Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Top Features



Active Window is indicated by a frame around the window. System variables available to control color and line style.

When there are many child windows, it's hard to tell which window is active.

A magenta frame is added around active window title bar 

System Variables:
@AWI = No Indicator
@AWI = 1, default, solid line, outside window frame

@AWI=2;title bar frame
@AWI=3;title bar top line

and add 4 to use thin line 
and add 8 to use dashed line
for example 
@AWI=9;//thick dashed line, window frame

@AWF=0 (default), no flashing @AWF=100, in milliseconds, the flashing time

@AWC for indicator color
ORG-17633Extra large icon view for workbooks and matrices in Windows/Project Explorer
  • Extra large icon view and Preview of workbook in Windows Explorer.
  • In Project Explorer, Extra large icon view and tooltip.



Add Matrix as Sheet in Workbook, allowing for creating analysis templates with image or matrix type data and results

To support an analysis template which contains both workbook and matrix, everything must be in one workbook.

So in Origin 2018b, we allow user to right click a workbook tab and choose Add Matrix as Sheet context menu. 

This actually adds the whole matrix book as a sheet in workbook. You can double click the matrix to open the matrix again.

ORG-17631New Workbook Dialog to manage  template samples and user-defined template

Create new workbook based on template samples and user-defined template

  • Opens when launching Origin, starting new project/new folder or choosing File: New: Worksheet... menu.
  • Select built-in or user-defined workbook template with preview
  • Set Default and Do not show check boxes available.
  • If choosing Do not show checkbox, you can later choose File: New: Worksheet... menu to see the dialog again.
ORG-17804Plot menu icon sizeUse system variable @pps to set scale from 0.5 to 2, zoom in or out the Plot menu icon size




New Fit Layers to Page Dialog

Margin control to fit all layers in graph into page area nicely.

User stories:

  • There are too much white space outside the layer. User wants to make the margin tigher.
  • Some text, axis title, or layer shows in gray area, so they will not be printed/exported. Use this tool to fit them into page siie.


Customize Layers/Plots/Axes Properties in Different Layers Together

By checking what you want to customize together on Layers tab of Page level of Plot Details dialog, and then go to a layer to customize settings, all layers will be customized together.


Easier notation when adding label to graphs in Merge Graph Windows dialog. Added support for Roman numerals.

a$ (default) – enumerate lower case letters
A$ – enumerateupper case letters
r$ – enumerate lower case roman numerals 
R$ – enumerate upper case roman numerals 
n$ or # – enumerate numbers
h$ – represent #

Graph## – Graph01, Graph02, ...

hsn$ means #1, #2, ....

Set Label Text as Custom and click the dropdown list to see Custom notations.

Notations can be combined, e.g. h$n$ to show #1, #2, ....

Labtalk Script example:

merge_graph labeltext:=custom labelcustom:=h$n$;

Tip: Click the > button next to Dialog theme and choose Generate Script, executable Labtalk script will be created.


Scale in linked layers support

If layers are linked with 1:1 X axis and area, choose Scale In toolbar button and click in graph to create enlarged graph. Plots in all linked layers show in enlarged graph. 




CSV Import: New option of STart New Rows added
Added a new Import Mode option:Start New Rows option for import CSV tool
ORG-17662MDF Import: Greatly improve the speed of MDF ImportTested with a big data customer provided. It used to take more than 1 hour to import the data. In Origin 2018b, it takes only about 1 minute.


ASCII Import:

Auto determine headerlines by leading characters in Import ASCII and Import Wizard

Origin's auto determine header line may not work well for all user's data.

One example is user wants to import files by removing all lines that start with # character.

In sush case, uncheck Auto Determine Subheader lines and then choose By Leading Character option and specify a leading char under Header Lines node in ImpASCII dialog. This option is also available on Header page of Import Wizard.

ORG-17791 P1Columns with merged column label will be treated as a unit so import data with Start New Columns mode will really import after the unit

If user merges some column labels e.g. Comments and import mode is set as Start New Columns. Then Origin will treat the merged column as a unit and check if 1st column in the unit is blank or not. If blank, import into it. If not, start new column after the unit and import there. 

System vairable @DCM=1;//disable check merged labels. Then Origin will work the old way before 2018b. Import into empty columns in the unit.
ORG-17791 P2Use existing columns with missing values to the right of worksheet when import mode is set as Start New Columns

Columns with missing values are still treated as columns with data. In the past, when user tried to import multiple data into same sheet with Multi-File Import mode set to Start New Columns, data will be imported into new columns after missing values columns. In 2018b, data will be imported into those missing value columns.


