Related JIRA
Virtual Matrix ManagerORG-11046

If you plot 3D or Contour graph from a range of cells in worksheet as a virtual matrix, a virtual matrix will be generated.

You can use Tools: Virtual Matrix Manager to manage the existed virtual matrices.

Click Workbook button in Plot Details dialog will also go to Virtual Matrix Manager dialog.

  • Right click the virtual matrix in the left list box, and select delete to delete a existed virtual matrix
  • Modify the virtual matrix name the title and Data Format in the dialog
  • Click Go to Worksheet button behind Rang box to go to the worksheet which generated this virtual matrix
  • Select a graph plotted by current virtual matrix and click Go to Graph button beside Related Graphs to go to the graph

Use Existing Virtual Matrix to make plots ORG-11660

You can direct select a existing virtual matrix in plotvm dialog for plotting.

Better Virtual Matrix Name and Tooltip in Plot Details dialogORG-10690

User can easily tell where the Virtual Matrix is made from and how.

LabTalk AccessORG-11221

New object vmatrix introduced.

string fname$ = system.path.program$+"Sample\Graphing\3D Surface & Contour.dat";
impASC;	// Import sample data into Worksheet
plotvm irng:=1! rowpos:=none colpos:=none vname:=aaa type:=103 ogl:=<new tempalte:=GLCMAP>;
vmatrix vv = aaa;	// Define the virtual matrix$ = ;	// Output the short name of virtual matrix
vv.ztitle$ = ;	// Output the long name of virtual matrix
vv.xtitle$ = ;	// Output the X title
vv.nrows = ;	// Output the number of row
vv.ncols = ;	// Output the number of column