Origin provides embedded python environment, so that you can either run python in Origin (support both command line and .py file), or use a PyOrigin module to access Origin from Python.

The embedded Python in Origin could be either version 3.3.5 or version 2.7.8 and it can be switched by asystem variable @PYV. When @PYV = 3 (Default), the embedded Python is 3.3.5, while if @PYV = 2, it is 2.7.8. To set value for a system variable, click Tools:System Variables to open the Set System Variablesdialog.


Linked jira: ORG-10840

Sample Files Can Be Found in Product:  \Samples\Python\


Integrate Python into Origin as a scripting language.

run.Python(%(str$), #); // # = 32(or 33) for setting path, 16 for suppress dump output, 2 for file, 1 for expression, 0 for statement


run -py %(str$);  // Run Python script
run -pye %(str$); // Evaluate Python Expression
run -pyf %(str$); // Run Python file



Access Origin Objects from Python.

Samples under Origin exe\Samples\Python\ folder.

import PyOrigin
pages = PyOrigin.Pages()
for page in pages:
ORG-11739Supported Version: Python 2.7 and 3.3
By default we support Python 3.3, to switch the Python version to Python 2.7, please run the script below in Script Window
@pyv=2; //set to use python 2.7, while @pyv=3 to use python 3.3
ORG-10779Execution mode in Script Window to run Python scripts