Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Data Handling

Column/Cell Value Formula







Connect to NI TDMS file.

TDMS Connector App is not pre-installed with Origin. To install, click Data: Connect to File: Add New.... The App Center opens listing only Connector Apps. Click the Download and Install button beside TDMS Connector to install the App.

  • Download TDMS Connector app from the page and install the app.

  • Basic Usage

  1. With a worksheet or matrixsheet active, click on the Data menu.

  2. To connect to a local file, click Data: Connect to File: TDMS and select the file. To connect to web data, click Data: Connect to Web and enter the URL. 

  3. In the Data Connector Browser, you can add worksheets to import or remove worksheets from the connector, and if you want to import all selected groups data into the same worksheet, you can check Import All Groups to Same Worksheet, then click OK to connect to the selected ones.

  4. Once a connector is added, click the connector icon in the upper-left corner of the book to open a popup menu with various commands.

  5. By default, connector-imported data are NOT saved with the project file. To save a book's data with the project file, click the connector icon in the upper-left corner for that book and uncheck Exclude Imported When Saving. Note that each book has its own Exclude setting.



Connect to a Yokogawa WDF file.

Yokogawa WDF Connector App connects the Origin project to Yokogawa WDF files. Yokogawa WDF Connector App is not pre-installed with Origin. To install, click Data: Connect to File: Add New.... The App Center opens listing only Connector Apps. Click the Download and Install button beside Yokogawa WDF Connector to install the App.

  • Download Yokogawa WDF Connector app from the page and install the app.

  • Basic Usage

  1. With a worksheet active, click on the Data menu.

  2. To connect to a local file, click Data: Connect to File: Yokogawa WDF and select the file. To connect to web data, click Data: Connect to Web and enter the URL. 

  3. In the Data Connector Browser, you can add traces to import or remove traces from the connector, then click OK to connect to the selected ones. Check Import All Traces to Same Worksheet to import selected traces to same worksheet instead of separate worksheets.

  4. Once a connector is added, click the connector icon in the upper-left corner of the book to open a popup menu with various commands.

  5. By default, connector-imported data are NOT saved with the project file. To save a book's data with the project file, click the connector icon in the upper-left corner for that book and uncheck Exclude Imported When Saving. Note that each book has its own Exclude setting.



Import tables in the pdf file.

Import PDF Tables app can be used to import tables in the pdf file.

Download Import PDF Tables app from the page and install the app.

This app requires embedded Python in Origin, Media Feature Pack from Microsoft and Ghostscript.


  1. Select a PDF file and open the dialog.

  2. Enter the page(s) from which you want to extract.

  3. Click OK button. And tables will be imported into Origin.


Better support of *.dat file with CSV Connector

Drag and drop of *.dat files will use CSV Connector if no Import filter is checked for Drag and drop of that file type.

Drag and drop *.dat file will use CSV Connector if no Import filter is checked for Drag and drop


Matlab DC supports opaque variable like date time in v6/v7 version files

Matlab DC supports opaque variable such as date, time, duration, or table in Matlab v6/v7 version files.

import opaque type variables:

Date, Time, Duration, Table, etc.


new TDMS Connector

A new NI TDMS Connector has been created.

can contact us to get the app to try

import NI TDMS file using connector app

ORG-21550, ORG-21211

import Bruker DQL/RAW files

A new DC DC to import Bruker DQL/RAW files has been created.

Add DIFFRAC Connector app to import Bruker DQL/RAW files


Data; Connect Multiple Files improvement

Data: Connect Multiple Files… a Source drop-down list has been added that allows for Specified Files or all Files in Specified Folder.

Menu Data: Connect Multiple Files… adds a Source drop-down list that allows Specified Files or all Files in Specified Folder.


Re-import Web DC should re-download the data

Re-import of Web DC now re-downloads the data based on the value of the @CFDT System Variable.

  1. Added system variable @CFDT = 900(number of seconds per 100K), if cache file is older than @CFDT, then delete it and re-get data from web.

