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  • The following table provides a summary of key new features with brief description, and where to find the feature.
  • Look in sections further below for detailed feature notes.
FeatureBrief DescriptionWhere to find it in Origin
Data Connector
  • Connect to a web file, or a file on your local PC or network
  • File types supported: CSV, Excel, ASCII/Binary (using Import Wizard filters), HTML, JSON, MATLAB, and Origin Projects
  • Select data to be imported, such as specific node in XML, table in HTML, or Sheet in Origin Project
  • Connection and data selection information is saved in worksheet/workbook
  • Add connectors of same type to multiple worksheets in a workbook, and different connector types to multiple workbooks
  • When saving the Origin project, you can opt to leave out the imported data associated with all connectors, or specific connectors. This can help reduce project file size. All calculated results and graphs from results will not be cleared.
  • Re-import data from the source file any time. Make changes to source or to data selection at any time.
  • More data connectors available for download from the App Center or from Data menu.
  • With OPJU, user can bring in one entire sheet from the source OPJU file/webfile.
  • Relative data source path and common data path for all connections in project. 
  • Accessible from the new Data menu (Data→Connect to File and Data→Connect to Web)
  • Also accessible from Connectors tab of Apps Gallary, which is docked on right side of the interface
  • Need to have a workbook/Matrix active

For Data→Connect to Web..., there are sample URLs for various connectors. Click on the Recent URLs menu in the Connect to Web dialog to pick a sample URL.

We have several blogs on data connectors:

CSV connect

  • can import both CSV and ASCII data with better auto detection of main header and subheader lines. 

Relative Data Source Path and Common Data Path:

  • If your data are stored under relative folders of project file: Set Data Source relative to Project path. If you move project and data sources together, their relative path is the same. So no update needed in project file. 
  • If there are many data sources under some common path: Set Data Source relative to Common Data Path. The Common Data Path needs to be set only in one Workbook.

LabTalk Access: 

  • wks.HasDC
    • 0 = no connector in book
    • 1 = connector using sheet as destination
    • 2 = connector not using sheet as destination
  • wks.DC.Source$: relative path, web source path
  • wks.DC.Path$: empty if not File path, absolute path
  • wks.DC.Sel$
  • wks.DC.Valid
  • wks.DC.SType: source type
    • 0 = absolute file path, this is the only value that is read-write
    • 1 = project relative file path
    • 2 = common data relative file path
    • 3 = web
  • wks.DC.Allow()
  • wks.DC.Reset(2)  //reset last imported data and label. Final released build will support wks.DC.Reset()
  • wks.DC.Import(): import active sheet, and this is what the Import context menu used, which is now calling to File.ogs [DCImport]

Book Level Import Command:

  • wbook.dc.import() or wbook.dc.import(0) : import all sheets, and this is what the Import All Sheets context menu used, which is now calling to File.OGS [DCImportAll]
  • wbook.dc.Import(1) : for the active sheet, open Select... dialog and then do the import.
  • wks.dc.Import

"doc -e LBC" to loop all sheets on book with Data Connector

  • Example: Loop all sheets with DC and convert data source to Absolute path, books not having connector will be skipped. This will save time since project may have some books with many sheets.
    doc -e LBC { %H=; page.Active=; wks.dc.SType=0; }

Adding DC to workbook using LabTalk:


wbook.dc.add("CSV"); wks.dc.source$=FromURL("")$; wks.dc.import();

Import Filter Connector and LT support:
wbook.dc.add("Import Filter");
wks.dc.source$="C:\2016\Samples\Import and Export\S15-125-03.dat";
wks.dc.sel$="test1.oif"; //filter in same folder as data. If in uff\filters, then use wks.dc.sel$="%YFilters\test1.oif";
HTML Reports

    • Use Origin's Notes window to create the report
    • Use Markdown or HTML syntax
    • Copy and paste-link metadata, analysis results, and graphs
    • Support for Placeholder sheet to copy and pre-format results for placement in report
    • Report can be embedded in workbook for use as Analysis Template for batch analysis
    • Report can be printed, or exported as web page with all associated images.


With Notes window active, go to HTML→Load Samples menu. You will find both HTML and Markdown samples.

