Origin 2021 Bug Fixes

Origin 2021 Bug Fixes












No lock in source graph if using Dynamic input range

No lock on source graph if using Dynamic input range and output to inputX newY.

New bug in Origin 2020b.

If using Dynamic input range and output to inputX newY, fail to generate analysis lock on the source graph.


Do not modify output designation if column exists

Output designation not modified if column exists. Meaning: After recalculation, column designations should not be changed.

After recalculation, column designation should not be changed.

E.g. for some analysis, the output X is set as <input>, so only Y is output to new column. When change source data, recalculation is triggered. But column designation is changed such as column is set as X, etc.

Fixed in Origin 2021 so column designation will not be changed by default. Set @SDN=0 to restore old behavior.


Fitting result table is wrong if using the theme

Fitting result table is wrong if using the theme for fitting.

Use Last Used Theme in Peak Analyzer two or more times, the short name of Fitting results table in Summary Graph keep the same, leads the result changes

Batch Processing










Speed up Statistics on rows when do batch processing with large data

Improved the speed of getting data for statistics on rows when doing batch processing with large source data.

Improve the speed of getting data for statistics on rows when do batch processing with large source data


Origin crashes when export ascii with script during batch processing

Origin crashed when exporting ASCII via script during batch processing.

new bug in Origin2020b.

  1. Open script window, execute following script.

string fname$= "%(system.path.program$)Samples\Curve Fitting\Sensor01.dat"; string TemplateBook$= system.path.program$ + "Samples\Batch Processing\Sensor Analysis.ogwu"; batchProcess name:=TemplateBook$ id:=<none> fill:=<auto> append:=Result remove:=0 loopscript:=<[<string strFWPath$="C:\test\test.dat";expASC iw:=[%(_book$)]Result type:=0 path:=strFWPath$ separator:=TAB;>]>;

==>origin crashes


Annotation is lost after batch plotting

Fail to keep annotation when do batch plotting

Issue existed since Origin2018

  1. New a worksheet with 3 column, fill with row number.

  2. make scatter plot with col(b), add annotation for any point

  3. Do batch plotting with new columns with col(c).

==>annotation is lost in result graph

Peak Analyzer










Subtracted baseline data is not added back to fitted curve when recalculated with changed data









Statistics on Rows fails to works when selecting input via Ctrl + click

Statistics on Rows fails to works when selecting input via Ctrl + click

Statistics on Rows fails to works when selecting input via Ctrl + click

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Non Parametric Test Wrong Verdict

Some bug fixes in Non-parametric text

Origin 2021 fixed Kolmogorov-Smirnov test issue which Upper tail and Lower tail results were reverse.

Origin 2021 also improved Kolmogorov-Smirnov test, Mann-Whitney test and (NPH) Two Independent Samples footnote more clearly.


Some statistics tools failed on discontinuous ranges

Some statistics tools failed if selecting discontinous ranges before open the dialog

Broken in Origin 2020b. Fixed in Origin 2021.

  • Statistics on Columns

  • Statistics on Rows

  • Normality Test

  • Distribution Fit

  •  ROC curve


rowstats Issue with Filtered Data

Output column pads top with missing values for those filtered out data

rowstats (Statistics on Rows) outputs incorrectly when run against filtered data.

==> It pads top of output columns with missing values for the filtered out data.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Crosstab gets wrong results with Layers and Filters

Cross Tabulation and Chi-Square gets wrong results with Layers and Filters

Cross Tabulation and Chi-Square gets wrong results with Layers and Filters

This issue has existed since Origin 2019.

Fixed in Origin 2021.

Data Handling











Improve speed on Function sub-pop up menu in SCV dialog

Slowness when clicking on Function menu the first time in Set Column Values dialog.

Click Function menu in the Set Values dialog, the menu should be pop up very quickly without too much delay in Origin 2021.


Worksheet cell displays wrong decimals

Issues with big number in a narrow column (poor rounding) and the display of number with German decimal separators.

New bug in Origin 2020b.

E.g. big number, e.g. 83859232 which fits in the cell tightly was rounded e.g. to 83959200 by mistake. It should show with scientific notation e.g. 8.38592E7 since in Preferences: Options, Numeric Format tab, we set the upper threshold as 6. Resize column width will fix the issue.

