Versions Compared


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ORG-19070Embedded graph failed to be deleted when deleting hierarchy sheet

For some analysis, embedded graphs appears in hierachy sheet. If user double click to open it and then delete hierachy sheet, the graph isn't deleted. Fixed in Origin 2019.

Click green lock in the double checked graph will delete the graph as well.

ORG-18456Wrong Row index result in PA if input partial dataFixed in Origin 2019.
ORG-18249Peak Analysis Auto Rescale doesn't workFixed in Origin 2019.
ORG-18236Peak Analyzer fails to use if save template as with default settingRight click the workbook and save template as with default setting, Origin.otwu saved in UFF, then Fit peaks with Peak Analyzer fails to work. Fixed in Origin 2019.
ORG-18106PA summary graph does not show fitted curve if used PA Last Used themeFixed in Origin 2019.
ORG-18529Xfunction corr1 circular type issueCircular type in Signal Processing: Correlation algorithm adjust
ORG-18899Specific Data for two way repeated measure ANOVA fail to work after 2018 but it works in 2017Fixed in Origin 2019.
ORG-18622Mann-Whitney Test gets Run-time ErrorOrigin 2019 will show error message "Dataset is too large to output Exact P Value." for Mann-Whitney Test.
ORG-18302Correlation Coeffiecients flag significant correlations fails to update correctly for large dimension cols recalculationsFixed in Origin 2019.
ORG-17713One Way ANOVA Means Comparison Plot significant and non-significant legends colors should not change by dataFixed in Origin 2019.




ASCII file with NUL failed to import - Need better encoding guessWhen ASCII file contains consecutive NULL values, it will fail to be imported in Origin 2018b. Fixed in Origin 2019.


Drag&drop does not work the same as impWizard

D&D import fails when filter is using cDelimiters since Origin 2018. Fixed in Origin 2019.


Import single 1 text-only column issueImport ASCII file fails to import text as single column since Origin 2018. Fixed in Origin 2019.


impASC fails to import certain file in Origin 2018PRN files(Labtech) fail to be imported by Import ASCII tool since Origin 2018. Fixed in Origin 2019.


IRIG Time Import Fails in 2019 2018b 2018Import IRIG Time data incorrectly since Origin 2018. Fixed in Origin 2019.
ORG-18744some settings in import filter are ignored when do batch processingsome settings such as Number of Columns in import filter are ignored when do batch processing