Better label for ascii import dialog

S1: Some label on ASCII dialog were changed:
1. Show blue hint "each character is treated as one delimiter" when the number of "Other Delimiters” is more than 1.
2. Multiple Delimiters --> Multiple Characters
3. Combine Delimiters as one Delimiter --> Treat Consecutive Delimiters as One (use a same label as ImpWiz)
4. Move "Header Lines" branch node above "File Structure" node, to be consistent with ImpWiz.

S2: Restrict editbox to allow single character input

On Import Wizard dialog, Data Columns page, the "Other" editbox is not allowed to enter more than 1 char.




Export Graphs as one multi-page PDF file"Export as multi-page PDF file" checkbox is added in Export Graph dialog to export multiple graph windows together into one Multi-Page PDF file.
ORG-17252Export graphs with PE folder nameWe introduce a new keyword like <PE parent1> which refers to the immediate parent folder name.
We can for now support up to 3 levels, so we will support <PE parent2>&<PE parent3>, but show only <PE parent1>-<long name> on GUI for now.

New menu and improvements to quickly set up and apply Master Page elements such as logos and timestamps to all graphs.

New menu item to open and customize Master Page and apply to all graphs

timestamps to all graphs.

New menu item to open and customize Master Page and apply to all graphs.


 Show master item on screen is default and covert existing.

 1. Any object with name beginning with "NoExport" will be skipped as master items. Use @UPN=1 to disable it.

2. We can use labtalk command to apply active page's width and height to all other pages.doc -pdad;

This command was made for the button on the master page.
3. LT command page -o r is used to allow rotate from landscape to portrait. "Rotate" button is on the master page template.
4. "Save" button is on master template.

Batch Processing


New App to distribute multiple files for Batch Processing across multiple cores, with final consolidated report sheet.

ORG-17383Save Batch Processing dialog settings into Analysis Template

this feature allow user saving current batch process dialog setting into analysis template, and apply it when do batch processing,origin will pop up a dialog ask if to save and where to save the analysis template with dialog settings when clicking ok in batch process dialog.

To turn off this feature by setting system variable @bsct=0 in system varibles dialog.

ORG-17526Rule changes on batch processing

We tend to have no dialogue, no interaction, in batch process. So the rule of batch process now becomes to:

  1. Before doing any batch process, user must make sure the input files format should be match with the last import settings in .ogw or filter in UFF.
  2. Last import setting must be used when check on "Use Import Setting in Workbook". filter file will be used when uncheck "Use Import Setting in Workbook".
  3. when filter is used, the proper filter should match: a. input file extension must be match with filters setting. b. filter file format must be match with last import settings in ogw.

Once user make analysis template with import ASCII, that means the template is only used for ASCII file. If user want to it for other type file, they must import another file from MENU and save analysis template again.


Support to add data from many sheets/books into a combined graph or an existing graph

  • Add data from many different sheets/books into an existing graph
    • E.g. After plotting a multiple panel graph with data in one worksheet/book, user wants to add data from other sheet/book to same graph. 
  • Add data from many sheets/books into a combined graph.
    • After plotting a complicated graph with data in one book with several sheets, user wants to create a similar new graph with all data in another book with different number of sheets

Combine Batch Plot with Book, Sheet and Column into one dialog

Batch Plotting GUI Improvements

  • Combine Batch Plot with Book, Sheet and Column into one dialog. There is Batch Plot with dropdown list on the top of the dialog.
  • Matching conditions to filter book/sheet are moved on top of the book/sheet list.
  • Batch plotting menus and toolbar buttons also combine into single button and menu.
ORG-17657Support import data to embeded matrix in worksheet cell when batch processing

If the embeded matrix exits in the analysis template, batch processing support importing data or image to the embeded matrix. Besides,  drag and drop to import data or image to opened analysis template is also supported.


ORG-17647Backup folder location moved to be same location as User Files Folder

Each Origin project will have its own backup file.


Access to backup files via Help:Open Folder: Project Backup Folder.


Change Backup folder location on System Paths tab of Tools: Options dialog.

ORG-17263Supports to autosave for Untitled.opj
ORG-17471Give user the option to default to use OPJ formatA new system variable:
0 Project to use new format and Copy Paste also new format
1 Project to use old format but Copy Page to use new format
2 Project to use new format, but Copy page to use Old format
3 Both will use old format
ORG-17295Save to save files to or open files from Google DriveOrigin 2018b supports the remote My Document case (My Document is set up on a network drive. )
ORG-17409Hide folder in bottom panel of Project Explorer

We are working on supporting moving windows in bottom panel to reorder them. If there are folders in subfolder, it's hard to reorder windows. So we hide folder in bottom panel.

