Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






Data import failed after moving some newly created columns to beginning of worksheet

Import data via CSV/Text data connector and then add new column(s) at the end to do some calculation, etc. Then move such new column to the beginning of the worksheet.

Save the project and reload it.

Click the connector icon and choose Import to reload data.

==> Failed to import.

Fixed in Origin 2025.


XML Connector Namespace Handling

If the root element contains colon that denotes namespace (like “ADELlaserBeamPositionKpiHis:Report”), and then select it to import by XML Connector.

==>Failed to import.

Fixed in Origin 2025.


Ignore Data Connector in Data Sheet if Data Source is not from Files

For batch processing, when data source is not from file, it is not possible to connect to data from worksheet with Data Connector.

Fixed in Origin 2025.

When there is data connector in data sheet, connector should be ignored, the selected worksheet or range should copy to data sheet (paste from 1st column).




Failed to connect to mat/hdf/NetCDF file if file path contains unicode string on some PCs

MATLAB/HDF/NetCDF Connector fails to connect to mat/hdf/netcdf files if file path contains unicode string on some PCs

Fixed in Origin 2025 SR1.






Export Excel failed with Japanese characters in Sheet name

Export to excel with Japanese characters in Sheet.

==> Error message: “Japanese characters“ sheet name does not satisfy Excel naming rule and is not exported.

Fixed in Origin 2025.


Preview in Export Graph failed if ever exported

New a project, make Message Log window visible, new a graph window.

2.Press Ctrl+G to open Export Graph (Advanced) dialog, click Apply.

→ it exports successfully and dumped the path in Log window.

3.Click Preview button.

==> Error message dumped 2 times “Fail to get extension for image type Unknown“.

==> Preview panel is still empty.

Fixed in Origin2025


Exported SVG failed to display axis notation

When exporting a graph with scientific notation on the axis, the graph did not display scientific notation when exported as SVG.

Fixed in Origin2025


System Parameter with cell linking failed to be exported as displayed text

  1. Open the attached (

  2. → There are 2 label rows in *Summary*table

  3. Right click *Summary* node and choose Create Copy as New Sheet

  4. select File; Export: ASCII

  5. Make sure Show Options Dialog is checked and click Save

  6. Select all labels and choose OK.

  7. Open the Exported file.

==> The second row labels are not exported correctly.

Fixed in Origin2025


Line objects on graphs cause issues

  1. Open KUNDU_2406_2406140908.opju
    ==> Origin freezes in 2023 or older.

  2. Try to print
    ==> Origin freezes.

  3. Reopen .opju and try to export graph
    ==> Freeze.

  4. Reopen .opju and try to copy graph to clipboard
    ==> Freeze.

Fixed in Origin2025


copy graph as image mess up when set do not clip in MT

  1. select 4 rows of column A B, fill row number, plot column+label

  2. go to column B set as categorical

  3. select layer in graph, set do not clip in MT

  4. ctrl-click a point to fade out others,

  5. ctrl+alt+J to copy graph as image, with default setting (type=png, DPI=300), ok

  6. go to word, paste ==> column plot is not show in layer, the size of tick labels is too big

Fixed in Origin2025


export SVG became slow

  1. Open the attached project file gww.opju.

  2. run script

sec; expG2img type:=svg path:="%Y"; watch;

==> it took several seconds to export the graph in 2024b, but it takes less than 1 sec in 2024.

Fixed in Origin2025


Export Graph Dialog should not change Dark Mode setting in Preference Dialog

  1. new graph, select export graph or export graph (advanced)

  2. select follow dark mode colors, ok

  3. new another graph, select send graphs to pdf from app bar (install Send Graphs to PDF app)

  4. select a pdf path for save file as option, ok

  5. open the pdf ==> graph use dark mode color. After step 2, Dark Mode: Copy as displayed, excluding background auto color in Preference: Options dialog Page tab is selected. For export tools that do not provide follow dark mode colors checkbox, they will just follow settings in Preference: Options dialog.

Fixed in Origin2025


Big Gap Show in Report Sheet After Print

  1. open reportstyletest.opju in

    Jira Legacy
    serverSystem Jira

  2. active linear fit report, select File; Print Preview (in Easwar’s step, he Print to the printer),

  3. close preview ==> there are black block under Parameter table

  4. close the parameter branch, and expand it ==> big gap show.

Fixed in Origin2025.
