Origin 2024b Features


New Graph Types










3D Graph with Double Z Axis

Multiple 3D graphs with double Z axis (left and right Z axis)

For multiple 3D plots (surface, scatter, bar) in one graph, give option to plot against left or right Z axis.

  • Use the plot’s Mini Toolbar to plot against Left or Right axis.

  • Use Display tab in Plot Details dialog.


3D XYZ Floating Bar

The support added is similar to the 3D Stacked Bar with X, Y, and multiple Z data. The bar is from one Z to another Z, with the logic being similar to that of the 2D Floating Bar.

  1. Added 3D Floating Bar after 3D 100% stacked bars in Plot menu.

  2. Support added for Bar Shape option. For partial pyramid and partial cone, maximum bar length is considered to be full.

  3. For the label, Bottom is the start position and Top is the end position.


Hierarchical Edge Bundling

Support added for Hierarchical Edge Bundling .

In Plot menu, see Categorical: Hierarchical Edge Bundling.

When 1st plot in layer is Hierarchical Edge Bundling, an Edge Bundling button has been added to the layer level, allowing for customization of the Highlight Mode.



Streamline is now supported with matrix data.

With Matrix window active, choose Plot: Specialized to see the new graph types.













Update Legend on Plot Removal

Improvements made to legend updating when a plot is removed from graph.

In the past, when a plot is removed from graph, there was still a trace of it in the legend, requiring a manual refresh from the user (Ctrl+L) to update the legend.

In Origin 2024b, the legend automatically updates when a plot is removed from a graph. The corresponding Legend Update Mode in the Plot Details dialog has been updated to say Update when Adding/Removing.



Graph Long Name is shown in more places

The graph’s Long Name is shown in Merge Graph Windows dialog and Object Manager window (if it exists).

In the past, users could add a more descriptive Long Name for a graph but the Merge Graph Window and Object Manager would still show only the Short Name, which made it hard for user to identify the window.

In Origin 2024b, if there is Long Name for graph window it will show, otherwise the Short Name will show.

In Object Manager, users may right-click the top node to return this setting to Show Page Short Name.




Plot graphs directly from Image window

The Plot menu is now available for image windows. This allows images to be directly plotted to a histogram, contour, heatmap, profile or 3D surface graphs.

Before Origin 2024b, users would need to convert image to matrix before plotting it.

In Origin 2024b, users can directly plot applicable graphs such as histogram, contour, etc. from image window.

To plot a subregion, use the Rectangle, Circle, Polygon or Region toolbar button to draw the Region of Interest (ROI) on image, right-click on ROI, then choose Crop (or Create Linked Image to create a new image window of the subregion). Plot from there. Multiple ROIs are supported in image windows.



Browser Panel for plots from a multi-frame image window

  1. Plot a histogram, contour, heatmap or image plot from image stack window

  2. Click the Column Switching Browser Graph button from the page-level Mini Toolbar

  3. For histograms from a multi-frame image or video, only 1 histogram is plotted by default. Click the down arrow on the left panel and choose All Frames from same image to load all frames on the left. Select multiple frames are supported.



Virtual Matrix XYZ titles automatically refer to the column label

When creating a plot with plotvm or plotmultivm, it will automatically set column label notation to refer to XYZ titles. For example, since %H means source sheet, the Long Name of the 1st column in the source sheet could be %(%@H, 1, L).

The notation can be edited directly or changed by the fly-out menu button of the plotVM dialog or Virtual Matrix Manager.

A table of all string variables can be found here: https://www.originlab.com/doc/en/LabTalk/guide/String-registers


Books and Sheets sorted in Batch Plotting dialog

Books and Sheets are listed alphabetically.

Before Origin 2024b, the matching books and sheets are listed by creation time in the middle panel of Batch Plotting dialog.

In Origin 2024b, sheets in the plot’s source workbook are listed on the top, followed by other matching sheets/books alphabetically.


Online Templates for 2024b

Added more online templates for 2024b. You can get the latest online template by selecting menu Tools: Template Center.