  2.  Remember URL-to-File mapping across sessions. the cache file can be used by multiple Origin applications, then do not need to re-download if the file is not older than @CFDT.

  3.  Add LT cmd to delete URL-to-File mapping cache, for example:

delete -web "";


Move Legacy Import menu to bottom

Legacy Import from File menu moved to lower position in the Data menu.

Push the "Import from File..." menu item to be after the DC menu items under Data menu.


MATLAB connector supports Tables

MATLAB connector supports importing tables from .MAT files.

MATLAB Connector supports importing tables from .mat files.


CSV Connector allows Append Rows

CSV Connector now permits appending rows to columns.

Set wks.DC.flags=256 for CSV Connector, subsequent import will append. From now on, every data source change or re-import will keep appending new rows to the end of existing data.


DC Connected Sheet remembers customized sheet name

A DC-connected worksheet now remembers a customized sheet name and does not change its name.

Added LT access User-Sheet-Name property wks.USN=0(default), if the sheet is renamed from double-click or Name and Comments dialog, then will set wks.USN=1, and Data Connector import will no longer rename the sheet.

This applies only to those connectors that are using the Tree framework, so besides Matlab, it will affect JSON, netCDF, etc.


Clone Import for Data Connector

Clone Import for Data Connector-based imports is now supported.

Support Clone Import for Data Connectors.


Yokogawa Binary WDF File Connector

New Yokogawa Binary WDF File DC has been created.

  1. Support more oscilloscopes models for WDF. "DL350", "DL850", "DL850E", "XVWDF", "SL1000", "DLM2000", "DLM3000", "DLM4000", "DLM6000", "PX8000".

  2. Add a checkbox "Import All Traces to Same Worksheet" to import all data in a same sheet on Browser dialog.


Import Menu Customization - Make it easier to find more Import Apps

Import Menu Customization via Customize… menu- makes it easier to find more DC Apps

Added "Customize..." item under “Data: Connect to File“ menu.


@ISC=0 did not work

@ISC=0 System Variable fixed and a wks level control “wks.isc“ has been added.

Added a wks level control “wks.isc“.

default = 1 means it will follow @ISC, and if =0, it means do not resize column width after import.


ISO Date-Time Format More Issues

CSV Data Connector now supports Zulu Time (UTC).

CSV Connector Supports Zulu Time (UTC), the 2020-10-21T19:32:52.300Z date format will be detected, and set as 2020-10-21 19:32:52.300 after import.


Import entire folder fails – Beta6

Failed to import entire folder when using Import Filter connector

Select Data->Connect Multiple Files menu and pick Import Filter as Data connector. Then specify a folder to import failed.







Mini toolbar for label rows in worksheet

Easier way to turn on rich text , insert user-parameter, hide label row, move up and down, etc.

When right click a label row, mini toolbar shows for quick access of some userful operations, such as turn on rich text so user can type superscript, subscript, greek letters, etc.


Data Display Format buttons on Column Mini toolbar

Use mini toolbar to customize date and time display or numeric digits

Add new mini toolbars for easily customize the number of digits, date, and time format.


Change Column (Cell) Format on Pasting Date Time Data

Check if copied data is date and time and paste accordingly

  • Copy Date/Time data from Excel or other places and paste it into Origin worksheet cells. Column/cell will be auto formatted as Date/Time.

  • Insert info variable and select date from file info list, the cell gets correctly formatted as date


Better Handling of Time Data that Wrap Around Midnight

Mini toolbar buttons is added to handle date/time data what wrap around midnight

User sometimes has time data that missing day info. When plotting with such data as X range, the plot may jumps back to beginning of axis at midnight.
Now Origin provides a new mini toolbar to deal with such problem. When click it, Origin will check and detect, then ask if can go ahead to add days to the data.

Also, for axis tick label, DDD info will not be added anymore for time HH format. E.g, 25:00 will be shown as 01:00 instead.


Redo Worksheet Transpose Tool

There were many issues when using transposed data as input of further analysis.

In the past, output of wtranspose maybe problematic when directly use as anlaysis input. Now, this should not be a problem anymore.