NOTE: If you plan to write your own Markdown syntax, after opening a new Notes window, you need to right-click on title and select the Syntax→Markdown menu item. To switch between HTML and Markdown syntax, you need to first set to Text and then change to the other.

When in Markdown mode, you include html syntax, such as for setting styles, or for advanced formatting not supported by Markdown.

To view a sample OPJU showing HTML+Markdown reports:
Press F11 to open Learning Center. Then select "Analysis Samples" on left, then set the drop-down on right to "General Analysis"
Then select and open the file "Earthquakes - JSON Connector and HTML Report".
This gets data for last week's quakes from USGS and the updated data and graph are put into HTML and Markdown reports.

System variable to control using HTML or Markdown when pressing Ctrl+M

@NPS=0; /// 0 means HTML, 1 means Markdown

Clone current Project
  • Clone the current project by clearing data or clearing both data and operation
  • Maintain Data Connector link to current project from the cloned project
  • After cloning, you can further modify project and then save it for future use.

Menu: File→Clone current Project

This new menu replaces the old menu items File→Save Project without Data... and File→Duplicate Project without Data...

The cloned project can optionally maintain Origin Data Connector connections to the original file.

Exclude Imported Data when Saving Project
  • With ANY data import (not just Data Connectors), user can opt to clear the imported data when saving project.
  • This allows for your "analysis project" to stay small in size. You simply re-import the data, when needed, to perform further analysis
  • Right-click on Workbook, select Window Properties.
  • There is a new check box named "Exclude imported data when saving project."


Copy-paste Folders

Copy-paste workbook

Copy an entire Origin Project Folder and paste it within the same project or even to another Origin session running on the same PC

Copy workbook and paste n same session or another session.

  • To copy a folder, right-click on Folder/subfolder in Project Explorer (PE) and select Copy, or do CTRL-C and then CTRL-V
  • To copy a workbook and paste, Right click a book in bottom panel of PE to copy, and right click in bottom panel  of PE to Paste. 

Add Rugs to AxesAdd Rug marks to axes to indicate data density
  • From Plot → Statistics or Plot: 2D, there are Scatter, Histogram, Kernel Density Plot, Box Plot etc.
  • Open Axes dialog. You will see a new "Rug" tab with options
    • Works for multiple plots in same layer
  • Context menu on axis or rugs to copy and paste format
  • Negative size to show rugs plot within axis frame with axis tick labels still stays with axis
Export Worksheet or Book to Excel File..

Added support for exporting multi-sheet workbook as a multi-sheet Excel file.

File: Export: Excel

Sheets can be excluded by right-clicking on tab and selecting "Exclude from Excel Export" context menu

Improved/Reorganized Menus

More first level menus to avoid  too many entries in each menu

  • All Data import related to Data menu.
  • With Graph window active, there is Insert menu to insert all kind of things, such as plot, graphic objects, table, etc.

The Plot menu reorganization

  • Recently Used category on top.
  • Icons have been rearranged so user can see all plot types in same category at once.

Some context menu changes.

  • Last entry in left list renamed as "My Templates" for graph templates user created
  • Template Library icon added to bottom left for quick access
  • Improved Icons
Import Speed ImprovementThe speed of import ASCII and CSV is almost 50% faster. It also applies to CSV connector.

Ease of Use



Main Menu Reorganization

  • More horizontal menus.  (Import is removed to a separate menu called Data).

Workbook window active:

Graph window active:

Matrix window active:

Layout window active:

Notes window active:

No window active:

  • Import is removed from File menu and put under Data menu


Plot Menu Reorganization
  • Easier way  to see all templates in one category.
  • Recently used plot types are listed under Recently Used category
  • User-defined templates show under My Templates category
  • Quick access to Graph Maker and Template Library dialogs.

ORG-19335 S1

Copy and paste folder in Origin
  • Right click a folder in Project Explorer to copy the whole folder.
  • Right click another folder in Project Explorer to paste it there. 
  • Support paste to new session.
  • Support Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V hotkeys.

ORG-19335 S2Copy and paste workbook in Origin 
  • Right click a workbook in bottom panel of Project Explorer to copy.
  • Navigate to the destination folder in Project Explorer in same session or new session
  • Right click in bottom panel of Project Explorer to paste.