Some of these templates include:

  1. Clustered Scatter Plot

  2. Time Series Explorer

  3. Distribution+Box+Data

  4. 3D Horizontal Floating Bar

Label and Annotation










Support added for alignment of various objects to page (instead of layer)

Object Edit toolbar buttons now allow an to align a single object (text, graphic, etc.) relative to page

In Origin 2024, we enabled Object Edit toolbar buttons for single layer selection so that users can easily align a layer to center, left, right, top, and bottom relative to the whole page.

They are enabled for individual text, legend, and graphic objects as well in Origin 2024b so that users can easily align them relative to page.

E.g.: Add a text label to a graph. Select it and click the Vertical button. It will put the text to center of graph page. Clicking the Top button will align the text to top of the page.

Note: When multiple text, graphic objects, or layers are selected, the alignment will be based on the first object in the selection. E.g.: Select layer and then click a text object. Clicking Right button will align the text to right edge of layer.


Edit Point options added for graph objects

Edit Point added to the Mini Toolbar and context menu, allowing users to easily adjust shapes

This applies to the following objects:

  • polyline, curve, arc, lines by freehand drawing

  • curved arrow

  • irregular polygon & region


Added an option for Triangle as Head and Tail of Color Scale

Arrow-like Color Scales can be made using a triangular Head and Tail.

Make sure Hide Head Level and Hide Tail Level are NOT checked, then users can go to the Layout tab to set head and tail to show as triangle and adjust triangle height.

Note: This only works for color scales when layout is set to Joined.



Data Annotation support added for images within a worksheet

Images found in a worksheet cell can now be used in the Data Annotation feature.

In previous versions, Data Annotation supports images only if they are contained in the Label metadata row (green)

In Origin2024b, images are also supported if they are in a worksheet cell (pink).



Data Point Tooltip now includes information from modifying column

If there are modifier columns in the plot (such as color, size etc.), the relevant information is shown in the tooltip.

The Data Point Tooltip dialog, which appears when hovering the mouse above a plotted data point, now includes information about the modifier column (only if there is a modifying column).

For example, for a color mapped bubble, the color column and size column contents is shown in the tooltip alongside the other Row and Column information.


Ctrl+Drag certain objects now adds and moves a copy of the object

Ctrl+Drag a text, line, arrow, rectangle, circle, etc. to make a copy at new location, similar to MS Powerpoint

Hold down the Ctrl key and drag graphic objects to make a copy at the new location.

This also applies to annotation objects added for data points in graph.

Note: In older versions, after using annotation tool to add an annotation on a data point in graph, user could use Alt+Drag to move it to a new data point; or use Ctrl+Shift+Drag to make a new annotation to another data point. But it was kind of hidden and different from the usual hotkeys in other software.


Improved readability of objects in Object Manager

Text objects and axes now display more information in Object Manager

In previous versions, only the program name of text objects and axis titles showed in Object Manager, which made it hard to locate a specific item in some cases.

Origin 2024b supports showing axis title and text contents in the Object Manager. This can be customized using System Variable @OMTL, which controls showing text contents or not and how many characters. For example:

  • 0 = no contents shown.

  • 10 = 1st 10 chars show.

The generic axis title object names e.g. Y Axis Title (YL) is shortened to YL Title

Gray background denote objects that are out of the page frame so users can check what is being omitted and if should be included, etc.



Improvements for tooltips and substitution

A number of features have been added to better support custom labels, tooltips, and titles in plots and reports.


In Origin 2024b, we offer a more robust dialog to customize a variety of text objects related to graphing.


Easily annotate Contour graphs

Added a button to the Mini Toolbar to annotate Min & Max Values when clicking on contour graph

Graph Customization










Easily invert axis scales

A Flip Axis button has been added to the Mini Toolbar to easily switch axes' From and To values

  • Added Flip Axis Mini Toolbar button when clicking on axis

  • Added Flip button on the right of To value in Axis Scale mini dialog and Scale tab of Axis dialog


Droplines can now be specified by their Y value

Add specific drop line positions by with “y=…” or “x=…”

In the Drop Lines tab of the Plot Details dialog, users can specify drop line positions by either x or y value


  • x=3.5 7.8

  • y=3.5 7.8


Line plots now support arrows to show direction

The Line tab now contains an option to show arrows along a curve or line, indicating the direction of a plot.

