Origin 2021b Bug Fixes

Origin 2021b Bug Fixes









Axis table labels mess up when the X is out-of-order

If X data isn’t monotonic and user turn on tick label table and specify another column as text for tick labels, the labels will mess up.

Need to go to Scale tab of Axis and set Major tick type to be By Custom Positions and specify there X data is from.


Contour Plot Display wrong color on minimum value

On contour plot from XYZ data, the minimum level color was mistakenly shown with the color for smaller than minimum value.


Failed to move Sankey Nodes when Exchange X-Y Axes

After exchanging X and Y axes of Sankey Diagram, you couldn’t drag nodes to move it.


Contour display issues when contour labels are rotated

Because of contour display issue, we turned off contour label rotation control on Labels tab of Plot Details dialog.


Wrong format to save for 3D scatter with special point

  1. make 3D scatter plot, add one special point, such as change its color

  2. copy format

  3. make new 3D scatter plot, paste format
    ==> except for special point, no data points

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Gaps in Polar Contour Plots Fill to Grid

For some Polar Contour plots made from matrix, some white gap will show when grid lines are turned off. Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Drop line and Labels do not work if there are overlapped points offset plotting

Drop lines could not show when two points overlap and Overlapped Points Offset Plotting in Symbol tab of Plot Detail is turned on.

Labels can not be shown for overlapped points with the same settings.


Text object looks bad with rotation

Text object looks bad with rotation

  1. add text object to graph, string could be ABCDE,

  2. set font size=12, Rotate=15
    ==> Many labels look bad. Each character seems not align to one line.

Fixed in Origin2021b.


graph object's dimensions is changed when check keep aspect ratio if units is % of page/layer

In dimensions tab of object properties dialog, if units is % of page/layer, check Kepp Aspect ratio. value of Bottom Margin change to 100-CurrentValue.

Fixed in Origin2021b


Add animation for button on 3D graph when clicked

  1. remote desktop, or make sure openGL version is 1.1.0

  2. add a text object on 3D graph and right-click to select Properties: Programming: Script Run After: Button Up

  3. fill for example "type hello" in the editbox, click OK.

  4. click the button.
    ==> Origin crash

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Palette Editor Edit Color Issue

  1. run "palEdit -d" to open Palette Editor,

  2. change Gradient Type to Straight Line

  3. in Preview tab, move points
    ==> Point indicator is not in same place of mouse
    ==> No edit point for 1st point of each segment

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Prohibit user from picking built-in color lists in Custom color section

We also save custom colors so if we allow user to load built-in color list, it will mess up built-in colors.


Fail to keep aspect ratio for graph object when uniform width/height

  1. Add a graph page to layout window.
    -->keep aspect ratio is default checked.

  2. Add any other graph object, select those two object, use uniform width/height button in object edit toolbar to match the width/height.
    ==>graph page fail to keep aspect ratio

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Arrow at begin fail to work fine when click Apply

  1. New graph window, double click X axis to open axes dialog.

  2. Go to Line and Ticks tab, expand Arrow branch, check Arrow at Begin checkbox, click Apply.
    ==>No changes on the graph.

Broken in Origin 2020, fixed in Origin 2021b.


grouped column/bar graph mess up after replacing with new data or batch plotting

  1. Make column plot with x = 2 5 10 20 with 2 Y cols, duplicate source book.

  2. Remove group data and add it back again in layer contents dialog. or do batch plotting with duplicated source book.
    ==>grouped plot mess up.

only fix batch plotting issue in Origin2021b


Improve the position of date & time stamp after extracting multi-panel graph

  1. click Extract to Graphs toolbar button, check "Full Page for Extracted", to extract multi-panel graph

  2. active Graph1 which is created by step1
    ==> Cannot see stamp on the page

  3. Click Data and Time Stamp button
    ==> nothing happens

  4. Select View: Zoom all
    --> stamp shows

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Z label value show incorrect in ternary graph

  1. make 3D Tetrahedral

  2. open plot details dialog, activate label tab, enable label, label form as Z, click apply.

