Origin 2022b Bug Fixes

Origin 2022b Bug Fixes









Insert: Plot to Layer broken after open Layer Management

New a graph and open Layer Management, close it, click Insert: Plot to Layer

==> Fails to show context menu

Fixed in Origin 2022b


Refresh issue when scaling factor combo is shown after change line width

Open Plot Detail with Line plot, set line width as column

==> Fill Area Under Curve mess up

Fixed in Origin 2022b


Tick type of axis break is changed after change Y axis tick type even if auto ascale is unchecked

  1. Set Axis major ticks to Custom Postion.

  2. Enable Axis Break. Uncheck auto scale in Axis Break dialog.

  3. Change axis major tick label to by count and click OK.

==>Major tick after break is changed


Reverse Plot Order of Parallel Plot should exchange axis

  1. new worksheet, import body.dat from exe folder\Samples\Statistics

  2. select all and plot parallel plot → note 1st and 3rd data is categorical data

select layer level in OM, right click and select reverse plot order

==> there is no label in 1st axis, and last axis could not show proper categorical label. We should exchange axis when reverse plot.

Fixed in Orign 2022b.


German Origin crash when mousing over User-defined symbol area of Graph tab in Preferences: Options dialog

This is a German only crash in Origin 2022.

Fixed in Orign2022b.

Choose Preferences: Options menu.

Go to Graph tab.

Mouse over the big User-defined Symbols box.

==> Crash.

Workaround: Set Help: Change Language to change Origin to English to create user-defined symbols. Then switch language back to German to use the created symbols.

Or copy image to clipboard and choose the user-defined symbol on clipboard in Plot Details dialog.

As long as you don’t mouse over the control in Options dialog in German Origin, it’s fine.


Fails to keep Offset setting in Grid Settings dialog

  1. In graph window, click edge of the graph and show page mini toolbar,

  2. Click Show Grid button, click Page Grid Settings, Set Offset

==> Fails to keep Offset setting after restart Origin

Fixed in Origin 2022b


Enable anti-aliasing will make the rotated Chinese Labels fail to show

  1. Install E Origin.

  2. Make graph with Chinese characters labels and rotate the labels

  3. Turn on AA.
    ==> The rotated Chinese characters become corrupted when enable anti-aliasing.
    ==> The problem will happen with Asian characters in Western language Origin, like E/G version with Japanese characters.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Droplines fail to connect with axis line when select a special arrow shape

  1. Make a vertical drop line plot

  2. Open Plot Details dialog, go to drop line tab, change arrow shape to 5th option, click ok
    ==>there are gap between dropline and bottom axis line.

Note: This problem exist when select 5th,6th,7th,11th,12th,13th,14th option in arrow shape combo


Reference line failed to display when special break exists

  1. New a project, new a graph window, double click Y axis to open dialog.

  2. Go to Reference line tab, type for example 5 in the At Axis Value grid cell, click Apply button.

  3. Go to Breaks tab, activate Horizontal panel, set Number of Breaks as 1.

  4. Set Break From as 0 (scale’s from), Break To as 10 (scale’s to), click Apply.

==> The Reference line disappeared.


Fill None for Invalid RGB color

  1. wks with 3 columns, set value for these three columns.

  2. set format of col(c) to color and make some row color is missing(invalid RGB)

  3. make 2d scatters plot with col(b)

  4. open PD dialog, go to symbol tab, set symbol color to by point: direct RGB: col(c)

  5. click OK
    ==> the invalid RGB is black color in the plot, which should be fill None.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Pie Map Causes Origin Crash with 18 More Columns

Make Pie Map Chart with 20 columns or more, Origin would crash.


Copy paste text with backslash lost conversion

Copy path:\\fs1\shared\test and past into Graph window as text label.

==> It became path:\fs1\shared\test

Fixed in Origin 2022b


Horizontal/Vertical line added by addline x-function Failed to show at specified position after the graph is zoomed in.

E.g. For a graph with x range from 0 to 1,000,000, use script addline type:=0 value:=500 to add a vertical line object at x=500.

Use Scale in tool to zoom in the graph.