Also there are display issues with German numeric separator. E.g. 898,10906 when resized the column wider, it shows 89810904.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Should not reset column label row including sparklines

Turning on sparkline of other columns should not change sparkline heights.

E.g. If sparkline height has be adjusted and then turn on sparkline for some column, the sprkline row height was reset. It should not.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


SCV Recalculate with input in label row

Set column value recalculation trigger issue when it uses a value in column label rows.

Declare variable to access column label cell in the Before Formula Scripts and use in the formula. When change label cell value, it fails to trigger recalcuation in following cases.

  • Access to label cell of column itself.

  • Declare label cell as numeric instead of string variable.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Keep Sampling Interval info when append worksheet by column

Sampling interval was lost in output. Fixed to keep it when appending worksheet by column.

When append worksheet by column, keep the sampling interval info in the result columns.


Origin Crashes when switching window in PE

Origin Crashes sometimes when switching windows in Project Explorer.

Issue existed at least since Origin 8.1.

Double click to open worksheet window in Project Explorer may crashes Origin.


plotm fail to resolve input matrix range

plotm X-Function failed to resolve input matrix range.

Issue existed at least since Origin 9.0.

Labtalk function plotm fail to operate with matrix object if it’s index is larger then 33


Update matrix result sheet’s dimension goes wrong

Update of matrix result sheet’s dimension is incorrect.

New bug in Origin 2020b.
If source matrix sheet’s dimension is changed, fail to update the matrix result sheet’s dimension correctly.


Worksheet Find and Replace Issues

Various worksheet Find and Replace issues.

  • Replace all does not work for label rows in locked column

  • Find Replace button did not check "Find/Replace in selected range status


Copy entire hierarchical sheet as HTML

Copy entire hierarchical sheet as HTML failed to copy properly.

  • Fix redundant row after each table in Excel

  • Fix title format issue


Worksheet user defined label cell format issue

digit precision issue and editing of date time value issue in user-defined column label rows

  • Fix bug when set digit precision fails to show correct value for cell formula in label cell.

  • Support directly edit date, time value with format string. Note: For Time value, only support the first 3 formats.


Repainting issue when editing of worksheet cell with long text string

Ghost text shows when editing in worksheet cell when content is long

Suppose a cell with a long text string, e.g. over 400 characters, resize the row height and column width so that all characters can be read. Now, double-click into the cell and try editing.
==> A "ghost" of the cell content is shown and it becomes hard to know where to edit.

Fixed in Origin 2021.











ASCII import failed to detect number of columns when there is main headers

ASCII import failed to properly detect the number of columns when there are main headers.

When there are many header lines, and if import the header lines into data area, impASC will import only one column data even though there are so many columns of data.

This issue have been fixed in Origin 2021.


Drag and drop Excel to Origin does not work if first sheet is empty

Drag and drop Excel did not work if first sheet is empty.

In Origin 2020b, if the first sheet of Excel file is empty, drag and drop import will import the first empty sheet.

In Origin 2021, drag and drop import will skip the first empty sheet and import the first no-empty sheet.


Long SQL with LabTalk substitution failed

A long SQL statement caused LabTalk substitution to fail.

In SQL Editor, when query SQL string is too long, says over than 8192 bytes, then LabTalk substitution inside the query string will be failed.

Fixed in Origin 2021, now the limitation has been double.


From Web Auto-Detection Fails for Content of Certain URL

“From Web” file type detection failed for certain URLs.

Connect to Web… fails to auto detect the type of content in certain URL. Fixed in Origin 2021.


Assertion failed when import certain NetCDF file

Assertion failed when importing certain NetCDF files resulting in failed import.

Failed to import Certain NetCDF file.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Origin’s Removal of SQL Comments Breaks Apache Drill

Removal of SQL comments broke SQL for certain RDBMS.


Origin used to remove comments from SQL statements but that broke Apache Drill. Origin no longer removes comments. But user must be careful to only use comment types supported by their database system.

System variable @SQLC = 0 by default.

To restore to old behavior (remove comments), set it to 1.











Export Excel reset row bound

Export Excel improperly reset row bounds (value of i2 variable).

  1. New a workbook and fill 1st 10 rows with data.

  2. Select menu File: Export: Excel to open dialog, give a file name to export a excel file.
    ==> i2 is reset.

Fixed in Origin2021.


Print Report Sheet failed to show footer

Printing report sheet failed to show footer.