On Lines tab in the Plot Details, Show Arrow checkbox has been added.

Checking it will present an Arrow tab, which allows for further customization of the arrows.



Skip data points now available in 3D scatter graph

Added support to skip data points in 3D Scatter graphs.

This option can now be found in the Drop Lines tab of the Plot Details dialog. The controls are the same as the 2D Scatter graph, including Smart Skip.


3D Waterfall Fill Color Y-Value Colormapping

Map waterall plot’s fill color by Y values

In previous versions, Y-Value Color Mapping was only available in waterfall maps for the line color. In 2024b, support has been added for the fill color of waterfall plots to be mapped by Y values. This can be accessed via the Mini Toolbar: Fill Color: By Points: Y-Value: Color Mapping.


Added support to hide Sankey Link labels under a certain percentage

Sankey Link labels can now be hidden using the “Hide of Less than(%)” feature.

In Origin 2024b we have added an easier way to control which link labels are shown in Sankey diagrams. This option is Hide if Less than(%) and can be found in the Label tab of Plot Details.


Arrow Center is Wrong for Symbol Shape

Add Auto to Length dropdown

Added “Auto” support for various graphic objects For the Cross, Rectangle and Circle arrow shapes, auto means follow width. For other shapes, auto means length=2*width. We can add such auto for line object arrow, arrow object, annotation leader line arrow, axis arrow, streamline arrow.


Improved Data: Edit Range feature when working with any Stacked graph

Users can now select Data: Edit Range to apply changes to entire group in Stacked Column and Stacked Bar graphs.

When users edit the range for a stacked column or bar plot, a new popup message appears asking if the change should be applied to the group:
Stacked column/bar share same data range in group. Do you want to apply this change to whole group?

  • Select Yes to apply a range setting to group.

  • Select No to do nothing, as was the default in previous versions.
    This applies to all stacked column/bar plots, including polar and 3D coordinate.


Hotkey/shortcut added for Fit Page to Layers

A new shortcut has been added. Ctrl+Shift+E now triggers Fit Page to Layers.

When users press Ctrl+Shift+E, the last-used settings of the Fit Page to Layer dialog will be used. (No dialog will appear.)


Ctrl+Click now allows users to edit group members of a graph objects group

If multiple graph objects are group, individual group members can now be edited.

To edit individual group members, Ctrl+Click on one or more objects within the group. This allows edits to be made to only the selected objects within the group.


Improvements made to Insert Plot to Layer feature

Users now have more control when inserting new plots to the active graph.

Insert: Plot to Layer now opens an Interactive Range Selector dialog.

Initially, any selection from the last active sheet will show in dialog.
To make a different selection, users can simply go to the target sheet and select the target column(s) or matrix object(s).
Users may also make more complex selections via the Layer Contents… button, including selections from multiple worksheets or matrices.


Improvements to Share Axis Style option

In the Axis dialog’s “Show” tab, the Share Axis Style for All Axes checkbox has been replaced with a dropdown menu.

Users can choose between “Limited Style” (default) and “All Styles”, the latter of which will share all axis styles – as in the Common Display feature – except for Special Tick, Reference Line, Show/Hide settings, Tick Label and Axis Title.


Mini Toolbar for grouped objects will now affect changes to each of the group members

Grouped graph objects of the same type can now have their individual settings changed in sync via the Mini Toolbar.

Changed settings are applied to all members of the group. This applies to objects such as text, shapes, lines, etc.


Support added for single-day X columns to show tick labels as time

If a column contains same-day date/time data, Origin 2024b now treats time as same-day when displaying X data.

The last tick now shows as 24:00, instead of 00:00.



Complete dropdown list of template categories

All template categories are now shown in:

  1. Save Template As dialog

  2. categories in drop-down when editing user-defined template in Template Library

When saving a template in Origin2024b, the dialog now lists all the categories of system templates found in the Plot menu’s left panel, from Basic 2D to Browser. (This does not include Function plot since we do not provide specific templates for function plot.)

Users can go to the Template Library to view user-defined templates and switch to list view. Right-clicking provides an option to edit. When editing, this dropdown list has also been updated to include all categories.


