Origin 2025 Bug Fixes










LaTeX using third party extension fails to show dark mode

In Dark mode, LaTeX inserted using third party extension is dark.

Fixed in Origin 2025. By default, it will show in white in dark mode.

Corresponding system variable @SVGDM (LaTeX SVG supports dark mode). 0 = off. 1 (default)= On.


Horizontal or vertical line sometimes disappear when anti-aliasing is enable

When anti-liasing is on, resize graph window, sometimes horizontal of vertical line plots or error bars would disappear.

Fixed in Origin 2025.


Fit Page to layer didn’t consider cut-off

When trying to fit page to layer, if a data point was not clipped, then the related error bar would be included.

Fixed in Origin 2025 so if it is not clipped, the error bar will not be included.


Strange string shows if Scale In graph with graph object

When Scale in graph with graph object, strange string shows

Fixed in Origin2025


OM fails to display correct info when switching folder if docked together with Project Explorer

Docked Object Manager with Project Explorer as 2 tabs, switch folder in Project Exlorer and active Object Manager, Object Manager display wrong info

Fixed in Origin2025


3D graph display and plotting issue if fresh Origin instance

  1. Start a new Origin instance.

  2. Open the attached ORG29045.opju

  3. Plot a 3D Stacked Bar plot from colums A, B, C, E, F

  4. Select the plot layer frame and resize using the handles (or changing axis scale).
    ==> Plot disappears.

  5. Create a second 3D Stacked Bar Plot
    ==>No plots shown, axis scales are not even correct.

  6. Reopen the opju and repeat steps 3-5
    -->No issues

Fixed in Origin2025


3D Graph's Color Scale Title fails to show LaTeX formula

1.New a project, open attached “3DTextLaTeX.opju“

→ notice that there are two 2D text objects on the graph, same contents.

2.Open Object Properties for one of them, paste the LaTeX Formula as the 2nd line, click OK.


==> The normal text part became jagged.

Fixed in Origin2025


3D Scatter Projected Points are obscured by other points.

In a 3D scatter plot, the project points are obscured behind other points.


Fixed in Origin 2025


Tooltip of Parallel sets plot does not update when moving around

  1. make Parallel Sets plot

  2. mouse over link → tooltip shows

  3. move to other link ==> the tooltip in step 3 still show.

Fixed in Origin2025


3D Axis dialog only accepted Julian date

In a 3D plot, click on an axis dialog that uses Date format and go to Scale. Instead of the axis dialog showing Julian Date for From and To, it uses date time format.


Light mode windows coloring control

  1. enable dark mode, set dark mode theme to purple

  2. set background color in dark mode toolbar to #22222E

  3. activate workbook window, in script window run “mem -pw“ ==> GraphBK is <None> in worksheet.

Fixed in Origin2025


Collect issues for new arrow shape

  1. make 3d scatters plot

  2. add arrow object by toolbar button

  3. select the arrow, change its shape to new shape(circle/square/cross)

==> no change

Fixed in Origin2025


Layer Icon Disappear When Resize Window

  1. new worksheet, open worksheet properties dialog, set size with 8000 rows * 3 columns

  2. fill column A with row number, fill column B C with random data

  3. select all and plot lines

  4. enable Anti-aliasing, then resize window ==> layer icon disappear when resize window.

Fixed in Origin2025


Drag log scale issues

For log scale graph, drag the axis scale with red dot fails to extend range

Fixed in Origin2025


Bracket Issue when dragging end point to opposite position

  1. new graph, Select Add Round Bracket from toolbar

  2. select one end, drag it to top ==> shape is odd

Fixed in Origin2025


Calculation Error When Undo Margin Change

  1. plot scatter with row number,

  2. open properties dialog of legend, go to frame tab → check all margins are 12.4

  3. mouse over legend to show hand icon, then click and drag to resize margin to maximum size

  4. ctrl+Z, open properties dialog of legend, go to frame tab ==> left top margin is 13, right bottom is 12.5

  5. repeat step 4&5 ==> left=13, top=13.5, right bottom is 12.5. It seems left and top could be bigger in every time

Fixed in Origin2025

We also support undo legend margin change for 3D in Origin2025.


XYZ scatters are not in correct position if added on virtual matrix surface

  1. Open the attached OPJ

  2. Highlight the whole worksheet “data3D“ and create a surface plot from the virtual matrix

  3. Activate the worksheet “dataXYZ“, drag and drop column C in the surface graph to plot the 3D scatter plot

==>The coordinate of the scatters are wrong, The first point locates on X=-1 though it’s X value is 0

Fixed in Origin2025


Edits transparency resets color increment on Group tab

  1. make grouped 3D bars plot

  2. open PD dialog, go to group tab, set increment of bar shape to stretch, click apply

  3. go to pattern tab, change transparency, click apply

  4. go back to group tab
    ==> increment is changed to by one

Fixed in Origin2025


Change in order from applying System ThemeSystem increment list color to System increment list colorSystem Theme because color theme was not correctly updating

The issue in the past was when a theme included a custom color list, when setting the theme as the system theme, the color would not modify correctly.