  • Folder structure will only show in top panel. 
  • Set system variable @PEF=1 to show folder in bottom panel
  • When mousing over folder in top panel, tooltip will show about folder comments, size, etc. 




Labtalk New command to turn on audit log for all projects.

new LT command

doc -log1; //turns on for current project with empty password doc -log1 test;//turns on for current project with password = "test" doc -log0 test;//turns off for current project
doc.AuditLog=; //(ready-only )returns 1 or 0 AuditLog is on/off for the current project.

New system variable that is Registry based added
In Script Window, run
@ALOG=1;//turn on Audit log on New project (untitled)

You can also preset this in msi installer script to set registry
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\OriginLab\Origin 9.5b\International\SysV\ALOG
with a DWORD value of 1

ORG-16968LabTalk:  LT to better support install uninstall of Origin files that D&D can install

Add the nlsf_install_fdf and nlsf_uninstall_fdf OC functions to install and uninstall fitting functions.

LabTalk Access is supported:

run.section(dofile.ogs, OnInstallFDF, "%Yfitfunc\MyGauss.fdf")
run.section(dofile.ogs, OnUnInstallFDF, "%Yfitfunc\MyGauss.fdf")

Add the template_install and template_uninstall OC functions to install and uninstall graph templates.

LabTalk Access is supported:

run.section(dofile.ogs, OnInstallTemplate, "%YMyGraph.otpu")
run.section(dofile.ogs, OnUnInstallTemplate, "%YMyGraph.otpu")


OC: Better default set index for GetParameterResultsThe default value of second parameter of OC function GetParameterResults() was changed to 0.


OC: to provide access to LabTalk LT properties on OriginObject

S2: Support accessing page properties by OC functions:Pagebase::SetProp() and Pagebase::GetProp(), for example:

void test_Graph_Set_and_Get_Properties()
	GraphPage gp;
	double vv;
	gp.SetProp("active", 2);
	gp.GetProp("active", &vv);


Labtalk: Support programming way to control Master Item display

S2: Programming way to view Master Items on Screen LT

page.master = 0, not export the Master item.
page.master = 1, export the Master item, but not view it on screen. page.master = 2, for screen, but ignore if bit 1 not set

However, if page.master = 1,  can use LT script "Menu -e 33096" to toggle viewing Master items on screen, but cannot control it.

 ORG-17687 Labtalk: New command to remove dividers 

 Labtalk command to remove divider:

page -ADX -<opt> dividerindex;

Labtalk command to restore dividers:

page -ADGR;
ORG-16425X-Function: findFiles x-function should support recursive folderNew variable "recursive" is provided, can set value to 1 to find the files in the recursive folders.

Python: API for calling Origin from outside Python

ORG-17419Add a parameter for specifying the title of dialog created by "okoc_folder_browser"

Added a new parameter "lpcszInitTitle" to the OC function okoc_folder_browser, and the new parameter is used to specify the title of dialog box, now the function is:

int okoc_folder_browser(LPCSTR lpcszInitDir, StringArray* saFolders, LPCSTR lpcszInitTitle)

The new parameter "lpcszInitTitleis used to specify the title of dialog box, and its default value is NULL.


#include <Origin.h>
#include <okocUtils.h> void folder_browser_ex1() { vector<string> vsFolders; int nRet = okoc_folder_browser("C:\\test", &vsFolders,"Folder browser"); printf("%d folders selected!\n", nRet); for ( int ii = 0; ii < nRet; ii++ ) printf("Folder%d: %s\n", ii + 1, vsFolders[ii]); return; }


ORG-17378Support naming custom color
In Colors dialog which is used to create custom color, a Name box is added to allow user to give the color a name.
ORG-17078Using English date format in C/J version

This will be useful for user who want to keep using English date format in C/J version

  • rename current "Use English in Reports" into "User English in Reports and Graphs" in change Language dialog
  • Add User English in Reports and Graphs checkbox in Numeric Format tab of tools options dialog
ORG-16252Support auto install fitting function and origin template when installing opx
  1. Fitting function file(*.FDF) and origin template(*.otpu,*.otwu,*.otmu,etc) will be also installed after installing opx
  2. Install Support Files is removed from package manager dialog.


ORG-13536Cell-Embedded Image Needs to support Saving Matrix BookAfter insert an image file to a worksheet cell, double-click on it will pop up a matrix window, and convert the cell type from "LBmp" to an embedding matrix.