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LaTeX using third party extension fails to show dark mode

In Dark mode, LaTeX inserted using third party extension is dark.

Fixed in Origin 2025. By default, it will show in white in dark mode.

Corresponding system variable @SVGDM (LaTeX SVG supports dark mode). 0 = off. 1 (default)= On.


Horizontal or vertical line sometimes disappear disappears when anti-aliasing is enabled

When anti-aliasing is on, resize graph window, sometimes horizontal of vertical line plots or error bars would disappear.

Fixed in Origin 2025.


Fit Page to Layer didn’t consider cut-off

When trying to fit page to layer, if a data point was not clipped, then the related error bar would be included.

Fixed in Origin 2025 so if it is not clipped, the error bar will not be included.


Strange string shows if Scale In graph with graph object

When Scale in graph with graph object, strange string shows

Fixed in Origin2025


OM fails to display correct info when switching folder if docked together with Project Explorer

Docked Object Manager with Project Explorer as 2 tabs, switch folder in Project Explorer and active Object Manager, Object Manager display wrong info

Fixed in Origin2025


3D graph display and plotting issue if fresh Origin instance

  1. Start a new Origin instance.

  2. Open the attached ORG29045.opju

  3. Plot a 3D Stacked Bar plot from columns A, B, C, E, F

  4. Select the plot layer frame and resize using the handles (or changing axis scale).
    ==> Plot disappears.

  5. Create a second 3D Stacked Bar Plot
    ==>No plots shown, axis scales are not even correct.

  6. Reopen the opju and repeat steps 3-5
    -->No issues

Fixed in Origin2025


3D Graph's Color Scale Title fails to show LaTeX formula

1.New project, open attached “3DTextLaTeX.opju“

→ notice that there are two 2D text objects on the graph, same contents.

2.Open Object Properties for one of them, paste the LaTeX Formula as the 2nd line, click OK.

Code Block

==> The normal text part became jagged.

Fixed in Origin2025


3D Scatter Projected Points are obscured by other points.

In a 3D scatter plot, the project points are obscured behind other points.

Fixed in Origin 2025


Tooltip of Parallel sets plot does not update when moving around

  1. make Parallel Sets plot

  2. mouse over link → tooltip shows

  3. move to other link ==> the tooltip in step 3 still show.

Fixed in Origin2025


3D Axis dialog only accepted Julian date

In a 3D plot, click on an axis dialog that uses Date format and go to Scale. Instead of the axis dialog showing Julian Date for From and To, it uses date time format.


Light mode windows coloring control

  1. enable dark mode, set dark mode theme to purple

  2. set background color in dark mode toolbar to #22222E

  3. activate workbook window, in script window run “mem -pw“ ==> GraphBK is <None> in worksheet.

Fixed in Origin2025


Collect issues for new arrow shape

  1. make 3d scatters plot

  2. add arrow object by toolbar button

  3. select the arrow, change its shape to new shape(circle/square/cross)

==> no change

Fixed in Origin2025


Layer Icon Disappear When Resize Window

  1. new worksheet, open worksheet properties dialog, set size with 8000 rows * 3 columns

  2. fill column A with row number, fill column B C with random data

  3. select all and plot lines

  4. enable Anti-aliasing, then resize window ==> layer icon disappear when resize window.

Fixed in Origin2025


Drag log scale issues

For log scale graph, drag the axis scale with red dot fails to extend range

Fixed in Origin2025


Bracket Issue when dragging end point to opposite position

  1. new graph, Select Add Round Bracket from toolbar

  2. select one end, drag it to top ==> shape is odd

Fixed in Origin2025


Calculation Error When Undo Margin Change

  1. plot scatter with row number,

  2. open properties dialog of legend, go to frame tab → check all margins are 12.4

  3. mouse over legend to show hand icon, then click and drag to resize margin to maximum size

  4. ctrl+Z, open properties dialog of legend, go to frame tab ==> left top margin is 13, right bottom is 12.5

  5. repeat step 4&5 ==> left=13, top=13.5, right bottom is 12.5. It seems left and top could be bigger in every time

Fixed in Origin2025

We also support undo legend margin change for 3D in Origin2025.


