Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




ASCII file with NUL failed to import - Need better encoding guessWhen ASCII file contains consecutive NULL values, it will fail to be imported in Origin 2018b. Fixed in Origin 2019.


Drag&drop does not work the same as impWizard

D&D import fails when filter is using cDelimiters since Origin 2018. Fixed in Origin 2019.


Import single 1 text-only column issueImport ASCII file fails to import text as single column since Origin 2018. Fixed in Origin 2019.


impASC fails to import certain file in Origin 2018PRN files(Labtech) fail to be imported by Import ASCII tool since Origin 2018. Fixed in Origin 2019.


IRIG Time Import Fails in 2019 2018b 2018Import IRIG Time data incorrectly since Origin 2018. Fixed in Origin 2019.
ORG-18744some settings in import filter are ignored when do batch processingsome settings such as Number of Columns in import filter are ignored when do batch processing




Export issue for Step Horz and Dash Line

If export line plot which is connected by Step Horz, dash, the exported line become slope.
Fixed in Origin2019.



 Fail to export 3D graph as raster format in tightSet margin control as tight to export 3D graphs as raster format. The exported page is not clipped.
Fixed in Origin2019.
 ORG-18399Some elements not showing in layout/raster-export


User can workaround by set @FGC=0.


ORG-18496Advanced color list failed to work in LabTalk GetN dialog

Try Script,

Code Block
win -t Plot;
layer.color = 16777471; 
mycolor = layer.color;
GetN (Layer bgColor) mycolor:@CNCR;

==> The color list failed to show.

Fixed in Origin 2019.

ORG-18551DDE command error in G version and G Office

In German OS, Origin2018b G and Office2013 G

1. Open Origin and the Excel file in attachment.
2. Run below script in Script Window:

dde -c Excel|[Xdaten.xls]Tabelle1 idxd;
dde -rc idxd R1C1:R5C2 [Book1]Sheet1!R1C1;

3. Refresh

==>#Command Error!

To fix this problem, replace the second command with

dde -rc idxd Z1S1:Z5S2 [Book1]Sheet1!R1C1;

ORG-19149Protect sheet and save project leads to crash

1. new New a book, fill cols with data and plot

2. in In same book, add a sheet and insert the graph in any cell

3. protect Protect that sheet with script: layer -lw hex(182);

4. delete Delete that sheet and save project.

==>error "Junk dataset with NULL elements found !!! " dump into message.

==>origin crashes after new project.

ORG-18921Origin 2018b crashes when use using Certain User Files folder from 2017
