Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Top Features

  • New Graph Type: Parallel Plot
  • Better Backup System for Each Project
  • Data Visualization Improvements in Graph: Tooltip, Faceaway of unselected plot
  • Matrix in Workbook
  • Common Display Across Layers
  • Fit Layers to Page to place layers nicely within graph page.
  • Preview of Worksheet


ORG-17633Workbook Preview and Thumbnail
  • Extra large icon view and Preview of workbook in Windows Explorer.
  • In Project Explorer, Extra large icon view and tooltip.
ORG-17631New Workbook DialogWhen user launches Origin, start a new project or folder, New Workbook dialog opens for user to pick workbook from templates or construct the columns in workbook.
ORG-17477Sheet Copy Paste across Origin sessions

Right-click on the sheet tab, two new context menu items are available.

  • Copy Sheet
  • Paste as New Sheet

Use Copy Sheet to copy current sheet with all information(including the header lines and structure) into the clipboard, and then use Paste as New Sheet to paste it as a new sheet from the clipboard into a new layer or new window.

LabTalk command is also provided,

Code Block
clip -cs; /// copy active sheet
clip -ps; /// paste sheet to active book from clipboard, if possible
clip -psn; /// paste sheet to new book from clipboard, if possible

ORG-17653Active Window Indicator

When there are many child windows, it's hard to tell which window is active.

A magenta frame is added around active window title bar 

System Variables

@AWI = bits as follows
0 = No Indicator 1 = Dashed line rectangle 2 = Solid line rectangle 4 = thicker line
@AWF=0 (default), no flashing
@AWF=100, in milliseconds, the flashing time

@AWC for indicator color
ORG-17409Hide folder in bottom panel of Project Explorer

We are working on supporting moving windows in bottom panel to reorder them. If there are folders in subfolder, it's hard to reorder windows. So we hide folder in bottom panel.

  • Folder structure will only show in top panel. 
  • Set system variable @PEF=1 to show folder in bottom panel
  • When mousing over folder in top panel, tooltip will show about folder comments, size, etc. 
ORG-9615Easier way to create Master page
  • Choose File: New: Master Page will create master page under root folder of current project.
  • Design logo, etc. on the master page.
  • All graphs in the project will have have elements, such as logo, etc. on master page.
  • If Rotate master page under root folder. The master page will be renamed as Portrait. Then only graph with portrait view will show logos, etc. on Portrait View.
  • If user has two pages under root folder, one is called Portrait, the other called Master. 


Better backup system for Origin projects

  • Backup folder parallel to User Files folder.
  • Each opj can have its own backup file
  • Easy access to backup files via Help: Open Folder: Project Backup Folder.
  • Change Backup folder location on System Paths tab of Tools: Options dialog.


Support naming custom color

In Colors dialog which is used to create custom color, a Name box is added to allow user to give the color a name.

ORG-17078Using English date format in C/J version

This will be useful for user who want to keep using English date format in C/J version

  • rename current "Use English in Reports" into "User English in Reports and Graphs" in change Language dialog
  • Add User English in Reports and Graphs checkbox in Numeric Format tab of tools options dialog
ORG-4006Show Tooltip for Data Point when Mouseover

  • System Variable @PTI=0 to turn off show tooltip for Data Point
  • System Variable @PT=0 to turn off show tooltip (Include Data Point Tooltip and Data Plot Tooltip)
ORG-16691Right click Data Point Tooltip to show context menu 

The context menu include five sub menu

  • Go to Sheet
  • Show Data Plot Tooltip
  • Pick Data Points...
  • Copy
  • Preferences...
ORG-16440Tooltip and Data Point Tooltip dialog
  • Double click the Data Point Tooltip or click the Preferences... in Data Point Tooltip to open Data Point Tooltip dialog
  • Support Image in Tooltip
  • Toogle Data Point Tooltip and Data Plot Tooltip from Context menu
ORG-17587Support Data Tooltip for Parallel Plot graph

If click the Go to sheet in the context menu of Data Tooltip, select all related rows

ORG-14614Add View in Order of Appearance in Object ManagerRight click below all listed items in Object Manager or Right click the Graph Level to toggle view option



Data Visualization Improvements:

  • When selecting plot in graph, fadeaway effect on unselected data.
  • When mousing over data points, data coordinates show and customizable. 

Parallel Plot

  • support rescale each axis independently or together.
  • curve the plots
  • Plot categorical data as Parallel set
ORG-17623Extend axis arrow so it can show outside axis endsUser can set offset of axis arrow so the arrow head is longer than original axis.



Batch Plot Improvements

  • Add data from many different sheets/books into an existing graph
    • E.g. After plotting a multiple panel graph with data in one worksheet/book, user wants to add data from other sheet/book to same graph. 
  • Add data from many sheets/books into a combined graph.
    • After plotting a complicated graph with data in one book with several sheets, user wants to create a similar new graph with all data in another book with different number of sheets.

GUI Improvements

  • Combine Batch Plot with Book, Sheet and Column into one dialog. There is Batch Plot with dropdown list on the top of the dialog.
  • Matching conditions to filter book/sheet are moved on top of the book/sheet list.
  • Batch plotting menus and toolbar buttons also combine into single button and menu.



  1. ORG-16220
Cluster Plot: Plot data with grouping column into multiple panel graphs with different XY scale.
 ORG-17379 Support scale factor for legend of fill pattern 

For example, code

 \L(1, PatternScale:p200) 

means set both X scale and Y scale of pattern to 2. 

