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Table of Contents

Grouped Box Chart


The Sample OPJ includes 6 sample graphs (4 in "1. Grouped Box Plot and Axis Ticks Table" folder, and 1 for both
"2. Box Plot Position By Variables" and "3. Box Width By Variable" folders) to show the remarkable improvements
in box chart

Grouped Box Plot with Color-indexed Data Points



How to plot the basic form of the grouped box plot:

  1. Active the workbook in the folder, highlight column E through column J, select "Plot: Statistics: Grouped Box Charts - Raw Data" from Origin menu
  2. In the opened dialog, apply the settings as image below and click OK button to create a graph


  1. Highlight the rows for A386 of "CC.MI" sheet
  2. Type script below in the Script Window and press Enter. (If Script Window is not opened yet, open it from menu, Window: Script Window)
  3. Set the sheet name as A386_CC.MI
  4. Do the same to have C334_CC.MI sheet

How to customize to make Graph1:

Graph1 illustrate 3 improvements of the Box Chart in 9.1

1) Data symbol color supports indexing (grouping)  -->Plot Details dialog, Symbol tab
2) Grouped Box plot -->Plot Details dialog, Group tab
3) Table option for the tick labels. -->Axis dialog, Tick Labels>Bottom/Top Node, Table check box

1> Active the workbook Book 5 in the folder, highlight column E through column J, select "Plot: Statistics: Grouped Box Charts - Raw Data" from Origin menu

2> In the opened dialog, apply the settings as below and click OK button to create a graph
    * Group Number = 2
    * 1st Group Row = Comments
    * 2nd Group Row = Long Name
    * Graph Theme = <Original>

Before we set the axes of the box chart, we prepare the number of data points of each column in  "CC.MI" sheet by steps as below
1>. Highlight the "A386" rows [1:21] of col(E)~col(J) in sheet "CC.MI"
2>. Type script below in the Script Window and press Enter. (If Script Window is not opened yet, open it from menu, Window: Script Window)
    colstats -r 2 sd:=<optional> q1:=<new> q3:=<new>;

3>. Set the sheet name as A386_CC.MI
4> Highlight the "c334" rows [22:42] of col(E)~col(J) in sheet "CC.MI", do the same to have C334_CC.MI sheet

Then, we are going to customize the box plots
1> Double click on the plot to open the Plot Details dialog
2> Select Box tab, apply these settings

    * Type = Box[Right] + Data[Left]

3> Select Symbol tab, apply these settings
    * Size = 5
    * Symbol Color = Indexing: Col (B)
    * Shape = 2 Circle
    * Interior = Open

4> Select Data tab, apply these settings
    * Distribution Curve group, Type = Normal
    * Bins Alignment group = Right

5> Select Group tab,  apply settings as below
    * Box Color>Increment = By One
    * Box Color>Details = (1: Red, 2: Navy)
    * Border Color>Details = (1: Red, 2: Navy)    

6>Select Lines tab, apply settings as below
    * Whisker group, Color = Gray
    * Caps Color = Gray
    * Median Line group, Color = White
    * Distribution Curve group, Color = Gray

7>Select Percentile tab, apply settings as below
    * Edge Color = White

Then, we are going to customize the axis and tick labels
1>. Double click on the bottom axis to open the Axis dialog.
2>. Go to the X Axis>Tick Labels node
    * Select Show Major Labels on Top Axis

3> Choose Bottom1 in the left panel, In the Bottom1 page,
    * Table branch
    *> Number of Rows = 3
    * >Uncheck Merge Labels
    * >Select Independent Formats
    * >Table Layout branch
    *>>Fill Color = LT Gray
    * >>Check Near Parallel Border
    * >>Uncheck Perpendicular Border
    * >>Select Independent Layouts
    * Display branch
    * >Type = Text from dataset
    * >Dataset Name = [Book5]"C334_CC.MI"!C"N"
    * Format branch
    * >Color = Dark Gary

4>Choose Bottom2 in the left panel. in the Bottom2 page
    * Display branch
    * >Type = Text from dataset
    * >Dataset Name = [Book5]"A386_CC.MI"!C"N"
    * Table Layout branch
    * > Fill Color = Gray
    * >Uncheck Near Parallel Border
    * >Uncheck Perpendicular Border
    * Format branch
    * >Color = White

5>Choose Bottom3 in the left panel. in the Bottom3 page
    * Display branch
    * >Type = Column Name or Label
    * >Display = Column headings
    * Table Layout branch
    * >Uncheck Perpendicular Border
    * Format branch
    * >Size = 22

6>Choose Top in the left panel. in the Top page
    * Display branch
    * >Type = Column Name or Label
    * >Display = Comments
    * Format branch
    * >Size = 22
    * >Select Bold
    * Select Table check box
    * >Uncheck Perpendicular Border
    * >Uncheck Gap Between Subgroups/Subsets
    * > Fill Color = LT Gray

7> Choose Grids in the left panel
    * Major Grid Lines branch
    * >Select Show
    * >Color = Gray

8> Click OK to apply the settings
9> Double on the tick labels of the Y Axis to open the Axis dialog
10> Select Y Axis>Scale in the left panel
    * From = -2000
    * To = 20000
    * Major Ticks branch
    * >Value = 5000

11> Select Y Axis>Tick Labels>Left in the left panel
    * Display branch
    * >Display = Scientific: 10^3

12> Click OK to apply the settings and close dialog


Now we are going to add a legend to explain thescatter points
1> Delete the legend
2> Select Graph: Add/Update Lgend Entries: Categorical Values from the Origin menu to add new legend to the graph.
3> Double click on the legend to be in edit mode, update the text as below





To customized the box plot