Support Color Column in Worksheet

New column type is added to support HTML color code. User can save the colors in the column as a color list or palette for other uses. User can use it to color plots.

In Column Properties dialog, set column format as Color.

  • support HTML color code. Cell background will be colored accordingly.

  • Mini toolbar to set color

  • Mini toolbar of column to save Color List or palette (system variable @MPS is the threshold to save as palette. E.g. default is 20. So if there are more than 20 colors in the column, it will be saved as palette. If less than 20 colors, it will be saved as color list.)

  • Set column as Color to show calculated color based on R, G and B values.

  • Add Display Color Value checkbox under Format in column property dialog if column format is Color.

  • Add Create Color List from Column… in Custom dropdown list under Color fly-out single tab.


Allow setting HTML color code in colors popup.

Entering HTML color code to create color

In Color Popup, add HTML edit box allowing copying/pasting HTML color code.


Support mask column based on Outlier by IQR

Support mask column based on Outlier by IQR

Select Column: Mask Cells by Condition… menu.

Outliers by IQR is added in Condition dropdown


Alt+Enter for new line

We used to use Ctrl+Enter for new line. Changed to Alt+Enter to be consistent with other softwares

Use Alt+Enter for new line instead of old Ctrl+Enter.

System variable @FCA =1 to roll back to old way.

This also applies to adding mult-line text in graph and script window


Missing Value NANUM for numeric column which is not double(8)

When data type isn’t double(8), we used to show 0 as missing values. Now user can specify what value to show as missing value --

When column format is set to Numeric and Data Type is set to other options e.g. Real(4) instead of the default Double(8), user can assign a custom value as missing value, such as:
wks.col1.missing = -99; //-99 will show as missing value --
wks.col2.missing = 0; //0 will show as missing value --

wks.col1.missing = 0/0 //turn the feature off

This property is saved with the column.


Aligning on decimal character in column

Numbers are usally right aligned. Now you can align numbers by decimal points in a column

In Column Properties dialog, set Numeric Custom Display as e.g. .3?


Paste space separated text into one column in worksheet

By default, space separated text will be pasted into multiple columns. A context menu Paste (Keep Spaces) is added to pasted text into one column

It will paste space separated text in one column


Easier way to select highlighted columns in worksheet in Worksheet Query dialog

Newly added checkbox Check all Selected Columns Extract to quickly select highlighted columns only

By default when opening Worksheet Query dialog. All columns are checked so when extracting data, all columns will be extracted.

A new context menu Check all Selected Columns Extract is added. Check it, only columns highlighted in worksheet will be checked and extracted.


paste report sheet table will set 1st row to long name

origin will set 1st row as long name when paste report sheet table since Origin2021, it will provide better format style look, also can easily change table style will mini toolbar.







Excel like pi product function

Add product Labtalk function which returns the product of a dataset

double product(vector vd)

E.g. column A is filled with 2, 3, 4, 5

In B1 cell, enter = product(A) will get 120, which is 2*3*4*5.


Excel like LET function

Add LET Labtalk function which pairs values and names and calculates the expression using the names

Easier to write complex formulas, by making it possible to declare and assign values to variables inside a formula

LET(name1, exp1, [name2…], [exp2…], calculation)

exp1 is resolved and assigned to name1, exp2 is resolved and assigned to name2, then assign names to calculation for result. 

LET(x, 1, x+1) -> 2

LET(sum, total(A), n, count(A), sum/n)


Command Window improvement

Command Window now supports Zoom in/out and auto code complete

support mouse wheel zoom, more support on auto complete


Introduce new LabTalk command to update pending locks

Improve Labtalk command run -p to update pending locks for active book/sheet.

Code Block
run -p aub;//active book
run -p auw;//active sheet
run -p aubd;//active book and all its descendants
run -p auwd;//active sheet and all its descendants


LabTalk Access to Dash Definition at Plot Level

Labtalk command set supports setting line dash property.

