Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Changing the order of grouped plots mess up the plot colorsChanging the order of grouped plots will maintain the color of each plot the order they are plotted.


The long name of 2D function plot is missing in the layer content dialogCan set long name and short name more clearly and long name is showing in the layer content dialog.


Keep annotation font size to default in font property dialog doesn't workThe default font size can be set in the annotation font property dialog.


Need to arrange the legends in legend flyout menu.Now add context menu to show legends horizontally or vertically.


Consistent context menu for graph windowRight click the image file in PE, gray area of a graph, title of the graph of graph window layer area without layer selected is giving consistent menu contents.


When the cursor in the Digitize is moved by keyboard, it's not updated in the Magnifier. The magnifier can see cursor when it's moving now.


Anti aliasing on more graph objectsNow AA applies on more graph objects such as arrow head, the curve of arrow, the border of rectangle object etc.


Failure to set default Background in Properties dialog of LegendThe default is correctly saved that deleting and reconstructing the legend will follow the default background setting.


Waterfall Z Source and Tick Label Improvementsapply different tick label display format for different z source cell type.


Plot Setup for multiple layers plot should auto show bottom panel: plot list by defaultimplemented


Support 100% stacked column with error bar.Uncheck the clip data to frame option to have the error bar display correctly.


Set level type as Reciprocal don't work in Colomap/Contours tabChanging level type to reciprocal works properly.


Fail to show LN in plot detail dialog if check use long names when availableLN is correctly shown on left panel in the PD.


preview of Edge color show incorrectly if resize row heightColor edge shows correctly even row height is changed.


Origin is freezing when doing function plot with large dataFunction plot works properly with large data.


Function plot doesn't work with dataset type definition2D Function plot can work correctly.


Stacked Column Plot does not have Overlap Option in Spacing tabThe spacing tab of the PD of stack column plot has Overlap (in %) option.


Plot details dialog not highlighted when click outside the dialogNot it is flashed correctly to indicate it's in front of all other windows.


Plot setup dialog doesn't always in front of other windowsIf access plot setup from layer contents dialog, windows behind plot setup window can be accessed and modified. It's fixed.


Incorrect Overlap of Stacked Column Plot.Solve the issue that the stacked column is not correctly displayed when overlap with other column.


Better handling on missing values in XYZ Contour graphsSolve the issue of plotting XYZ contour graph with some missing data.


Stack Line by Y Offset curve does not support log scalefixed.


Want Rescale to take care symbol size/line widthSolve the issue that large symbols are not taken care of with rescale button.


2D Waterfall should not always clip data to frame.Now unchecking the clip data to frame will show the clipped data.


"Draw only N error bars" only affect the 1st error bar in the layerIt works from the bottom error bars as well now.


Don't have access to PE folder name in legend.ADD @WP to legend update dialog to provide a way to put PE folder name/path in the legend


Annotation could not keep default font sizeFont size now can follow the settings of default font size.


Exchange x-y Axes fail to work after changing parameter in PP/QQ plotx-y axes change works ok.


GraphLayer fail to get group, after delete group plot and undo it.Group the plots in OC code doesn't lead to error.


Paste multiple text objects between graphs failed on certain PCMultiple text objects can be copy pasted correctly.


Setting tick counts as negative integer does not workCan set tick counts to negative values.


Support Edit the Connect Line on Stacked Column/Bar one by oneWhen it is set to independent for columns, the line tab still exists and user can change the connect line individually.


Provide better method to find max/min for colormap levels for grouped datasets.When multiple columns are used for color mapping, in the colormap tab, user can fetch the Max/Min of all the columns.


option to save whole book for graphs in OGG / OLE(@SOW)When a graph is saved as OGG or OLE, the whole workbooks is saved with the graph.


Contour plot with more levels need to speed up when set transparencyIt takes much less time to replot when the transparency is changed.


Plot failed to show after saving opj if Virtual Matrix name start with underscoreThe virtual matrix can't be named starting with "_" now.


support clipping for specific graph objects like peak markers.Add LT property clip for graph object to enable clipping of that object.


Subgroup size changed when change plot orderThe subgroup size keep unchanged when changing plot order.


Substitution in Text labels failed in OGG / OLE situationsSubstitution reference is properly saveed in OGG/OLE that substitution labels on the plot could correctly transferred.


 Missing data makes the tick label disappear on "Scale Type=Discrete"tick label can properly displayed even with missing data.


3D bar rescale and bar width should trim missing valueNow the bar width is consistent for the worksheets with and without missing data.


45 Layer makes Plot By Label not work fineMultiple panels by labels works properly now when setting pattern layout to be 5X9.


Step Horizontal line connection and Fill Area under Curve Improvements in Polar graphHorizontal connection in polar graph should along the circle and vertical connection should along the radius towards the center.


Color List tab is missing when fill area is set to Increment/IndexingColor List tab is showing now.


Time data in STFT's output matrix is wrong after changing the overlap points. The time scale keeps unchanged after pts overlap value is changed.


exported EPS places the plot at left bottom when opening by Acrobat/GSview.It can can be displayed properly in Acrobat/GSview.


Angle is not right in Smith Chart's Convert to Mag/Angle button.tan2 function is now used to calculate the angle.


Need improve Fit Page to Layers for Inserted IMG Image.Fit Page to Layers now ignore the clipped part of the inserted image.


Better way to handle missing values when plotting or re-scalingignore the lines containing missing variables in plotting scale, scale in, rescale, etc.


Show/Hide status and subrange of plot should be kept when Clone templateNow clone template saves the show/hide status and subrange of plot.


Origin crashed when contour above level is same as last major levelNow it is forbidden to set such values.




OK button on Select Data Set dialog is always grayed outPlot a graph with more than 9 dataset. Choose Data: More... menu. The OK button was always grayed out in the dialog. Broken in 9.1 and 2015.
