi.bmp: origin light mode with High DPI
note: High DPI means Resolution>1920X1080 and dpi>=150

The bitmap files should be all 16 colors bitmap. light mode’s bitmap is essential, origin will use this bitmap if other mode’s bitmap is illegal or missing.


Support dark mode App Icon and App Toolbar Icon

Origin support customize app button icon and Toolbar Icon in light mode and dark mode

Similar as dark mode toolbar bitmap, user can create 4 app button icon files when make App, they are used in different situations as follows.

Code Block
AppIcon_name.png: origin light mode, essential
<AppIcon_name>_dk.png: origin dark mode, file format should be same as light mode AppIcon file.
<AppIcon_name>_dk_hi.bmp: origin dark mode with High DPI
<AppIcon_name>_hi.bmp: origin light mode with High DPI
note: High DPI means Resolution>1920X1080 and dpi>=150

App Toolbar Icon are similar(note: App tool bar icon is specified in Toolbar Icon editbox under App branch in package manager dialog).


Window title bar dark mode

Support dark mode for window title bar

System variable @WTD is added.

Code Block
1:Draw title and frame in dark mode if GUI is dark mode. default
0:never draw title frame in dark mode.


Make Dark mode unsupported message more obvious

When clicking the Dark mode toolbar/menu should show the text as a popping up message box.

Image Added


Sheet Switching Browser Graph

Turn on the left browser panel to change all plots to data from a different sheet

If user has many worksheet with same data structure and plot a complicated graph (including multi-panel) from one sheet, user can turn on the left panel to easily switch worksheet. Plots in graph will all be switched to new sheet.

How to:

Click edge of graph page so that page level mini toolbar shows.

Click the Sheet/Book Switching Browser Graph. (Note: the sheets doesn’t have to be in same workbook window)

LabTalk Script Access:

Code Block
page.canswitch = ; //0, 1(sheet), 2(book)
page.switch("sheet"); //without book name means to use the same book


Change worksheet context menu for browser graph

Easier way to change browser graph to show all plots from another sheet

Suppose all plots in browser graph is from same worksheet and there are many such sheets.

Click Down arrow and choose Change Worksheet so all plots will be replaced with corresponding columns in another sheet.


Add MT button on Axis pop up to quickly add Reference Line

Support Add Reference Line button in Axis mini toolbar to quickly add Reference Line



Support mouse wheel horizontal scroll

Shift+Wheel to scroll horizontally

When there is a scroll bar in the horizontal direction for many windows arranged in main GUI or for single window, support Shift+Wheel to scroll horizontally


Add Copy Plot mini toolbar on Single plot tab to copy single plot

For group plots, support Copy Plot button in Single tab to copy the data of selected plot


Allow saving and re-applying custom window arrangement and for any DPI

In Origin 2024, User can arrange windows arbitrarily and save those settings. Then they want to work with the windows moving them etc, and later be able to re-apply the settings to get back their saved arrangement on any DPI.

In Script window/ Command window, run below scripts:

doc -wps filename; /// save settings, filename can be optional, relative filename will be saved to UFF

doc -wpl filename; /// load settings


Arrange Windows with Size of Active Window

In Origin 2024, Arrange Windows dialog adds Share Active Window Size checkbox.


Support Bootstrap framework for HTML and Markdown in Notes window

In Origin 2024, for HTML and Markdown in Notes window, we change to use Bootstrap framework.

Bootstrap is an open-source html framework support to switch between light mode and dark mode, and has a good default style.

Note: This framework not support IE, so if user switch to IE, the looks of notes will be different.


Icons for Sheets in Object Manager

Add icon for sheet in Object Manager to tell if a sheet is a report sheet/Mbook sheet/Notes sheet/Hierarchal sheet/Graph sheet


Want sysvar to control where new folder is added when using toolbar button

Want a system variable to control where new folder is added when using toolbar button

Origin 2024 added registry a system variable @NFC, new-folder-current, set to 1 to use current folder as parent

Default is 0, the new folder is always added at root level, no matter which folder in PE is active.


Improve Custom Menu Organizer

Add Layout, Image, Note window type for build-in Menus tab and Add Custom Menu tab.

Add Layout, Image, Note window type for build-in Menus tab and Add Custom Menu tab.

Add a system variable to hide Excel checkbox: @ECEM(enable custom Excel menu). Default value is 0, 1 is show Excel radio,0 is not show. So for old menu that create for Excel window, user is not able to uncheck checkbox by default.