Dialog improvement when building Pie charts

The popup dialog is now more helpful when trying to build a Pie chart or Doughnut plot with a single categorical column selected.

When users select one text column to create a Pie Chart (including 3D Pie) or Doughnut plot, we show the following error message:

To count the unique value with pie/doughnut chart, 1. Add one Y column with F(x)=1. 2. Select XY columns and create plot.

This is meant to help the user understand that some counting (using a numeric column) must be done first. Once that is completed, the plot can be made.


Improved functionality when editing Radius Axis of Polar Contour plots

The Radius Axis of Polar Contour plots can now be edited User wants the radius value to be increased towards the center. Simply switching the From and To values of the r axis now work.

In previous versions of Origin, a workaround was to add a new column of the reversed r values for the plot, then label the axis with 7.5 - x. Now users can simply switch the From and To values in the Axis Dialog’s scale tab.


Fit Equation can now be displayed in Scatter Matrix

The Scatter Matrix dialog now has a checkbox for Fitting Equation that will display the equation for the linear fit line.

This can also be toggled from the Mini Toolbar.

We have added a Fitting Equation checkbox and Custom Fitting Equation editbox to the plot_matrix dialog. Note that this is only enabled when Linear Fit is active in Options branch.

In previous versions, if the fitted curve was shown in the Graph Maker, the equation would be shown in a reference line label. If linear fit curve was selected in the Mini-Toolbar, the reference line label of this curve was set to fitting equation y = $(a0,-)$(a1,-+)*x as in the graph maker. If the label was shown for such a line, the equation would show.


Tick Label display format for Date/Time data now follows the Column Format

When worksheet format is already set, tick label format of Date/Time data will follow the column’s display format.

When Tick Label format is a date or time, we have added Auto as the last option in Display. This feature follows the column display format. When creating a plot using a system template from the Plot menu or toolbar, and if there is Date/Time data, Origin2024b will use Auto as the default value for Display.


Added a new syntax for Date/Time labels

The new syntax allows users to display Year/Month for the 1st Tick of the Year/Month

In the Custom Display editbox, “\n” will wrap tick labels and only show year or month on the first tick:

Another addition is “%CRLF”, which makes a new line:

There is also a Show Date for 1st Tick of the Date checkbox. This is so that, when a variable like hour, e.g., is used in Custom Display, it will wrap by day:


The default palettes now include a colorblind-friendly palette.

A new default palette makes it easy to prepare colorblind-accessible figures.

A new palette, ColorBlindSafe15, has been added, which includes 15 colors of varying lightnesses and hues.














Easily remove all locks from various scopes within a project

A new option in the Edit menu offers a quick way to remove operation locks.

After doing any analysis in Origin, the green lock shows by default in any output columns, matrices, or graphs so that when input is changed the corresponding output can update, and the user can click on it to change the parameters of analysis.

In previous versions, it was not possible to remove all of these locks at once.

In Origin 2024b, we have added the option in the Edit menu to “Remove Operations for” and allows the user to select (with a submenu) different scopes of removal. E.g.: Remove Operations for Active sheet, Active window, Active folder, Active folder (recursive), and Project.

Corresponding LabTalk command

run -aul 0; /// remove all operations in active layer (wks, matrix or graph)

run -aup 0; /// remove all operations in active page (wks, matrix or graph)

run -auo 0; /// remove all operations in curent folder (but not recursive)

run -auor 0; /// remove all operations in curent folder

this LT, include shortcut default,
if you don’t want no include shortcut, run the following
run -aud 0 0;
run -audr 0 0;
the last value in LT. if is other value. also include shortcut. like 1.


Added a new button for inversion in some X-Functions

In the interp1xy and reducexy X-Functions, an inverse button has been added after the X End ‘Auto’ checkbox. It switches the values of X Start and X End.












New Data Extraction Gadget

Data can easily be extracted from a graph by drawing ROIs using the Data Extraction Gadget

Accessible by menu selecting Gadget: Data Extraction, this new gadget allows various ROIs to be drawn and then outputs data in a user-specified manner. Features include:

  • Support for different ROI shapes such as rectangle, oval, or an arbitrary shape.

