Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


New Graph Types












Grouped Heatmap Show in Same Cell


We support group for heatmap.


We can enable group control for heatmap, including:

  1. show Set as Group Begin and Set as Group End in OM context menu

  2. enable Group button in layer content dialog

  3. enable Group in plot setup context menu

In Plot Details, dialog, there is group tab. We can Show Multiple in Same Cell.

Support mini toolbar to easily cutomize graph













Align single layer relative to page - beta2


Enable toolbar buttons on Object Editor dialog for align a single layer relative to page

Before Origin 2024, the alignment toolbar buttons only works for multi-layer, multi-graphic objects, or layer+object selection.

There was no easy way to align a layer relative to page, such as center of the page horizontally, etc.

In Origin 2024, user can select a single layer and then use Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Vertical, Horizontal toolbar buttons to align layer to page.


Note: if the selected layer is one of the following, align it may affect position of other layers. Please unlink first, or not check the checkbox, or change size unit not to be % of linked layer first before alignment.

  • a parent layer (there are other layers linked to it & size unit set to % of linked layer)

  • or a child layer (linked to some parent layer with size unit set to % of linked layer, and the checkbox When dragged to reposition, also reposition parent layer checked)




Plot: Map menu added - beta2


Gather all plot types on map under this new submenu


Reorganized Plot menu so that it’s easier to find plot types on map





Page Auto Background Color on Screen


Set auto background color for graph/layout window when no is specified.

This mainly for display on screen.

  • Page Auto Background Color control is added on Page tab of Preferences: Options dialog. The corresponding system variable @gbc

  • By default graph page display color is Auto (old None) in Plot Details. Then auto color will be used on screen.

  • When copy page, printout, the background is none (transparent still) so it can work well with other applications with dark background.

  • When export image or copy as image, depending as image type, the backgroundcolor can be included.

User story:

Bright plot doesn’t look well with white background color. No easy way to set virtual display color of graph background.

Also before Origin 2024, when page background is none, it will be transparent and paste to PPT with dark theme well. But if double clicking such graph to further edit in Origin, it’s hard since the background is none (white) in Origin.

User doesn’t want to change page background color in Origin since it will affect printout. Plus when exporting or pasting a graph with none background and put it in PPT, the dark background or images below will show through.




Drag or scroll to change axis scale


Change axis scale without need to open axis dialog


Easier way to only change begin or end.

  1. Click on axis to see red dots on both ends. Drag it to new destiny, red line shows with axis value in Data Display window and status bar. Release the mouse to finish the change.

  2. Press X key, then move cursor closer to layer frame. Cursor will change into double horizontal arrow or vertical arrow. Drag.




Multiple ROI and Enlarged Graphs


Support Scale in multiple area in one graph. Hold Ctrl+Scale in toolbar to create multiple ROI and its corresponding Enlarged Graph, or right click one ROI and click Duplicate context menu




Plot_heatmapxyz Support Multiple Z to Compute Quantity


Support multiple Z with this xf. So input should be same as plot_xyz3dstack. Then we get multiple set of XYZ and run binning for xy and compute quantity for multiple Z. Each Z will be a virtual matrix.

If source data of XY is not set as categorical, we want to union elements in all X or Y column separately to get X Y of result virtual matrix.




Support categorical for Text on header row (for waterfall)


When Z Value Source’s label is categorical, we should use its categorical values to set up axis scale range.

And when axis type is Column Name or Label, we should check if it is categorical and then make use of it.


  1. Make a new worksheet, and add 3 extra columns. Fill row numbers to col(A), and random numbers to col(B, C, D, E)

  2. Change the Comments entries of col(B,C,D,E) to aa,aa,bb,bb , assuming these are categorical subgroups. Make a new 3D Waterfall,
    ==> Waterfall has 4 separate plots at Z, labeled as aa, aa bb, bb because they are NOT regarded as categorical. This graph arrangement cannot be corrected even by setting the "Z Value Source" is changed to "Comments" from "Auto".

In order to support categorical tick labels, must set these settings:

Axis Scale tab> Majora Ticks > Type: By Plot Column Label

Axis Scale tab> Majora Ticks > Column Label: Comments

Axis Tick Labels tab> Display > Type: Column Name or Label

Axis Tick Labels tab> Display > Display: Comments




Index/map plot elements by column label row - Beta2


For grouped plots, support indexing or map plot colors of each plot by column label row info.

For multiple plots, on By Plots tab, user can specify plots color etc. to change backed on column label rows.

3 options are added:

  • Index - index to text/number in label row.

  • Direct RGB - color by RGB value in in label row

  • Colormapping – map to numeric values in label row

E.g. in the following graph, the colors can be set to be indexed to Continents row info. in worksheet.

Image Removed




Provide Copy Path option in Theme Editing etc. dialog


We provide an option “*Copy Node Path*“ in the short-cut menu (placed under Delete item) to copy path.













LaTeX Equation Access LT Variable


Allow entering substitution notation in LaTeX Equation




Show label at min, max points - beta2


Easier way to label min, max points in graph


On Label tab of Plot Details dialog, user can check Show at Specified Points Only and enter min max begin end (space separated) to show labels at maximum point(s), minimum point(s), begin and end points.

Begin (also -1) is used to refer to 1st point in display in case user scaled in.

Before Origin 2024, there was only row indexing e.g. 1 for 1st point, 2 for 2nd point, 0 for last points. To label min or maximum points user would had to manually find the min and max’s corresponding row index first.


Graph Customization












Sort Alluvial Node by Frequency


We can sort Alluvial node by name/ frequency.


In Node tab, add Node Order by option above Gap between Nodes. dropdown could be

  • None: current way, order of data, or categorical order

  • Name: alphabetical order

  • Frequency: frequency of node in column




XF to Create Multiple VM and Plot Heatmap


A new dialog: plotmultivm to create heatmap with multiple info in one cell.

Command line usage for Existing Virtual Matrices type:

plotmultivm datatype:=vm irng:=VM1|VM2;




Layer Content and Plot Setup Issues to Create Heatmap


Plot setup and layer content could list virtual matrix


In layer content, we list Virtual Matrices in data type dropdown list.

We also do the same for plot setup, list Virtual Matrices above Loose Datasets.

It should also list “Heatmap“ in Plot Type list box.




Alluvial Label Improvements


Alluvial Plot Label On Top

Outside Node Position All Left/Right


In Label tab, add Position option in Show Label for plot group, under font, ratio could be Top, Bottom. Move Offset to 3rd line after this option.

For Outside Node Position, add Left, Right option before Top. This change could also apply to Sankey.





Fit Page to Layers Include All Graph Objects


In Fit Page to Layers dialog, add checkbox variable “go“ Include All Graph Objects in the end, default select it. Select it means all graph objects should be included when fit page, including graph objects that attach to page.

In Button Edit Mode (Ctrl+Alt+B), if a graph object is attached to page: a string “(P)” will be appended to the displayed object name.




Sankey Map Support Pie Node


show in and out pie chart instead of bubble


In Node tab of Sankey Map, add Show In&Out Pie Chart for Node checkbox under Fill color. Default is unchecked.




Increment by one or stretch depending on if it's color list or palette


When we set a color list, if increment is None/Binned/Stretch, we should set it to by one. For palette, no need to change current rule.


  1. Enter “s annotation” in Start menu and choose Line and Symbol Graphs - Multi-line-plot with Special Position Annotation Line sample

  2. Highlight all data in book and plot Browser graph: Color Lines

  3. Select all plots on left.

  4. Click on any plot and from mini toolbar Group tab, click Line color to change it to e.g. Bold1

  5. ==> The colors are not red, blue, green purple.

If go to Plot Details → Group tab, the Line Color increment is stretch.




Legend Background Color


For any text object(including legend), set frame to box or shadow, fill color should be None by default.


add sys var @TFC. default is 1. it set text object fill color be None by default. if set as 0, it set as white.




Browser Plot should support changing source data when intermediate sheet involved in plotting


  1. List the real source data in browser panel when one plot is created by one intermediate sheet

  2. Go to Source sheet should go to real source sheet instead of intermediate sheet

  3. show warning in smart hint when user enable browser panel for graph with intermediate sheet that we can not list source data

We only list source data in browser panel if there is one plot created base on one intermediate sheet.