  3. set numeric display format as .4, click apply.
    ==> label is show as Zh/100

  4. select data reader, read data on graph.
    ==> Z value show as Zh value in both data info and data display

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Colormap changed when number of total level is not changed

  1. new worksheet, fill XYZ column with random data, plot contour

  2. open PD, go to level popup, set level to major level 16, minor level 16

  3. go to fill popup, set fill to palette=viridis, uncheck link to palette, apply

  4. go to level popup, set level to major level 8, minor level 32, apply
    ==> color changed

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Fails to show Legend in Chord Diagram with Virtual Matrix

  1. make Chord Diagram with virtual matrix

  2. keep the default setting, and click OK

  3. press Ctrl+L to show the Legend
    ==> Fails to show

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Could not show only one decimal place for Heatmap with 1E-6

  1. make heatmap with label which is from a virtual matrix data

  2. open PD, set display format as .1
    ==> left bottom corner still show -1.2E-6

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Wrong message exists after add label for contour

  1. new worksheet, fill XYZ with random numbers, make contour plot

  2. open PD dialog, go to label tab, set Numeric Format to Scientific 10^3

  3. go to Colormap/Contour tab, click Labels header, select Show on Major Levels only

  4. click OK
    ==> Message Log: Undefined variable: X00D7

  5. make contour plot

  6. open PD dialog, go to label tab, select custom as format, click OK

  7. reopen PD dialog , go to label tab
    ==> no edit box for custom

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Rich Text Latex Rendering Issue

Rich Text Latex Rendering Issues fixed in Origin2021b as below:

  1. Refresh update issue

  2. In place edit q() could not render properly

  3. Crash if change formula with double click


The number of character for Legend Custom Format in G version is limited

  1. In German/Japanese Operation System, new a graph

  2. Go to Plot Detail dialog, select Graph in left panel and go to Legend/Titles tab

  3. Select Custom from Translation mode of %(1), %(2) list

  4. Enter "LD1, @LD2, @LD3, @LD4"
    ==> only "@LD1, @LD2, @LD3, @" is accepted


Some speicific Contour Plot with Log10 scale Colormap draw wrongly in Origin 2021

A workaround to fix the problem: Set @TCZS=1


Polar Bar Label Position dropdown is wrong in mini-toolbar

Label position in mini toolbar of Polar graph is center/left/right in Origin 2021. It should be inside base/outside end… Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Pattern Color by Plots Fails for Box, Statistical Bar, etc.

  1. Plot box chart with 5 columns of random data

  2. Open PD, Set Pattern = Medium (row 1, col 2) and set Pattern Color = By Plots and pick a list. and Apply.
    ==> Pattern Color is not incremented by plot.


Drag to offset Table Row Title does not work properly

  1. New Worksheet, select 4 columns and fill random data

  2. plot box chart

  3. double click x axis and open axis dialog, go to tick label table tab, enable table, ok

  4. select tick label, select Add Row button from mini toolbar, select Mean and SD

  5. select table, select Show Table Row Title from MT

  6. select table row title and move it to right
    ==>1st two rows do not move


Outlier and Data Points should only show one copy

Outliers and the one in data points show twice when Box Type is Box+Data Overlap or Bar+Data Overlap


Legend Resizes for 3D Graph when placed on Layout

  1. set layout's dimension to width=173.99mm, height=70.019mm

  2. add specific graph to layout
    ==> height of legend in layout is changed

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Transparency of Outliers is wrong when Transparency for Fill Only is selected

  1. Make a Box Overlap plot

  2. Open Plot Detail dialog, go to symbol tab, set symbol shape with open circle, fill with red, set size=15,

  3. Uncheck Follow Line Transparency, select Transparency for Fill Only

  4. Set transparency=50

  5. Go to Box tab, set Whisker range to SE, select Outliers, ok
    ==> transparency of outlier is 0


Fail to plot XEr bar in layer 2 and 3 in multiple layers template like 3Ys-Y-YY

Plot the data that has xErr and yErr as 3Ys Y-YY, xErr is not plotted in Y2 Y3. The problem also exists in other templates like 4 panels etc.