  • Ability to create multiple ROIs

  • User can specify which plot(s) to extract data from

  • Output data (from either the active or all ROIs) to a new sheet, or append rows/columns to an existing sheet


Updated Cluster Gadget’s Arbitrary Shape function

Arbitrary shapes in the Cluster Gadget now allows user to change the shape points via click-and-drag.

When using the Arbitrary Shape tool in the Cluster Gadget, users can click multiple times (or simply click Modify ROI button) to enter edit point mode for the current ROI. In this mode, anchor points may be adjusted via click-and-drag.





Batch Processing

















Image Processing










Updated to a newer version of OpenCV (4.8.0)

Origin 2024b uses OpenCV 4.8.0. (upgraded from 4.5.2).

Several issues that we reported to OpenCV have been fixed, so we have upgraded.

Data Handling











Time Series data can now be unstacked by time interval

New tools are available to reshape Date/Time data.

Choose menu Restructure: Unstack by Time Interval to open this new tool.

  • Supports Date/Time data.

  • Available values for Time Interval are: Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, and Minute.

  • Users can specify the Start and End Value for each unstacked group. (Keep it empty to use the default settings.)

  • Use the Additional Label Row(s) editbox to add user-defined labels with more time information in the output.

  • Use the Output Date/Time Column Format to specify the output of date column of each unstacked group.


Edit multiple defined name ranges

Support delete and change scope of multiple defined named ranges

Choose Data: Name Manager… to open the Name Manager dialog.

Select multiple names and right-click to bring up a new context menu. It supports:

  • Delete to delete the selection

  • Change Scope to and select either Sheet, Book, or Project


Improvements made to Transpose Worksheet feature

Empty column label/metadata rows are now trimmed when transposing worksheets.

If a user has a worksheet with column label rows filled and wants to transpose the worksheet, including all metadata rows, e.g. Long Name, Units, etc. user can

  1. Menu select Reconstruct: Transpose…

  2. Activate the checkbox “Exchange Label with Data” and set “Label Type” to All

Before Origin 2024b, empty column metadata rows would show as an empty column in output sheet. In Origin 2024b, empty column label rows are simply trimmed.


Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) cells are now visually denoted

We have made it easier to find cells with DDE links.

When users copy data from an Excel file and paste it as a link into Origin worksheet cells, it is a Dynamic Data Exchange (DDE) link.

In previous versions, if a user comes back to the workbook later on, it was difficult to tell which cells are DDE links to an Excel file.

In Origin 2024b, it is easier. With a workbook active:

  • Select menu Edit: Edit Mode (Ctrl+Alt+B)

    DDE links now display with a grey background.

  • In the past, DDE Link only shows on Status bar when upper left cell of the copied range is clicked in Origin. In Origin 2024b, the DDE link shows no matter which cell is clicked in the range.


New feature added: Copy Mask Status

This new feature allows users to easily copy and paste the mask condition of some column(s) to other(s).

Copy Mask Status option in the context menu has been added for column selections to copy mask status and paste to destination column(s).

Simply right-click on a selection containing one or more column(s) with masked cells and choose Copy Columns to… from the context menu to open the X-Function dialog:

With the above settings, only the mask status of each cell will be pasted to the user-selected destination columns.

Note: The corresponding LabTalk script is colcopy orng:=[Book2]Sheet1!1:5 data:=0 mask:=1;


Selection Comes Back Into View with Any Change

When user make any changes to an invisible selection, the selection will comes back into view

Select a cell in the sheet, then scroll to make the cell invisible. Try to type something, then Origin will auto scroll to make the cell visible. User can also try to copy, mask, fill data or click the formula bar, selection should come back into view.


patternD Improvements

Improvements for the fill column with pattern date/time values tool

  • Remove the Month and Year unit for the Time format as they are meaningless.

  • Add Quarter unit for the Date format.

  • Add Workday unit for both Date and Time format.


Support real time drawing for graph object on workbook window

Support real time drawing for graph object in workbook

Active workbook, click the Rectangle toolbar button and try to drag a rectangle on the worksheet. In previous version, only a rectangle border is drawn. Now start from Origin 2024b, it will draw the real rectangle object on dragging like on graph window.











