Versions Compared


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Table of Contents


Installation Instruction

If you have already installed Beta1 or Beta2,  please uninstall it first. To uninstall:

  1. Click on Start | All Programs | OriginLab | Origin 91 | Origin 91 9.1 | OriginPro 9.1 Add or Remove Files
  2. Select Remove in the wizard
  3. Click Finish when done


Download and Install

  1. Please download the installer from: 

  2. Run the installer

  3. For Beta Testers, please use your 9.0 Serial Number.

    For testers who are not regular beta testers, please install with serial number GF3S4-6089-7222222 (English),  SF8T5-6089-7222222 (German), LF9i6-6089-7222222 (Japanese)

    (do NOT register this serial number)


  1. When setup is finished, run Origin as an Administrator (right-click on the Origin program icon and select "Run as Administrator")

  2. For Beta Testers, please get license online and see if the process is smooth as before.

    For testers who are not regular beta testers, select "I already have my license.  What do I do next?" and click OK.  Paste the license text below into Origin and click OK. Note: If you install Beta3 on the same PC you have installed Beta2, you will not see License dialog.

Temp License to use

FEATURE OriginPro9.1 orglab 9.10 30-sepnov-2013 uncounted \

    VENDOR_STRING=h04EA3E025r5 h0F3199425r5 HOSTID=DEMO ISSUER=OriginLab \

    NOTICE=474C56B07FB16BA892E8FAD4A9A7F74B844F4CAB9DEBAA 0CA04B8D77B0F806ED994B55B4445EFE21CA553DD5ED3C \

    SN=6035E436FC4CDFC7F8AF8AEA46479845 8F6DEA83F012BD0584FA70FE46479845 TS_OK \

    SIGN="B0AC A235 D946 9B8A AFEA EFA1 A207 F64F 5FAF C820 \

    7406 DAA6 F32F 6565 1DFD 87CC 4AB4 D060 2A21 1F7A 49DA \

    63E9 47AE 961B 9036 F485 37A9 31D4 1838 2043"


What's new in Beta3

Batch Plotting

For XYYYY… kinds of worksheet. If user plots one Y data and customized it. Right click Graph title and choose Duplicate (Batch Plotting): Duplicate with New Columns. User can plot similar graph with other Y data in the same column.



91C8 8F15 DA64 8CBB DA55 F4E4 7E59 9600 5C09 C953 \

    D320 DC36 59E3 1165 AA2E 6E09 A49A E98C 5120 0078 656D \

    0DD4 5DFA 02A6 FA4A 63DE 0EBE 3485 AE1B 3956"


Origin 9.1 Features

This is the general highlights page to see 9.1 features. U can use Navigator on the left panel to see detailed pages.

What's New and Improved in Beta3

Thank you all who testing and giving feedbacks. Many changes made in beta3 are based on your feedbacks.

Graph Customization

New Asterisk Bracket Tool

Add an Asterisk Bracket to the graph to indicate significant difference between two data point, typically used on a column or bar chart.

Image Added

New Axis dialog box

Apply changes after Typing in edit box

No need to click outside the edit box in Axis dialog to turn on Apply button.

Axis Break Improvements (not fully done yet)

  • Axis break with no gap. E.g. if user set the Break From and To value to be the same, there will be no gap for the break.
  • Break tick Length control.
  • GUI Improvements to avoid confusion
  • Full scale and tick label control for region after each break. //not done yet.

Axis Tick Label Improvements

Show Minor Tick Labels on Specified Indices Only. This is especially useful for log scale.

E.g. usually for log scale, the minor ticks is usually By Counts =8. In Axis dialog. User can go to Tick Labels node. Choose Bottom node. Go to Minor Tick Labels branch.

Choose Minor Tick Labels: Show at Specified Indices Only. Set the Minor Tick Indices to be 1 4 as hint says 2 5 and click Apply button.

Minor tick labels such as 2 5 20 50, etc. will show repeatedly.



. //there is bug here so when reopen the dialog again the Minor Tick Indices edit box is gone.

Apply Setting to Others

  • Now supports different destination axis, e.g. bottom, top, left, right, bottom and top, left and right, all axes


  • .
  • Support Apply to all windows in this folder. 
  • GUI Improvements to avoid confusion
  • Add Apply to Others... context menu for all nodes (e.g. bottom, top, left, right node). When user selects it, it will bring user to the bottom Apply to Others... node with Apply From dropdown list pre-filled.

