Anti-Aliasing on Screen for 2D Graphs

Anti-Aliasing on Screen for 2D Graphs


Origin 9.1 has added Anti-aliasing support for 2D graphs. This allows nicer view of 2D graphs on the monitor.

The images below show screen capture of a 2D line plot with and without anti-aliasing (click to pop up larger image):


Turn Anti-Aliasing On

You can toggle Anti-Aliasing on and off using the  button on Graphs toolbar for the active graph.

2D graph templates shipped with Origin have anti-aliasing turned off, since it may slow some operations down, such as zooming, panning, etc.

Additional Anti-Aliasing Settings


For the graphs that has Anti-Aliasing turned on, there are additional global settings to fine tune which type of drawing to use anti-aliasing. These can be found on Graph tab of Tools: Options dialog.






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