SharePoint servers are now supported in the Connect to Web feature

Support has been added for connecting or opening files on a SharePoint server using the Connect to Web dialog.

This feature supports connecting to the following file types:

  • CSV

  • Excel

  • Origin

  • Matlab

  • Shapefile

  • N42

Support has also been added to open all file types that support D&D (drag-and-drop) import in Origin.


JSON Connector now supports the JSON5 format

JSON Connector supports importing files in the JSON5 format.

The import method is the same as any JSON file.


Cloud Data Connector Improvements

More information is now available via the Cloud Data Connector dialog regarding the file path and file ID.

New features include:

  1. When connect to cloud, change data source will locate to imported file, and highlight it.

  2. Right-clicking the file/folder in the cloud file browser now provides a context menu containing Copy Path and Copy File ID.


Support added to scan and connect all files in a specified folder

The Auto Import menu now includes an On Folder Change option.

When the On Folder Change option is checked, if any file(s) are added or deleted within the current folder, Origin will automatically reimport all data in that folder.


Update to newer CDF version 3.9.0

Updated CDF dll version to 3.9.0

We now support the import of CDF files up to 3.9.0.


Udpate to newer HDF5 version 1.14.3

Updated HDF5 dll version to 1.14.3

We now support the import of HDF5 files up to 1.14.3.


Update to newer NetCDF version 4.9.2

Updated NetCDF dll version to 4.9.2.

We now support the import of NetCDF files up to 4.9.2.


Update to newer Matlab version 1.5.26

Updated Matlab dll version to 1.5.26

We now support the import of MATLAB files up to 1.5.26


Update to newer SPSS SAV version 28.0.1

Updated SPSS SAV dll version to 28.0.1

We now support the import of SPSS file up to 28.0.1


Improve speed of netCDF Connector

Improved import speed for NetCDF Connector.

Speed improvements have been added for the import of NetCDF files with many matrix objects.


Support added to save Project Files in Cloud

Project files can now be opened from and saved to the cloud.

Some notes:

  • If a project on a cloud is opened by another instance, then show Attention dialog, and not open this project again.

  • If a project on a cloud is locked or checked out, then an Attention dialog shows for user to decide whether they would like to open it as read-only or not.

    • Choose yes to open as read-only.

    • Choose no to attempt an unlocked / checking in of this project.

      • If when unlocked/checked in successfully, then open it normally;

      • otherwise, a message displays “This file can not be unlocked/checked in. It is opened as read-only.”, and opens as read-only.


LabTalk addition: “Connect by Duplicate”

We improved the wbk.DC.newsheet() function to support “Connect by Duplicating Active Sheet”.

Optional 2nd argument 1 is added so that newsheet(sheet$[, 1] ) is a method to connect a new sheet or data by duplicating active sheet’s analysis, calculation, etc.

For the Excel connector, input only needs to set sheet$ as sheet name, e.g.:

newbook; wbook.dc.ADD("Excel"); wbook.dc.path$=system.path.program$+"Samples\Import and Export\United States Energy (1980-2013).xls"; wks.dc.import(); wbk.DC.newsheet("Natural Gas", 1);

For other connectors, like the Origin project connector, input must set sheet$ as “[bookname]Sheetname”, e.g.:

string fname$=system.path.program$+"Samples\tutorial data.opju"; wbook.dc.add("Origin"); wks.dc.source$ = fname$; wks.dc.sel$ = "[book6]pre-Electrical Open"; rnormalize -r 1 irng:=4 method:=range100; //normalize 4th column //Import new sheet by duplicate same operation in active sheet //2nd argument 1 is new in Origin 2024b wbook.dc.Newsheet("[book6]post-Electrical Open",1);


New option when importing JSON files via LabtTalk: “Nested Arrays as Columns

A new object has been added to the wks.dc object to support “Nested Arrays as Columns” when importing JSON file(s).

The new object has the following syntax:











Transparent background for TIFF and PNG export

TIFFs and PNGs can now be exported with a transparent background from the Export Graph dialog.

A Transparent Background checkbox is now present in the Export Graph dialog for PNG and TIFF image types

When exporting graphs or layouts that contain the default white background, users can check the Transparent Background checkbox to export the image with no background.