Wrong Legend Entry for Outliers when there is index column for data points

  1. Make a box overlap plot

  2. Open Plot Detail dialog, go to box tab, set whisker range to SE, select outliers

  3. Go to outliers tab, set outliers shape to up triangular, click OK.

  4. Right click legend, select box component, select outliers and extreme value only

  5. Open PD, go to symbol tab, set symbol edge color index to column B, ok

  6. right click legend, select box component, select outliers and extreme value only

==> After Step 4, Extreme value use data point shape, not outlier shape. After Step 6, 1~5 data points show two times. And there is no outliers and extreme value.


Bubble Plot Legend with 1st data point size=0

When the 1st data point’s size is zero, the legend shows the point as special point and size as zero.



Customization gone after change parameter on 2D Kernel Density Plot

Change the setting of 2D kernal density plot by change parameter, such as change the Density Method
==> The title and unit on graph is gone (for example, set them in the matrix)

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Go to Bin Worksheet menu did not work if Histogram shows label

  1. Make a Histogram plot.

  2. Click the plot, then click the Show Data Labels mini toolbar button.

  3. Right click on the plot and select "Go to Bin Worksheet" context menu.

==> Nothing happens.

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Failure to set histogram binning on each layer independently in Scatter Matrix

Plot scatter matrix with histogram turned on for diagonal cells. User couldn’t change binning setting for each cell.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Increase the maximum number of characters in legend

The maximum number of unicode characters in legend was 64 in the past.


Flip through work incorrect when data column is descending in left panel of browser graph

  1. New a worksheet with 5 cols, fill with random, make browser graph_ Black line plot.

  2. Click column name twice in right data panel to reverse order.

  3. Click down-triangle button and select flip through. try click ◁ and ▷ button several times.
    ==>it can only toggle between 1st and last data plot now.

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Origin crashes when opening certain project

origin will crash when opening project contains many graph object connectors such as graph gadgets,annotation,etc.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Step lines are not correct for missing values

When there are missing values in xy, line with Step Connect is not right. Choose Step Horz from Connect drop-down list in Line tab. The graph will look as below:

The second section's left part has a redundant line, and it should be removed. If you want to show the step line like before, you can set @FSLM=0.


Failure to Apply Copied Format to Contour Labels Settings

Turn on labels for major contour lines and copy graph format to another contour graph. The “Show on Major Levels Only” setting wasn’t kept.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Fail to copy and paste format for transparency

  1. make 3D XYY bars plot

  2. open PD dialog, go to plot level's display tab, check all checkboxes

  3. go to pattern tab, uncheck follow line transparency, set transparency to 80, click OK

  4. select layer level, copy format

  5. make new plot, paste format: all
    ==> setting of transparency is not pasted

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Bubble Scale doesn't consider the 3D mode

  1. Plot a 3D scatter plot and map the symbol size to a column data.

  2. Click Add Bubble Scale toolbar button to add a bubble scale

==>the scale doesn't show in correct order.

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Set same font size of text not entirely selected shows the old syntax

  1. Add text object like AAAA, set the font size of first two A as 30, set the font size of last two A as 30

  2. Open the Text Object dialog

==> Old syntax shows \p136


Loosen restriction on legend reverse order menu

Remove the restriction for Reverse Legend so that the menu will always enable.


Failed to copy axis break style and paste format

We cannot copy and paste format for break style in old version.

Now we include following break style to Copy Format: Style:
Break Gap
Break Size
Break Type

When Copy Format: Style and Paste Format, we add Break under Reference Lines in Paste Format to fly-out.


Cannot close Data Info Window

Use the Data Reader tool, it will pop up Data info Window, and cannot closed Data Info Window from the View menu. Fixed in Origin2021b


Column Plot Show Date Value

When make column plot with date value as x column, tick label type is Text from dataset instead of date. In Origin 2021b, when x data is date/time format, it will use date as scale type and tick label type.