Fixed in Origin2025


Redundant pattern fill for line plot

  1. new wks, fill with row numbers, make 2D line plot

  2. open PD dialog, go to line tab, check enable fill area under curve, click apply

  3. go to pattern tab, set fill color as index: col(b), patter as index: col(b), click apply

  4. set gradient fill as two colors, click OK
    ==> the whole graph is covered by pattern fill

Fixed in Origin2025.


Deleting some groups in OM will also mistakenly remove the ones in the bottom

In Object Manager, hold Shift to select multiple group and remove, sometimes bottom groups are removed too

Fixed in Origin2025

Data Handling









Data import failed after moving some newly created columns to beginning of worksheet

Import data via CSV/Text data connector and then add new column(s) at the end to do some calculation, etc. Then move such new column to the beginning of the worksheet.

Save the project and reload it.

Click the connector icon and choose Import to reload data.

==> Failed to import.

Fixed in Origin 2025.


XML Connector Namespace Handling

If the root element contains colon that denotes namespace(like “ADELlaserBeamPositionKpiHis:Report”), and then select it to import by XML Connector.

==>Failed to import.

Fixed in Origin 2025.


Ignore Data Connector in Data Sheet if Data Source is not from Files

For batch processing, when data source is not from file, it is not possible to connect to data from worksheet with Data Connector.

Fixed in Origin 2025.

When there is data connector in data sheet, connector should be ignored, the selected worksheet or range should copy to data sheet(paste from 1st column).









Export Excel failed with Japanese characters in Sheet name

Export to excel with Japanese characters in Sheet.

==> Error message: “Japanese characters“ sheet name does not satisfy Excel naming rule and is not exported.

Fixed in Origin 2025.


Preview in Export Graph failed if ever exported

New a project, make Message Log window visible, new a graph window.

2.Press Ctrl+G to open Export Graph (Advanced) dialog, click Apply.

→ it exports successfully and dumped the path in Log window.

3.Click Preview button.

==> Error message dumped 2 times “Fail to get extension for image type Unknown“.

==> Preview panel is still empty.

Fixed in Origin2025


Exported SVG failed to display axis notation

When exporting a graph with scientific notation on the axis, The graph did not display scientific notation when exported as SVG.

Fixed in Origin2025


System Parameter with cell linking failed to be exported as displayed text

  1. Open the attached (https://originlab.jira.com/browse/ORG-26576#icft=ORG-26576.opju).

  2. → There are 2 label rows in *Summary*table

  3. Right click *Summary*node and choose Create Copy as New Sheet

  4. select File; Export: ASCII

  5. Make sure Show Options Dialog is checked and click Save

  6. Select all labels and choose OK.

  7. Open the Exported file.

==> The second row labels are not exported correctly.

Fixed in Origin2025


Line objects on graphs cause issues

  1. Open KUNDU_2406_2406140908.opju
    ==> Origin freezes in 2023 or older.

  2. Try to print
    ==> Origin freezes.

  3. Reopen .opju and try to export graph
    ==> Freeze.

  4. Reopen .opju and try to copy graph to clipboard
    ==> Freeze.

Fixed in Origin2025


copy graph as image mess up when set do not clip in MT

  1. select 4 rows of column A B, fill row number, plot column+label

  2. go to column B set as categorical

  3. select layer in graph, set do not clip in MT

  4. ctrl-click a point to fade out others,

  5. ctrl+alt+J to copy graph as image, with default setting (type=png, DPI=300), ok

  6. go to word, paste ==> column plot is not show in layer, the size of tick labels is too big

Fixed in Origin2025


export SVG became slow

  1. Open the attached project file gww.opju.

  2. run script

sec; expG2img type:=svg path:="%Y"; watch;

==> it took several seconds to export the graph in 2024b, but it takes less than 1 sec in 2024.

Fixed in Origin2025


Export Graph Dialog should not change Dark Mode setting in Preference Dialog

  1. new graph, select export graph or export graph (advanced)

  2. select follow dark mode colors, ok

  3. new another graph, select send graphs to pdf from app bar (install Send Graphs to PDF app)

  4. select a pdf path for save file as option, ok

  5. open the pdf ==> graph use dark mode color. After step 2, Dark Mode: Copy as displayed, excluding background auto color in Preference: Options dialog Page tab is selected. For export tools that do not provide follow dark mode colors checkbox, they will just follow settings in Preference: Options dialog.

Fixed in Origin2025









Sheet failed to update in current active sheet after changing sheet name.

In a Gaussian sheet, change the sheet name to some other name. The name of the book is changed, but the name for the sheet is not updated. Also when saving the project, and changing the data, the formulas that use the sheet name are not updated.


Fixed in Origin 2025. Formulas will update and sheets/books will update.


Autofill to left or up direction would fill increasing number text and autofill for row direction does not work well for date data.

In a new workbook, fill A10 with text like “a10”. When dragging up to A1, it would fill increasing number text like a11,a12,…

In a new workbook with 6 columns, set the columns as Date format, type 1/1/2024 in A1 cell and 2/1/2024 in B2 cell. When dragging the 2 highlighted cells to F1, the 4th cell did not fill the first date of the month.