==> The line isn’t at x=500

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Sample Project could not show label at last point for some plot

  1. open the plot Multi-Panel Graphs - Multiple Layers with Line Plot from Learning Center

  2. select plot in layer 3, select show label in MT

  3. open PD, go to label tab, select Show at specified points only, fill edit box with 0==> not all plot show label for last point

No such issue if you plot a new line plots. This graph is saved from sample project, no such issue in Origin 2021b.

If I enable last point label in Origin 2021b, and open in 2022, some labels are missing.

Fixed in Origin2022b.


3D surface with transparency crashes in VMware

Repeat the following steps in VMware:

  1. New a matrix and Import"3D Surface & Contour.dat" file in Sample folder.

  2. Make a 3D colormap surface and editing Transparency at Surface tab in Plot Detail dialog
    ==>Origin was crashed



  1. No this problem if not in VMware.

  2. In some VMware, after setting transparency, 3D surface contour lines fail be clipped correctly.
    Let it go for now.


Image size and position issues in layout window

Bug since Origin 2021.

  1. Width changed after changing source image

  2. Copy Format (Dimension) does nothing in image in layout


Rotate, zoom, edit 3d scatter graph freezes Origin with some video cards / drivers

Fpr 3D scatter plot with a lot of points e.g. more than 8000, rotate, zoom, edit the plot can be slow.

It doesn’t exist on all PCs. We improved speed in Origin2022b.


3D Vector Issues

  • Legend failed to reflect transparency and color of plot

  • If vector color set to auto and set line color change to by point, vector failed to use same color as line.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Stack browser plot cannot use customized template

  1. new a line plot. Set page.tkey$=GBStack.

  2. save the template as GBStack_test

  3. activate wks, Plot: Browser: Stack

  4. click the button of graph template
    ==> no selection of GBStack_test

Fixed in Origin2022b


Improve Layer Frame for Special Coordinate

In previous version, layer frame of Ternary, Radar, Skewed rectangle coordinate use rectangle layer frame, which do not fit the shape. Origin 2022b change layer frame of them to fit shape.


Plot colors in legend or Object manager not matching plots in graph

Old bug in many versions.

If there is missing value or masked data at the beginning rows of data and plot it, legend and object manager failed to show the correct color of the plot.


Fails to Apply legend cusotmization to other legends of of same window/folder/project

  1. Make a Vertical 2 Panel plot.

  2. Right click Legend C and open Properties, set Frame as Box, click Apply to Window, click Apply

==>TreeNode does not exist, access denied


Color scale object transparency issues if the colormap is turned on for none-major property of plot

One example:

  1. Make a line plot.

  2. Open PD, enable fill area under curve in line tab, go to pattern tab, set fill color map to column B.

  3. Uncheck follow line transparency, change transparency to 50, click OK.

  4. Add color scale
    ==> transparency of color scale is not 50.
    This issue also exists like set colormap for scatter color for line and symbol plot, and set transparency of symbol to be different from line.


Line tab dialog mess up for grouped plot

  1. make grouped line plot

  2. open PD dialog, go to group tab, set increment to by one for line style, line compound style list

  3. go to line tab
    ==> mess up

Fixed in Origin2022b


Copy and Paste Format Issues in Graph

  1. Failure to copy Hide if Outside Frame format

  2. Paste Format (Advanced) not always available when directly right click axis

  3. Failure to edit properties if All isn’t checked under Formats to Apply in Paste Format (Advanced)

  4. Apply or Undo Apply should not unselect selection in Paste Format (Advanced dialog)

Fixed in Origin2022b


Label Position of Sunburst is not Center in Collapse Expand Mode

For some sunburst plot, enable Collapse Expand Mode in mini toolbar, select one Wedge. ==> Label of wedge A is not at center.


Hide Additional Line Y= if it's beyond the axis range

  1. Make a Column plot.

  2. Open Y Axis dialog and go to Scale tab. Change From value
    ==> You will see a the Y=0 line shows below the bottom axis.
    In the past, Origin has system value @SAL to hide additional line which not in layer area. But its default value is 0, which means not turn on this feature by default. In Origin 9.9b, @SAL's default value is changed to 1.


Avoid adding \ when paste into graph text object

When pasting some string in graph, it failed to be recoganized as escape notation. It’s because we add an extra \ to protect it.