Polar column can not show label when value is 0

When Y value is zero, polar column/polar bar plot could not show label


Color scale map to plot should not use plot index

Should use plot name instead.


Missing Values are connected in Line+Symbol plot when symbol is 0

But started in Origin 2021. Fixed in 2021b.


Missing value drawing issue in contour plot

  1. Make a XYZ Contour plot with missing value

  2. Open Plot Detail and go to Colormap/Contours tab. Set Missing values' color to red and pattern as Sparse.

  3. Set Transparency as 50 and click OK.

==> Missing value's pattern was drawn on the whole plot.


Contour smoothing parameter not work for German separator

  1. Select Preferences: Options. Go to Numeric Format tab. Change Separators to 1 000,0.

  2. Open Contour Plots - XYZ Contour.opju from graph samples in Learning Center dialog.

  3. Open Plot Details, go to Contouring Info tab.change Smoothing Parameter to 0,01. click ok.

  4. Open Plot details dialog again.
    ==>Smoothing Parameter changes back to 0.05


Additional line showed outside layer

Sometimes user adds additional line on Grids tab of Axis dialog. When it’s outside axis range in layer, user doesn’t expect it to still show.

Add a system variable @SAL to toggle. Default still show (default value @SAL =0). When @SAL =1, the additional line outside layer would not show.


Merge Graph Issues with Sankey

  1. merge graph with multiple Sankey plots, which have special point

  2. open PD
    ==> each layer have duplicate special point nodes

  3. save project

  4. open project
    ==> merged graph is different

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Log scale axis with major increment being large like 50

  1. Create a blank graph, open the Axis Dialog for X

  2. Set Scale type to be Log10

  3. Set range from 1e-250 to 1e60

  4. Set major tick by increment with value 50

  5. Set minor tick by count 0
    ==> the major tick increment will jump back to 10.


Minor tick position on date time axis

For date axis, minor tick not in the middle of major ticks when minor tick count =1

Bug since Origin 6.1. Fixed in Origin 2021b.



Projection should be above Map on XY Plane

The projection is mixed up with the Google Maps background.

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Fail to show copy image button for graph sheet

In workbook, right click the Sheet, and Add Graph as Sheet, click the graph sheet, fails to show Copy As Image button, Fixed in Origin2021b


Crash when apply settings in PD with D pressed

  1. Make a line plot, maximize the graph window.

  2. Open Plot Detail dialog, make sure the dialog is inside the graph page.

  3. Change anything, hold D key and click Apply.
    ==>Origin Crash.


Merge Double-Y Column/Box Graphs Issue

Merge multiple double Y column plots, the boxes are shifted in merged graph.


Issues of changing bin size of histogram embedded in report sheet

Statistics on Columns: the embedded histogram graph in report sheet.

Duplicate the histogram graph and change the duplicated one’s Bin Size in Plot Detail dialog.

==>The Original histogram changes.

Fixed in Origin2021b


Origin crash when remove plot if there is data label

  1. New worksheet with 3 columns of random data

  2. plot a scatter plot

  3. open PD, enable data label for plot 1, ok or enable label for group with MT

  4. select 1st plot and right click, select remove==> Origin Crash









Fail to export as cgm/dxf

new graph, export as cgm, dxf

==> Export page failed, error 501

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Specific graph takes a long time to be exported

Improved contour speed when has none color or missing value.


Copy Page to PPT Slide issue

Graph that copy page to PPT shows as blank image if page export ratio is zero.
Fixed in Origin 2021b.

  • For Origin 2021b: Double click on the graph in PPT, then close it directly to update the embedded graph.

  • For old version: Active graph in Origin to Run below script.



Legend slightly shifts to the right when copy page as picture

Two workaround to fix the problem:

  • Disable Anti-Aliasing button in Graph toolbar.

  • Instead of show the top&right axis, hide them, show layer frame instead.