  1. ORG-19919
Project name shows at the beginning of Origin title

The information in Origin2019b title bar ordered as Project name - Path - Current PE folder - Origin version - Bit - License Type

If it's an unsaved new project, the order is Origin version - Bit - License Type - Untitled

  • Easier find which is current project name.
  • If multiple Origin opens, easier to use Window taskbar to find correct project to toggle to


Show column list view of Workbook as tooltip when mousing over workbook in Project Explorer

Set system variable @PEWP=0 to show regular view.

Block docked windows to auto expand when mousing over it

Customer complained Project Explore, Messages Log, etc. windows auto show while he is trying use tools on Tools toolbar which 

System Variable @AHBC is added to control this.

  • Set @AHBC=1 and restart Origin. 
  • Now move mouse on Project Explorer, it will not auto expand. You must click on it to see it. 


File:Clone Current Project ...

  • Clone the current project by clearing data only, clearing data and operation, or clearing and setting column calculation mode to None.
  • Add Data Connectors checkbox so the cloned project is connected to data in current project
  • After cloning, you can further modify project and then save it for future use.


Appending Projects Improvements

If user's projects

  • have no windows in root folder
  • contain only 1 subfolder

then when appending project files, and you choose No to not create subfolders for each project,

all windows will be put together to current folder.


HTML Report in Notes Window 
  • Support HTML and Markdown language in Note window, 
  • Toggle Notes window between Render mode or normal mode (Ctrl+M)
  • System variable to set preferred language when pressing Ctrl+M. @NPS, 0 means HTML, 1 means Markdown
  • Note can be saved/exported to disk including all related elements such as images in a subfolder
  • New HTML main menu with Notes is active, plus context menu on Notes window title. Main menu has "Load..." with pre-shipped samples.
  • It will auto detect if the loaded file is HTML or Markdown
  • Support print HTML Style Notes window
  • HTML code can link to graphs, worksheet cells, string registers, etc either directly or using a Placeholder worksheet

HTML field codes:

  • Direct Links
    • {{str://%X%G.opju}}   -- current project name
    • {{cell://[Book1]Sensor01!B[4]}}  --- B4 value in Book1, Sensor01 sheet.
    • <img alt="{{graph://Graph1}}" width="500">
    • {{table://sheet1!}} — sheet1 or current book, {{table://[Book1]FitNL1!Parameters}} — parameters table of fitting result sheet FitNL1 in Book1  
  • Placeholders, like {{SlopeValue}}. Right click Notes window title and choose Edit Placeholder... to open the worksheet. Follow instruction there
 ORG-19156Recently Used Fonts 

Recently used fonts show on the top of the font dropdown list

Fixed some bugs when typing to find fonts


Font control for Notes windowChange Font and Font Size from Format toolbar for Notes window. It applies to all Notes window.


Reset all dialog custom positions on new Origin session

There are cases user moved some dialog, script window, etc. to other location .e.g. another monitor and when restarting Origin, user couldn't find them.

So in Origin 2019b, by default the dialog locations will reset. 

Set System variable @RDP=0 to go back to old behavior.


Copy cell and paste to a range


Select A1 cell and copy (Ctrl+C). Select B1-B3 and paste. B1 -B3 will be filled with A1 value.

Select A1 - A3 cells and copy (Ctrl+C). Select B1-B6 and paste. B1-B3 will be filled with A1-A3, B4-B6 will be filled with A1-A3.

Set System variable @CPNB=0 to roll back to old behavior.


Reorganization of some controls on Layer level of Plot Details dialog
  • Rename Display tab as Display/Speed tab. 
  • Scale Elements moved to Size tab.


Group Folder Sharing Improvements
  • Set an Origin as group leader of multiple groups from Preferences: Set Group Folder Location... menu


  • Easier way to publish different files to different groups from Preferences: Group Folder Manager menu

  • Set an Origin as group member for multiple groups

  • For App (OPX) files published, it will auto install immediately after group member gets the file. No need to restart Origin.


Easier way to update all Apps to latest version

User can right click the Add Apps icon in Apps Gallery and choose Update All to updates all installed Apps to latest version.


Sort Apps in Apps Gallary

Sort apps by alphabetic order, newest, oldest


Support search in Template libraryUser can type keyword in upper-right corner of Template Library dialog to search for user-defined graphing templates.


