Origin 2022 Features

Origin 2022 Features


New Graph Types










Pie Map

Pie chart on Map

Plot: Bar, Pie, Area: Pie Map.

If user has longitude, latitude columns and corresponding pie slices for each location, user can use this menu to plot pie chart on those locations.

Then use Insert: menu to add map to graph.



Ridgeline Chart

It’s like histogram of each column of data with some Y offset or a horizontal half violin plots

Plot: Statistics: Ridgeline Chart


Further customization can be found on Display and Distribution tabs in Plot Details dialog.


Sunburst Plot

Plot Multi-X+Y data, e.g. XXY, XXXY, … data into sunburst plot

Plot: Categorical: Sunburst Plot

Mini toolbar for the plot, including Collapse Expand Mode.

In Collapse Expand Mode, user can click a wedge to look into it



Standardize Variables for K Mean Cluster

Standardize Variables for K-Means Cluster Analysis and Support Cluster plot for K-Means Cluster Analysis

K-Means Cluster Analysis dialog option tab adds Standardize Variables

K-Means Cluster Analysis dialog Plot tab adds Cluster Plot checkbox.



Connect data points to centroid

Show Centroid of plot and connect data points to it

This is an OriginPro only feature.

  • Centroid (Pro) tab is add in Plot Details dialog of scatter plots.

  • User can turn it on, connect data points to it and plot ellipse of it

  • Support Centroid point of subset. Subset tab will show in such case to specify subsets.












Eyedropper on Select Color Control

Eyedropper under Custom group of color control to pick color on screen

Use eye dropper button to create user-defined colors



Show data requirement for templates under main Plot menu

Redesign the tooltip for all templates under main Plot menu to how to arrange data for each graph template. Add basic instructions on some graph templates

When mousing over a plot type under Plot menu, data requirement etc. will show as tooltip



Add System Template to Template Library

Support all system template in Template Library, check System checkbox, all system template will show, select one and click Plot menu to plot.

Template Library used to show user-defined graph template only. Now System (built-in) graph template can be listed here as well.



Extended Graph Templates

More than 40 extended graph templates are added to extend Origin’s graph capabilities

Select Tools:Template Center to view and download those cloud templates. Once downloaded, the graph templates can be accessed by Plot: Template Library dialog



Provide sample project for system and extended templates in Template Library

Use Open Sample button to open sample project for system and extended templates

  • If there is sample project, origin will append the sample project to new folder, or launch another new instance(@OSP=1)

  • If there is no sample project,
    1. for system templates, open Learning Center dialog with Graph Samples page active.
    2. for extended templates, show message to ask if open Template Center or not. if answer is no,origin will open Learning Center dialog.

  1. for user templates, Open Sample button should be gray out.


Allow deleting Extend Template from Template Library

Support Deleting Extend Template from Template Library and New Book dialog

Extend Template can be deleted in manage mode.

After Extend Template is deleted:

  1. All related template files should be removed

  2. Install status of this template should be reset in Template Center


Mini toolbar for data highlighter

Mini toolbar to create sub sheet, delete points, mask/unmask highlighted points, and mask/unmask dimmed points.


Show Mini toolbar in Object manager

Mini toolbar based on selection in Object Manager

Sometimes selecting plot, layer, etc. in graph can be hard. In such case user can pick layer, plot, etc. in Object Manager, based on the selection, mini toolbar will show for quick edit.

Use System variable @mth to turn off



Show Graphic Object in Object Manager

Use Object Manger to turn on/off graphic object and change its drawing order

Show Graphic Object /Show Plots toggle (Ctrl+Shift+S) in Object Manager. In Graphic Object mode, user can

  • Easily turn on/off axis, legend., text and graphic objects.

  • Change object drawing order by drag it up/down

  • Easy way to find unnecessary objects and delete them

  • Context menu on single object

  • Context menu for multi-object selection, including choosing layer + objects


Support Object Manager for Layout Windows

All graph objects can be easily selected in Object Manager, and do further setting like group, align or move the graph object to change its order.


Customize Page Grid Settings

Make it easy to customize page gridding to easily arrange layers and objects in graph and layout window

Two ways to set Page Grid Settings.

  1. Active Graph/Layout, Format: Page Grid Settings/Grid Settings

  2. Graph/Layout page level mini toolbar: Show Grid: Page Grid Settings/Grid Settings

Set the offset and horizontal/vertical spacing of grids in cm or inch.


System variables to set grid colors:

  • @gc=color(255,128, 128, 1) //set layer grid color in Graph window

  • @gcp=color(255,128, 128, 1) //set page grid color in Graph window

  • @gcl=color(255,128, 128, 1) //set grid color in Layout window

Note: the 4th argument in color() function must be 1 to set these system variable with RGB colors.


Graph Annotator

Draw Data tool and Data: Graph Annotator… will use this new tool to pick screen points in graph

Different Add Data mode are supported

The picked points will be put to Graph Annotator Data book.

Set @MDT=0 to revert back to use old tool to draw data.


