Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

Table of Contents

Range Notation Improvements

Virtual Dataset for a Block of Cells



Code Block
//Import a sample data into a new book
fname$=system.path.program$ + "\Samples\Matrix Conversion and Gridding\DirectXY.dat"; 
//Define the first row (from column B to E) as the first block
range -v r1=B[1]:E[1];
//Define the first column (from row 2 to 6) as the second block
range -v r2=A[2:6];
//Assign the values in the first block to the second block

Support Variables for Row Subrange Notation

Code Block
int a = 1;
int b = 12;
range rr=col(1)[a:b];

Support Range Declaration for Local Loose Dataset

Code Block
dataset ds1,ds2; 
range rngld1=[??]!ds1;
range rngld2=[??]!ds2[10:15];  
range aa=1!1, bb=2[10:15];  //Given col(a)&col(b) is filled with row numbers: 


 second block

Preserve Double Quotes (ORG-8267)

Code Block
range r1 = 1!; //First sheet in the activated workbook
range r2 = "1!"; //Column with long name "1!"

Substitution Notation Improvement 




Substitute Text From...


The user-defined parameter with the specified name.

Create and plot a named range via virtual dataset 


(ORG-3423 )

Syntax: create name -nrs extract_rule [range_stringdesignationscope_range_string]


Code Block
//Plot a box chart from a block of cells
create myvsbox -nrs 1 "[Book1]Sheet1!1[2]:3[4]"; //Create a virtual dataset myvsbox from a block of cells
win -t p box; //Create a black graph window with box chart template
layer -i206 myvsbox;//Add virtual dataset myvsbox to the graph

LabTalk Callable OC function to Execute an


Operation (ORG-7877)

Click on the recalculate lock and select Show Info from the context menu to get the "operation_uid", then run execute_operation function.


Code Block

Improve LabTalk "type -gb" command for text file


output (ORG-8306)

Code Block
type -gb [[e][f][r/n]] fileName;


New line is \r\n by default, n = use \n as new line, r = use \r as new line.  

Better error checking in LabTalk


function (ORG-9155)

In an OGS file, add the following script, and then run the main section, the error message will go to Message Log.

Code Block
Function int aa(int nn)
	ty "inside function";
	return 1;

int nErr = aa(0);
ty "after function";

LT access to user color increment


list (ORG-8942)

LabTalk can now get or set in the same command area as set/get data plot colors. The syntax is:


Code Block
col(A) = data(1,12);
col(B) = col(A);
plotxy (1,2);
set %c -ci 1;
set %c -cue 1;
set %c -cu 2 4 6 8;
dataset ds;
get %c -cu ds;

Labtalk Function to Generate Patterned


Data (ORG-7900)

  • To generate numeric data:


Code Block
col(B)=pattern(col(c), 2, 3); //data source, value repeat count, sequence repeat count
col(B)=uniform(30, col(A)); //randomly choose 30 elements from col(A) to fill col(B)

Layer (command) Supports Subrange



Code Block
range rr = wcol(2)[ 1:10 ]; win -t plot; layer -i rr; // Plot rows 1 to 10


Function AreaVariableTypeDefaultSupportedDescription
ORG-7923Smart Labeling@SLDbool0 globally enable smart labeling of data label
 @SLDFdouble [0.0, 1.0]favor count factor, missing value means auto
 @SLDLbool0 look ahead
 @SLDMdouble  measure constant variant, missing value means auto
 @SLDRdouble  ray number, -1 means auto
 @SLDGdouble  Smart Labeling reposition gap
ORG-8396Hidden Row@GMHbool0 
  • Value = 1:
    The behavior of Origin is the same as before
  • Value = 0:
    Origin will not get missing value from hidden rows, except for analysis and plotting
ORG-5733 @b3d0bool1 whether minus values needs down drawing
 @b3d0bbool1 whether z=0 face shows black color
ORG-170Polar Grid@DPA 3  % of DPI as a minimum distance between closest grids
ORG-7993 @CWSint13 Change Worksheet search option bits.
1 = Compare column short name
2 = Compare column long name
4 = Compare column designation
8 = Compare column index.
ORG-9003 @OGLSLbool1 

1 = Enable shearing for axis titles and tick labels if they are in axis plane and 3D cube has been sheared.

0 = Disable their shearing.

ORG-7805Text Filter


Text Filter label display

0=Enter, 1=Space (default), 2=Comma, 3=Semicolon

 @TFLdouble50 The max length of text filter label
ORG-6669 @AUFLbool  if it is non-zero, always set Auto as auto update mode; if @AUFL equals to zero, check whether there is an operation in the column, if there is, keep therecalculate mode, otherwise, set Auto as recalculate mode.
ORG-3262Paste Unicode@PSTUint40,1,2,3,4


ORG-3262Copy Unicode@COPUint10,1

0 = Disable to put unicode on clipboard

1 = Enable to put unicode on clipboard

ORG-5618 @ARDint00, 10 = Restrict direct arithmetic's like +2 in Script Window
1 = direct arithmetic's like +2 in Script Window. When enabled, user can highlight column B in worksheet, and then enter +3 in Script window to add 3 to each row of column B
ORG-8989Rescale When Manual@NRM 00,1

0 = Enable to scale in or scale out (old behavior) when axis scale is set to manual

1 = Disable to scale in or scale out when both axes scale are set to manual


wks.hierarchicalORG-8452LT property to indicate if worksheet is hierarchical (i.e., report sheets)

LT command to list number of DataRange 



Running script "list rng;" takes quite a long time to finish the listing. The following command will output the number of DataRange directly.

Code Block
doc.rangescount()=; /// all ranges
doc.rangescount(16)=; /// all empty ranges
doc.rangescount(32)=; /// all "AutoFill" ranges


Provide Tooltip for any object with Script, Run After set



For button in Graph or Worksheet with script behind it, if you set @GSB=1, when mousing over the button, tooltip will tell you how to view/edit script and how to delete the object.