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Support Before Script in Batch Processing


In the Batch Processing or Batch Peak Analysis Using Theme dialog, we can run labtalk script before running the analysis.

How to...

Example 1: Data selection before running batch peak searching.

  1. In this case, we want to do peak search only on spectrum of column B,C,D,E and ignore noise column F1, G1.



2. Highlight the whole worksheet and go to Analysis:Peaks And Baseline:Batch Peak Analysis Using Theme dialog. Input Labtalk script to skip the columns with noise (Maximum column value is less than 100 ).

3. In the result sheet, Data of B,C,D,E columns are analyzed.



Example 2: Data filtering before batch processing.

  1. If want to do batch processing with the following template where column B is filtered before doing linear regression.


2. In the Batch Processing dialog, we input the following script to activate the filter of each imported data.


3. In the result sheets, the filter in each dataset is activated before analysis.




Support  append results by columns


Analysis result can be appended vertically in the report sheet.