Syntax: set name -ldf value

Code Block
set %c -ldf  "5 20 10";


GetN supports dataset elements

GetN Box now supports to assign dataset values.


dataset values;
getn (Value 1) values[1] (Value 2) values[2] (Value 3) values[3];


LT Labtalk control of Box Plots

Add more Labtalk controls to customize Box Plot properties such as statistical lines, labels, etc

layer.plot1.boxchart.line=1,2,3; //show lines in box chart, 1=median,2=mean or 3 both

layer.plot1.boxchart.label=1,2,3;//show label of line, 1=median,2=mean or 3 both

layer.plot.label.font=1; //label font

layer.plot1.label.fsize=20; //label font size

layer.plot1.label.color=2; //label color based on color list, e.g. 1=black, 2=red, etc.


Sort columns by Long name, etc.

Added Labtalk worksheet method SortCols() to sort columns by Long names

wks.SortCols(L,d);//sort LongName decending






Labtalk access to more plot properties

Add more Labtalk controls to customize plot properties such as symbol overlaps, label properties, plot color, etc

Code Block
layer.plot.label.Spec$="0";//to show label at end of plot
layer.plot.label.Spec$="";//turn off show label at specific indices checkbox
layer.plot.symbol.offset = 1; // Symbol Overlapped Arrangement: 0=disable, 1=horizontal, 2=vertical
layer.plot.symbol.oct = 1; // Symbol Overlapped offset center type
layer.plot.contlines = 1; // Enable Contours for surface plot
layer.plot.contmat //specify the index of matrix use for contour line, 0 = self
set/get %c -ccl name //set/get the matrix use for contour line
layer.plot.symbol.sizecolorlist$ //support individual and group plot


GetNBox focus issue

Increase default GetNBox entry focus time

Changed the default value of @ETG to 1700.


Skip none-accessible objects in doc looping

doc -e G will skip none-accessible objects in looping graph objects.

When use doc -e G command to loop for all labels and other named objects in the active graph layer, the objects that not accessible from LabTalk will be skipped now.


Plot Hide Show events from Labtalk

Add a new event “Plot Hide Show” in Object Properties

Open Object Properties dialog, in Programming tab, a new event is added in the Script Run After drop-down list. Choose it and then script will be execution when plot hide/show.


LT Labtalk Accessing Cells from Another Book

Improve LabTalk accessing cells notation from another book.

  • Support col(A) notation. E.g., =[book1]1!col(A)[1]

  • Book Name support resolving string varaible. E.g., Fill A1 cell with “Book1”, the cell formula =[A1$]1!A1 can refer to A1 cell in the 1st sheet of Book1

  • Support A0 notation. E.g., =[A1$]1!B0


Introduce originpro module. get/set between pandas DataFrame and Origin worksheet.

Introduce originpro module. Support passing data between pandas DataFrame and Origin worksheet.

Under menu Connectivity,add new menu Open, Open Default Python Functions, Open, Open, Python Packages. etc

OC supports calling Python functions. By default the py file should be placed in the same folder as the c/cpp or XF file, and the name of the py file has to be
To change that, you need to

  1. to change working directory





ORG-22062, ORG-21995, ORG-22031, ORG-22106, ORG-22107, ORG-22063, ORG-22556

We have introduced a new originpro package for easy access to Origin from Python. This package works on a higher level, providing easy access to workbooks, matrices and graphs with very little code. The package also provides higher level access to data frames and numpy arrays.

Several sample Origin projects have been added under \Samples\Python sub folder. These samples have Python code attached as .py files in the project.

Documentation including detailed reference for the orignipro package.

Code Block
import pandas as pd
import originpro as op
df = wks.to_df()

wks = op.new_wsheet( 'Test Category' )
wks.from_df( df )


Update preshipped Python version

Upgrade preshipped Python to 3.8.3

upgrade Python to 3.8.3

ORG-21988, ORG-11812

menu access access to Python

  1. Under menu Connectivity add new menu Open, Open Default Python Functions, Open, Open, Python Packages.

  2. In Code Builder, add menu Python Packages under Tools.

  3. Start Debug button on toolbar (F5) to run Python file.


Import Wizard with Python support

Support data file import with Python in Import Wizard. Import filter now support Python code


Fitting functions using Python

Support using Python function as fitting function

Define fitting function using Python and fit in Origin


Wrap text in Python Console

Support auto wrapping text in Python Console

Allow auto wrapping for dir command’s output in Python Console.