In 2022b, Origin checks if the string begins with
\img, etc, things that are really already escape notation so no extra \ is added. When pasting path, \v() will be added around the path to protect it instead.


Click label twice in group plot could not create special point when show one label only

  1. Plot group plot with any data, show data label with mini toolbar

  2. Open Plot Details dialog, switch to Label tab, check Show at Specified Points Only and input 0

  3. Click label twice

==>Could not create special point

Fixed in Origin2022b

Note: For single plot, can’t create special point when show one label only


Failure to set individual offset for Stacked columns by Y offset

  1. Plot stacked lines by Y offset with plot type set to Column.

  2. On stack tab of PD, the offset is set to Individual Y with “Custom Additional line by Relative Position”.

==> Select each plot on left. There is no Offset tab.

==> Can’t drag to adjust offset.


Histogram border affected by fill transparency

In Plot Details Pattern tab, “Transparency for Fill Only” option affected border transparency. Unintended behavior found in histograms plots only.


Fail to show customized increment list in Theme Organizer

  1. make grouped 3D scatters plot

  2. open PD dialog, go to group tab, click browser button of symbol type

  3. save one customized increment list, close all the dialogs

  4. open Theme Organizer, go to system increment lists tab

  5. click 3D symbol shape list
    --> there is the customized increment list saved by the above steps

  6. select it
    ==> not loaded

Fixed in Origin2022b.


Stack Column Plot Disappeared If Empty Rows

For some specific stacked column Plot. Click the Column plot on graph.

==> The plot disappeared. If remove the empty rows, the issue is gone.


Crash when setting layer axes arrangment

  1. For Line Seriers or Box Overlap plot, ctrl+click any point and set color to make a special point

  2. Click on layer, select Axes arrangements->Top on mini toolbar.


Fixed in Origin2022b


Pie Special Point Label Font Issues

  1. Plot pie chart, select one label and change font size by label mini toolbar

  2. Double click selected label to open special point plot detail

==> Font label fails to changes and still keep

Fixed in Origin2022b


Minor Tick Labels at Specified Indices Only, Clipped When Export Margin is Tight in Page

The tick label created by Axis dialog > Tick Labels tab > Minor Tick Labels > Show at Specified Indices Only > Tick Indices = 3 is clipped when exporting as Image Type = PNG and Export Settings > Margin Control = Tight in Page.

Fixed in Origin2022b.


Display Issue Y Axis Break on Double-Y Box Chart

  1. Make a double-Y box chart.

  2. Double click on the right Y axis, go to Breaks tab.

  3. Set Numbers of Breaks to 1.

==> Break From and Break to shows as --. Click Apply, the break is added.


Could not set tick direction when opposite Z shows at X axis

New issue since Origin 2022.

  1. Plot a ternary, open axis dialog, click Z in left panel and select Show tab

  2. Check Show Opposite Z Axis and select X for Opposite Axis Show at, click OK

  3. Click horiontal axis to show mini toolbar, set Tick Style as Out

==> LAYER.S.SHOWGRIDS: error setting property value!

Fixed in Origin20022b


Failure to fill area between plots on log scale

For area to next plot with log scale Y axis failed to fill between two curves only.


Top surface mistreated as back surface

Definition of Top/Back Surface of 3D surface plot should not be affected by XY mapping of matrix.

In the past, if the XY mapping in the matrix is not ascending order, then top surface became back surface.


Could not change fill for ribbon in mini toolbar

  1. make ribbon with random Ys and row number X

  2. select plot. try to change color list in MT ==> fail to change setting

Fixed in Origin2022b.


Crash if Fail to Init Distribution Cached Context

  1. Make Marginal Distribution Curve plot.

  2. Go to source worksheet, press Del to clear data. ==> Origin crashes.


Data Reader did not work on column plot's symbol element

  1. Plot column with any data, open Plot Detail dialog, Display tab, clear Bar and check Drop Line and Symbol

  2. Data Reader on the plot symbol or move mouse over the symbol

==> Fails and no data point tooltip

Fixed in Origin2022b


Crash if move down/up plot from different group with different plot type

Run LabTalk below, then active the graph, in Object Manager, right click plot C and Move down ==> Crash

newbook name:="MyData" option:=lsname; col(a)=data(1,20);col(b)=data(1,20);col(c)=data(1,20);col(d)=data(1,20);col(e)=data(1,20); plotxy iy:=(1,2:3) plot:=200; win -a MyData; plotxy iy:=(1,4:5) plot:=201 ogl:=[Graph1]1!;

Fixed in Origin2022b


Disable toolbar buttons for image window

Disable add color scale, add XY scale, new link table buttons for image window.