It will show the real source sheet in go to source sheet context menu and MTB.




Better auto binning in XY and XYZ Heatmap


Better binning min, max, and increment to get better heatmap tick labels


Depending on data, better min, max and increment value for binning so better heatmap axis tick labels will show.




Colormap from a column support missing value


We add the Missing Value control on the Colormap/Contour tab, similar as contour plot




Want Label Form Support for Sankey Node


When there is node label column for sankey(FTWN), we could add Display Name dropdown after wrap text checkbox, dropdown list show columns in same sheet. Select it, we should replace Sankey node label with display name according to row index of node label.


It only works for Sankey(FTWN). If it is Sankey(FTW) or Sankey Map, no display label.




Automatically Set as Categorical for Column Label Row


  • Automatically Set as Categorical for Column Label Row

  • Use categorical value to map color index


Set following setting, it automatically set as categorical for selected label row

  1. Set Color by Column Label Row, method is indexing

  2. Set Layer background color by Column Label Row, method is indexing

  3. Set Z value Source

If a label row is set as categorical, we will use categorical value to map color list.













CSV connector failed to keep Text type column format


Added a system variable @IPKF to control which column format would be kept after import.


The @IPKF system variable is for CSV Connector only.

  • 0(default): keep date/time column format

  • 1: keep date/time/Text column format

  • -1: keep any column format




CSV Connector supports append rows from script


CSV Connector supports append rows to import more files by scripts.


LT sample scripts:

Code Block
string fname, path$=system.path.program$ + "Samples\Batch Processing\"; 
findfiles fname:=fname$ ext:="*.csv";
int num = fname.GetNumTokens(CRLF);
next$ = fname.GetToken(ii, CRLF)$;
if (ii==1)
	wks.dc.flags=256;	// turn on append rows mode
Tree tr1=wks.dc.optn$;
tr1.settings.partial.SetAttribute("Use", 1);




Connector failed for Date Time More Cases


Improved JSON Connector to support auto detect date time, and import it as date time data.


For example:

the 1996-08-20T00:00:00 value will be imported as 1996-08-20 00:00:00 with column format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”.




Want to choose variable for BioLogic Connector


Improved BioLogic Connector to support choose variable(s) to import.


When connect to BioLogic file, will show up Data Connector Browser for user to choose variable(s) to import.













Want export matrix window as image support graph objects


A new system variable @UPM can be used to control this (default = 1 means to include the graph objects and this fix, or 0 to use old behavior)


1.New a project, open attached “Test UPC.opju”

2.With matrix window active, select File menu - Export - Image, and export as *.png file with default settings.

3.Check the exported image file.

==> It does not show the graph object (the colorful one, named with “paths“)




Plot Highlight Improvements suggested by Thomas Preuer


We support exporting plot selection effect and data highlighter effect.

We can support it in Copy Graph as Picture tool and Export Graph tool.


Export Graphs Advanced will be later.

If there are multiple plots in the graph, we can select one of them and export the selection effect.

We can use data highlighter tool to highlight some data and export the highlighter effect.


Image Processing












Support multiple ROI intensity profiles for image window - Pro


Add cvroiprofile x-function to support ROI Intensity Profile for image window


  1. Open an image then add ROI on it.

  2. Right click ROI then choose Intensity Profile context menu to open the tool.

Batch Processing












Intermediate book issues on in batch processing


When batch processing with large files, Hide intermediate workbook due to OS resource exhausts


System variable @BIW to control show/hide intermediate workbooks

Code Block
@BIW=0;          //hide all intermediate workbooks
    =-1;         //do not hide any (current behavior)
    =N like 100; //default, Show only the first N books (N=100)




Batch Processing support specifying folder to import files


When batch processing with many files in specified folder, support Data Source as Import All Files from Folder and set File Extension to batch processing with specified data type




Support automatic update of batch processing reports when more files added to folder


When batch processing with specifying folder, if there are new files/deleted files/modified files, click Reprocess button to only reprocess on these file


  • If there is file with name that is not in file list, which is new file, if there is file that no longer exist, which is deleted file, if file modified date is changed, which is modified file

  • delete intermediate sheet for deleted files and modified files, delete summary info for deleted files and modified files, create intermediate sheet for modified files and new files, append summary info of modified files and new files to summary sheet




Batch Plotting support special points


In Origin2024 before, batch plot will not include any special point, now support


  1. Plot Line with any column, make a special point and enable its label

  2. Open batch plotting with the graph, set batch plotting with column offset. OK

→ Now special point with label shows in new created plot




Batch Plotting to support plot with intermediate sheet


When plot is created with intermediate sheet, support batch base on info in source sheet


  1. Try following case in Learning Center, search grouped interval plot and open it, recalculate the Interval Plot

  2. Duplicate the body sheet, batch plotting with Sheet, select duplicated body sheet

→ Create a same graph













Support different Digits for Value and Error in the result table


Add Custom Display for Error Value edit box in the fitting tools.


  1. Open fitting tools and go to Output: Graph: Result Table section, set Custom Display for Error Value as “.2“ for example.

  2. Check the result table on the fitted plot.

→ Parameter value show 5 decimal digits(default) and error value show 2 decimal digits.













Interpolate/Extrapolate multiple Ys from same X


Interpolate multiple data and based on same X.


In the past, the Analysis: Mathematics: Interpolate/Extrapolate from X… dialog can only do one interpolation at a time.

Now user can select multiple data to interpolate.

Signal Processing












Support Multiple XY as Input for Smooth


Smooth multiple data at the same time


In the past, the Analysis: Signal Processing: Smooth… dialog can only do one smoothing at a time.

Now user can select multiple data and smoother in one go.




Support span by x values for Lowess and Loess in Smoothing


Add span by x values for Lowess and Loess method in smooth tools


Origin support span by Proportion and Points of window when smooth method is Lowess or Loess. in origin 2024, span by x values is also supported. The conversion between x value and proportion is: prop=x/(xmax-xmin), default x value is 0.1*(xmax-xmin).

Data Handling













Split Worksheet and Append Worksheet Improvements


Put value in output sheets label when split worksheet by value change , and use sheet label when appending sheets


  • When splitting worksheet by reference column’s value change, the info. was lost in result sheets. In Origin2024, the value will be put to sheet label of each output sheet.


  • When appending worksheets and stack worksheets, sheet Label can be used as Data Identifier.





Join multiple worksheets by matching column with merge option


Support Merge Multiples By option in the wjoinbycol and wjoinbylabel XF tools


  • Rename original menu Join Worksheets by Column as Join Two Sheets by Column, which calls wjoincols XF

  • Add Join Multiple Sheets by Column menu, which calls wjoinbycol XF.

  • Add Merge Multiples by option in the wjoinbycol and wjoinbylabel XF.






Smart Paste from Excel --beta2


When paste data from Excel, Origin will do a smart checking to detect heading rows and paste to column label.

Also, when paste or import to column label, if there are at least three cells with common Date/Time format, the the label will be set as Date/Time format.


See below, copy all data from Excel. In Origin, new a workbook, paste to A1 cell or highlight column A to paste. Origin will detect the 1st row is heading and paste to Long Name label smartly, and the other data will still paste to data area.




Support set format for column label row


Support set format for the Long Name, Units, and Comments label row


Starts from Origin 2024, user can set format for the Long Name, Units, and Comments label row in the Worksheet Properties dialog




Rearrangement of Data Manipulation menu


Move Data Manipulation menu items to other menu


  1. Move Reduce Duplicate X Data, Reduce by Group, Reduce to Evenly Spaced X to Worksheet menu.

  2. Move Subtract Reference Data,Subtract Straight Line to Analysis: Mathematics menu

  3. For graph window,those 3 reduce XFs are still kept in Data Manipulation menu.





Worksheet Menu Restructure


Add a new main menu Restructure to put data restructuring tools together


For better worksheet data processing, add new main menu Restructure next to Worksheet, and rearrange the menu items.




Set as Categorical for Column Label Row


Support setting column label row as categorical


In Origin 2024, we supports color plots by column label. But if you plot 2 groups or 2 layers, the column label like “aa” in layer 1 will map to 1st color, but “aa” in layer 2 may map to 2nd color. So “aa” could not refer to same value in different plot groups or layers. With the categories supports, column label with same “aa” can map to same color in different plot groups or layers.