Fixed in Origin 2025.


0 refers to the last index if by X when we want it to be the value 0

When changing parameters and selecting the input, when setting the range, if 0 is used, it refers to the last point on the graph. It now maps to the value 0 instead of the last point.


Fixed in Origin 2025


Origin crashed on column formula with Vertical Cursor dialog opening

When Vertical Cursor opening, type some foruma in F(x) of source worksheet, then undo, crash

Fixed in Origin 205









Generating grid results from a matrix are x-y exchanged

In a new worksheet with 3 columns, fill with random numbers and set col(C) as Z. Make a contour plot then right click the plot and select Generate Grid. Set X Grid Size as 31 and output as Matrix. Right click the upper-left corner and set the dimension to open the dialog. Since Origin 2016, it would output the x as y and the y as x.


Fixed in Origin 2025










'0' should not Refer to Last Index if By X

  1. Open the integ1 XF then expand Input: Range1: Rows node, set Rows by X.

  2. Set To’s value as 0 and click OK.

==> 0 in here will refer to last row and it will generate wrong result.

Issue existed since Origin 2021b and fixed in Origin 2025.


PA does not report baseline fit parameters

When perform a baseline finding or baseline subtraction using a fitting function (such as poly5).

==>The fit parameters of the baseline are not stored anywhere for user to access.

Fixed in Origin 2025.

  1. When goal of PA is Create Baseline or Subtract Baseline, if baseline is fitted curve, will add function name and function parameter to comments of Y.

  2. When goal of PA is other option, will add function name and function parameter to Baseline_Data result sheet.


Correlation Coefficient Spearman shows wrong results when Kendall unchecked

  1. This issue happened if input data has too may duplicate values, e.g. one value repeated more than 1024 times in one column.

  2. Open Correlation Coefficient dialog. Check Spearman checkbox, keep Kendall uncheck. Click OK.

==>Spearman table shows wrong results.

Fixed in Origin 2025.


Improve speed of range interpolation

Origin 2025 improved issues as below:

  1. Improve speed of range interpolation for large dataset

  2. Fixed the issue about Range interpolation wrongly calculating -NAN(IND)

  3. Fixed the issue about X-Function Interp1 Output Result to Hidden Row


Improve two-sample t-test for special case

Origin 2025 improved One-Sample T-Test, Two-Sample T-Test, Pair-Sample T-Test.

When at least one of column’s SD is zero, Origin will show the footnote text in “t-Test Statistics” table like below.



Wrong X result data if smooth on different partial ranges

Bug since multiple input are supported in smoothing tool in Origin 2024.

To see the issue:

  1. Highlight two Y column to smooth.

  2. In Input node, expand Range1 and Range2 subnodes and set different rows to smooth.

  3. Set output to new workbook.

  4. ==> Same X column is used in output which is wrong. Each smoothed data should have its own X column.









Reset All Graphs cause the Residual Plots embedding

After fitting, right click in FitNL sheet, then click Rest All Graphs context menu, Residual Plots changes to text “embedding“

Fixed in Origin2025


PCA change parameters generate redundant result sheet

After changing Principal Component Analysis parameters, Origin will generate redundant result sheet.

Fixed in Origin2025


NLFit Data selection pipe character in LN error

In NLFit Input Data Range droplist, if Long Name with pipe character | as end, all columns after the Long Name column are combined into the same column selection.

Fixed in Origin2025

Image Analysis








Fail to split Real32 type image

Open the Real32 type image in Origin then choose Image: Split Color Image menu.

==> Fail to split. Issue existed since Origin 2022 and fixed in Origin 2025.


Linked image object failed to show on Graph

If link the image to inactive layer in the multi-layers graph, save project then reopen it.

==> The linked image will not be update automatically.

Note: this issue existed at least since Origin 2022 and fixed in Origin 2025.









Python originpro method from_df() Fail to Handle MultiIndex data frame

When multiIndex Pandas dataframe is passed to Origin with from_df() method, it gets imported as empty columns. After the fixing, index columns are imported into columns in Origin.


Internal python packages that are installed by user A failed to work for another user B

1.Install internal python package, like numpy.

2.Switch to another windows user.

3.Run Origin and run “import originpro as op“ in Python Console.

==>Dumps error.

Fixed in Origin 2025.


String Method Replace() did not Support Backslash


str.Replace("\", "/")=;

The replace() method will replace all backslashes with forward slashes.

After running the labtalk script, it will return the number of replacements done.

Fixed in Origin 2025









PE Tooltip Preview of HTML/Markdown Notes

  1. Create an html or a markdown note in render mode

  2. hover over the note in Project Explorer
    ==> Tooltip preview shows the code.
    Tooltip preview should show the rendered contents

Fixed in Origin2025


File selection dialog buttons small DPI Scaling Issue

In Import Wizard, select Data source […] which opens Import Multiple ASCII file selection dialog, the Folder Navigation buttons are small in High DPI monitor

Fixed in Origin2025