- Provide extrapolate options to repeat the last value for extrapolation in the Interpolate/Extrapolate Y from X tool (ORG-11336)
- Add Simple Curve Math to menu and rearrange the menu items (ORG-11417)
- Show polygon area of selected contour line in Data Display (ORG-11438)
Data Manipulation
- Support more quantities for reduced X and reduce Y in Reduce by Group tool (ORG-10673)
Peak Analysis
- Use plot label to tag peaks in Quick Peaks Gadget which enable further editing for the peak labels. (ORG-8681)
- Provide option to sort result in desired order. If set as Categorical Order, the result will be ordered automatically according to the categorical values set in the Categories label row (ORG-331)
Signal Processing
- Generate time-frequency plots for wavelet analysis (ORG-5373)
How to- When a worksheet is active, select Analysis: Signal Processing:Wavelet:Continuous Wavelet
- When a worksheet is active, select Analysis: Signal Processing:Wavelet:Continuous Wavelet