Sample OPJ to download to try:Column Filter.opj
Copy Column To and Save Filter Info. in Operation (ORG-6078)
The Data Filter feature can be used in conjunction with the column copy X-Function to produce multiple graphs from the same source data using different filtering conditions. Selected columns from the source data sheet can be copied to create child sheets where the filter condition stays synchronized with the parent sheet, or is locked to the child sheet. When the source data sheet is updated, all child sheets, associated graphs and analysis results will automatically update using their respective filter conditions. Additionally, the filter condition of a particular child sheet can be pushed back at any time to the parent sheet.
How to:
- Import \Samples\Statistics\Automobile.dat
- Set up a filter on Make column to select only Make=Honda
- CTRL-select the Make, Power and Engine Displacement columns, then right click and select Copy Columns to... and click OK
- Optionally drag the new sheet that is created, to a separate book.
- Click on the lock in the new sheet and select Worksheet Filters: Lock. Now the filter condition will be locked to this sheet, so any analysis and graphing you perform on this sheet will be based on the locked filter.
- You can go back to the raw data sheet and change filter conditions and make other such copy sheets and lock their respective filters, allowing you to compare graphs and results between multiple filter conditions.
Row index i support in condition (ORG-7975)
Conditions in Data Filter tool can use the row index "i", such as:
to reduce the data to show rows 5, 10, 15....
Control getting missing values for hidden rows (ORG-8396)
Getting or not missing value from hidden rows (except for analysis and plotting) can be controlled by @GMH system variable.