More Clear options in Worksheet


Add Clear mini toolbar button for single worksheet cell or worksheet range


When user select a single worksheet cell, block of cells, column label row, or click the left-top corner of worksheet, a new mini toolbar button Clear will be shown, allow to clear format, contents, or cell notes.


Data Extraction












Easy way to copy data from all Selectors


A new mini toolbar is added to easily copy data from all subranges.


In the past, after using data selector toolbar button to select several ranges in graph, there is only Copy Data button on mini toolbar to copy the selected subrange.

In Origin 2024, no matter which subrange is clicked, there is new mini toolbar button to Copy Data for All Selectors so that user can paste them into worksheet as multiple columns.





Using Data Highlighter to extract subset to multiple columns


Use Data Highlight to select subset and add them as new columns


There was only Start New Sheet, Append Rows and Append Rows with Gap options in the past when using Data highlighter to pick each highlighted region to create subset.

In Origin 2024, new Add Data Mode: Start New Columns is added when using Data Highlighter to create subset data.















page.nodark=1 to disable dark mode in a page


Use this to disable dark mode on specific child window.




Support X-Function load theme from theme file


X-Function support load theme from theme file in the project folder


Suppose there is a theme file MyTheme.ois in the project folder, X-Function can load it now.

Code Block
pa iy:=(1,2) smode:=1 theme:=MyTheme;
expg2img -t MyTheme;













Python support note window access


Add interfaces on accessing note window using Python.


Code Block
nt.append(text, newline=True)
nt.load(fname, askreplace=False)



... should throw an error in Python when saving to Read-Only project instead of an error message window


Added sysvar property to originpro to get and set system value.


For example:

to get @ECS value.

Code Block
import originpro as op



... supports slash in path


Python function supports slash in path


For example:

Code Block
import originpro as op
nerr ='D:/Nw.opju')

Origin C





















MATLAB and R Console support syntax coloring


Support syntax coloring for MATLAB and R Console.




Change more dialog to be Scintilla based


To make the dialog work better in dark mode, need to change more dialog using Edit Control to be Scintilla based.


Changed following dialog to be Scintilla based.

  1. Script Panel for Workbook, Matrixbook, Graph…

  2. X-Function Script Samples dialog

  3. R (Server) Console

  4. Matlab Console

  5. Import Wizard Data Preview and Variable Extraction Preview panel


Ease of Use












Dark Theme - beta2


Dark theme for workspace, toolbars, menus, worksheet, notes window, etc.

Using @ctp=1 to use dark theme for Origin.

Note: Graph page dark background is controlled by Preferences: Options. Page tab separately.





New Graph Types






Heatmap with split tiles

Plot: Contour: Heatmap with Split Tiles

Each tile in the heatmap can be divided diagonally or horizontally/vertically to represent multiple values for each cell.

Image Added

Data requirements:

  • XYZXYZ… or multiple Z columns with shared X,Y columns, where X and Y columns are categorical

  • XYZXYZ… or multiple Z columns with shared X,Y columns, where X and Y columns are numeric

  • Multiple worksheets, each containing a potential virtual matrix

  • Multiple matrix objects in same matrix sheet

  • Multiple virtual matrices

  • Multiple ranges (potential virtual matrices) within one worksheet

Support mini toolbar for easy customization, or further customization on Group tab of Plot Details dialog

Image Added

Group adjustment by

  1. Set as Group Begin or End in OM context menu

  2. Group/ungroup in layer content dialog

  3. Group/ungroup in plot setup context menu


Tile Grid Map Graph

Plot: Map: Tile Grid Map to fill discrete tiles with colors or 2D graphs

Press F11 and search 2024 to find sample graphs.

  1. Solid tile color in each tile

Image Added

  1. 2D graph in each tile

Image Added







Align single layer relative to page

Enable toolbar buttons on Object Editor dialog for align a single layer relative to page

Before Origin 2024, the alignment toolbar buttons only works for multi-layer, multi-graphic objects, or layer+object selection.

There was no easy way to align a layer relative to page, such as center of the page horizontally, etc.

In Origin 2024, user can select a single layer and then use Left, Right, Top, Bottom, Vertical, Horizontal toolbar buttons to align layer to page.

Image Added

Note: if the selected layer is one of the following, align it may affect position of other layers. Please unlink first, or not check the checkbox, or change size unit not to be % of linked layer first before alignment.

  • a parent layer (there are other layers linked to it & size unit set to % of linked layer)

  • or a child layer (linked to some parent layer with size unit set to % of linked layer, and the checkbox When dragged to reposition, also reposition parent layer checked)


Plot: Map menu added

Gather all plot types on map under this new submenu

Reorganized Plot menu so that it’s easier to find plot types on map

Image Added



Drag or scroll to change axis scale

Change axis scale without need to open axis dialog

Easier way to only change begin or end.

  1. Click on axis to see red dots on both ends. Drag it to adjust axis begin or end. For large data, while dragging, press TAB key to adjust dragging speed, press SPACE key to adjust crosshair cursor shape.

  2. Press X key, then move cursor closer to layer frame till double arrow shows. Drag to adjust axis begin or end. There is real time plot animation so easier to see how the final graph will look like.

Both dragging methods snaps to major ticks.

Note: System variable @DAA is the fast mode factor, default is 3, which means it will travel 3 times faster than the cursor movement.


Multiple ROI and Enlarged Graphs

Add multiple zoom in region of interests in graph and show each zoomed in region in a separate graph

  • Click Scale in button on Tools toolbar and single click on graph to add one region of interest (ROI) and enlarged graph for it.

Repeat the process will add multiple ROI and corresponding enlarged graph. Adjust ROI size.

Note: If pressing Ctrl key while using Scale in button, user can drag a rectangle in graph to define the ROI size directly.

  • User can also right click on ROI and choose duplicate to create multiple ROIs

Image Added


Plot_heatmapxyz Support Multiple Z to Compute Quantity

Support multiple Z with this xf. So input should be same as plot_xyz3dstack. Then we get multiple set of XYZ and run binning for xy and compute quantity for multiple Z. Each Z will be a virtual matrix.

If source data of XY is not set as categorical, we want to union elements in all X or Y column separately to get X Y of result virtual matrix.


Support categorical for Text on header row (for waterfall)

When Z Value Source’s label is categorical, we should use its categorical values to set up axis scale range.

And when axis type is Column Name or Label, we should check if it is categorical and then make use of it.

  1. Make a new worksheet, and add 3 extra columns. Fill row numbers to col(A), and random numbers to col(B, C, D, E)

  2. Change the Comments entries of col(B,C,D,E) to aa,aa,bb,bb , assuming these are categorical subgroups. Make a new 3D Waterfall,
    ==> Waterfall has 4 separate plots at Z, labeled as aa, aa bb, bb because they are NOT regarded as categorical. This graph arrangement cannot be corrected even by setting the "Z Value Source" is changed to "Comments" from "Auto".

In order to support categorical tick labels, must set these settings:

Axis Scale tab> Majora Ticks > Type: By Plot Column Label

Axis Scale tab> Majora Ticks > Column Label: Comments

Axis Tick Labels tab> Display > Type: Column Name or Label

Axis Tick Labels tab> Display > Display: Comments


Index/map plot elements by column label row

For grouped plots, support indexing or map plot colors of each plot by column label row info.

For multiple plots, on By Plots tab, user can specify plots color etc. to change backed on column label rows.

3 options are added:

  • Index - index to text/number in label row.

  • Direct RGB - color by RGB value in in label row

  • Colormapping – map to numeric values in label row

E.g. in the following graph, the colors can be set to be indexed to Continents row info. in worksheet.

Image Added


Indicate Graphic Object Attached to Page

(Page) after graphic object or text object in Object Manager

User can easily tell if a graphic object or text label is attached to page or not.

Image Added


Easier way to copy node path

Copy Node Path context menu added in Theme Editing dialogs

User may want copy the node path and use Python etc. to directly edit the node.