  1. new worksheet, fill column A B with random data

  2. select Analysis: Fitting: linear fit

  3. go to report sheet, select File: Print Preview
    ==> footer for Parameters could not properly show, and footer for ANOVA does not show

Fixed in Origin2021.


Print Option fail to open if print to PDF

Print Options dialog fail to open if printing to PDF.

  1. New worksheet, fill column with random data

  2. select File: Print,

  3. Select Microsoft Print to PDF for Name option, ok with default

  4. select File: Print again
    ==>Columns and Rows editbox is empty

  5. click Options button
    ==> no dialog popup

  6. Open Page Setup, select Header and Page number, ok

  7. Open Page Setup,
    ==> Header and Page number are not selected

Fixed in Origin2021.


Exported tif Graph Background Issue

Fixed issue with TIF/PNG/PCX backgrounds when using 24-bit color depth.

We set the default to higher 24-bit Color as color depth to produce good enough image quality. This also affect the default value of PCX and PNG format.











Plotting with 10000-column data makes Origin crash and slow

Plotting with 10,000-columns makes Origin very slow or even crash.

Origin 2021 fixed it.


Open recent graph with Note window active leads crash

Opening a recent graph with a Note window active led to a crash.

New bug in Origin 2020b


Origin crashes when Popup by More Palettes and still select palette behind

The “More Palettes” dialog can be opened when you select to change palette from the GUI from. In some cases after selecting a palette, Origin crashed.

After some specific steps, More Palette dialog can be open while you can select palette from menu. After select a palette Origin will crash.


Turn on Label in 3D Vector Plot's XY Projection causes to crash

Turning on Label in 3D Vector Plot's XY Projection can lead to crash.

1.make 3D Vector plot
2.Double click on Graph1. Check XY Projection. Click Apply button. And it is fine.
3.Select XY Projection, choose Label tab, select Enable check box. Click OK button. And Origin will crash

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Crash after plot Ternary Contour with certain data

Crash after copying a certain type of data from Excel, pasting into worksheet, and making ternary contour plot.

Copy some data from Excel and then make ternary contour, Origin will crash. No crash will happen import from Data Connector.


Origin crashes when change order of wedges to by column if data plot from loose dataset

Origin crashes when changing the order of wedges in a pie chart to by column if data plot is from a loose dataset.

It exists for an ogg graph.


Undo For Layer Content LC Dialog

Undo For Layer Contents Dialog did not work properly.

  1. make grouped plots from XYXY data

  2. In Layer Contents dialog, default Layer Re-scale checked, Romove first plot. Click OK.
    -->plot removed, scale changed.
    ==> Then press Ctrl + Z to Undo doesn 't work.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Scatter Skip Point failed to show correct number of Plot Details

Scatter plot Skip Points failed to show correct value in Plot Details.

Reopen Plot Detail dialog, Drop Lines tab’s "Skip Points" option is changed.


Some stack plot draw differently in 2020b

Some stack plots did not show the correct offset- plots drawn differently in 2020b.

Some stack plot could not show correct offset.


Global Font setting could not apply to reference line label

Global Font setting was not applied to reference line labels.

1.plot a scatter plot with random data
2.select layer, add mean reference line from mini toolbar
3.Open Preference: Theme Organizer,
4.select Times New Roman Font from Graph tab, click apply now
==> reference line label does not change font

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Axis increment is not good if x position of box plot is not monotone

Axis increment is not good if X data of box plot is not monotonic.

For a box plot with not monotone data as x position, axis increment or label position could be not good.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Horizontal and Vertical offset of tick label fails to work when click Apply

Horizontal and Vertical offset of tick label does not work properly when clicking Apply.

Open Axis dialog and go to Tick Labels: Format: Offset in % Point Size. Set Horizontal(or vertical) and then click Apply. ==> Tick Labels fail to change position. But click OK then tick labels shift.


Bar is missing if inside Y axis break region

Bar is missing if inside Y axis break region.

It exists when y axis break is set.


Fail to connect line across axis break for specific break

Failed to connect lines across axis break for an axis break in 3D trajectory plot.

  1. fill col(a) to col(c) with 1-15, set col(c) to Z

  2. make 3D trajectory plot

  3. open X axis dialog, in break tab, set a break 5-15,click OK

  4. open PD, go to Display tab of the whole page, check Connect line across axis break, click OK
    ==> all connect line disappear

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Scientific display of axis tick label does not right in Log10 scale

Scientific display of axis tick label was incorrect for Log10 scale.