Plot: 3D: Parametric Surface menu to plot 3d parametric plot from dataData needs to be organized in z, x, y, z(optional) matrix objects order in Matrix


New Graph Types

ORG-19307Rugs Plot
  • Several built-in Rugs Plot types, Scatter + Rug, Histogram+ Rug , Distribution + Rug
  • In Axis dialog, Rug tab is added to add Rug to axis with style and layout customization.

  • Context menu on axis or rugs to copy and paste format
  • Negative size to show rugs plot within axis frame with axis tick labels still stays with axis


Plot Heatmap from XY column or XYZ Columns

If XY columns is selected, Origin will open dialog for user to specify binning and counts to plot heatmap.

If XYZ columns are selected, dialog will open for user to specify binning, data identifier for Z, quantities for Z, etc to plot heatmap. E.g.


Split Heatmap
  • Plot → Contour → Split Heatmap.
  • In Plot Details, go to Spacing tab to adjust the gap

Graph Customization



View: Show: Frame will add frame according to current bottom x axis settings

In the past when using View: Show: Frame to add layer frame, it was a non-customizable thin black line. 

In Origin 2019b, it will follow the bottom axis color and thickness, etc. 


Customize line segment remove line between two points on a line+symbol plot

Ctrl+double click the beginning point. In Plot Details go to Line tab and set Connect as No Line.


Add Include option for Common Display so  adding layers, etc. will not affect existing layers. 


Use Number of X columns in worksheet to decide number of layers in Stack and Multi-Y Axes graph

Number of layers will be same as number of X columns in worksheet. 

E.g. data in worksheet is XY XYY XYYY, 3 layers will be created for each layer. In the past, 6 layers would be created, with one Y data in each layer.


Stack lines by Y offset by grouping information in column label rows

User can subgroup plots by column label row and offset them.

After plotting all data,

In Plot Details dialog,

On Group tab, set Enable Subgroup by Column Labels

On Stack tab of Layer level, select Constant or Auto radio button and choose 

Offset Between Subgroup (in Group tab) for Constant / Auto checkbox

ORG-18844 S2

Customize Histogram to show Relative Frequency or Density in each bin

Pick Relative Frequency or Density in Data Height dropdown list on Data tab of Plot Details dialog.

Then customize Y axis tick labels to show percentage. #%


Independent Transparency control for multiple patterns of one plot

The Transparency controls are on corresponding tabs in Plot Details dialog.

  • For two curve plots with below and above colors, areas above and below can have independent transparency.
  • For Violin plot with box, violin and violin can have independent transparency.


Independent Transparency of 2nd color in Gradient Fill

When user sets some pattern in graph to be gradient fill with two colors, for 2nd color, there is independent transparency control.

This also applies to page and layer color with gradient fill.


Support line style customization for 3D vector graph


Support highlight column in worksheet when highlighting plot on graphClick on a plot in graph to select it, corresponding column is highlighted in workbook


Support Color list as Colormap Fill

  • With Stretch to Full Range unchecked (default), color increment by one for different levels. 
  • With Stretch to Full Range checked, color will stretch from begin to end of color list.


Support same symbol edge thickness no matter symbol size big or small

In the past in bubble graph, edge thickness is based on bubble size so the bigger the bubble, the thicker the edge.

In Origin 2019b, a checkbox Scale by Symbol Size is added to control it. 


Blank circle in the middle of Polar graph

On Scale tab of Redial axis, there is a Center at %  box. Set it can add circle from center of polar.


Showing Date and Time profile label in Contour ProfileIf user's contour profile has X or Y axis with date or time, profile label will show so. In the past, Julian date was displayed.


Updated Tick Label Custom Display examples when combining multiple @options


Better handling of data point on the edge of layer frame

By default Clip Data to Frame is checked so data points outside layer frame are not be plotted.

But this causes issue such as symbol, error bar and data labels on the edge of layer frame will show in half, error bar show in half or not showing. 

We improved it so that if the center of the point is around the edge of layer frame, show the data point, error bar and data label in full. 

System variable @PEC=0 by default. Set it to 1 to roll back to old behavior of strict clipping.

ORG-19776Do not show symbol for line if a special point is created from labelIn the past, hold Ctrl to select label and move, examples as Graph Samples: Line and Symbol Graphs: Line and Symbol Graphs - B&W Line Plot in Learning Center, big dots are shown, in 2019b, it won't shown.