Add new function for Python Object to call LabTalk with return value

Add new method GetNumProp, GetStrProp, SetNumProp, SetStrProp, DoMethod for Python Object to call LabTalk with return value

GetNumProp, GetStrProp, SetNumProp, SetStrProp, DoMethod are added for PyOrigin and OriginExt.


Remove Python 2 from installation

Stop supporting Python 2.

Stop supporting Python 2.


Support Python PIP command

Support installing Python packages with PIP command in LabTalk

All pip commands are supported in LabTalk now.

For example, you can use following command to install numpy package directly.

Code Block
pip install numpy;


Install Packages from Python Packages menu

Support installing Packages from Python Packages menu

Add Python Packages tool to install/uninstall internal python packages.

In Code Builder, select Tools: Python Packages…

In main workspace, select Connectivity: Python Packages…


OC to call Python functions

Support calling Python functions from Origin C code

Code Block
Python.OCWD$;//OC Working Directory

2. to change file name(independent of 1)

Code Block
Python.OCWF$;//OC Working Filename


Labtalk LT to call python functions

Support calling Python functions from Labtalk script

LT supports calling Python functions. By default the py file should be placed in the User Files Folder with name Call function with syntax

Code Block
aa = py.myfunc(x,y)

We can also specify the file name, for example,, then we can call the function by

Code Block
aa = py.signal_utils.myfunc(x,y)

Also, you can change the default working directory and default file name by following command,

Code Block
Python.LTWD$;//LT Working Directory
Python.LTWF$;//LT Working Filename

To call Python function in the attached py file in the project, use the py.@ syntax.

Code Block
aa = py.@myfunc(x,y) //if there is a single attached py file
aa = py.@filename.myfunc(x,y) //if there are multiple attached py files, use filename

By default, when calling Python function in LabTalk and Column Formula, function argument is assumed to be list of float, and this can be controlled by system variable @PYFV (Default is 3).

Also, you can specify the argument and return type with function annotations.

Code Block
def f2(a:float, b=1)->float:
    return a+b

An alternative to specify argument and return type is to use docstring, which is more important when function is used in column formula.

Code Block
f = float
F = list of float
s = str
S = list of str
i = int


Show Python print immediately

Python print() function now output result immediately when executed

Added a system variable @PYO to control if show Python print immediately for Embedded Python.

Code Block
@PYO=1(default):immediate output
@PYO=0:output at the end

For example:

Code Block
import PyOrigin as po
po.LT_execute('typ hi')

if @PYO=1, will output as

Code Block

if @PYO=0, will output as

Code Block


Support running UTF-8 py file in Origin Python

Support running UTF-8 py file in Origin Python

LT run function allowANSI .py file, for example: run -pyf
  • Python file created in Code Builder is set as UTF-8 by default.

  • ORG-22042

    Add some basic functions under MatricLayer class in OriginExt and PyOrigin

    Add some basic functions under MatricLayer class in OriginExt and PyOrigin: SetShape(), SetNumMats(), GetNumMats()

    Added three function in OriginExt and PyOrigin under MatricLayer class:

    SetShape(self, nRows, nCols, bKeepData=FALSE)

    SetNumMats(self, nMats)



    Origin COM Improvements 2021

    Added following function in COM, OriginExt and PyOrigin: OPY_CLASS(Page)* , LoadPage(const string& strPathName, int options = CREATE_VISIBLE_SAME);

    Added following function in COM, OriginExt and PyOrigin.