When tick label’s display is Scientific, it could not display properly.


Fail to set gap for axis break

Larger/Smaller break gap button fails to work in 2020b.

Larger/Smaller break gap button fails to work in 2020b

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Axis Paste Format Fly-out is wrong

Axis Paste Format fly-out menu is incorrect.

  1. New a graph, select x axis and right click to copy format: All

  2. Select axis and right click to paste format
    ==> fly-out is totally wrong


Fixed in Origin 2021.


No fill color control for open symbols with +, -, x, | in it

No fill color control for open symbols with +, -, x, | shapes within the symbol.

Because of the bug, plots behind it failed to be hidden.

In Origin 2021, if such symbol shape is chosen for scatter plot, user can set the fill color to be white or other colors. to block the plot behind it.



Point by Point legend for column/bar plot with incrementing pattern

For column/bar plot, after setting fill pattern to be by Point ->Incrementing, right click legend, Legend: Point by Point context menu was grayed out before Origin 2021.


Edit Range automatically changes for some certain data

Edit Range automatically changes for some source data such as for the Line and Symbol Graphs - Error Bars with Fill Area example in Learning Center.

  • For certain data like Line and Symbol Graphs - Error Bars with Fill Area in Learning Center, change the value in Edit Range, it automatically changes. Fixed in Origin 2021.

  • For group stack like stack column plot, in Origin2021, upper plot is disable to change Edit Range.


Japanese Origin not allow to enter decimal point in Data: Edit Range dialog

Japanese Origin failed to allow entering decimal point in Data: Edit Range dialog.

In Japanese version, select a range by "X value" instead of "Index" when making a range selection for the plot, in the dialog that opens with "Data"("データ" in Japanese)>"Edit Range"("範囲を編集") on the main menu. With the "By X"("Xの範囲") radio button selected, uncheck "Auto"("自動"), an alert will appear if I try to enter a decimal point in "From"("開始") or "To"("終了").

Fixed in Origin 2021.


LaTeX \q drawing issues

LaTeX \q drawing issues- space was missing.

LaTeX space with \q was missing.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Refresh issue on profile line's text object

When changing a text object location, the text object's position was not updated correctly.

When change Text Location, Text object's position is not updated correctly


Data Label on Grouped column chart showed at wrong position

Data label on grouped column chart showed at the wrong position.

  1. Set up wks as X-Y-Yerr-Y-Yerr

  2. Fill some data and plot a column chart

  3. Open PD and turn on Label ==> Labels are centered (on x direction), not on top of each bar.

Bug since Origin 2020b. Fixed in Origin 2021.


Outline of Symbol can not be shown in Legend in 2020b and 2020

Outline of symbol disappears in Legend in Origin 2020b and 2020.

Outline of symbol disappear in some legends.


Line Spacing of Legend is not correct if items checked hide plots in 2020b

When “Show Legend for Visible Plots Only” is checked, some legend items overlap.

When Show Legend for Visible Plots Only is checked, some legends will overlap.


Remove Text Format Bug in legend

“Remove Text Format” button in the Legend dialog fails to remove complicated formatting.

Remove Text Format button in Legend dialog fails to remove complicated text's format.


Legend misalign when mix of auto translation text and manually entered text

Legend misaligned when there is a mix of auto translation text and manually entered text.

Open Legend dialog and unchecked "Align columns" in the "Text" tab, the characters can be aligned.


Fail to D&D non-1st plot's label to change position for 2d line graph

Fixed issue- show label for a 2nd or 3rd line plot, then Drag and Drag label to change its position. The label is still in original position.

Show label for 2nd or 3rd line plot, then Drag and Drag label to change position. Label is still in original position.


Dropline at specified values failed to show if X column descending

Droplines at specified values failed to show if X column is in descending order.

1.Import baseline.dat under samples\Spectroscopy\ folder.
2.Highlight B and plot line graph.
3.Open PD and go to Drop lines tab.
4.Choose Vertical, Show at Specified Points Only.
5.Enter x=500 1000
6.Click Apply
==> Nothing happens.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Issues with Special Points

Special Points and Drop Lines failed to show for certain projects.

Special points and drop lines failed to show for some project.


