Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.




Axes Dialog slow to open when there are workbook with a lot of columnsDouble clicking axis to open Axis dialog gets slower if there are workbook with many columns. 


Fill to Next Plot with Pattern Fail

Fill area between two curves and set fill pattern. Fill area will be gone. Newly broken since Origin 2019b. 


Fit Page to Layer damages the GraphAfter using Graph: Fit Page to Layer..., to resize page, when resizing graph window, graph failed to redraw. Broken since Origin 2018 SR0.


Copy/Paste Axis Format Failed

Copy one axis format to other axis may fail. Newly broken since Origin 2019b.


Plot: Line: Spline failed with monotonic decreasing X


Allow deleting rectangle box with enlarged graph

Click Scale in toolbar button and click on a graph will create an individual graph window with ROI (region of interest) box in source graph.

Moving the ROI box will update the Enlarged graph.

But user couldn't select the rectangle box and press Delete key to delete the ROI

Origin 2020 is updated so user can delete the ROI box. Corresponding Enlarged graph will be deleted as well. 


Failure to select custom contour line

If user turn on contour line at some level. Can't single click multiple times to pick the contour line and extract it.


3-Color Limited Mixing do not work in Set Colors dialog

Right click contour plot and choose Colormap: Set Colors... context menu.

Choose 3-Color Limited Mixing and set colors. It failed to color as expected.

Broken since Origin 2019 and fixed in Origin 2020.


Data Points and Grid Lines fail to show in contour when label is enable

In XYZ Contour plot, check Show Grid Lines and Show Data Points checkboxes.

Check to show Labels in graph

==> Grid lines and data points disappeared. 

Broken since Origin 2019b and fixed in Origin 2020. 

ORG-20807Fail to plot heatmap with large dataThis bug was introduced since Origin 2019.
ORG-20050Fail to open properties dialog for Text object if it's in Matrix

This bug was introduced since Origin 2019b. 

New a text object in matrix then open it's properties dialog.

==> Matrix Properties dialog opened instead.

ORG-20811Paired Comparison Plot very slow for more 24 levels

In Origin 2019b or earlier versions, Paired Comparison Plot is very slow for more 24 levels.

In Origin 2020, Paired Comparison Plot speed has improved and limitation is 35 levels.

ORG-20861Hierarchical Cluster Analysis (hcluster) fails to highlight source rows

Fixed in Origin2020.

1.Prepare a worksheet with a few columns filled with random data
2.Select all columns and run hcluster from Statistics / Multivariate Analysis / Hierarchical Cluster Analysis
3.Click OK
4.Go to the first output sheet (Cluster1) sheet and double click on the Dendrogram plot to open up the graph
5.Go to the input sheet (Sheet1)
6.Add one column to the input sheet (Sheet1), fill with some texts
7.Click on the lock icon, select Change Parameters
8.Select the last added text column as the Observation Labels
9.Test the Data Highlighter tool again
==> Origin fails to highlight anything.

ORG-20905Wrong Label for RootRoot label of tree plot should not show if no source data.
ORG-20793Gap in color bar of color fly-out

 Fixed in Origin2020.

  1. plot a colormap scatter with row number
  2. in mini toolbar, open set levels dialog, set minor level to 8
  3. click color button again, from toolbar or mini toolbar or plot detail
    ==> there are two gap in color bar of by points tab
ORG-20755Color is wrong in color fly-out when create special point

Fixed in Origin2020. 

  1. create a scatter plot, set color to increment from some color list
  2. ctrl click a red point, click toolbar
    ==> color is not auto, and icon for color is black.
ORG-20693Wrong special point index when copy paste format

 Fixed in Origin2020.