    OPY_CLASS(Page)* LoadPage(const string& strPathName, int options = CREATE_VISIBLE_SAME);


    Improve Using Origin from Outside Python

    Added python package OrglabExt for COM calling

    Added python package OrglabExt for COM calling


    Prevent Script Window GUI for Python

    if use script window to run Python, it shows message box that recommend to use Python Console instead.

    Show message box that recommend to use Python Console instead.


    Set column value with Python code

    Added Python Function tab in Set Column Value dialog to define Python functions which can be called to set column values.

    Add Python Function tab in Set Column Value dialog

    Image Removed


    Python control of plot colormap and color list

    Added Python control of plot colormap, color list, symbol type and size.

    Control over plot colormap and color list.

    Code Block

    For example:

    Code Block
    import originpro as op
    wks = op.find_sheet()
    graph = op.new_graph(template='scatter')
    layer = graph[0]
    plot = layer.add_plot(wks, coly=1, colx=0)
    plot.color = op.color_col(1,'n')

    Also, control the plot symbol type and size

    Code Block


    Better handling of Date and Time columns

    Added methods to originpro WSheet class to set Date and Time format columns:

    Added methods to originpro WSheet class to set Date and Time format columns:

    Code Block
    wks.as_date(col=0, format='yyyy-mm-dd')
    wks.as_time(col=0, format='HH:mm:ss')

    Where format is Origin date time format specifiers.


    Python Packages tool

    Easy way to install Python Packages in Origin from Python Packages menu.

    Python Packages dialog to install, upgrade and uninstall packages.

    Menus to open the dialog:

    1. In Origin main window, choose Conectivity: Python Packages…

    2. In Code Builder, choose Tools: Python Packages…

    We recommend restart Origin after the installation.


    originpro package update-able independently

    originpro package can now be updated independent of origin releases using Python Packages Tool in Code Builder’s Tools menu.

    originpro package can now be updated independent of origin releases using Python Packages Tool


    Support Intellisense for Python

    Support Intellisense for Python coding in Code Builder.

    Implemented features:

    1. Auto complete when typing in editor, or when invoked via menu/hotkey. (Ctrl+L)

    2. Go to definition on symbol under cursor. (F11, or context menu)

    3. Find references on symbol under cursor. (Alt+Shift+F, or context menu)

    4. Docstrings shown as a popup window when hover on a symbol.

    5. Signature help window will be shown after typing '(' for function hint, prototype, parameters will be shown in this window

    6. Show symbols in current file (Alt+M, or main menu)

    New system variables:

    1. @CI: Enable/disable code intellisense

    2. @CIE: Show LSP error. e.g. when fails to find/run dependency

    3. @CIS: Enable intellisense for script window. default=off


    OriginExt support for originpro -- project level

    originpro module is available for external python to call Origin COM by OriginExt.

    Use originpro in external python to call Origin COM by OriginExt.


    Python Improvement in Workbook template

    1. Workbook template now detects if necessary Python packages are installed.

    2. Support running Python script saved in a text object in workbook.

    1. Added page property “page.tkey$“ for packages, for example, set page.tkey$ = "py:pandas";for a template, when open this template in Origin, will check if pandas python package is installed.

    2. Support running python code in a button. for example. then there are python in a button named test, just need to run “run -pyb test“.


    Add Python based templates in New Workbook dialog

    More Python based workbook templates are added. Hovering mouse over those templates tells if it’s Python sample

    Provide some new templates in New Workbook dialog to show how to use Python in Origin.
    shapelist$ //support individual and group plot, only write access


    LT labtalk Color() function supports specify mapping column

    Improve Color() function to set plot color by column

    Syntax: m=colormap, n=indexing, r=RGB

    Code Block
    layer.plot1.color = color(1, m);//colormap next column to Y
    layer.plot1.color = color(-1, n);//index color, one column to the left of Y


    GetNBox focus issue

    Increase default GetNBox entry focus time

    Changed the default value of @ETG to 1700.


    Skip none-accessible objects in doc looping

    doc -e G will skip none-accessible objects in looping graph objects.

    When use doc -e G command to loop for all labels and other named objects in the active graph layer, the objects that not accessible from LabTalk will be skipped now.