Colormapped scatter plot failed to show specified color

Colormapped scatter plot failed to show specified color(s) after editing one or more colors.

The colormap is initially applied correctly but after editing one or more colors in the color map, or even a color in another layer of the graph, the colormapped points become black and the colormap cannot be restored without remaking the graph.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Edit Range automatically changes for some certain data

Edit Range automatically changes for some source data such as for the Line and Symbol Graphs - Error Bars with Fill Area example in Learning Center.

  • For certain data like Line and Symbol Graphs - Error Bars with Fill Area in Learning Center, change the value in Edit Range, it automatically changes. Fixed in Origin 2021.

  • For group stack like stack column plot, in Origin2021, upper plot is disable to change Edit Range.


Color is auto changed after change the shape of 3d grouped scatters

Symbol color is improperly changed after a change in the shape of 3D grouped scatters.

1.make 3D grouped scatters plot with XYZZ or XYZXYZ
2.open PD dialog, go to symbol tab, change the setting of shape, click apply
3.go to group tab, select independent, click OK
==> color is changed to black

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Fail to show format setting edit box for 3D special scatter point

Failed to show numeric display format edit box for 3D scatter special point.

1.make 3D scatter plot
2.select one special point, open PD dialog
3.enable label, change label form to X
==> no numeric display format edit box

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Wrong tabs show for 2nd plot when 3D vector is enable

Wrong tabs show for 2nd plot when 3D vector is enabled for a 3D scatter plot.

1.Plot a 3d scatter plot with XYZXYZ data
2.open PD, go to 3D vector tab, enable 3D vaector
3.set XYZ end to column D E F, ok
4.open Plot Details again, go to 2nd plot
==>line, symbol, drop lines tab show, which are not needed

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Wrong tick labels for 3D XYY bars

Fixed issue with wrong tick labels for 3D XYY bars.

  1. new wks, import Group.dat(\sample\graphing)

  2. new wks again, fill col(A) as row number, set col(B) value as col(A)^2

  3. highlight col(b), make 3D XYY bars plot
    ==> tick label of X axis is wrong

  4. Open Axis dialog, go to Tick Labels tab.
    ==> dataset name box was filled with "[Group]Group!A".

Fixed in Origin 2021.


3D Side by Side Bars with Error bar can not be plotted from XYYErr data

3D Side by Side Bars with Error bar can not be plotted from XYYErr data.

  1. The workbook has columns as XYYErrYYErr

  2. Highlight the columns, choose menu "Plot > 3D: XYY 3D Side by Side Bars"
    ==>The generated graph has no error bars. You have to open PD dialog and manually set it to have graph as in the OPJ.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Layer stack offset was changed when change plot type

Layer stack offset changed when changing plot type.

1.Fill 5 rows with row number, select all to plot column
2.Ungroup the last plot E and change plot type to Line.
3.In PD, go to Stack tab
==> The radio choice was changed to None, which should be still Cumulative.

4.Click rescale button
==> Column plot are not stacked


Hard to select target symbol for bullet chart

It was hard to select the target symbol for bullet charts.

Added a new System Variable: @PHTO: plot hit-testing order, 1 for hit-test by WYSIWYG(default), 0 for old behavior.


Rescale issue for Parallel plot with Rescale Each Axis Independently uncheck

Fixed a rescale issue for Parallel plots with “Rescale Each Axis Independently” unchecked.

1.Import the Fisher's Iris Data.dat in \Samples\Statistic.
2.Highlight all and plot Parallel Index.
3.Double click on the 1st axis, switch to All tab, clear Rescale Each Axis Independently, switch to Scale tab and set From as 6.
==> All From changes to 0
4.Double click on the 1st axis again, set From as 6.
--> Works
5.Active the 1st axis and click Rescale Y button.
==> All From changes to 6, which should be 0

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Axis will missing after rescale a Log scale parallel plot

Axis disappeared after rescaling a Log scale parallel plot.

1.new worksheet, select 10 rows to fill row number
2.select all to plot parallel plot
3.open axis dialog, go to scale tab, ctrl to select both axes
4.change type to log10
5.Major tick by increment=1, ok
--> graph seems fine
6.click rescale button,
==> both axes are missing

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Scatter matrix should show axis of scatter Plots

In the past, if showing histogram in diagonal cells, the top row of plots used histogram’s axis. It should show scatter plot’s axis.