Should not allow group grouped objects in Object manager, it crashes Origin

For grouped object in Object Manager, select one object and click Front, Back, Frontward, Backward and Back(data) button in Toolbar or Mini Toolbar, or select multiple objects and click Front, Back, Back(data) and Group button in Toolbar or Mini Toolbar, then click New project button and No to not save project ==> Origin crashes.

Fixed in Origin2022b


Save Folder as Project should save worksheet meta data

In Origin earlier versions, suppose Graph1 is in Folder2, and its source data is in Folder1’s workbook. If save Folder2 as opju, Graph1 Axis title and legend texts are all changed to Book1_xx, because all the column labels' contents are empty.

Fixed in Origin2022b


Crash if Delete Fitted Curves From Mini Toolbar

  1. Plot Scatter with any data, click on the plot to show mini toolbar, Add Fitted Curves: Linear Fit Curve

  2. Click the red fitted curve to show mini toolbar, click Open Properties Dialog to open Reference Lines Dialog, delete the curve and OK ==> Crashes

Fixed in Origin2022b


Label of Merge Graph is not in proper position when there is multiple layers in Source Graph

When there is multiple layers in Source Graph, try to merge graph setting label text to a, Label Position to Top Left Inside.==>The label a and b is in layer 1 of top-left, top-right panel, which is not right. When treat each source graph is selected, labels should be in top-left of each panel.


By Point Tab of Font Color Not work for Pie/Sunburst

  1. Plot a pie chart

  2. Open PD, go to label tab, set font color to increment or index/map to column A. ==> Nothing change.


Color changes when zooming area graphs

Try to zoom in a area graph with scale in button. ==> Color changes. Now you can set @LPR=0 to fix the issue.


Data Label outside frame when Clip Data to Frame

  1. open Column and Bar Charts - Bar Map.opju from Learning Center

  2. click right side of layer ==> map layer is selected

  3. select layer and change clip button to do not clip in MT → you can see map is outside of layer

Fixed in Origin2022b.

Data Handling









Cell formula became absolute range after duplicate sheet

Enter the following in column A of a sheet and then duplicate the sheet or duplicate the sheet without data. The formula points to the original sheet.

1 2 3 =Total(A1:A3)

Fixed in Orign 2022b.


Fails to keep font style in in-place edit mode of cell

This was introduced in Origin 2022 when change to use Scintilla control.

Enter some text in a data cell, customize the font face, font size, or make bold/italic/underline, then double-click to in-place edit.

==> The style cannot be kept.

Fixed in Orign 2022b.


SCV named range issues on subrange

Define a Named Range with partial range, then called it as function argument in Set Values dialog or cell formula may return incorrect result.

Fixed in Orign 2022b.


Python function fail if input data is cell formula/link

Define a python function with argument as list, call it with cell formula/link data in Set Values dialog will be failed.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Join Worksheets by Label fails when Dataset Identifier is None

The Dataset Identifier option is newly implemented in Origin 2022.

When choose None for it, the last column of result sheet will be wrongly filled with 0.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Origin crashes when paste text with too many columns

The bug starts in Origin 2021b, in earlier versions, Origin wouldn’t crash but only pasted 3000 values

To reproduce the crash:

Have a text file with 11,000 columns. Copy all and then paste into a worksheet cell.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Excel DC reimport failed to keep Categorical setting in worksheet

After importing data with data connector and set some columns as categorical, reimport the data, those columns are not categorical anymore.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Formula referencing to other sheet fails

Suppose Sheet1 has col(C), while Sheet2 has not, then calling formula like “1!mean(C)“ will be failed in Sheet2.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.









XF msresize should consider custom missing value in matrix

This bug was introduced in Origin 2021b when X-Function mresize is available.

Set custom missing value for the matrix then run mresize XF.

==> The result is not consider the custom missing value.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.









Collected issues about ROI’s dimmed background

Case1: Insert images from image window with ROI.