Legend and Label Improvements



Legend notation for controlling column plot and text

for column/bar kind of legend,

  • fill color only: Style: C
  • fill pattern only: Style: P
  • use plot's first bar's color and pattern: Style: P1
  • use pattern but custom fill color: Style:P#81F7F3

For text part of legend, adjust font size by a scaling factor.


Double click text side of legend enters in-place edit mode with cursor blinking

In previous versions, because the legend box shrinked to show Origin syntax when double clicking legend,

if you click on right side of text, the whole legend may be highlighted and if user pressed Delete key, all entries would be deleted.


Merge Graph Label Improvements

  • Label Each Graph in Merged Graph with Source Graph Short Name
  • More Label Position options.

In Merge Graphs dialog, go to Add Label node and set Label Text as Custom. Set Custom as %H.

In merged graph, source graph names show as labels of each graph.


Add label on specified indices for Waterfall

3 – 3rd data point position

0 - end point


Support leader line to labels of 3D vector graph


Allow moving axis titles to corners (vertices) of the ternary


Support Data label for polar line plot

Plot polar line plot and open Plot Details dialog. There was no Label tab. Fixed in Origin 2019b.

Import and Export

ORG-15634Data Connector 

Connect to various data types (CSV, JSON, OPJ, OPJU, Matlab, Excel, HTML Table, XML, etc.) from web or on hard-drive. 

One workbook can only connect to one type of data. Different sheet can connect to different file of that type

Icon is added to upper-left corner with context menu to change Data Source, select different node to import, exclude data when saving, reimport (Alt+4), etc.

Exclude imported data when saving project to make project file size smaller.


The speed of import ASCII and CSV is almost 50% faster

The speed is also faster when using CSV connector.


Export Worksheet or Book to Excel File

File: Export: Excel menu is added to export multi-sheet workbook as a multi-sheet Excel file.

  • Option to export current sheet only is provided.
  • Right click a sheet tab and choose Exclude from Excel Export context menu to exclude a sheet from export.


Replace existing data from Multiple files Importing

New option 3 is added to System Variable @ISE. When setting it to 3 and import multiple data files to a book with multiple sheet,

no matter the sheet is empty or not, data will be imported to existing sheet first. 

Suppose there is a workbook with 3 sheets. There are data in them.

Select 3 other files to import with Multi-file Import mode as Start New Sheet.

Data will be imported to the 3 sheets, instead of creating 3 more sheet and import them.


Smaller Dialog Height for Import Wizard in E and G OriginHeight of Import Wizard in E and G Origin is reduced from 688px to 600px.


Copy graph and paste directly to online documentation tools

Ctrl+C or Ctrl+J and then Ctrl+V to online documentation tools, e.g. Confluence page, etc.

System variable @CPGD

1: also copy dib  — default
0: no dib
-1: include dib if remote or openGL


Hide Import HTML Table from Data: Import From Files menuimpHTML XF is very similar to the HTML connector. So we hide it from menu.




Exclude Imported Data when Saving Project

With ANY data import (not just Data Connectors), user can opt to clear the imported data when saving project.

This allows for your "analysis project" to stay small in size. You simply re-import the data, when needed, to perform further analysis

  • Right-click on Workbook, select Window Properties.
  • There is a new check box named "Exclude imported data when saving project."


Allow Saving Workbook as Analysis Template even if no operation

E.g. The following dialog shows if there is no operation (e.g. Analysis, Statistics, Set Column Value calcualtions in workbook), asking user how to clear data in saved template


Filtering Columns based on Column Label Row

Show worksheet in Column List View (Ctrl+W or View: Column List View).

Then add filter to the column that corresponds to the column label row. 

You can then choose Ctrl+W to switch back to normal view.


More ways to Split Columns

Split Columns by a reference column is supported in Origin 2019b.


Use Column Short Name directly in Worksheet Query

To define conditions for worksheet query in the past, user had to use Alias in the past. In Origin 2019, user can directly use column short name.


B="Drug 2" to find all rows with B column cell value "Drug 2"


Extraction of worksheet rows by Random sampling


Reduce by Group should support X as Corresponding X

When reduce data by group, user can set merge X by X of Min Y or Max Y. So the output X will be X value of found Y.


