Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


New Graph Types







Icon improvements on left panel of Plot Details dialog

Much easier to tell a plot is a single plot or belongs to a group

In the past, when open a complicated graph to customize plot, it’s hard to tell if a plot is a single plot, or belongs to a group. For grouped plot, some Tabs only show when 1st member in the group is selected.

In Origin 2025, a single plot is denoted by image-20240823-142637.png, a plot blonging to a group is denoted by alternatingimage-20240823-142656.pngimage-20240823-142923.pngicons



Grouping plots gets easier

Group nonadjacent plots and create multi-groups

Change of behavior and context menus changes in Object Manager to make it easier to group plots in a layer

  1. New behavior of Set as Group Begin and Set as Group End: Right click a member in a group of plot and choose Set as Group Begin or Set as Group End will break the current group into two groups. In the past, plots before Set as Group Begin or after Set as Group End would become isolated single plots.

  2. New Move as a New Group context menu: Select adjacent or non-adjacent plots in a group to move them into a new group. In the past, many steps were needed.

  3. Group non-adjacent single plots: For isolated single plots, no matter same plot type or not, ctrl+ select them, right click and choose Group to make a new group with 1st plot’s plot type.


Data Filter For Graph

Graph based Data Filter without affecting worksheet Turn on

Click Data Filter toolbar button or Data Slicer mini toolbar to set different filter condition data on each graph without affecting worksheet data

image-20240730-154029.pngImage Removed
  • If there is already filter in worksheet before plotting graph, a prompt will be given

    image-20240730-154112.pngImage Removed
    • Show Data Slicer (old way) - changing filter in graph will affect worksheet and vice versa.

    • Convert worksheet filter to graph based will remove filter condition in worksheet and convert it into a graph based filter. Change filter condition will only apply to current graph

  • only

    image-20240730-154029.pngImage Added
    • Click Filter to change filter condition; right click on a condition for more options including moving the condition orders, deleting the filter, etc.; right click in blank area below existing filters to add more filter conditions.


    • Related LabTalk Access (may be outdated)

      • Command to convert graph with worksheet data filter to use graph based filter and take over the filters on worksheet

        Code Block
        page -df; //convert to SDF
        //data filter still shows in source worksheet and row is hidden
        page -df 1;//convert to SDF and remove filter from source worksheet
        //no data filter in source worksheet and no row is hidden

        Similar to page -df, you can also try below command

        Code Block
        int nUID = layer.plot1.DF();
      • To see datasets used in the dataplot, try below command

        Code Block
        list pl;
      • To show Graph Data Slicer pane, run below script

        Code Block
        page.cp.type = 5;
      • New LabTalk Object SDF is implemented to access the graph based filter used for the plot, says Shared Data Filters object.

        Code Block
        //Suppose active graph plotting with graph based filter
        int nUID = layer.plot1.SDF;
        SDF ff = nUID;
        ff.wks$ =;//read-only, worksheet range, "[book2]sheet1"
        ff.enable =;//to allow temp disable =;//read-only,number of columns to have filter
        ff.f1.col =;//first filter on which col
        ff.f1.filter$ =;//query string
        ff.f1.filterx$ =;//the x variable used inside the filter
        ff.Set(D:3:"between(18,23)");//replace col(D) filter if already existed
      • To retrieves the state of data filters in the active graph, use command

        Code Block
        page -dfs nn;
        //nn = 0: no data filters detected
        //nn = 1: data filter present in at least one worksheet providing the data for at least one dataplot in the graph
        //nn = 2: shared data filter used by at least one dataplot in the graph
        //nn = -1: error

        or method

        Code Block
        nn = page.GetDF(str$);
        //str$ is a string variable to receive the worksheet range
      • When no data filter is used by any of dataplots, either as worksheet data filter or as a ShDF (execute the above command page -dfs nn; it must return 0), run below command to add a graph based filter.