Corresponding system variable: @GET = 1

Note: This feature is not currently present in the Export Graphs (Advanced) dialog.


Options added to customize export quality of transparent PNGs with text

We added an option that better supports PNGs with transparent backgrounds and text.

With the addition of the Transparent Background checkbox in the expG2img dialog, users may also set @GET=2 to improve the text drawing quality.


Added interactive elements when exporting SVG files

For now scope info and tooltip for symbol plot are added to svg

Note: Currently this feature is only supported by 2D scatter and line+symbol plots.


  1. Set system variable @SVGI=1

  2. Export 2d scatter or line+symbol graph as SVG.

  3. Open and click Choose File button there to load the SVG file.

  4. Mouse over scatter points. → Tooltip shows













Shortcut added to easily get the LabTalk Script for buttons on the Mini Toolbar

Ctrl+Shift+clicking on a button in the Mini Toolbar now provides the underlying LabTalk Script.

To access the LabTalk Script underlying any button in the Mini Toolbar, users may now Ctrl+Shift+Click on the button of interest. Output will be seen in the Script Window if it is onscreen.


Improved Unique() function by adding more sorting options

New parameters occurrence and sort2 have been added to give users more control of how the Unique() function sorts output.

Syntax: Unique(vector<string> vs[, int Sort, int Occurrence, int sort2])

  • sort2 = 0 (default), no sorting by occurrence.

  • sort2 = 1, sort by occurrence, ascending.

  • sort2 = 2, sort by occurrence, descending.

For more details, please visit:



Two new functions have been added to calculate the mode value within a column

New functions mode() and modes() have been added.

double mode(dataset vd)

  • Returns the most frequently occurring value in the input dataset.

vector modes(dataset vd)

  • Return a vector of the most frequently occurring values in the input dataset.

  • This will return more than one result if there are multiple modes.


Added the Erfi() function

The new LabTalk function erfi() computes the value of the imaginary error function for a specified complex c

The function is calculated by the NAG function nag_complex_erfc(s15ddc).

complex erfi(complex c)


String variables can now be redeclared.

Support redeclaration for LabTalk String variables has been added.


Added the Landau Distribution for OriginC and LabTalk

Origin now provides Landaucdf, Landaupdf and Landauinv functions for OriginC and LabTalk

For Origin C:

double Landaupdf( const double x, double mu = 0, double sigma = pi/2 )

double Landaucdf( const double x, double mu = 0, double sigma = pi/2, int iTail = TAILED_TEST_LOWER )

double Landauinv( const double dP, double mu=0, double sigma=pi/2 )

For LabTalk:

double Landaupdf( double x, double mu, double sigma )

double Landaucdf( double x, double mu, double sigma[, int Tail] )

double Landauinv( double p, double mu, double sigma )


LabTalk now supports automatic enumeration when naming objects

We have added new renaming method to LabTalk Layer objects to support auto enumeration.

Syntax: layer.Rename(name)

For example, suppose there is already a sheet named “Test”, activate another sheet in the book and run layer.rename("Test") to rename the sheet as "Test1".


Added a LabTalk command to delete User-Defined Parameter rows

Add new character “#” to clear the content and hide the label row.

Syntax: wks.labels(#Dn)
This will clear and hide the nth user-defined parameter row. If Dn is the last user-defined parameter, the Dn label will be deleted.


LabTalk can now access and customize the Color Scale label format

Add support for LabTalk to access and customize the Color Scale label format.

Some examples:

Origin C










Support added for arrange layout for GETN_RADIO_INDEX

Improved GETN_MULTI_COLS_BRANCH(_NCOLS, _GAP); to supported arrange layout for radio.



Support binary for okutil_http_ex function

Added OCHTTP_SRC_BIN bit for okutil_http_ex function to support upload binary file.



OriginC now supports downloading a file in another thread

Added bits bWait and bShowMsg to okutil_http_download function to support download file in another thread.

For example, see following web page:














Updated OriginExt for each Python version

Python 3.12 is available now, so we published a new OriginExt 1.2.2 for it.