Support recalculation in Split Worksheet

Auto recalculation wasn't supported for Split Worksheet tool till Origin 2019b.

Support NOT logical operator in Column Filtering




Better support of doing fitting or peak analysis (including related gadgets) on Y offset plot. 

In the past, if user plot stacked lines with Y offset and then do fitting, the fitted curves are not stacked and stay with original plot.

Improved in Origin 2019b.


Adjust height of worksheet label row for output columns

After analysis is done, there are long column comments long names in output columns.

In the past, we auto resized the column width to fit such info. 

In Origin 2019b, by default we adjust height of column label row to avoid very wide output columns.

Use @RCW=1 to rollback the old behavior.


Peak Analyzer: Support output  baseline subtracted peaks information after Finding PeaksBefore Origin 2019b, the peak center result didn't have option to subtract baseline. A checkbox Output Baseline Subtracted Peaks is added on last page.
ORG-19679Peak Analyzer: Report Baseline Mode in Notes node


Peak Analyzer: Add Hints tab in Fit Control dialogOn Fit Peaks page of Peak Analyzer, if user click Fit Control button. There is Hint tab on bottom panel to help user customize settings.


Support 1.5, etc. in Multiple of SD in Mask Cells by Condition dialogIn the past, when choosing Condition as Outliers by Std. Deviation, the Multiple of SC can only be integers.


Show All Info in One Label for Vertical Cursor

Use the button to toggle showing all info. in one label or individual labels.


Compare two vertical cursor

Use the button to add or remove 2nd vertical cursor.


Cluster Gadget.: X at Min Y, X at Max Y, Y at Min X, Y at Max X are supported

In the past, depending doing statistics on X or Y, we only show the min and max values.

In Origin 2019b, corresponding x or y info also shows.


Statistics Gadget: More outputs: besides x at min/max y, SE, confidence bands, percentiles are supported as well.


Integration Gadget: Set significant digits 

Integrate gadget: Change the number of significant figures showing on top of the ROI box and output to Script window/Results Log


Support Censor Mark in Survival Plot

Choose  menu Statistics: Survival Analysis: Kaplan-Meier Estimator 

You can select to mark censored values on survival plot not

ORG-19777Improve Statistics results for some special NLFit types

For Nonlinear Multiple Dependent Variables Fitting, ANOVA table is improved.

Before 2019b, ANOVA table in the report only shows the results for the first dataset(Dataset B in the following case). Now the result is improved and similar to Global Fit's result, DF and TSS should be total data.

For the Nonlinear Fitting using Orthogonal Distance Regression, R-Square quantity is improved.

Before 2019b, R-Squared value may always be 1 though the ODR fit is normal. It is caused by the inappropriate TSS. Now the R-Square should be more accurate as TSS calculation is improved as:

TSS = sum( (y - ymean)^2) + sum( (x - xmean)^2)
R^2 = 1 - RSS/TSS
where TSS is the total sum of square, and RSS is the residual sum of square.




Multi-sheet range support

This is supported in many tools that supports multi-sheet range.

E.g. if user wants to do statistics in same range of data on multiple sheets, user can specify the input as [book1](1:5)!1[89]:17[95]

  • If it's not consecutive sheets, then what should be the syntax, (1, 3:5)!
  •  together with options in Input node "Combined as Single Dataset", user can get statistics of same range in different sheets easily.


Improvements on IF() and IFNA() functions
  • Fixed if(C=0,A,"") and C==0? A:"" issue of only filling 1st occurance of true condition.
  • Default else to blank. E.g. fill column A with 1, 2, 3 and enter if(A=2,100) in column B's F(X), row 1 and 3 should be blank values instead of missing.
  • IF() supports both numeric and string return. E.g. if(A<5,"small","big") works. In 2019, user needs to type if(A<5,"small","big")$