 ORG-17567 Show Master Items on Screen should be default and convert existing
  • Allow any object to be skipped as master items
  • Apply page size to all
  • Allow rotate from landscape to portrait
 ORG-16558 Support total label for 3d stack column Support total label for 3d stacked column/bar.
 ORG-15881 OGL graph should support other arrow shapes like 2d arrow object Support more arrow shape like 2D in 3D OGL graph
 ORG-17060 Support special point for 3D XYZ bar graph Support special point for 3D XYZ bar graph. For special point, pattern and label tab are showed.
 ORG-17067 Support annotation in 3D OpenGL graph using 2D labels Support 2D annotation for 3D scatter plot.
ORG-17466Improve preview of 3D OpenGL graphs in XF dialogs


ORG-17639Support Add Matrix as Sheet in Workbook

To support an analysis template which contains both workbook and matrix, everything must be in one workbook.

So in Origin 2018b, we allow user to right click a workbook tab and choose Add Matrix as Sheet context menu. 

This actually adds the whole matrix book as a sheet in workbook. You can double click the matrix to open the matrix again.


SE of derived parameter should also be included in Summary table

Output the SE of derived parameter and in the Summary table.


Change code to calculate P value for tcdf and fcdf in fitting tools for significanceCalculate the P value more accurately in the Nonlinear Fitting Tools.
ORG-16680Add two built-in implicit functions for diode and solar cellThe SolarCellIV and ModDiode fitting functions are added in the Implicit Category.
ORG-16540Support define Implicit Function with integralSupport define Implicit Function with integral in the Fitting Function Organizer and Fitting Function Builder
ORG-12869PCA Wants Loading plot and BiPlot support Plot LabelPrincipal Component Analysis: Loading plot and BiPlot use the latest design: plot label tab in Plot  details dialog, and update Axis Labels "Principal Component 1" to be "PC1", add the value of "Percentage of Variance" to the Units label 
ORG-10828Frequency Count/Binning should support output format such as: 0-10, 10-20, etc.

2D Frequency Count/Binning output sheet creates 4  type columns ahead with following LongName: Bins of A, Bin Beginnings of A, Bin Centers of A, Bin Ends of A and create 3 label row : Bin Beginnings of B, Bin Centers of B, Bin Ends of B.

Frequency Counts output sheet creates 4  type columns ahead with following LongName: Bins, Bin Begin, Bin Centers , Bin Ends.




Command to turn on general Audit Log

new LT command

doc -log1; //turns on for current project with empty password doc -log1 test;//turns on for current project with password = "test" doc -log0 test;//turns off for current project
doc.AuditLog=; //(ready-only )returns 1 or 0 AuditLog is on/off for the current project.

New system variable that is Registry based added
In Script Window, run
@ALOG=1;//turn on Audit log on New project (untitled)

You can also preset this in msi installer script to set registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\OriginLab\Origin 9.5b\International\SysV\ALOG
with a DWORD value of 1

ORG-16968LabTalk LT to better support install uninstall of Origin files that D&D can install

Add the nlsf_install_fdf and nlsf_uninstall_fdf OC functions to install and uninstall fitting functions and supports .

LabTalk Access . New LT commandis supported:

run.section(dofile.ogs, OnInstallFDF, "%Yfitfunc\MyGauss.fdf")
run.section(dofile.ogs, OnUnInstallFDF, "%Yfitfunc\MyGauss.fdf")

Add the template_install and template_uninstall OC functions to install and uninstall graph templates and supports LabTalk Access.
New LT command

LabTalk Access is supported:

run.section(dofile.ogs, OnInstallTemplate, "%YMyGraph.otpu")
run.section(dofile.ogs, OnUnInstallTemplate, "%YMyGraph.otpu")


Better default set index for GetParameterResultsThe default value of second parameter of OC function GetParameterResults() was changed to 0.


OC to provide access to LabTalk LT properties on OriginObject

S2: Support accessing page properties by OC functions:Pagebase::SetProp() and Pagebase::GetProp(), for example:

void test_Graph_Set_and_Get_Properties()
	GraphPage gp;
	double vv;
	gp.SetProp("active", 2);
	gp.GetProp("active", &vv);


Support programming way to control Master Item display

S2: Programming way to view Master Items on Screen LT

page.master = 0, not export the Master item.
page.master = 1, export the Master item, but not view it on screen. page.master = 2, for screen, but ignore if bit 1 not set

However, if page.master = 1,  can use LT script "Menu -e 33096" to toggle viewing Master items on screen, but cannot control it.

 ORG-17687 LT command to remove dividers 

 Labtalk command to remove divider:

page -ADX -<opt> dividerindex;

Labtalk command to restore dividers:

page -ADGR;
ORG-16425findFiles x-function should support recursive folderNew variable "recursive" is provided, can set value to 1 to find the files in the recursive folders.
ORG-17295Problems Saving to or Opening from Google DriveOrigin 2018b supports the remote My Document case (My Document is set up on a network drive. )
ORG-17471Give user the option to default to use OPJ formatA new system variable:
0 Project to use new format and Copy Paste also new format
1 Project to use old format but Copy Page to use new format
2 Project to use new format, but Copy page to use Old format
3 Both will use old format
ORG-17263Autosave Untitled.opjOrigin 2018b supports to autosave for Untitled.opj