Currently in Scatter Matrix the axis of the upper-left layer is set to be axis of Histogram. But in fact, we should show axis of the scatters plots, which is the second layer.


Hisotgram Distribution curve Fill to bottom issue

Distribution curve failed to fill to bottom with exchanged XY axes

Plot a histogram graph and turn on distribution curve and check Fill to bottom. It fails to bottom of axis fine. But if you exchange XY axes, it failed to fill to the bottom of the axis. Fixed in Origin 2021.


Color Scale cannot open properties dialog on scatter matrix

Color Scale properties dialog fails to open for scatter matrix.

For some scatter matrix opj, right click on the color bar and choose Properties. Then color scale properties dialog fails to open. Fixed in Origin 2021.


Fail to copy colormap setting from streamline

Failed to copy colormap settings from Streamline, Sankey, Alluvial, and Kite plots.

This is also not working in sankey, alluvial, kite...

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Tick labels 1.10^n scientific format display as g(x)10^n when axis is log scale

Tick labels 1.10^n scientific format display as g(x)10^n when axis is log scale

Issue exist since Origin2016SR2

  1. Check

Display 1x10^3 as 1.10^3 for Scientific:10^3 Format in Preferences: Options dialog

  1. In axis dialog, set scale type as

Log10 in Scale tab, Display as Scientific:10^3 in Tick labels tab.

==>1.10^3 show as g(x)10^3


Bad Plot Highlight in 2D Waterfall

Bad Plot highlighting in 2D Waterfall fixed.

1.New Worksheet, fill column A with row number, column B C with random data
2.select all, select Plot: 3D: Waterfall(2D Waterfall plot)
3.select plot C (1st one in screen)
==> only part of plot C is highlighted, the rest part is not show

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Failing to clip label in heatmap

Failed to clip labels for heatmaps when zooming or panning.

1.make heatmap with labels
2.press z/x + mouse wheel to zoom/pan the plot

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Graph Theme should support new Window View

Graph Themes should support Window View.

1.Open Theme Organizer.
2.Add a new theme with Root->Page->Display->View Mode.
3.Set it to Window. //Note: This is the only window view related property i found. There is no property under Miscellaneous node.
4.Set it as System theme.
5.Plot a scatter graph.
--> It looks the graph is in window view.
==> Resize it, the square data symbols show as oval, text distorted, etc.
==> page.viewmode = returns 3. Or page -vnw nnn;nnn=; nnn returns 3 as well.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Properties dialog of radar chart's axis title is imperfect

Properties dialog of radar chart's axis title was improperly rendered- buttoned lacked icons.

  1. make Radar chart plot

  2. right click on the axis title, select properties
    ==> many buttons in the dialog fail to show


Fixed in Origin 2021.


Fail to remember the setting of minor tick label for 3D

Failed to remember the minor tick label settings for 3D plots.

  1. make 3D scatter plot

  2. open axis dialog, go to tick labels tab

  3. go to minor tick labels

  4. select show at specified indices only

  5. go to title tab

  6. change back to tick labels tab
    ==> hide is selected

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Issue with Creating Enlarged Graph on virtual matrix (heatmap)

Issue with creating enlarged graph from Scale In tool for virtual matrix plots (e.g. heatmap). Also wrong display from a custom label row for heatmaps.

press Ctrl key , click Scale in toolbar to create an enlarged graph from customer's graph does not work properly
==> wrong Y axis scale on resultant enlarged graph.

wrong display in custom label row of heatmap output

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Label of Vector Plot could not move to right place in 1st time

When vector label is attached to Arrow Head, Ctrl-click a label and moving it would not move to right place in the 1st time.

When vector label attach to Arrow Head, Ctrl-click a label, move it would not move to right place in the 1st time. Fixed in Origin 2021.

  1. Make a vector XYXY plot

  2. Open Plot Detail dialog, and go to label tab. Enable label and set attach to Arrow Head.

  3. Ctrl-click a label, and try to move it.
    ==> label do not stay at the right position after I drop it


Fit Page to Layer for Pie Chart

Cannot remove graph margins of pie chart with Fit Page to Layer.

Cannot remove graph margins of pie chart with Fit Page to Layer

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Transparency in XYZ colormap contour bug

Some part of an XYZ contour plot are not transparent if there are duplicate points in XYZ colormap contour.