Legend Improvements

  • In Update Legend dialog, if setting Auto Legend Translation Mode as Custom, There is a > button which shows syntax and description. Every time it's selected, it's appended to current format.
  • Add Custom option for Box Identifier in Legend: Box Chart Components dialog. There is a same > button like Update Legend dialog.
  • Add Legend for option in Legend: Point by Point dialog. When there are more than one plot could be applied Point by Point type of legend, user can choose to show this type of legend for which plot.


New Graph Types

Grouped Column Plot

  • 5 group level grouping.
  • Improved Group list control in Grouped Box Chart-Indexed Data and Grouped Column Plot-Indexed Data.
  • For Grouped Plot from Indexed Data, Grouping columns will be set as Categorical so user can specify color, size, etc. properties by grouping column easily.
  • By default, Grouped Column Plot will sort the groups in alphabetical order of group name. Add an option Sort Groups in Grouped Column Plot-Indexed Data dialog to let user undo the sort operation.


100% Stacked Column/Bar Plots


Piper/Trilinear Diagram

  • Convert from mg/L to Percentage template is added. File: New: From Template menu.
  • New PlotPiper dialog for user to specify Sample ID and TDS column easily.
  • Easily way to add new data to existing piper graph. User can select new data from another worksheet, choose Plot: Specialized: Piper Diagram menu. Specify new data information and click the icon to specify existing Piper graph to be Output Graph.
  • Easily way to remove data from piper graph. User can select the plot in rhomb layer, right click and choose remove from the menu, then the plot in three layer will be removed.


Ease of Use

Batch Plotting

For XYYYY… kinds of worksheet. If user plots one Y data and customized it. Right click Graph title and choose Duplicate (Batch Plotting): Duplicate with New Columns. User can plot similar graph with other Y data in the same column.


Fit and Rank All Functions in a Category

User can use Analysis: Fit: Rank Models to compare fitting functions in a category.



2D Interpolate to Find z at Given (x,y)

An X-Function interp2 is added to do interpolation on XYZ data and then Z values for given (X,,Y) coordinates. Run interp2 -d in Script window to see the dialog. Needs XYZ columns and also another XY columns to find Z values.


Import File Name into Worksheet Comments/Long Name

  • If there are special characters in file name, when importing the data into worksheet, in the past, the the special characters will be removed from the file name and show as Sheet Name. Now they can show correctly as Sheet Long Name.
  • Right click Sheet tab and choose Sheet Name to Show to switch between Short Name and Long Name.
  • Double click to Rename Sheet Long/Short name.


Workbook Protection


New Digitizer

We turned on New Digitizer in Beta3 so user can directly test it. But it will be turn off by default in final 9.1 release. To turn it off, set @und=0 in Script window

  • One more auto trace option in Digittize menu: Area Auto Trace. 
  • Pixel Reduction Factor to reduce point for auto trace in Data tab.
  • When Edit Axes button is selected, press "g" to switch between Digitizer Axes dialog and Image.
  • Improve default symbol size and symbol setting control.
  • GUI Improvements: Rename some options to be more accurate. More useful button (Rotate, Delete Line, Delete All) on dialog.
  • Rotate without additional dialog – Not ready for test.



Transpose in Import

In ASCII Import dialog, user can transpose data under Import Options: File Structure node.


  • Merge Graph: Add Label supports #) - enumerate with ) after it
  • box chart legend - replace existing legend instead of append
  • Smart Label Leader line shift issue fixed
  • Weibull Fit: Show Probability Plot with Confidence Limits fixes
  • Show Confidence Bands and Prediction Bands like Shades Around Fitted Curve
  • Faded Hint improvements to stay longer and also have a yellow background color to be more obvious
  • Removed hint for button with Script
  • View: Menu menu is added. Same as Format: Menu
  • Anti-aliasing in 2D graph off by default. Can click Anti-aliasing button on Graphs toolbar to turn it on for specific graphactive graph.
  • German Umlaut issue in Change Language dialog.


Known Issues in Beta3

  1. Axis Break in 3D graph not working. Enable control in Axis Break is not work.
  2. File: Open Sample Projects: 91TutorialData.opj. Slow to open because there are many Results Log in the opj. User doesn't need to use this opj.
  3. Minor Tick Labels control: Show at Specified Indices Only. Hint is wrong. Major ticks is counted as well so if u want labels to show at 1st and 4th minor ticks, enter 2 5 in the edit box. But if you click OK to close the dialog and reopen again, the edit box is gone.
  4. plotpiper X-Function have redundant legend context. You can right click the legend and choose Point by Point to reproduce a legend.
  5. Plot a 100% stacked column/bar with the data in X column is Numeric, the tick labels of X Axis do not show. Double click the axis to open the Axes Dialog, select Numeric for Tick Label: Display: Type will be fine.