Auto Color for Graph Elements

More objects supports setting color to be Auto to have nicer color basing on the background

  1. We can set auto color for the following object:
    Axis dialog: tick labels, title, line and ticks, special ticks, reference lines axis
    Line single color in PD dialog
    Text object
    color scale

  2. If we set @WDCPA=1 and @GVC=1, it will load template in making new graph to convert to Auto.

  3. If we set @wdcpa=1 and @loada=1 before loading project, it will allow convert on loading opju


Link or share X and Y Axis From, To and Tick settings within a layer

  • Share Axis style for all axes

  • Move Link Axis Length to Scale with X:Y Ratio from PD to Axis dialog’s Show tab

  1. Support sharing Axis style within all axes in same layer, for now, only support for Cartesian 2D. Axis style do not include all style, only include limited options that user will mostly want to share:

    • tick label font branch,

    • title font branch,

    • Grid style(without show, without additional line)

    • Line and Tick settings(without show, without color)

  2. Move Link Axis Length to Scale with X:Y Ratio from PD to Axis dialog’s Show tab

Image Added


Show Image in Tick Label and Data Label

Origin2024 support show image in tick label and data label. Image size is controlled by font size.

Insert image in worksheet column/label row and select this column/label row for tick label, image will directly show in tick label. The same for show image in data label.

Image Added


Online Template for 2024

Added More online Template for 2024. You can get the latest online template via Tools: Template Center.

  1. Periodic Table

  2. Polar Heatmap

  3. Double Y StackedColumn Line

  4. X-Offset Scatter Plot

  5. Histogram with Range X Tick Labels







LaTeX Equation Access LT Variable

Allow entering Labtalk variable or LabTalk Substitution Notation in LaTeX Equation

Labtalk Substitution checkbox is added in LaTeX Equation Editor.

  • $(variablename)

  • substitution notation %( )

Image Added


Show label at min, max points

Easier way to label min, max points in graph

On Label tab of Plot Details dialog, user can check Show at Specified Points Only and enter min max begin end (space separated) to show labels at maximum point(s), minimum point(s), begin and end points.

Begin (also -1) is used to refer to 1st point in display in case user scaled in.

Before Origin 2024, there was only row indexing e.g. 1 for 1st point, 2 for 2nd point, 0 for last points. To label min or maximum points user would had to manually find the min and max’s corresponding row index first.

Image Added

Graph Customization






Sort Alluvial Node by Frequency

We can sort Alluvial node by name/ frequency.

In Node tab, add Node Order by option above Gap between Nodes. dropdown could be

  • None: current way, order of data, or categorical order

  • Name: alphabetical order

  • Frequency: frequency of node in column


XF to Create Multiple VM and Plot Heatmap

A new dialog: plotmultivm to create heatmap with multiple info in one cell.

Command line usage for Existing Virtual Matrices type:

plotmultivm datatype:=vm irng:=VM1|VM2;


Layer Content and Plot Setup Issues to Create Heatmap

Plot setup and layer content could list virtual matrix

In layer content, we list Virtual Matrices in data type dropdown list.

We also do the same for plot setup, list Virtual Matrices above Loose Datasets.

It should also list “Heatmap“ in Plot Type list box.


Alluvial Label Improvements

Alluvial Plot Label On Top

Outside Node Position All Left/Right

In Label tab, add Position option in Show Label for plot group, under font, ratio could be Top, Bottom. Move Offset to 3rd line after this option.

For Outside Node Position, add Left, Right option before Top. This change could also apply to Sankey.



Fit Page to Layers Include All Graph Objects

supportFit Page to Layers Include All Graph Objects

In Fit Page to Layers dialog, add checkbox variable “go“ Include All Graph Objects in the end, default select it. Select it means all graph objects should be included when fit page, including graph objects that attach to page.

In Button Edit Mode (Ctrl+Alt+B), if a graph object is attached to page: a string “(P)” will be appended to the displayed object name.


Sankey Map Support Pie Node

show in and out pie chart instead of bubble

In Node tab of Sankey Map, add Show In&Out Pie Chart for Node checkbox under Fill color. Default is unchecked.


Increment by one or stretch depending on if it's color list or palette

When we set a color list, if increment is None/Binned/Stretch, we should set it to by one. For palette, no need to change current rule.

  1. Enter “s annotation” in Start menu and choose Line and Symbol Graphs - Multi-line-plot with Special Position Annotation Line sample

  2. Highlight all data in book and plot Browser graph: Color Lines

  3. Select all plots on left.

  4. Click on any plot and from mini toolbar Group tab, click Line color to change it to e.g. Bold1

  5. ==> The colors are not red, blue, green purple.

If go to Plot Details → Group tab, the Line Color increment is stretch.


Legend Background Color

For any text object(including legend), set frame to box or shadow, fill color should be None by default.

add sys var @TFC. default is 1. it set text object fill color be None by default. if set as 0, it set as white.


Browser Plot should support changing source data when intermediate sheet involved in plotting

  1. List the real source data in browser panel when one plot is created by one intermediate sheet

  2. Go to Source sheet should go to real source sheet instead of intermediate sheet

  3. show warning in smart hint when user enable browser panel for graph with intermediate sheet that we can not list source data

We only list source data in browser panel if there is one plot created base on one intermediate sheet.

It will show the real source sheet in go to source sheet context menu and MTB.


Better auto binning in XY and XYZ Heatmap

Better binning min, max, and increment to get better heatmap tick labels

Depending on data, better min, max and increment value for binning so better heatmap axis tick labels will show.


Missing value color control in colormapped plots

There was missing value color control in contour plot only in the past. The control is added for any colormapped plot.

For plot with color mapped to a column, missing value control is added on Colormap tab of Plot Details dialog.

User can set the condition to treat as missing value and color for it.

Image Added


Want Label Form Support for Sankey Node

When there is node label column for sankey(FTWN), we could add Display Name dropdown after wrap text checkbox, dropdown list show columns in same sheet. Select it, we should replace Sankey node label with display name according to row index of node label.

It only works for Sankey(FTWN). If it is Sankey(FTW) or Sankey Map, no display label.


Automatically Set as Categorical for Column Label Row

  • Automatically Set as Categorical for Column Label Row

  • Use categorical value to map color index

Set following setting, it automatically set as categorical for selected label row

  1. Set Color by Column Label Row, method is indexing

  2. Set Layer background color by Column Label Row, method is indexing

  3. Set Z value Source

If a label row is set as categorical, we will use categorical value to map color list.


Support Filling to Next Plot for 3D Waterfall

Support fill to data plot in same plane(same Z value) for 3d waterfall.

In Outline tab of 3D Waterfall(3d wall with outline width=0), add Fill Area under Curve group


Tab key to change 3d Operation mode

Show 3D operation buttons when mini toolbar is turn off

When mini toolbar is turn off(under View menu), we show the old operation button when select layer.

Press Tab key to switch the operation buttons.


Apply Theme to Layer

We can apply theme to layer on Theme Organizer.

Add Active Layer and Specified Layers to Apply Theme to dropdown.


Support None option for border color of Histogram graph

Add None option in Border color control for histogram plot and box plot.

  1. Make a histogram plot/box plot

  2. Double click plot and go to Pattern tab.

  3. Click Border color

==> There is no None option on the color panel.


Pie Map support drag to reposition the pies like Bar Map

Support Ctrl+ drag to repositions the pies like what we can in bar map. Add Map tab for special point in Pie Map

In the past, could not move some overlap pie in pie map. In Origin 2024, Ctrl+ drag to repositions the pies is supported. Map tab for Pie Map Special point to control point offset is added in Plot Details dialog, with Position control and Leader Line control.



Layer Background Color Support by Column Label

New By Layer tab in Layer background Color control in Mini-toolbar and Plot Details' Background tab. You can set Column Label row to set layer color

In the past, layer background color only support single color. In Origin 2024, layer background color by column label of 1st plot is supported. Set by layers we will set it for all layers even if there is no common display. But single layer could still set single color layer background


XF Arrange Layers needs to have graph variable as input

Add a GraphPage variable igp for X-Function laymxn, assuming active window as input.

In the past, XF laymxn assumes active window as input, which is not convenient for script access. The variable is hidden, default value <active>, placed under ygap.


Template Library should allow opening templates without needing to add data

Origin2024 is able to open a blank template from the Template Library. Open Button is added to implement the feature.

Open button is only active for user’s template or Extended template. For system template, Origin will not enable open button for system template. Open button will open the window in current folder.