Some part of graph not transparent if there are duplicate points.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Support Transparent Color Scale

Transparency of color scale should follow that of the contour/heatmap.

The transparency of color scale bar not follow that of the contour/heat chart.


Fail to close load palette popup menu properly

Fail to close load palette popup menu properly.

  1. make 3D colormap surface plot

  2. open PD dialog, go to colormap/contours tab, click Fill header

  3. click the button next to load palette, select more palette

  4. click cancel to close

  5. select other color generations
    ==> load palette popup menu is still there

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Fail to normalize data when plot 3D Tetrahedral from plot setup

Failed to normalize the data when plot 3D Tetrahedral from Plot Setup dialog.

  1. Activate Random100 sheet.

  2. Without highlighting any data, select plot: 3D: 3D Tetrahedral
    -->plot setup dialog is shown.

  3. In bottom panel, set col(A) as X, col(B) as Y, col(C) as Z, col(D) as Zh, click ok.
    ==>no remind message dialog show to ask user to normalize data
    ==>axis range is 0 to 1.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Clip range fail to save in PD dialog for 3D

Clip range fails to save in PD dialog for 3D plots.

  1. make 3D scatter plot

  2. open PD dialog, go to miscellaneous tab, enable clipping, select by value
    --> notice that Y=7.75 to 10.25

  3. without any change, click OK
    ==> some points are clipped

  4. reopen PD dialog
    ==> Y is changed to 7.75 to 9.72

  5. change 9.75 to 10.25, click OK
    ==> it still fail to save

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Fail to copy symbol format of 3D waterfall

Fail to copy symbol format of 3D waterfall.

  1. fill 4 XYYY cols with row numbers. Highlight them to make a Waterfall plot

  2. open PD,in Symbol tab, change Shape: Tetrahedron .set Size as 30 ,change color to Automatic

  3. right click layer level and choose copy format

  4. go to worksheet ,highlight rows 1-10 and make a Waterfall plot

  5. right click layer level of graph2 and choose paste format to ->all
    ==> no symbol is showed up

Fixed in Origin 2021.


3D stack bar failed with log Z axis

3D stack bar failed to render properly with log Z axis.

We support log scale for stacked 3D Bar and stacked 3D XYY Bar.


Format data in plotvm dialog fails to work correctly

plot virtual matrix failed to work for certain date/time format data

Could not plot graph by virtual matrix if specific date/time format data exists. Fixed in Origin 2021


Wrong colormap for 3D surface

Wrong colormap for 3D surface whenset %C -spi 2 is run .

  1. make 3D colormap surface plot

  2. open script window, run

    set %C -spi 2

  3. open PD dialog, go to fill tab, uncheck auto for colormap, select col(e), click OK
    ==> colormap is wrong

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Fail to move label by keyboard

Failed to move label by keyboard in Sankey plot.

  1. make Sankey plot, add label

  2. try to move labels by using left and right buttons in keyboard
    ==> fail

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Fill area works badly for polar r therta plot

Fill area worked poorly for Polar R Theta plot. Colormap was wrong.

  1. New a polar plot

  2. Open Plot Detail dialog and go to Line tab. Change Connect to Step Horiz and check Fill area under curve.

  3. Go to Pattern tab, set fill color as increment from.
    ==> colormap is wrong

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Fail to add dataset as line type by default to OHLC graph

Failed to add a dataset as line type by default to OHLC graph.

Select one column in source worksheet and try to drag & drop into a OHLC graph. The line plot fails to add to OHLC graph.


Scale In Tool Can't Handle Plot Offset

Scale In tool can't handle plot offsets.

Use Scale In Tool to Scale into an offsetted plot, the plot does not render. Fixed in Origin 2021.


Issues with Label designation on plot setup

Issues with Label designation on Plot Setup.

Try to make a group column plot via plot setup with designation XYyErLYyEr. Click Add and OK. Then the graph is wrong.


Insert Graph toolbar does not keep source graph ratio

If change Target graph/layout window’s Page Orientation, then insert Graph by Insert Graph button in tools toolbar. the inserted graph fail to keep source graph ratio.

If change Target graph/layout window’s Page Orientation, then insert Graph by Insert Graph button in tools toolbar. the inserted graph fail to keep source graph ratio.