Y tilte is cut when reopen specified graph from Word

Graph’s Y title is cut if double click specified graph object in Word and close Origin with setting Margin to Tight in Preferences: Options > Page tab.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Different length of breaks between graph window and exported image

  1. add axis break to the plot, change its length

  2. export as emf
    ==> the length of breaks in the exported file are different from the original graph

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Select layout window to export issues

When we export layout, if we open Graph browser dialog, layouts are only available by Folder view and cannot be added to the export list.

Fixed in Origin2021b.


Export Contour Map Lost Color

When we export contour graph with certain customized color palette, the color gets lost. Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Pop up Crash Report dialog after Copy Page Stacked Column graph and Paste into Word

  1. Creat Stacked Column graph with 3 column data.

  2. Press Ctrl + J, then launch Word program, press Ctrl + V to paste.

==>Pop up Crash Report dialog.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Origin crash when close source OPJU after copy page

  1. Create multile graphs in diff folders, save it as OPJU.

  2. Copy page one graph and paste link it into PPT. Close Origin.

  3. Doulbel click Origin Graph Object in PPT to open source opju, switch to another folder, close Origin or click New Project button.

==>Origin crash.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Set @GDIP=0 cannot show graph in Origin

User follows this quick help to fix exporting EMF problem, but the graph in Origin cannot display: https://www.originlab.com/doc/Quick-Help/Data_Outside_Graph_Axes_Using_MS_Word_PDFMaker

We have new system variable, @GDIPE, apply when exporting.


Data Handling








Import Wizard Truncates Rows When Importing Multiple Binary Files via Start New Columns

Using import wizard to import two data with different length to same worksheet, if the 1st data is longer than the 2nd one, the 1st data is truncated.


Colored inner points issue in Cluster Gadget

  • For Origin2020 or Origin2020b, Gadget: Cluster on any data, no border color for colored inner points, and hardly to know whether the Mask tool works or not

  • Gadget: Cluster on any data, the inner points are not colored, The problem exists since Origin 2021


Gadgets: "Go to Report Worksheet" is disabled after outputting to same book

In Cluster Gadget, select "Sheet in Input Book" besides "Result Worksheet Name", after click "Output Statistics Report" button in Cluster Gadget window, the "Go to Report Worksheet" button is disabled.


Import speed is very slow when binary data is under network path

Before Origin2021b, when binary data is under network path, the import speed is more or less 90 times of importing from local path. after improving reading code in origin2021b, the import speed get significant promotion, speed is more or less 2 times of importing from local path.


Import entire folder fails

Select Data->Connect Multiple Files menu and pick Import Filter as Data connector. Then specify a folder to import failed.


Excel Connector Issues and Bugs

When Excel numeric data is formatted as Text, Excel Connector import them as numeric.

In Origin 2021b, Excel Connector will import them as text.


Curve Translate issue with Sampling Interval

When Curve Translate gadget with Sampling Interval data, choose Translate Duplicate in New Column/Sheet/Book, sampling interval info is wrong or missing after move the translate line


CSV Connector More Issues

CSV Connector failed to detect “yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss tt” date format.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Compatibility issue for Gadgets selected plots

When Gadget: FFT with two or more curves in Origin 2020 or before, save as opju, open in Origin 2020b or Origin 2021, only one curve shows in FFTPREVIEW dialog.

Fixed in Origin 2021b


Data Connector LT LabTalk support Issues

Failed to use LabTalk to connect multiple sheets.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.