Case2: Set Scale for image with ROI.

==> ROI exists but it’s dimmed background not works fine in the 2 above cases. Now the ROI is deleted for such situation.


Failed to remember xy scale for background image when open old opju in Origin 2022

If there is a previous Origin project with background image in graph layer, and the image is not full stretched to fit the graph layer. when open this project in Origin 2022. when open this project in Origin 2022.

==>The background image will be full stretched to fit the graph l

==>The xy scale of background image can’t be remember, and the image will be stretched to fit the whole graph layer.

-->Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Origin crashes after press hotkey to navigate video when video is playing

When video is playing, Press any navigate video hotkey(such as right arrow key) will cause origin crashes.

Fixed in Origin2022b










hour() Function Failed to Handle Value Beyond 24:00

It returns -1 for time values beyond 24:00. Fixed in Origin 2022b.


dataset -a fails to initialize from text

dataset -a test={1,2,"A","B","A"}; col(A) = test; //==>only the first two numeric values are set to col(A)

Fixed in Origin2022b.

Code Builder








Debug OGS in Code Builder fails to show variable value

When debugging OGS file in Code Builder, mouse over the LabTalk variable fails to show value.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.









Fail to Iter Worksheets For Current Folder in Python

Fail to iterate Worksheets in current folder, for example:

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Set Column Value with Python Function failed on cells with Cell Formula or link.

If the doc string of the Python function specifies the input argument as list, then the function returns missing values.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Fails to save Python Function in FFO

Define a Python Function in Fitting Function Organizer, save and reopen it, fails to save

Fixed in Origin2022b










linear fit generate wrong result for 2 points data with large X

Old bug since Origin 8 at least. Fixed in Origin 2022b. If the data to fit only contains two points and x values are huge e.g. 1E24, linear fit failed to go through the two points.


STFT output wrong column unit for Amplitude Result

The unit of output result(worksheet) is always dB if output option is Complex result or Amplitude Result

Fixed in Origin2022b


wAppend result sheet fail to update when do batch processing

  1. Import multiple files into same book and merge worksheet as single sheet with wAppend tool.

  2. Save it as analysis template.

  3. Do batch processing with the saved analysis template.

==> wAppend sheet is still empty,even though source data sheet is updated.

Fixed in Origin 2022b


FFT_Filters settings is changed to auto after recalculate if opj is saved in 9.0 or before version

When opening project saved in Origin9.0 or before version, Frequency/Threshold value in FFT_Filters operation is changed to auto after recalculate.

Fixed in Origin2022b


Want to keep Categorical Status when there is recalculate

Categorical status of analysis output column will be reset after recalculate in before version.

After this fix, we do some changes for ReportData type output(such as fitting tools, many statistics tools):
when it comes from Change Parameters,categorical status will be reset.
when it comes from Recalculate, categorical status will not be reset.

Fixed in Origin2022b










New Output for All Curves failed to give stats of each curve

  1. Gadgets: Statistics on two or more plots, click > button next to gadget and uncheck Change Data: All Plots.

  2. Check Change Data as Auto, click > button and choose New Output for All Curves

==> Fails to output statistics of each curve, can see N value from 2nd Gadget Curve Stats









Import Wizard to Import ASCII Crashes Origin

When use import wizard to import too long string into a cell, will lead to Origin crash.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Data Connect to Large .mat File failed

MATLAB Connector fails to import mat file with so many rows.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Improve speed of import JCAMP-DX file

Import certain JCAMP-DX file is so slow.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Failed to import shapefile with multiple structs

Failed to import shapefile with multiple structs

Fixed in Origin 2022b.









Export issue of dash style Line plot

When export line plot whose line style is dash, the dash line showed some redundant darker points in the exported graph.
Fixed in Origin2022b.


Export Graph issues about DPI

  1. New a Graph, and click Graph Publisher app icon

  2. Click > button four times to go to Export page.

  3. Change Image Type to png, and click Advanced Export to open expGraph dialog.

  4. Change DPI Resolution to 100 under Image Settings branch, click OK to export.

  5. Back to Graph Publisher dialog, click Export. and then click No in File Exists dialog.
    ==>Open these two exported graphs, will found that the border of the second graph is tight.
    Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Minor Tick Labels at Specified Indices Only, Clipped When Export Margin is Tight in Page

  1. Make graph whose the right-most label is located outside of the graph box border.

  2. Export graph with margin control tight in page
    ==> the right-most label is clipped

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


expNITDM fails to export hidden rows

expExcel, expNITDM to export hidden data did not follow expASC.

