Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


ORG-18243Log10, etc. axis scale broken in Trellis Plot

In Trellis plot, if you change Y axis to log scale, etc. the panels will mess up. 

The issue only exists in Origin 2018b. 

ORG-18283Error bar fill failed to draw transparency correctly

Newly broken in 2018b.

Plot error bar as filled area. If the data plot isn't set as transparent

while error bar filled area is set as transparent, filled area shows hatched pattern.

ORG-18186Minus error bar failed to start from top of the bar

Newly broken in 2018b.

When plotting statistics bar of a column with error bars,

e.g. mean+sd, error bar failed to draw from the top of the bar


Align Color Scale with layer

Before Origin 2019, when selecting layer and then color scale

to align them and set uniform width, they are not totally aligned.

In Origin 2019, the header and tail will be ignored so they can align well.


Object/Text size changes when resizing graph page

If user sets layer size set to mm, in, etc. not % of page and scale factor fixed to 1,

then when making page wider, font should not be changed. 

Fixed in Origin 2019. Before Origin 2019, user can set system variable @psm=100

ORG-18077Axis Stats Reference Line e.g. Mean(plotdata(*, Y)) should ignore hidden plotsMean(plotdata(*, Y)) refers to mean of all plots. In the past it includes hidden plots. Now the reference line will exclude those hidden plots.


Origin crashes when clicking/draging the label with leader line in 3d scatterNew bug introduced in Origin 2018b. Fixed in 2019.
ORG-19224Box Chart: Fail to connect customized percentiles pointsNew bug introduced in Origin 2018b. Fixed in 2019.
ORG-19099Contour profile's arbitrary line not work for vm plotNew bug introduced in Origin 2018b. Fixed in 2019.


 Make Page Setup menu for changing page size/orientation less confusingNo matter user wants to change orientation(portrait or landscape), or change the size in Page Setup dialog, after pressing YES for "Printer and graph size is mismatched. Do you want to resize the graph to the printer's dimension?" prompt.
ORG-18669Fail to add straight line when source date data is time format
  1. source date data is time format
  2. Graph: Add straight line to open the dialog.
  3. modify the setting of At Value, enter value which is within the axis scale

==> hint is showed: please specify a value within the axis scale
==> apply button and OK button are unavailable

Fixed in Origin2019.

ORG-18460Pick Point Tool Fails When List Separator is SemicolonIn Windows: Control Panel: Region: Formats: Additional settings, set List separator as other, pick points window fails to work
ORG-18028Origin crash when set decimal symbol to '
  1. change decimal symbol to ,
  2. open origin and save a file(project or template)
  3. change decimal symbol to '
  4. open origin and load the file
    ==> Origin crash

Fixed in Origin2019

ORG-18555Data point tooltip display issuesWhen data pointsmouse is moved away from the data point, data point tooltip still stays




cell(nrow, ncol) function in F(x) of column header is brokenAfter cell() function is improved in Origin 2018b to accept a third argument, it fails with two arguments in SCV.
ORG-18234Set Column Value calculation failed to work in inserted rows

Newly broken in 2018b.

  1. Fill Column A with row numbers.
  2. Set F(x) of Column B as A*3
  3. Right click row 1 and choose Insert to insert a row on the top.
  4. Enter 4 in the new A1 cell.

  ==> B1 isn't updated.

ORG-18257Cell formula not accepts non-English sheet nameE.g. =単価!A1
ORG-19133Origin crashes when deleting matrix objects' analysis result New bug introduced in Origin 2018b. Fixed in 2019.
ORG-19002Function argument separators in cell formula in German version broken when save template file

In German version, decimal point is comma(,), and function argument separators is semicolon(;). So the correct way to call a function is like "table(A;B;25)".



ORG-19070Embedded graph failed to be deleted when deleting hierarchy sheet

For some analysis, embedded graphs appears in hierachy sheet. If user double click to open it and then delete hierachy sheet, the graph isn't deleted. Fixed in Origin 2019.

Click green lock in the double checked graph will delete the graph as well.

ORG-18456Wrong Row index result in PA if input partial data
ORG-18249Peak Analysis Auto Rescale doesn't work