Support to calculate the value of stats reference line using data only inside the axis range

Add a new checkbox Use Data within Axis Scale Range for Calculated Values in Reference Line tab of Axis dialog. Checking it means reference line operation will just consider the data in the axis range.

In the past, add reference lines to a plot (e.g. the mean value) Origin calculates the mean value for the whole dataset. Now a new option Use Data within Axis Scale Range for Calculated Values is added in Axis dialog’s Reference Lines tab, under Alternate Fill option. When it’s enable, reference line operation will just consider the data in the axis range.


Want -1 to indicate start point in layer

For show at specified points only in Plot Details’s Label tab, -1 now is used to indicate 1st point in layer, so the plot label will show even if axis scale is changed.

For show at specified points only in Plot Details’s Label tab, Origin support 0 to indicate last point in layer. But for 1st point, index is 1, it will always indicate the 1st point in plot. Origin2024 will use -1 to indicate 1st point in layer, so the plot label will show even if axis scale is changed.


Duplicated Image Profile should have Separate Control

Add Save/Load context menu (under Rename) when right click on the profile line tab.

If you has many customized profile straight lines on image1, and like to transfer the profile lines to Image2. You can duplicate the graph, or right click the profile line tab and save the profile as file and then reload it.


Gap Between Subgroup for Column/Bar Plot

Add Gap Between Subgroup(%) option above Overlap option in Spacing tab of Plot Details.

In plot properties of Column/Bar plot there is a new way to apply spacing on Subgroups. Add Gap Between Subgroup(%) option above Overlap option in Spacing tab of Column/Bar plot, same dropdown list as Gap Between Bars. Show it when there is subgroup settings.


Option for error bar to follow line color instead of symbol edge color in Line+Symbol graph

Add a new system variable to change the meaning of error bar auto color: @eflc. With @eflc=1, it will follow line color.

Origin’s error bars color’s Auto (in Plot Details dialog’s Error bar tab) means following symbol edge color. Origin2024


Option for error bar to follow line color instead of symbol edge color in Line+Symbol graph

Add a new system variable to change the meaning of error bar auto color: @eflc. With @eflc=1, it will follow line color.

Origin’s error bars color’s Auto (in Plot Details dialog’s Error bar tab) means following symbol edge color. Origin2024 add a new system variable to change the meaning of error bar auto color: @eflc. Note default @eflc=0, error bar auto color should still follow symbol color. Set @elfc=1, it will follow line color.


Option to set Axis title offset from axis line instead of tick labels

Page level property to set axis title offset relative to axis line instead of axis line tick labels. Add a LabTalk command to implement it.

When stacking graphs, y axis title’s position’s X offset follows tick labels instead of axis line. Add a new LabTalk command: page.ytitle = 1, there is no such option for X title. page.ytitle = 15 means 15% from the layer frame, And use large value like 1000 to mean OFF


Fill Area improvements

  • Support Above Below Fill Color for Fill to Base: fill above base with one color and below base with another color.

  • Remove Y value: Plus Minus for Fill to Base

Fill Area Under Curve’s dropdown-list is rearranged:

  • Fill to Base

  • Sidelines Only

  • Fill to Data Plot

  • Fill Shapes by Orientation

  • Fill Shapes by Reverse Orientation

  • Inclusive Broken by Missing Values

  • Exclusive Broken by Missing Values

  • Span Vertically Broken by Missing Values

  • Span Vertically Pairwise


Show By Plots tab for single plot in tile grid map

Origin2024 show by plots tab in color fly-out even for single plot.

In the past, Origin only show by plots tab when there is multiple plots in group. For tile grid map, Origin2024 show by plots tab in color fly-out even for single plot. In this by plots tab, column label row section will be shown only.








Vertical Cursor needs option to write tagged points to a worksheet

For Gadgets: Vertical Cursor, when click Add Tag and Label, now it will also output the tag result sheet

If you want to keep the same behavior like Origin2023b or before, click the Add Tag and Label and does not output the tag result sheet, click Options button in Vertical Cursor tool, in Labels and Tags tab, clear Output Tags checkbox

Image Processing






Support multiple ROI intensity profiles for image window - Pro

Add cvroiprofile x-function to support ROI Intensity Profile for image window

  1. Open an image then add ROI on it.

  2. Right click ROI then choose Intensity Profile context menu to open the tool.

Batch Processing






Intermediate book issues on in batch processing

When batch processing with large files, Hide intermediate workbook due to OS resource exhausts

System variable @BIW to control show/hide intermediate workbooks

Code Block
@BIW=0;          //hide all intermediate workbooks
    =-1;         //do not hide any (current behavior)
    =N like 100; //default, Show only the first N books (N=100)


Batch Processing support specifying folder to import files

When batch processing with many files in specified folder, support Data Source as Import All Files from Folder and set File Extension to batch processing with specified data type

Image Added


Support automatic update of batch processing reports when more files added to folder

When batch processing with specifying folder, if there are new files/deleted files/modified files, click Reprocess button to only reprocess on these file

  • If there is file with name that is not in file list, which is new file, if there is file that no longer exist, which is deleted file, if file modified date is changed, which is modified file

  • delete intermediate sheet for deleted files and modified files, delete summary info for deleted files and modified files, create intermediate sheet for modified files and new files, append summary info of modified files and new files to summary sheet


Batch Plotting support special points

In Origin2024 before, batch plot will not include any special point, now support

  1. Plot Line with any column, make a special point and enable its label

  2. Open batch plotting with the graph, set batch plotting with column offset. OK

→ Now special point with label shows in new created plot


Batch Plotting to support plot with intermediate sheet

When plot is created with intermediate sheet, support batch base on info in source sheet

  1. Try following case in Learning Center, search grouped interval plot and open it, recalculate the Interval Plot

  2. Duplicate the body sheet, batch plotting with Sheet, select duplicated body sheet

→ Create a same graph







Support different Digits for Value and Error in the result table

Add Custom Display for Error Value edit box in the fitting tools.

  1. Open fitting tools and go to Output: Graph: Result Table section, set Custom Display for Error Value as “.2“ for example.

  2. Check the result table on the fitted plot.

→ Parameter value show 5 decimal digits(default) and error value show 2 decimal digits.







Interpolate/Extrapolate multiple Ys from same X

Interpolate multiple data and based on same X.

In the past, the Analysis: Mathematics: Interpolate/Extrapolate from X… dialog can only do one interpolation at a time.

Now user can select multiple data to interpolate.


Interpolate/Extrapolate to generate x values by increment, start from maximum and descending.

The Interpolate/Extrapolate tool supports the following:

  1. Generate X Data by Number of Points or by Increment.

  2. Allow "X Start" to be larger than "X End", and generate a descending x data when "X Start" > "X End".


Interpolate Y from X (interp1) puts output Y to immediate right of X Values to Interpolate by default


Modify Triangle method in Interpolate Z from XY tool

The algorithm for the Triangle method in Interpolate Z from XY tool has been changed.

The algorithm for the Triangle method is changed from calling the nag_2d_triang_interp (e01sjc) function to using OriginLab’s own code that is used to calculate the interpolation in contour plot.

Signal Processing






Support Multiple XY as Input for Smooth

Smooth multiple data at the same time

In the past, the Analysis: Signal Processing: Smooth… dialog can only do one smoothing at a time.

Now user can select multiple data and smoother in one go.


Support span by x values for Lowess and Loess in Smoothing

Add span by x values for Lowess and Loess method in smooth tools

Origin support span by Proportion and Points of window when smooth method is Lowess or Loess. in origin 2024, span by x values is also supported. The conversion between x value and proportion is: prop=x/(xmax-xmin), default x value is 0.1*(xmax-xmin).

Data Handling







Split Worksheet and Append Worksheet Improvements

Put value in output sheets label when split worksheet by value change , and use sheet label when appending sheets

  • When splitting worksheet by reference column’s value change, the info. was lost in result sheets. In Origin2024, the value will be put to sheet label of each output sheet.

Image Added
  • When appending worksheets and stack worksheets, sheet Label can be used as Data Identifier.

Image Added


Join multiple worksheets by matching column with merge option

Support Merge Multiples By option in the wjoinbycol and wjoinbylabel XF tools

  • Rename original menu Join Worksheets by Column as Join Two Sheets by Column, which calls wjoincols XF

  • Add Join Multiple Sheets by Column menu, which calls wjoinbycol XF.