New Object is wbook but can be abbreviated as wbk


LabTalk string function improvements
  • IsEmpty() will give 1 for range out of bound. E.g. column A has text in 1st 4 rows only. In column B, enter formula IsEmpty(A) for rows from 1 to 10. row 5-10 will be filled with 1.
  • When concatenating two string columns, use longest data to set the range. E.g. if there are 5 rows of data in column A, while 10 rows of data in column B. Set column C's formula as A$+B$.  Origin uses the 1st vector to decide the calculation range so only 1st 5 rows was conconcated. Origin 2019b, usea the longest rwo to decide range. To go back to old behavior, which used the first vector i2, set @VAS=0
ORG-19719New Switch for DOC command
  • doc -rn: Make current project as Untitled and new project
  • doc -e WM: Execute for all workbooks and matrix books in the project
  • doc -e LBC: Execute for all sheets on book with Data Connector
ORG-19719LabTalk command to clear imported data

del -di: Delete imported data in current sheet

ORG-19719Improvement on Project class
  • New control bit adds to GetPath member

The following will get empty for Untitled, and if has path, will not have last backslash

  • Get PE tree

This is mainly to allow easy changing code to generate the tree for Origin Connector, which orglab is making the call to get display tree.

Tree tr;
Project.GetTree(NULL, tr);
ORG-16946OC to provide access to LabTalk LT properties on OriginObject
  • GetProp
  • SetProp


void MyTest(int ntype = 0)
	Worksheet wks = Project.ActiveLayer();
	string strName;
	double vv;
	wks.GetProp("name", strName);
	wks.GetProp("ncols", &vv);
	printf("Current sheet is %s, contains %.0f columns.\n", strName, vv);
	wks.SetProp("LongName", "My Data"); //set worksheet long name
	string str;
	if(0 == ntype)
		wks.GetProp("dc.Source", str);
	else if(1==ntype)
		wks.GetProp("dc.Path", str);
		wks.GetProp("dc.Sel", str);
	printf("Data Connector source: %s.\n", str);
ORG-19681Support passing LT tree to OC function

Both Tree and TreeNode datatype are supported.


OC Code:

#pragma labtalk(4)
int tt(Tree& tr, string strAppsPath)
	Tree tr1;
		return 1;
	tr.Replace(tr1, TRUE, TRUE);
	return 0;
#pragma labtalk(0)

LabTalk Script,

Tree tr1;
string strApps$="%@AOpxList.xml";


Code Builder Improvements for Apps
  • Context menus to exclude files and load dependents at App Folder level
  • Context menu on OGS file to run its Main section.
  • Context menu on file level to load dependent files to TEMP folder


Build new Python package OriginExt to access Origin functionality from external Python through COM.OriginExt is a Python package that enables you to access Origin functionality from Python. OriginExt is built on Origin's COM/Automation interface that Python functions as the client application that connects with Origin. It allows exchange data back and forth between Python and Origin and can also send commands from Python to be executed by Origin.


OrgLab Worksheet::GetData() Inconsistent with Column::GetData() and MatrixObject::GetData()

Added the optional argument lowbound to the COM server's method Worksheet::GetData():

[in, optional] VARIANT nRowStart,
[in, optional] VARIANT nColStart,
[in, optional] VARIANT nRowEnd,
[in, optional] VARIANT nColEnd,
[in, optional] VARIANT format,
[in, optional] VARIANT lowbound,
[out, retval] VARIANT * RHS);


OC GetN Auto checkbox Improvement
  1. Added new bit GETNEVENT_ON_AUTO_BUTTON_CLICKED for auto checkbox event.
  2. Support hiding customizable value.


Support to detect and let the dialog know when delete the GraphObjectSupport dialog event ON_GROBJ_DESTROY(_fn) on graph object destroy.


Include code supports more relative path in OC

Support relative path for Apps folder in OC, for example, 

#include "file_in_Apps.h" // directly inside Apps folder
#include "AppsSubDir\awesome.h" // a sub-folder named AppsSubDir inside Apps


Improve GraphLayer::AddPlot to support some important plot typeGraphLayer::AddPlot supports more plot type, IDM_PLOT_INDEX_COLOR, IDM_PLOT_INDEX_SIZE, IDM_PLOT_INDEX_SIZE_COLOR, etc.
ORG-11262Allow OriginC VideoReader class in Origin Standard version

Installation and Licensing



Skip Reboot Dialog at end of QuietMode Install 

In Config.ini file, QuietModeNoRebootDialog is added.

If QuietMode and QuietModeNoRebootDialog are both set to 1, then after the end of installation, no Reboot PC page will show.

QuietModeNoRebootDialog setting will be ignored if QuietMode isn't 1.

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