    Plot Hide Show events from Labtalk

    Add a new event “Plot Hide Show” in Object Properties

    Open Object Properties dialog, in Programming tab, a new event is added in the Script Run After drop-down list. Choose it and then script will be execution when plot hide/show.


    LT Labtalk Accessing Cells from Another Book

    Improve LabTalk accessing cells notation from another book.

    • Support col(A) notation. E.g., =[book1]1!col(A)[1]

    • Book Name support resolving string varaible. E.g., Fill A1 cell with “Book1”, the cell formula =[A1$]1!A1 can refer to A1 cell in the 1st sheet of Book1

    • Support A0 notation. E.g., =[A1$]1!B0

    Origin C






    Functions to download color palette from the internet

    Added OC functions to download color palette: int download_palette(LPCSTR lpcszURL, LPCSTR lpcszPALfilename)

    Added following OC functions to download color palette. If file name arg is NULL or empty then the downloaded palette is installed.

    int download_palette(LPCSTR lpcszURL, LPCSTR lpcszPALfilename)

    At this time it can convert the following:

    • Scribus (.xml) (XML)

    • Office Color Table (.soc) (XML)

    • CorelDraw and Corel PhotoPaint (.xml) (XML)

    • Adobe Color (.aco) (Binary)

    • Adobe Color Table (.act) (Binary)

    • Adobe Swatch Exchange (.ase) (binary)

    • JASC PaintShopPro (.pal) (Text)


    OC functions to get modifiers from graph

    Two OC functions to get modifiers are added.: DataPlot.GetModifiers & GroupPlot.GetModifiers

    Added two OC functions to get modifiers.

    Code Block
    int DataPlot.GetModifiers(vector<int>& vnDesigs, vector<string>& saNames);
    int GroupPlot.GetModifiers(vector<int>& vnDesigs, vector<string>& saNames, vector<int>& vnIndices);


    OC function to get logical coordinates from xyz

    Improve GraphLayer.WorldToView() and GraphLayer.ViewToWorld() to support 3D graph.

    Improve GraphLayer.WorldToView() and GraphLayer.ViewToWorld() to support 3D graph.







    Main Menu Rework

    Social menu is added before Help menu, Help menu reorganization

    1. App Center menu is moved under Tools main menu.

    2. Training Videos, Graph Gallery and Open Folder: Sample Folder are added under Help main menu.

    3. Help: View Origin Info menu is removed.

    4. Social main menu is added:


    HTML Report Ease of Use

    Some menus added related to HTML report

    1. Added “Add HTML Report“ to worksheet tab context menu.

    2. Added a number of shortcut menu items under the HTML menu


    Copy Notes Window within or across sessions

    Copy Notes Window within or across sessions

    • Right click a Notes window title bar and choose Copy

    • Right click Notes window in Project Explorer and Copy.

    Then in another running instance of Origin, Ctrl+V to paste such Notes window in current folder.

    Labtalk command

    note.copy();// copy the active Note window to clipboard

    win -n notes __clip__ //create a new Note window from the content of the clipboard


    Set Project Protection in Save Project As dialog

    Protect Project… button in Save Project As dialog

    In the past, user had to use Tools: Protection: Protect Project… to set password.

    Then save project to

    In Origin 2021, user can set protection password from File: Save Project As… dialog.

    Image Added







    Let Customers to choose download new app xml

    Manually click Download now button to get new apps information

    In origin2020b, origin will download new app xml when open App center dialog if new app info comes. it is not friendly since it takes more or less 15s to finish downloading.

    In origin2021, origin provide a Download Now button in app center dialog when new app info comes, customer can choose download new app info manually as he want. therefore, user does not need waiting when open App Center dialog.

    once downloading is finished, new app info will be updated in App Center dialog instantly.


    App Bar order based on previously used or frequency

    In app Bar context menu: Sort Apps->Recently Used is added

    Option is now available to sort App icons in App Bar by usage. In app Bar context menu: Sort Apps->Recently Used..