Data selector fails to copy and paste plot with missing value

Text shows instead of plot when copy a plot range with missing values and paste to another graph window

Use data selector on the plot with missing value, copy the selected range and paste in another graph, show text. Bug since Origin 2019 and show graph in Origin 2020b


Data Selection markers lost when hiding/showing in Object Manager

If there are data selector markers in graph, and user show or hide plots in Object Manager, the marker will disappear.

When plot with Data selection markers, hide and show in Object Manager, the Data selection mark disappear. Fixed in Origin 2021


3D function plot won't update when change axis range

If we click Insert > Function Plot menu to add 3d plot, 3D function plot won't update when change axis range. But no such problem if use File > New > Function Plot > 3D Function Plot menu.

It is not wrong. The two menus create different kinds of function plot, so behaves differently.
To reduce confusion, we can change "Insert > Function Plot" to call a same code as "New > Function Plot > 3D Function Plot" when the active graph is 3D (2D should not touch).











Origin crash after run sensitivity analysis

Origin may crash after running sensitivity analysis in Monte Carlo App.

1.Install and open Monte Carlo Simulation app,
2.set input variable name is x, output expression is x too.
3.check run sensitivity analysis directly
4.click OK
==> Origin crash

Fixed in Origin 2021.


Project Explorer Lower Panel Scroll bar auto jump to beginning when drag it to bottom

With narrow bottom panel of Project explorer, when using scrollbar to scroll to the last window, it jumps to the beginning.

  1. Start origin, make PE show, Drag middle separator to bottom to make bottom panel narrow(1/4 PE).

  2. Click Name column header to sort name by Z->A

  3. New 15 empty graph.
    -->scroll bar is shown in PE.

  4. Drag scroll bar to bottom.
    ==> It jumps to the beginning


Error message pops up when notes window is render mode

New a Note Window, select HTML: Load Samples: Hello World.html will pop up script error.

New bug in 2020b

For a clean PC with Origin2020b, new a Note Window, select HTML: Load Samples: Hello World.html will pop up script error.


UIM issue in high DPI

UIM objects poorly rendered in Hi DPI.

Issue exists since Oriign2018b

UIM object mess up in high dpi, like QC(X-bar R) Chart with default settings


HSL value is incorrect in custom color dialog since origin2016

The HSL value were a little different after copy and paste html color code. Fixed in Origin2021.

The HSL value were a little different after copy and paste html color code. Fixed in Origin2021.

The HSL values are remapped to a scale 0-255 in CMFCColorDialog.


MRUP(most recently used projects) list issues - max of 16 and list erased when new version installed

Increased the maximum number of recent projects list to 32.

Origin 2021 fixed this issue and have increased the maximum number of recent windows to show to 32. System variable System variable @MRUP to control the maximum number.


Graph View Full Screen Issues

Fixed the bug of when viewing graphs in full view, it failed to show based on slide index order and it failed to skip graphs that are set as Skipped

Origin 2021 improved:

  1. Right Arrow key (Down Arrow key/mouse click) won't leave the Graph View Full Screen show, user must use ESC to quit.

  2. Graph View Full Screen will skip Skipped Graph

  3. Graph View Full Screen should allow Slide Index


Fail to show download app progress info in status bar and App Center

Fixed the bug of progress bar not showing during App download and installation.

Issue exist since Origin2019

when download app in origin, progress info should be shown in status bar and App Center dialog.












R fails to parse Japanese character in Japanese version

R fails to parse Japanese characters in Japanese version of Origin.

Open R console, run

car <- c("スズキ", "ボルボ", "メルセデス")

==> Error: invalid multibyte character in parser at line 1


wks.insertrows() Crashs with Certain OPJU

Fixed a crash when run wks.insertrows() command with a specified project file.

Fixed a crash when run wks.insertrows() command with a specified project file.


XF tree output failed to dump to Command Window

XF tree output failed to dump to Command Window.

system variable @XDO is added to control dump output tree when execute x-function in command window.
@XDO=0(default), same action as before. dump output tree only when no ";" at the end
@XDO=1 to always dump output tree no matter “;“ exist or not.
@XDO=2 to dump output tree if executed from history if no ";" at the end.


"set %c 0 -r" fails to clear all special points

"set %c 0 -r" fails to clear all special points

Bug introduced in Origin 2020.

Make a Scatter plot, then make some special points, run “set %c 0 -r;“.
==> Plot Details opens, but it should clear all special points.

Fixed in Origin 2021.


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