  • Add Merge Multiples by option in the wjoinbycol and wjoinbylabel XF.

Image Added



Smart Paste from Excel

When paste data from Excel, Origin will do a smart checking to detect heading rows and paste to column label.

Also, when paste or import to column label, if there are at least three cells with common Date/Time format, then the label will be set as Date/Time format.

See below, copy all data from Excel. In Origin, new a workbook, paste to A1 cell or highlight column A to paste. Origin will detect the 1st row is heading and paste to Long Name label smartly, and the other data will still paste to data area.

Image AddedImage Added


Improve data format conversion on Copy Paste Column

Smartly change column format on pasting whole column with Date data

When copy whole column with Date data, and pasting to a new column, Origin will do a smart checking and set column as Date format.


Support set format for column label row

Support set format for the Long Name, Units, and Comments label row

Starts from Origin 2024, user can set format for the Long Name, Units, and Comments label row in the Worksheet Properties dialog


Rearrangement of Data Manipulation menu

Move Data Manipulation menu items to other menu

  1. Move Reduce Duplicate X Data, Reduce by Group, Reduce to Evenly Spaced X to Worksheet menu.

  2. Move Subtract Reference Data,Subtract Straight Line to Analysis: Mathematics menu

  3. For graph window,those 3 reduce XFs are still kept in Data Manipulation menu.

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Worksheet Menu Restructure

Add a new main menu Restructure to put data restructuring tools together

For better worksheet data processing, add new main menu Restructure next to Worksheet, and rearrange the menu items.

Image Added


Set as Categorical for Column Label Row

Support setting column label row as categorical

In Origin 2024, we supports color plots by column label. But if you plot 2 groups or 2 layers, the column label like “aa” in layer 1 will map to 1st color, but “aa” in layer 2 may map to 2nd color. So “aa” could not refer to same value in different plot groups or layers. With the categories supports, column label with same “aa” can map to same color in different plot groups or layers.

Image Added


More Clear options in Worksheet

Add Clear mini toolbar button for single worksheet cell or worksheet range

When user select a single worksheet cell, block of cells, column label row, or click the left-top corner of worksheet, a new mini toolbar button Clear will be shown, allow to clear format, contents, or cell notes.

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Improvement on the Fill Column with dialog

Support Apply button and switching columns in Fill Columns With dialogs

Support Apply button and Switching columns ability in the Fill Columns with dialog, includes patternN, patternT, patternD.

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Convert to XYZ Support Text Z

Convert to XYZ tool supports Text value for Z data

When convert worksheet data to XYZ format, Text value will be allowed for the Z data now.


Improvement on convert a range of worksheet to matrix

Improve the r2m x-function tool to support conversion options

Introduce converstion options in r2m tool to specify where x and y is.

Image Added


Increase Number of Sheets in Book

Increase the limitation of sheets in a book

In the past, only 1,024 sheets is allowed in a book, now user can add up to 4,096 sheets.


Color column mini toolbar improvements

Load Color List and Edit Color buttons added

Load Color List button is added when clicking on color column header to quickly load color list or palette file.

Edit Color… button is added when clicking on a color cell to open standard Colors dialog to edit or change color easily.


Worksheet status bar show more info

Show more info for worksheet in the status bar

  • Show Range (Maximum - Minimum) statistics info.

  • Show column format and data range info when a column is selected, like col(1): Text & Numeric [1:32]


Provide Rank() function in the SCV

Add a new function Rank() and show it under the function menu in SCV dialog

New function Rank(vd[, n]) is introduced, which return same result of sort.rank() method.

In Set Column Values dialog, you can find it under Function: Data Manipulation category.


Add Column Type Binary

New column format Binary is introduced

In Origin 2024, we introduced a new column format called Binary. It only allow two values (1 and 0).

To set a column as Binary format, you can do it with the column properties dialog, or set from LabTalk script like wks.col1.format = 9.

By default,

  • If you enter numeric data, "0" will still display as 0, and "1" still 1. Any values other then 0 and 1 will display as missing(“--”).

  • If you enter text, “yes” and “true” will display as 1, “no” and “false” display as 0. Any other texts will display as missing.


Apply user-defined parameter row(s) to other sheets

New mini toolbar button to apply user-defined parameter row(s) to other sheets

When select column label, a new mini toolbar button called Apply User Parameters to is added. Select it will duplicate selected user parameter to other sheets of selected range. And for user parameter with formula, the formula will also apply for all columns in target sheet.

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Copy Transposed Support

Support Copy Transposed based on selection

Copy Transposed is supported for selected range, and it copies in Text format only.


Insert discontinuous rows or columns

Support inserting discontinuous rows and columns

From Origin 2024, user could highlight multiple discontinuous whole rows, or multiple discontinuous range blocks, or multiple discontinuous whole columns to insert new rows/columns.







Undo Delete Matrix

Delete matrix book then undo is available.

Delete matrix book then press Ctrl+Z or Edit: Undo menu to undo.

Data Extraction






Easy way to copy data from all Selectors

A new mini toolbar is added to easily copy data from all subranges.

In the past, after using data selector toolbar button to select several ranges in graph, there is only Copy Data button on mini toolbar to copy the selected subrange.

In Origin 2024, no matter which subrange is clicked, there is new mini toolbar button to Copy Data for All Selectors so that user can paste them into worksheet as multiple columns.

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Using Data Highlighter to extract subset to multiple columns

Use Data Highlight to select subset and add them as new columns

There was only Start New Sheet, Append Rows and Append Rows with Gap options in the past when using Data highlighter to pick each highlighted region to create subset.

In Origin 2024, new Add Data Mode: Start New Columns is added when using Data Highlighter to create subset data.

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CSV connector failed to keep Text type column format

Added a system variable @IPKF to control which column format would be kept after import.

The @IPKF system variable is for CSV Connector only.

  • 0(default): keep date/time column format

  • 1: keep date/time/Text column format

  • -1: keep any column format


CSV Connector supports append rows from script

CSV Connector supports append rows to import more files by scripts.

LT sample scripts:

Code Block
string fname, path$=system.path.program$ + "Samples\Batch Processing\"; 
findfiles fname:=fname$ ext:="*.csv";
int num = fname.GetNumTokens(CRLF);
next$ = fname.GetToken(ii, CRLF)$;
if (ii==1)
	wks.dc.flags=256;	// turn on append rows mode
Tree tr1=wks.dc.optn$;
tr1.settings.partial.SetAttribute("Use", 1);


Connector failed for Date Time More Cases

Improved JSON Connector to support auto detect date time, and import it as date time data.

For example:

the 1996-08-20T00:00:00 value will be imported as 1996-08-20 00:00:00 with column format “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss”.


Want to choose variable for BioLogic Connector

Improved BioLogic Connector to support choose variable(s) to import.

When connect to BioLogic file, will show up Data Connector Browser for user to choose variable(s) to import.


impFileSel supports XF impMSExcel

Import impFileSel X-Function to support impMSExcel X-Funtions.

For example:

Code Block
string fname$=system.path.program$ + "Samples\Import and Export\United States Energy (1980-2013).xls";
impFileSel xfname:=impMSExcel fname:=fname$ trfiles:=tt;
impMSExcel fname:=fname$ trfiles:=tt;


XML Connector support UTF-16 format

Improved XML Connector to support UTF-8 and UTF-16 files.

UTF-32 is not supported yet.


CSV Connector cannot recognize Date format when reimport

Import CSV Connector to support “yyyy/MM/dd“ date format.

Auto detect “yyyy/MM/dd“ date format and import as date data in Worksheet.


Improve speed for import Excel files

Improved import speed of impMSExcel X-Function and Excel Connector for large excel file import.

1.Import import speed for large excel file.

2.Added sys variable @ELSS(Excel Load Singe Sheet) to support load single sheet, default value is 1.


Convert Column to Binary needs to be remembered for DC Reimport

When set column type to binary after import, re-import should keep column type as binary.

  1. Some connectors can covert column data to binary data correctly, like CSV connector, Origin Connector, TMDS Connector, Import Filter Connector, etc.

  2. Some connectors fail to covert column data to binary data, and show as missing values, like Excel Connector, JSON Connector, HTML Connector, etc.