Fixed in Origin2022b. We need to set @GMH=0 to export hidden row and @UHC=1 to export hidden column.


Polygon out of the layer frame are shown after copying page to WORD

Polygon out of the layer frame are shown after copying page to MS-WORD.

In Origin2022 and earlier versions, workaround: Tools: set system variable dlg, gdip=0.(Turn off gdi plus feature, AA is also turned off.) Run as admin to launch Origin. It should work fine.

Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Hotkey fail to work for showing copy page/export area

  1. New a graph, select Edit: Set Export Margins to set the export area.

  2. Press Ctrl+4 to show/hide export area.

==>hotkey fail to work

Fixed in Origin 2022b


Crash when exporting csv using script

Open this file: https://my.originlab.com/ftp/forum_and_kbase/Images/Export%20Problem.opju and execute this script:
wo -s 0 0 0 0;
expasc type:=csv unit:=0 comm:=0 over:=0 select:=1;

==> Origin will crash

Fixed in Origin2022b.


Export to PDF Crashing on some graphs

After exporting graph with the combination of underline and Greek character, Origin crashed

Fixed in Origin2022b.


Cannot export user-defined symbol which is copied from QQ or Wechat

  1. Use Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V to copy image from QQ

  2. Open Preferences: Options: Graph tab

  3. Select an empty cell in User Defined box

  4. Ctrl+V to add a new user-defined symbol

  5. Create a scatter plot with this user-defined symbol

  6. Export graph

==> Cannot see the symbol

Fixed in Origin2022b.









Copy Paste Folder to Keep All Operations

In Origin 2022 and earlier versions, Copy and Paste Folder with Operations but source data in another Folder, Operation will be lost.
Fixed in Origin 2022b.


Specific 2022 OPJ makes 2021 crash

The specific 2022 OPJ with the OpenCV image object in figure-a graph that crash Origin2021, which has image width > 10000. Change its image width < 10000, crash issue will be fixed.

In Origin 2022b, a new fix is added to prevent crash.


Template Center opens as blank in 2022 demo version

Install Origin2022 demo build and open Template center dialog.

==>no template show in template center dialog.

Fixed in Origin 2022b


Double click OPJU failed to open project file in Origin 2022

In Origin 2022, some PC double click OPJU failed to open project file.

In Origin 2022b, System variable @DDEE=0 is added as default. @DDEE=1 enable new fix code.


Avoid using word "tmp" to create temporary testing folder or file

In Origin 2022 or earlier versions, If C:\test\tmp\ tmp folder exists, Set Group Folder Location dialog fails to set C:\test\ as Group Leader Machine.

Origin 2022b fixed this issue.


Paste link from Excel not works fine

  • Fixed gibberish issue when paste link with Unicode data from Excel file.

  • Fixed wrong pasting result when paste link with multiple words in one cell from Excel file.


Origin crash on Auto-saving when In-Place Edit popup menu is shown

When Origin is auto saving, at the meantime, the in-place edit popup menu is shown(such as double click into worksheet cell and right click).

==>Origin crashes.

Fixed in Origin2022b


Windows Locked when double click opju to launch Origin with network SN/License

For network users, when double clicking opju file to launch Orign, sometimes some windows turn green or locked.

Fixed in Origin2022b


Crash on Saving when Editing Text

  1. After deleting the graph/workbook, and Main Menu->Edit, make sure "undo delete page" is allowed.

  2. New a graph page, double-click on the text "X Axis Title" (or other text object) to enter edit mode.

  3. Ctrl+S to save the project with any file name.

==>Origin crashes.

This issue has existed since Origin 2021b. Fixed in Origin2022b


LaTeX app should support CJK language package

Origin2022b LaTeX app supports CJK language package for Chinese and Japanese. But make sure MikTeX website connecting and MiKTeX console (Admin) overview tab should click check for updates button to latest.

Chinese scripts sample:


Japanese scripts sample:


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