Sample code:

string fname$=system.path.program$ + "Samples\Import and Export\United States Energy (1980-2013).xls"; wbook.dc.add("Excel"); wks.dc.source$ = fname$; Tree tr1 = wks.dc.Optn$; tr1.Settings.mainheader = 2; tr1.Settings.labels.SetAttribute("Use",1); tr1.Settings.labels.longname=1; tr1.Settings.labels.unit=2; tr1.tostring(wks.dc.optn$); wks.dc.sel$ = "Oil"; wks.dc.import(); //now connect to another sheet named "Coal" wbook.dc.Newsheet("Coal");


Pop up Calling members of unattached wrapper class after clear Show Asymptote

If use Gadget: Quick Sigmoidal Fit, click the triangular button and clear Show Asymptote, Calling members of unattached wrapper class pops up and fails to work. Fixed in Origin2021b


Crash When Importing NetCDF File

  1. Do analysis with two imported Matrixbook.

  2. Exclude imported data and save the project.

  3. Reopen the project and try to reimport data for one Matrixbook.

==>Runtime error. Origin will crashes when new project.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Connector reimport from graph is much slower

  1. Create a Connector and make a plot.

  2. Save the project and reopen again.

  3. Click reimport button on graph.

==>It is much slower.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.









Transpose failed to work for masked data

Fill workbook with data, mask column B for example, select menu Worksheet: Transpose, set Output Worksheet as new book.

==> Will see that column B instead of row 2 is masked in the result sheet.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Modify result column label wrongly dirty Append Worksheet operation

When edit column label in the result sheet of Append Worksheet operation, the operation is wrongly dirty.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Before formula script is clear when formula update

Set column value with formula and before formula script, then insert or delete column to triger formula update, will see that the before formula script is wrongly clear.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Operation using cell formula failed to trigger auto update

Operation using cell formula as input failed to trigger auto update if the cell formula refers to cell link data or output data of operation tool.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Copy All Open Tables works incorrectly

Fixed some bug when using "Copy All Open Tables" feature in analysis report sheet.


Set value fails after LabTalk command error

  1. In Script Window, run “dd =;“ to procedure an error.

  2. In Workbook, open Set Values dialog with col(B), enter “range rr = A;“ in the Before Formula Scripts edit box, “rr” in the Formula edit box.

  3. Click Apply.

==> Fails to set value.

Introduced in Origin 2021, fixed in Origin 2021b.


Origin frozen if work on column filled by large number of cell formula

Clicking on the column, plotting from the column, or inserting/adding columns to the column will cause Origin to freeze.

System variable @XLRF (default 1) added to improve it. Set it to 0 to disable the improvement.


Click cells in worksheet slow down if too many oth files under User Files folder

If there are many oth files under <UFF>\Themes\ subfolders, clicking cells in worksheet slows down.


Page Preview Break line changes after hide and show



Prevent changing row height when entering text in worksheet

For worksheet with rich text on, when typing text in a row, the row height changed.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Issues with copy paste of hidden column data from Excel

When copy data from Excel with hidden 1st column, pasted data in Origin is different with data in Excel.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Fail to type characters with IME input method when Formula Bar shows

When Formula Bar shows, cannot use IME input method to type character in worksheet data cell or label cell.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Floating graph in Window View fails to show correctly

Make a plot with data, then set graph view mode to Window View. In worksheet, add the graph as floating graph.

==> The plot shows badly.

Introduced in Origin 2020Sr0, fixed in Origin 2021b.









Mini toolbar for worksheet row wrongly shows for Matrix

Disable showing mini toolbar for worksheet row in Matrix

Fixed in Origin 2021b


ROI failed to get correct data if XY coordinates is descending

If matrix’s XY coordinates is descending, new ROI then create new matrix by ROI’s context menu. The output matrix will be wrong.


Collected issues of crop matrix

  1. Fix copy and paste issue if missing value exists in ROI

  2. Create New from ROI should keep the source matrix’s palette









single cell range not supported in join() function

  1. fill col(A) with 10 rows or row numbers.

  2. Type following in Fx cell of col(B)

join(A2:A4, A6)

==> all data in col(B) are missing.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Origin crashes when do string concatenation with different length in set value

Suppose the size of col(B) is less than col(A), set values on col(C) with formula “B$+A$“ will make Origin crashes.

Introduced in Origin 2020b, and fixed in Origin 2021b.