Want export matrix window as image support graph objects

A new system variable @UPM can be used to control this (default = 1 means to include the graph objects and this fix, or 0 to use old behavior)

1.New a project, open attached “Test UPC.opju”

2.With matrix window active, select File menu - Export - Image, and export as *.png file with default settings.

3.Check the exported image file.

==> It does not show the graph object (the colorful one, named with “paths“)


Export graph with Data selected or highlighted

Show plot selection and data highlighter effect when copy graph as picture or export graph

If there are multiple plots in the graph, we can select one of them and export the selection effect.

We can use data highlighter tool to highlight some data and export the highlighter effect.

This is supported when coping graph as picture or use simple export graph dialog.

Not supported when using Export Graphs Advanced dialog.


Shapefile Export Support

We can export wks data as ESRI Shapefile (SHP)

File menu - Export - SHP


Print Script Window should be in Light mode

If Origin is in dark mode, Scintilla Editor should print in light mode



Code Builder






Improve theme in Code Builder Text Editor

1..Added Desert and Coffee theme back to code builder.

2.Change default Font to Consolas 10 pt.

Can change them by Tools: Options…



Code Builder in Dark Mode

Support Dark Mode for Code Builder.

Make following changes for GUI (Options dialog - MDI Tabs page):

1.Change to use “3D Tabs“ for MDI Tab style combo, and hide it from dialog.

2.Hide “Flat Frame“ checkbox from dialog.







page level property disabledark mode

page.nodark=1 to disable dark mode in a page

Use this to disable dark mode on specific child window.


Support X-Function load theme from theme file

X-Function support load theme from theme file in the project folder

Suppose there is a theme file MyTheme.ois in the project folder, X-Function can load it now.

Code Block
pa iy:=(1,2) smode:=1 theme:=MyTheme;
expg2img -t MyTheme;


Internal and LabTalk access for graphic object drawing order

Add new LabTalk property to access the graphic object position drawing order

Syntax: obj.order

Graphic object drawing order.

0x000F mask: 0 = all plots, 1 = plot group, 2 = individual plot, 3 = ref lines

0x00F0 mask: index (0-offset), only for plot group and individual plots cases

0x0100 = before, if not set, then it is after


Code Block

The rectangle will be drawn after the fifth dataplot: digit 4 is 0-offset dataplot index (which means it is the 5th dataplot), digit 2 at the end means individual dataplots.

Code Block

The rectangle will be drawn before the second group plot: first digit 1 means before, second digit 1 is 0-offset index, the third digit 1 means plot group (which gives the meaning to the index: it is the index of the group).

Code Block

The rectangle will be drawn after the reference lines. The first digit 0 (can be omitted) means after, the second digit 0 is not used (because the third digit is 3), the digit 3 at the end means reference lines.


LT support 3D OpenGL clip

3D OpenGL graph’s clipping support LabTalk access

Code Block
layer.clip //turn on/off clipping
layer.clip.x1, X2, Y1, Y2, Z1, Z2 //set clipping value


catrows support options to return different index

Improve the catrows() function to return different index

Code Block
//option=0 (default, if not present), current result, return a dataset of all indexes
//option=1, return a dataset containing 1st index of each category
//option=2, return a dataset containing last index of each category


LT access on plot subset

Add new properties to specify subset by column

Add LT access for the plot creation for SPC stage.

Code Block
layer.plot.subsetcol$=; //by column, range string like [Book1]Sheet1!C
layer.plot.subsetinc=;  //0:none, 1:within subset, 2:between subset
layer.plot.subsetsize=;  //by size
layer.plot.subsetgap=;  //gap%


Folded Normal Distribution

Folded Normal Distribution function can be used by Labtalk.

  1. Labtalk added Folded Normal distribution usage.

  2. Origin added CDF, PDF, INV VC functions and Labtalk functions







Python support note window access

Add interfaces on accessing note window using Python.

Code Block
nt.append(text, newline=True)
nt.load(fname, askreplace=False)

ORG-27303 should throw an error in Python when saving to Read-Only project instead of an error message window

Added sysvar property to originpro to get and set system value.

For example:

to get @ECS value.

Code Block
import originpro as op

ORG-27321 supports slash in path

Python function supports slash in path

For example:

Code Block
import originpro as op
nerr ='D:/Nw.opju')

Origin C






Provide OC function to print Note window

Improve PageBase::Print function to support print note window

For example:

1.Make sure a third party PDF application(like Adobe Reader) is installed, and set it as default app for pdf file.

2.Compile following oc code in Code Builder, and run NotesPage_Print_ex1.

Code Block
void NotesPage_Print_ex1()
	PageBase pg = Project.ActivePageBase();
    if( pg )
        Tree tree;
        tree.Pdf.FileName.strVal = "C:\\test.pdf";
        //0: print to pdf then print to the default printer
        //1: print to pdf only
        tree.Pdf.PrintMode.nVal = 1;
        BOOL bResult = pg.Print(tree);


Color Conversion Functions

Added following oc functions.

Code Block
void RGBtoLCH(COLORREF cr, double* L, double* C, double* H);
COLORREF LCHtoRGB(double L, double C, double H);
void RGBtoLAB(COLORREF cr, double* L, double* a, double* b);
COLORREF LABtoRGB(double L, double a, double b);
void RGBtoHSV(COLORREF cr, double* h, double* s, double* v);
COLORREF HSVtoRGB(double h, double s, double v);


Code Block
void RGB_LCH_convert(int rr=255, int gg=125, int bb=50)
	int rgb = RGB(rr, gg, bb);
	double l, c, h;
	RGBtoLCH(rgb,&l, &c, &h);
	printf("result: %g, %g, %g\n", l, c, h);
	DWORD dw = LCHtoRGB(l, c, h);
	printf("%d %d %d\n", GetRValue(dw), GetGValue(dw), GetBValue(dw));







MATLAB and R Console support syntax coloring

Support syntax coloring for MATLAB and R Console.

Image Added


Change more dialog to be Scintilla based

To make the dialog work better in dark mode, need to change more dialog using Edit Control to be Scintilla based.

Changed following dialog to be Scintilla based.

  1. Script Panel for Workbook, Matrixbook, Graph…

  2. X-Function Script Samples dialog

  3. R (Server) Console

  4. Matlab Console

  5. Import Wizard Data Preview and Variable Extraction Preview panel


Ease of Use






Dark Mode

Turn Origin interface to dark style, including workspace, toolbars, menus, worksheet, notes window, etc.

To turn on dark mode for Origin


  • Use dark mode toolbar (Can be found back from View: Toolbars dialog)

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Note: Graph page dark background is controlled by Preferences: Options. Page tab separately.


Dark Mode toolbar

Add Dark Mode toolbar to easily toggle dark mode on and off for GUI and window level, etc.

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  1. Toggle GUI: toggle dark mode on and off for whole GUI

  2. Toggle Dark Mode by Window Type: toggle dark mode on and off by window type

  3. Dark Mode for Current Window: toggle dark mode on and off for current window

  4. Background Color: specify graph dark mode auto color

  5. Update Sparklines: sparklines in existing project may not show in dark mode. Click the button to update sparklines in active window.


Support different dark mode color theme

Provide a variety of dark mode themes

Origin provide 6 build-in dark themes: Black, Blue, Coffee, Grey, Pumpkin, Purple from Preferences: Dark Theme menu.

To create user-defined dark theme:

  1. Choose Help: Open Folder: Program Folder.

  2. Go to \Themes\DarkMode\ subfolder and copy any ini file there.

  3. Choose Help: Open Folder: User Files Folder.

  4. Go to \Themes\DarkMode subfolder. If no DarkMode folder there, create it.

  5. Paste the ini there.

  6. Rename it e.g. MyGray.ini.

  7. Open it in Notepad to edit the colors. Most entries are self-explanatory. E.g. modify the workspace background color to light gray, and show red as active widow indicator.



  1. Select Preferences: Dark Theme: MyGray (user) to see effect.

  2. Every time making some change in ini file, save the file and click the toggle GUI button on Dark Mode toolbar twice to see updated effect.


Graph/Layout Dark Mode Color

Customizable Dark Mode Auto Color when graph/layout background is auto

This will be helpful for users who want to create dark mode graphs

User can turn on dark mode for graph/layout window types. When turned on and background is auto (new default), it will follow the dark mode background color, which is customizable.

