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ORG-19619Error bar in 3D Bar graph becomes thinner in exported image

Use system variable to workaround export issue.

@OGLSR=0 // for raster format
@OGLSV=0 // for vector format


Line Width not Accurate in Exported EMF, EPS, PNG

@LWO=0 in Origin 2019b to fix the issue.
Set @LWO=1 to go back to old behavior.

In 9.6 an earlier: to reduce the problem during EPS export, set the resolution in the export dialog (Export Settings:Advanced:Resolution) to a larger value . For example, instead of 300 use 600.


Date with milliseconds but rounds automatically can not be read correctlyWhen set Date format as yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss'.'## to import, the yyyy'-'MM'-'dd HH':'mm':'ss ss format data can be also recognized. only fixed for impASC, impCSV and CSV Connector.




nlbegin does not work fine when specify weight method

E.g. Import Gaussian.dat under Samples\Curve Fitting\, run script,

nlbegin iy:=(1,2) func:=gauss weight:=3; //3 for method "Arbitrary Dataset (=1/ci^2)"
nlend 1 1;
==>?--> It works, but in builds previous IR96Sr0_82, it reports error message "Variable value is not in predefined list, VarName = weight, VarValue = 3".
2. Run with "weight:=6", which for method "Variance ~ a*y^b".
==> Command error, reports "Please select at least one XYRange."

These issues starts in Origin 2019.