XYZ scatters are not in correct position if added on virtual matrix surface

  1. Open the attached OPJ

  2. Highlight the whole worksheet “data3D“ and create a surface plot from the virtual matrix

  3. Activate the worksheet “dataXYZ“, drag and drop column C in the surface graph to plot the 3D scatter plot

==>The coordinate of the scatters are wrong, The first point locates on X=-1 though it’s X value is 0

Fixed in Origin2025


Edits transparency resets color increment on Group tab

  1. make grouped 3D bars plot

  2. open PD dialog, go to group tab, set increment of bar shape to stretch, click apply

  3. go to pattern tab, change transparency, click apply

  4. go back to group tab
    ==> increment is changed to by one

Fixed in Origin2025


Change in order from applying System ThemeSystem increment list color to System increment list colorSystem Theme because color theme was not correctly updating

The issue in the past was when a theme included a custom color list, when setting the theme as the system theme, the color would not modify correctly.

Fixed in Origin2025


Redundant pattern fill for line plot

  1. new wks, fill with row numbers, make 2D line plot

  2. open PD dialog, go to line tab, check enable fill area under curve, click apply

  3. go to pattern tab, set fill color as index: col(b), patter as index: col(b), click apply

  4. set gradient fill as two colors, click OK
    ==> the whole graph is covered by pattern fill

Fixed in Origin2025.


Deleting some groups in OM will also mistakenly remove the ones in the bottom

In Object Manager, hold Shift to select multiple groups and remove, sometimes bottom groups are removed too

Fixed in Origin2025


Enlarged Graph only follows plot colors in first layer for multi-layer plots

When Ctrl+drag to select ROI region with Scale In toolbar, enlarged graph always follow the plot color of Layer1, In Origin2025, will follow plot color of corresponding layer


Second Axis with Formula Fails on Y Axis

Plot scatter with random number, active the Y axis and click Add Second Axis mini toolbar button, set Direct Formula set as x + 4, Inverse Formula as x - 4. ==> Wrong right Y axis

Fixed in Origin2025


Image display issue in Data Point Tooltip

1.New a project, open attached DPtooltip.opju

→ notice that col(C) in Book1 contains some images, first 2 cells' image is portrait orientation. (width < height)

→ notice on data point tooltip’s preferences, Type combo is set as “Single Cell“, and Column Width is set as 45.

2.Activate Graph1, mouse over the 3rd (or 4th) point to show data point tooltip

→ The image in tooltip can show completely.

3.Mouse over the 1st (or 2nd) point.

==> The image is cut off.

Fixed in Origin2025.


Symbol Fill Color fail to apply from theme when set symbol interior to open in same time

  1. drag attached Open Circle with Lighter Fill.oth to Origin

  2. create group scatter plots with random data,

  3. F7 to open theme organizer, apply the attached theme ==> symbol fill color is not filled

  4. click apply again → symbol fill color is correct.

Fixed in Origin2025.


Crash if Trajectory Plot Has Only One Arrow

  1. Open attached file "CR-45293 Trajectory arrow.opju", note there is a special point.

  2. Open PD, select special point "32" in left panel, Symbol tab, set Size as 0.

  3. select "original" in left panel of PD, Line tab, click "Arrow" checkbox, and set "Distance between Arrows" as 100.

  4. Click OK/Apply.
    ==>Origin crashes.

Fixed in Origin2025.


Junk dataset error after remove vm plot

  1. open script window

  2. Open the attached Contour Plots - Correlation Heatmap with Split Tile.opju.

  3. Activate graph2, click green lock and select change parameter.

  4. Click tri-angle button beside input branch and select C(Z), click ok.

  5. click F11 open learning center, select column and bar charts, double click Grouped Floating Bar

  6. repeat step5, click F11 open learning center, select column and bar charts, double click Grouped Floating Bar again
    ==> in script window,
    Junk dataset with NULL elements found !!! Name : #163808A2C50YLNx

Fixed in Origin2025.


Gibberish in QC(X-barR) Chart in COS

1.In COS start Chinese Origin.

2.Make sure “Use English in Reports and Graphs“ is checked on Options dialog, Numeric Format tab.

3.Create a graph with menu “*Plot > Statistical: QC(X-barR) Chart* “

==> There is gibberish on the generated graph.

Fixed in Origin2025.


Palette failed to show completely on Colorwell panel

1.New a project, open attached ColorWell.opju

→ notice the plot is color mapping on col(C).

2.Click on the plot, then click MT button “Symbol Edge Color” to pop up the colorwell panel.

→ Color List is selected as “Temperature“.

==> The color bar below showed almost all blue colors.

Fixed in Origin2025.