Averageif should skip missing value


newbook; wks.nCols = 4; col(A) = data(1,5); col(A) = 1; col(B) = data(1,5); col(B)[3] = 0/0; csetvalue col:=col(C) formula:="Mean(B)"; csetvalue col:=col(D) formula:="Averageif(B, "A==1")";

==> Result in column D is 2.4, but it should be 3 like column C.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


layer -b stack was broken since 2020b

New a workbook with 4 columns, fill it with row number, then make a Line plot.

Run script "layer -b stack -2;"

Open Plot Details, go to layer level, Stack tab.

==> The offset radio option was set as "Auto", which should be "Individual".

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


OriginC CreateProcess( ) fails since Origin 2018

When char pointer parameter is NULL, CreateProcess( ) failed.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


OC GetDataRange failed to get error data if only half (plus or minus) bar shows

If a Graph only show half bar(plus or minus), GetData() function will fail to get the error bar from this graph.
Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Origin crashed if activate window from HTML notes

If Active HTML notes window in root folder, click the link or button in Notes window to jump the sub-folder will crash

Fixed in Origin 2021b


OC loop is getting slower

When call OC call another function in a loop, the speed is getting slower.

In Origin 2021b, added a system variable @NSNU, set it to 1 to speed up.


reducexy incorrect results with missing value data

Missing data is excluded at calculating groups for X-Function reducexy and reduce_ex.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.


Python button code/workbook examples failed when user name has spaces. Beta8

Fixed in 2021b Beta8


Embedded Python Support Multiple Users on Same PC

Embedded Python fails for other users on Same PC.

Fixed in Origin 2021b.

But need to clean all old packages and then reinstall with new build.









Hidden Excel embedded in project shows when loading opju

If user hide embedded Excel file in Origin project and save the project, next time when the project file opens, the Excel file should still be hidden.

Broken in Origin 2020 and fixed in Origin 2021b.


Copy page on a certain graph crashes Origin

Copy page graph with paste link graph to itself crashes Origin.

Broken in Origin 2019b and fixed in Origin 2021b.


Switch Folder is too slow with big Results Log project

1.When switch folder, if it takes long time to show content in Results Log, Origin will pop up a message box asking for clean up.

The texts in Results Log window is very long, which may slow down Origin.
It is recommended to clean it up. Do you want to proceed now?

Yes will open the Clear dialog (Results Log context menu "Clear...").
If user selects No, the dialog will not show again in the same session.

2. Add a "Clear All" button on Clear dialog, clicking it will close dialog and clear all contents in Results Log window.

This issue is fixed in Origin 2021b.


Windows in subfolder Issues

Origin 2021 saving a sub-folder as a small project from a large project, then opening this smaller file leads to the display of its complete contents in its every folder.

Origin 2021b fixed this issue.


Date Sorting Issue in German Theme Organizer

In German Windows, click Date to sort in Theme Organizer, the sorting algorithm mixes up some dates.

The issue is fixed in Origin 2021b.


AltGr key does not work in Command window of G version

In Command Window, failed to use the right Alt key to access a third level of key assignments.

The problem exists in Origin 2021 only, and fixed in Origin 2021b.


Allow “reserved characters” in proxy authentication

In the Proxy settings (Preferences : Options dialog, Miscellaneous tab), now it is allowed to use reserved characters in username or password. For example:

username = user@a.com, password = pwd, server name = proxy and port = 3129
can be written as:









User’s modification in column label row in result got lost after recalculation

Fixed it so customization of the output column’s label row will be kept after recalculation


3-Way ANOVA Small P-Value Show as 0

In Origin2021b, 3-Way ANOVA: Overall ANOVA table small P Value shows exact value instead of 0.


Confidence Interval on Survival Curve are not correct (Kaplan-Meier tool)

Confident interval plots on survival curve do not extend to the entire plot length


Fail to initial parameter for specific matrix data if missing value exists

Introduced in Origin 2020 and fixed in 2021b.


sampling interval fail to get correct auto value when input x having extra missing value

Fixed in 2021b, after this fix, origin can get suitable sample interval even though having missing x at the end.


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