Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.






Open Symbol in Dark Mode is NOT shown as open symbol

Because of the Default Symbol Fill Color is white on Graph tab of Preferences: Options dialog, in Dark mode, if user set scatter graph symbol as Open shape, the fill color is always white so it looks like a solid shape.

Improved in Origin 2024 SR1 so that in dark mode, the fill color will reverse to black.

Image Added

Note: Open shape means a symbol can have edge color and fill color separately.

If you want no fill color so the symbol is hollow, after setting symbol shape to open shape, please set fill color to None

Image Added


Crash if Polt Has Both Panels and Overlap Panels

  1. New a worksheet, select row 1~8, fill with row index, plot scatter.

  2. Open PD, go to plot level, panel tab.

  3. On Horizontal Panel, click By size, check Overlap Panels.

  4. On Vertical Panel, click By size, OK.
    ==>Orign crashes.






Failed to Set column with number of comma decimal separator to Binary Column

This will happen to OS with comma decimal separator, or if user set the Numeric decimal separator to comma on purpose.

For column with two unique numbers only e.g. 1,5 3,0. Open Column Properties dialog and set Format as Binary.

==> - - shows in the column instead of 0 and 1.

Fixed in Origin2024SR1