  1. create two scatter plot with column AB row number
  2. ctrl+click last point of graph 1, change color to red
  3. click layer and copy format: Dimension
  4. paste format to graph 2
    ==> graph 2 create a special point with index=1, but the index of special point of graph 1 is 32.
ORG-20062Origin frozen when adding line plot to certain graphOrigin freeze when adding some specific data (via Drag & Drop, or Layer Content) into an existing graph.
ORG-20195Axis scale linking broken with custom scaleAxis scale link is broken for some data when custom scale is set
ORG-20418Improvement of wrapping text of special tick labelEntering Ctrl+Enter in Axis dialog's Special Tick Label tab will auto change to %(CRLF), which means start a new line.
ORG-20427Error bar shifts for Trellis column plot with Double Y axisMake Trellis column plot with Double Y axis, set horizontal and vertical columns, then error bar will shift.
ORG-20491Drawing dash line freezes OriginCustomize some specific graph with dash line on it will make Origin freeze.
ORG-20818Wrong Label for Leader Line Connect OptionChange leader line connect option for special tick label: From Polyline-Horz, Step-Horz, Horizontal to Polyline-Vert, Step-Vert, Vertical for x axis. For left, vice versa
ORG-18583Auto Pie chart label fails to be deletedRemove Automatic checkbox in Plot Detail's Labels tab, so user can delete pie chart label easily in Origin 2020.
ORG-20694Label selection issue of Stacked column plotFail to select Stacked Column plot's label when X is categorical data
ORG-20813Keep Date & Time Stamp format and position when clicking it againMake a graph and click Date & Time Stamp button. Move it to the bottom of graph window. Click Time stamp again, then Stamp is moved to top of graph window again.
ORG-16859Scatter points cut-off on axis breakCreate a scatter plot and input an axis break. If the scatter point is directly located on the axis where the axis break begins or ends, then the scatter point will only show half the point.
ORG-20208Improve speed of subsequent drawing of plots by using bitmap cacheWhen creating a rectangle graph object from the toolbar's Rectangle Tool, the object is not drawn in real-time and only show a dotted rectangular box and it keeps flickering during drag-select. Besides, when you select graph objects (including legends), it will only show feedback when you finish the selection. In Origin 2020, Graph object creation can be drawn in real-time. Origin also show the selection feedback of graph objects (including legends) during selection process.
ORG-20558plotmuaxes fails to specify several custom plot types
  1. New a wks, add two new columns.
  2. Highlight all four columns to select Plot: Multi-Panel/Axes: Multiple Y Axes... to open the plotmyaxes dialog.
  3. Set Plot Type to Custom and Plot Type in Each Layer to 200 203.
  4. Check Add Middle Y axis.
  5. Uncheck Auto check box and enter 1 2 for Number of plots in each layer.
  6. Check Auto Preview.
    ==> in the Preview panel, all plot show as Line. The first plot type has been applied to all.
ORG-20493 Legend content changed after duplicate

After export or duplicate Graph

==> extra Legend entries showed

ORG-20489Enable Fill if Contour Line link to Colormap when there is no fill

Palette icon is hidden for Colormap Contour Line.
It should show.

Fixed in Origin2020.

ORG-1896Improve Screen Reader to show correct axis tick label formatFixed the Screen Reader fails to show correct axis format, e.g. Date format
ORG-20461origin crashes after close origin when custom color control dialog is opened

1. make a line plot, open plot details dialog.
2. Click line color button, select custom color to open color control dialog.
3. Click X to open the plot details dialog.
==>?plot details dialog is closed, we may make custom color control dialog to be model dialog?
4. click X to close origin. in pop up message box,click no.
==>origin crashes

Fixed in Origin2020.

ORG-20080Fail to reverse z axis for 2d waterfall

1. make 2D waterfall plot

2. open Z axis dialog, go to scale tab, check reverse checkbox, click OK
==> no change

3. reopen the dialog
==> reverse checkbox is not checked

Fixed in Origin2020.

Import & Export



Import CSV file with custom date format is very slow


Graph labels Numeric separator fails to keep page setting when exporting raster formats

For example,

  1. In EOS, in Preferences: Options dialog, on Numeric Format tab, Separators is 1.000,0 (as GOS Windows default setting). 
  2. In Graph, double click the plot and go to Page level. Set Numeric separator to be 1,000.0 so they are different from Preferences: Options dialog. 
    -->Axis tick labels show as 1,000.0 formats.
  3. Export the graph as raster formats, like png, bmp, jpg, gif, pcx,psd, tga, tif
    ==>Axis tick labels show as 1.000,0 formats.

The bug was introduced in Origin 2018 when we added Numeric separator control in Graph Page level. It also exists for numeric data labels.


CSV Connector only import 100 columns of data if column delimiter is comma


Export Excel File Only Keep First User Parameter LineIf user has many user-defined parameter rows above data, after exporting to Excel, only 1st user-defined parameter row is kept.
 ORG-20074Export Excel failed in Column List View

Fixed in Origin 2020.

1. New a workbook and fill it with data.
2. Ctrl + W to Column List View.
3. Select menu Export: Excel to open dialog, enter name and click OK to export.
4. Open the exported Excel book.
==> It has no data

ORG-19989Exported image plots shows missing values as black

Add another layer and place the missing values of the matrix on the top as “none”. These pixels are shown as black after exporting the plot.

Fixed in Origin 2020.

ORG-20000Open dialog from hidden toolbar button causes Origin crash

1. Resize Origin window so button of Database Access toolbar is all hide.
2. Click the down triangle button and choose Open SQL Editor to open dialog.
==> The context menu of Database Access toolbar still shows.
3. Try to type something in the SQL edit box, and this will be failed.
4. Press Esc, now you can type string in the edit box.
5. Close SQL Editor dialog.
==> Origin crashes.

Note: This problem exists since Origin 2019, and fixed in Origin 2020.
