Versions Compared


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Color palette is more friendly to people with color-blindness

Add two built-in color lists for color-blindness people: Q09 ColorBlindSafe8 and Q10 ColorBlindSafe15


ORG-14310Make SPSS import an optional feature

This is a very specific import type. It will become an option during installation, and not selected by default.

ORG-14240Better default settings when exporting graph as EMF/EPS/PDF on Remote Desktop

System variable @emrd controls whether to draw text via polygons upon drawing EMF in remote desktop environment.

We found since Win8, no such issues. So

For OS Win7 or older, the default value is set to 2.

For OS Win8 or later, default value is set to 0.

ORG-14359Add sparklines after Excel or CSV importSparklines are automatically added after imort an Excel or a CSV file.


ORG-14327Data label not shown at last point because for missing valuesLast point in data label should be the last plotted regardless the rest of missing values.
