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'0' should not Refer to Last Index if By X

  1. Open the integ1 XF then expand Input: Range1: Rows node, set Rows by X.

  2. Set To’s value as 0 and click OK.

==> 0 in here will refer to last row and it will generate wrong result.

Issue existed since Origin 2021b and fixed in Origin 2025.


PA does not report baseline fit parameters

When perform a baseline finding or baseline subtraction using a fitting function (such as poly5).

==>The fit parameters of the baseline are not stored anywhere for user to access.

Fixed in Origin 2025.

  1. When goal of PA is Create Baseline or Subtract Baseline, if baseline is fitted curve, will add function name and function parameter to comments of Y.

  2. When goal of PA is other option, will add function name and function parameter to Baseline_Data result sheet.


Correlation Coefficient Spearman shows wrong results when Kendall unchecked

  1. This issue happened if input data has too may duplicate values, e.g. one value repeated more than 1024 times in one column.

  2. Open Correlation Coefficient dialog. Check Spearman checkbox, keep Kendall uncheck. Click OK.

==>Spearman table shows wrong results.

Fixed in Origin 2025.






Reset All Graphs cause the Residual Plots embedding

After fitting, right click in FitNL sheet, then click Rest All Graphs context menu, Residual Plots changes to text “embedding“

Fixed in Origin2025


PCA change parameters generate redundant result sheet

After changing Principal Component Analysis parameters, Origin will generate redundant result sheet.

Fixed in Origin2025