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With graph window active, click the 2nd button on Dark Mode toolbar to turn on dark mode for graph/layout window type or click the 3rd button to turn it on for active graph/layout window only.

The color for dark mode in graph is a global setting for all graphs in dark mode and is customizable. Click the 4th button to change background color.

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Depending on darkness, black may auto reverse to white.

When copying graph page to other applications, by default what you see will be what you get, except background. Background will be transparent. If you don’t want reversed color, uncheck Preferences: Copy page in Dark Mode like on Screen checkbox.

There is also Follow Dark Mode Color checkbox in Export Graph and Copy graph as Image dialogs.

Useful system variables and script

  • @gvc - dark mode status of graph window type. 1=on, 0=off.

  • @gbc - dark mode background color, e.g. @gbc=color(100,100,100)

  • @gld - threshold to turn on auto color reverse 26(default) so only for very dark background, black will reverse to white. If u set it big, e.g. 50, even for light background colors, black may reverse to white.

  • page.revcolor=1 – reverse color on active graph window, 0 - not reverse

  • @dcr - what color auto reverses when
    0 = Off
    1 = Black only
    2 = Black and White only
    3 = Gray colors
    4 = All colors

5 = Customized (default) - use Preferences: Dark Mode Color Mapping… to edit the corresponding colormapping.


Add dynamic color reversal control on Page tab of Preferences: Options dialog

Provide GUI to control dynamic color reversal mode(@DCR)

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Customizable color reversal in dark mode

Color mapping for color reversal can be customized

Select Preferences: Dark Mode Color Mapping menu to customize the color mapping for color reversal in light mode and dark mode.

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Graphs can be exported with or without Dark Mode settings

Export or copy-page graphs with or without Dark Mode settings

To export or copy graph page with dark mode setting

  • Export:
    ”Export Graph” dialog: “Follow Dark Mode Color” check box

  • Copy Page

    Menu“Preference: Copy Page in Dark Mode Like on Screen”

(Note: Registry sys var Graph-Export-Follow-Dark @GEFD = 1, set to 0 to ignore dark mode)


Inserted table/worksheet support dark mode

Add system variable @tcp to control dark mode of inserted table/worksheet

System variable @TCP is added.

Code Block
0: following graph’s dark mode, default
1: following worksheet’s dark mode
2: light mode
3: dark mode


Support dark mode toolbar bitmap when making toolbar package/App

Origin support customize toolbar buttons with different toolbar bitmap in light mode and dark mode

Origin support dark mode since Origin2024, therefore, origin also provide way to use different toolbar button bitmap for light mode and dark mode. User can create 4 toolbar button bitmap files when making toolbar package/App, they are used in different situations as follows.

Code Block
toolbar_name.bmp: origin light mode, essential
<toolbar_name>_dk.bmp: origin dark mode
<toolbar_name>_dk_hi.bmp: origin dark mode with High DPI
<toolbar_name>_hi.bmp: origin light mode with High DPI
note: High DPI means Resolution>1920X1080 and dpi>=150

The bitmap files should be all 16 colors bitmap. light mode’s bitmap is essential, origin will use this bitmap if other mode’s bitmap is illegal or missing.


Support dark mode App Icon and App Toolbar Icon

Origin support customize app button icon and Toolbar Icon in light mode and dark mode

Similar as dark mode toolbar bitmap, user can create 4 app button icon files when make App, they are used in different situations as follows.

Code Block
AppIcon_name.png: origin light mode, essential
<AppIcon_name>_dk.png: origin dark mode, file format should be same as light mode AppIcon file.
<AppIcon_name>_dk_hi.bmp: origin dark mode with High DPI
<AppIcon_name>_hi.bmp: origin light mode with High DPI
note: High DPI means Resolution>1920X1080 and dpi>=150

App Toolbar Icon are similar(note: App tool bar icon is specified in Toolbar Icon editbox under App branch in package manager dialog).


Window title bar dark mode

Support dark mode for window title bar

System variable @WTD is added.

Code Block
1:Draw title and frame in dark mode if GUI is dark mode. default
0:never draw title frame in dark mode.


Make Dark mode unsupported message more obvious

When clicking the Dark mode toolbar/menu should show the text as a popping up message box.

In Origin 2024 SR1, when clicking the Dark mode toolbar/menu should show the text as a popping up message box.

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Sheet Switching Browser Graph

Turn on the left browser panel to change all plots to data from a different sheet

If user has many worksheet with same data structure and plot a complicated graph (including multi-panel) from one sheet, user can turn on the left panel to easily switch worksheet. Plots in graph will all be switched to new sheet.

How to:

Click edge of graph page so that page level mini toolbar shows.

Click the Sheet/Book Switching Browser Graph. (Note: the sheets doesn’t have to be in same workbook window)

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LabTalk Script Access:

Code Block
page.canswitch = ; //0, 1(sheet), 2(book)
page.switch("sheet"); //without book name means to use the same book


Change worksheet context menu for browser graph

Easier way to change browser graph to show all plots from another sheet

Suppose all plots in browser graph is from same worksheet and there are many such sheets.

Click Down arrow and choose Change Worksheet so all plots will be replaced with corresponding columns in another sheet.

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Add MT button on Axis pop up to quickly add Reference Line

Support Add Reference Line button in Axis mini toolbar to quickly add Reference Line

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Support mouse wheel horizontal scroll

Shift+Wheel to scroll horizontally

When there is a scroll bar in the horizontal direction for many windows arranged in main GUI or for single window, support Shift

+Wheel to scroll horizontally


Clicking Axis Line to give Red Dots to drag Scale

Click the Axis, drag the Red Dots moving in horizontal or vertical direction to change Axis Scale

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MT buttons Dark Mode Related

Add Reverse Colors button in Page mini toolbar to reverse colors on all elements

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+Wheel to scroll horizontally


Add Copy Plot mini toolbar on Single plot tab to copy single plot

For group plots, support Copy Plot button in Single tab to copy the data of selected plot

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Allow saving and re-applying custom window arrangement and for any DPI

In Origin 2024, User can arrange windows arbitrarily and save those settings. Then they want to work with the windows moving them etc, and later be able to re-apply the settings to get back their saved arrangement on any DPI.

In Script window/ Command window, run below scripts:

doc -wps filename; /// save settings, filename can be optional, relative filename will be saved to UFF

doc -wpl filename; /// load settings


Arrange Windows with Size of Active Window

In Origin 2024, Arrange Windows dialog adds Share Active Window Size checkbox.

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Support Bootstrap framework

for HTML and Markdown in Notes window

In Origin 2024, for HTML and Markdown in Notes window, we change to use Bootstrap framework.

Bootstrap is an open-source html framework support to switch between light mode and dark mode, and has a good default style.

Note: This framework not support IE, so if user switch to IE, the looks of notes will be different.


Icons for Sheets in Object Manager

Add icon for sheet in Object Manager to tell if a sheet is a report sheet/Mbook sheet/Notes sheet/Hierarchal sheet/Graph sheet

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for HTML and Markdown in Notes window

In Origin 2024, for HTML and Markdown in Notes window, we change to use Bootstrap framework.

Bootstrap is an open-source html framework support to switch between light mode and dark mode, and has a good default style.

Note: This framework not support IE, so if user switch to IE, the looks of notes will be different.


Icons for Sheets in Object Manager

Add icon for sheet in Object Manager to tell if a sheet is a report sheet/Mbook sheet/Notes sheet/Hierarchal sheet/Graph sheet

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Want sysvar to control where new folder is added when using toolbar button

Want a system variable to control where new folder is added when using toolbar button

Origin 2024 added registry a system variable @NFC, new-folder-current, set to 1 to use current folder as parent

Default is 0, the new folder is always added at root level, no matter which folder in PE is active.


Improve Custom Menu Organizer

Add Layout, Image, Note window type for build-in Menus tab and Add Custom Menu tab.

Add Layout, Image, Note window type for build-in Menus tab and Add Custom Menu tab.

Add a system variable to hide Excel checkbox: @ECEM(enable custom Excel menu). Default value is 0, 1 is show Excel radio,0 is not show. So for old menu that create for Excel window, user is not able to uncheck checkbox by default.