Use following command to install in Python 3.12





Code Builder










Code Builder improvements for editing js, css, json

Basic supports for Web Type Files, e.g. js, css, json

Indentation when starting new line, etc.


Ease of Use










Major improvements to Undo and Redo functionality

Along with Redo now being supported, the Undo function is now support in more places within the software.

This version introduces Redo feature, and improved Undo to enhance the users workflow and experience:

  • Redo (Ctrl+Y) allows you to quickly reapply an action without having to repeat the steps manually.

  • If you accidentally undo too many actions, redo lets you recover those actions without losing your work.

  • Undo (Ctrl+Z) works in more actions, including folder deletion, plot and object reordering, changes made to layouts and matrices, X-Functions, and many more.

  • Origin is a software that often contains many child windows in one workspace. Undo Window Positioning (Ctrl+Shift+Z) is now a shortcut and will undo actions such as minimizing, resizing, and moving child windows.


A faster way to toggle the display of plots and objects has been added within the Object Manager

Origin 2024b includes a new icon in Object Manager to toggle plot and object display.




Object Manager Follow Legend Text/Symbol

Object Manager show exactly what’s in legend

If user customize the legend with custom syntax, now force the object manager display exactly what user entered in legend so they match


The context menu for layer nodes now includes a Collapse All feature

In the Object Manager, we added a Collapse All Siblings and Expand All Siblings option in the context menu of layer levels. Selecting it will collapse/expand all siblings


Folder Notes are now denoted with a visual indicator

A blue dot now shows next to any folder that has folder notes in the Project Explorer.

In Project Explorer, Folders with notes will be indicated by a blue dot.



Graph Notes

Add Notes for graph windows.

An Add Notes button now displays on top of Object Manager, allowing users to add notes for graphs windows.

If Notes exist for a graph, the icon changes. Additionally, there is a blue dot next to the top node in the Object Manager.



Interface improvements for graph scale

Support added for snapping to minor ticks and 1/2 minor ticks.

Support sdded for drag and change scales with reverse X/Y

System variable to control snapping:

@DSRT=0 only snapping to major tick (old behavior in 2024)

@DSRT=1 Support snapping to minor tick

@DSRT=2 Support snapping to half of minor tick (2024b default)


Light Gray Dark Theme Added

Light gray dark theme is added as an option for dark mode.

In Origin 2024, we brought Dark Mode to Origin with a number of built-in themes. In Origin 2024b, we added a built-in theme that is not as dark, for improved usability.

When dark mode is on, you can access all built-in dark themes from Preferences: Dark Theme


Scintilla-based Command Window and Results Log

Improvements have been made to the Command Window and Results Log to be Scintilla-based so that it’s easier to change display font size.

Hold Ctrl key and use mouse wheel to zoom in and out.


OPX LZ4 Compression is now ON by default

Turned on LZ4 Compression checkbox by default in the package manager dialog.

LZ4 compression is a new package compressed method implemented in Origin2020. Based on user feedback, it can significantly speed up making and installing package which contains large size files. Therefore, we decide to turn it on by default.


The Project File path in Origin’s title bar is now hidden

Set the system variable @HPT to 1 to hide .opju file’s path in the Origin workspace title bar.

Origin 2024b adds system variable @HPT=1 to hide OPJU file path in title bar. Only file name shows. The @HPT default value is 0 (not hide OPJU file path).

Note: There was @PEW to hide Project Explorer (PE) subfolder path in Origin workspace title bar.


Add important apps to Origin’s main menus

We added a “More Apps” menu that lists important/popular apps.

A “More Apps” menu has been added to following menus:

  1. Statistics menu

  2. Analysis: Fitting menu

  3. Analysis: Signal Processing menu

  4. Analysis: Signal Processing menu



Copy All Data in Rectangle from the Mini Toolbar

Drag a rectangle some graph then click to show the Mini Toolbar.

Copy Data to copy all data in the rectangle as multiple columns.

Copy Data as One Set to copy all data in rectangle as one XY column


Made the ‘Dark Mode Unsupported' message more obvious

In Origin2024, Dark mode unsupported message shows in Message Log window only and thus it was easily missed.

In Origin2024b, the message is now a pop-up.