        Code Block
        page -dfn ColNameOrNumber;
      • Create Shared Data Filters (ShDF)) from Worksheet

        • Define/Modify a Shared Data Filter from active worksheet

          Code Block
          worksheet -shdf uidShDF [[colname:filtertype:filtercondition]]
          //uidShDF is the name of the LabTalk variable which will receive the UID of the created ShDF
        • Create virtual datasets using existing ShDF

          Code Block
          create name -vsshdf worksheetrange uidShDF;
        • Example

          Code Block
          fname$ = System.path.program$ + "Samples\Statistics\automobile.dat";
          worksheet -shdf uidShDF [[D:3:"between(16,23)"]];
          create myshdfvsy -vsshdf col(F) uidShDF;
          plotxy iy:=(C,myshdfvsy) plot:=202;
      • Command to dump Shared Data Filters in worksheet

        Code Block
        worksheet -shdfd;


    Error bar tooltip

    The error bar tooltip provides numerical details of the range of uncertainty around data points in a graph.

    The x and y error info shows when mousing over data points plotted with error bars, or when mousing over error bars.



    Swap layers or swap graph objects

    Select position of two layers, or two graphic objects

    Swap position dropdown list is added on mini toolbar if two layers, or two graphic objects are selected.

    It also shows on Object Edit toolbar on right side of workspace.

    E.g. shift+select two layers and click the button.



    Show Layer info in the Graphs list box

    List Layer numbers in parenthesis after corresponding Graph name

    This helps user to associate graphs and its layers in preview window when merging graphs



    Add Note for Layout Window

    Adding notes for layout window from Object Manager

    Notes could only be added to graph window in Origin 2024b. In Origin 2025, notes can be added to layout window as well.

    With Layout window active, click the Add Notes button on top of the Object Manager.


    If there is notes for a layout window, there will be + inside the icon. Click it to read the notes.


    3 List orders in Batch Plotting Dialog

    More ways to sort available books and sheets in Batch Plotting dialog

    There was no sorting order option in Batch Plotting dialog.

    Before Origin 2024b, books show in creation order and sheets show in appearance order. In Origin 2024b, both books and sheets show in alphabetic order.

    In Origin 2025, 3 sorting modes are added. Click the column header to toggle them.

    • Unsorted (default, old behavior before Origin 2024b)

    • Sort ascending (default in Origin 2024b)

    • Sort descending (similar sorting criteria as above type 2, but descending).

    Note: Sheets in same book as source graph always show on top.



    Plot Menu for Image Window

    Support plot menu for floating image window.

    Float the image window to the other monitor then check the Plot menu


    Remove the limitation of 16 color toolbar icon for custom toolbar

    Supoort 32bit color toolbar icon in custom toolbar

    Before Origin2025, only 16 color toolbar icons are supported. If you choose a 24bit or 32bit color image for custom toolbar and restart Origin, you will get Button group bitmaps must be 16 color message.


    Histogram Auto Binning improvement for arithmetic sequences

    Histogram Auto Binning improvement for arithmetic sequences

    When count(unique(input))<=10, we can sort the unique(input) and check if they are arithmetic sequences. In an arithmetic sequence, the difference between consecutive terms is always the same. If they are arithmetic sequences, assume the difference between consecutive terms is delta, bin size=delta, bin begin should be min-delta/2, bin end is max+delta/2.

    Implemented in Origin2025.


    Smartly adjust ticks when zoom in the graph

    Improve the rule of showing ticks to show better ticks values when zooming in

    In Origin2025 before, improve the below case that sometimes too few ticks sometimes too many ticks

    1. Zoom in graph with hotkey/red dot

    2. Apply scale of ROI in image to graph


    Save To Cloud support for project files

    Support saving project to cloud

    Can save project to cloud by menu: File: Save Project to Cloud…

    If there is existing opju file with same name on cloud, for OneDrive/SharePoint, will show dialog to ask replace or not; for Google Drive, save it directly.


    Enable Template Library Toolbar Button for Image Window

    When image window is active, the menu “Plot → Extended Templates“ and Template Library button is available.

    Import an image to image window then choose the menu “Plot → Extended Templates“ or Template Library button.