Adjust windows size and position in Origin according to screen resolution and DPI

Resize and reposition windows to make it display the same layout in workspace in different resolution and DPI by system variable @SRWS

System variable @SRWS

0 (default), old way, means display different layout (both width and height) for project saved and open in different resolution and DPI

1: fit the width, and scale y with x scale;

2: fit the height, and scale x with y scale;

3: fit the width and height, means display same layout (both width and height) for project saved and open in different resolution and DPI

Graph Customization










Simpler Arrange Layers tool

New simplified dialog to change graph to mxn layers

Arrange Layers… is added in Graph menu, layer icon context menu, , graph node context menu of Object manager and page level menu toolbar. Select it will open a dialog to arrange layers in current graph into mxn layers



Spacing improvements in Merge Graphs and Layer Management dialogs

More Spacing units are added in Merge Graphs and Layer Management dialogs

There was only % of page when setting spacing when merging graphs or arrange them in existing graph.

More units are added in Origin 2022



Select Multiple Plots

Select multiple plots in graph window to edit together

How to select multiple plots:

  • In graph window, use Shift + click to select multiple plots

  • In Object Manager, use Shift + click to select a range of plots, use Ctrl + click to select only those clicked plots

After selection, use toolbar or mini toolbar to edit them. Note: mini toolbar only shows if all selected plots share the same plot type.


In Object Manager, user can also right click for show/hide, remove, etc.

In Object Manager, after selecting multiple plots in same layer, user can press Alt key and drag to change plot order. This way, the plots will draw on top of bar.



Scatter Plot Symbol Improvements

User-defined symbol improvements

  • Use symbol on clipboard for scatter plot

  • Better symbol well control to add bigger size symbol or rectangle shaped symbol and colored symbol

  • SVG file support for user-defined symbol

E.g. in Preferences: Options dialog. Go to Graph tab. Choose a blank grid in User Defined Symbols. Ctrl+F to select SVG file and then use it for scatter symbol.


Y Value Colormap also support for ungrouped plot

Now Origin support Y value Colormap for single plot.

In the past for single plot, or multiple plot but ungrouped, user couldn’t set Y Value colormap. It’s supported in Origin 2022 now.


Data Plot legend use default symbol size in bubble graph

Use default symbol size for data plot legend in bubble plot

We used to show 1st point’s symbol in data plot legend of bubble graph. For graphs with multiple bubble plot, some plot’s first symbol size may be very small and hard to be seen in legend.

So we changed in Origin 2022 to show same symbol size for data plot legend in bubble graph.


Insert Map To Graph

Support World Map on range (0 360) and add Europe Map

In Origin2021b, we support Insert World Map on range (-180 180), in Origin2022, support World Map on range (0 360)

Support Europe Map if in the range of European latitude and longitude


Improvements to adding Function Plots

Insert: Function Plot will open Create Function Plot dialog to add multiple function plots to current graph window


Gradient fill for drawing object such as rectangle and circle

Support gradient fill for Rectangle, Circle, Polygon and Region tool.


Insert SVG Image to graph

Support inserting SVG image to graph

Choose Insert: Image From Files… menu to insert *.SVG image to graph or layout window.



Paste PNG to Origin Graphs

Paste PNG to Origin Graphs, by default "keep aspect ratio" will be checked.

In earlier Origin versions, Paste PNG to Origin Graphs, by default "keep aspect ratio" is unchecked.

In Origin 2022, it will be checked by default.


Support Spacing Between Subsets For Floating Column/Bar Plot

New Graph template Grouped Floating Bar allowing setting space between groups of floating bars/columns.

  1. Plot: Categorical: Grouped Floating Bar.

  2. Add subset control for floating column/bar plot.


Make it easier to edit legend margin in 3D graphs

Click border of legend in 3D graphs same as the one in 2D graphs

When mousing over border of legend in 3D graph, the cursor will change into hand shape. Click it enter edit margin mode. Drag border to adjust margin.


Fill pattern for 3D bars

Set Fill pattern on Patterns tab of Plot Details dialog



3D Bar from Top plane

Support Maximum as Base Plane

There were only Zero and Minimum in the past.


Support Data Point Tooltip for 3D graphs

Support show data point tooltip for 3D Scatter, XYZ Bar, XYY Bar plot


Crop and Clip of region of interest in Image

For images inserted in graph/layout, user can either crop or clip to only show region of interest in image

This only works for images not inserted as layer background.

  • Double click inserted image will open new Image window for further editing

  • Add ROI in image and use context menu to crop Crop will not keep original image so project size can be smaller.

  • Apply Clip to graph to cut image on graph to only show ROI region but full image still kept in project for later clipping.

  • Right click image to remove clip


Images in Graph and Image Window Improvements

Improvements on editing images in graph with new image window

  1. Insert image from file or copy/paste image in graph window, it will generate CVIMG graph object.

  2. Double click the CVIMG graph object and it should be opened in the the new Image window.

  3. Speed improvement for operations in image window



More Options for Fill Area Under Curve

User can fill area under a curve to specified plot or any axis or specified straight line. T

  • When fill to data plot, user can pick any plot (not just next plot)

  • When fill to base, sideline, user can specify base to be any axis, or horizontal/vertical line with given value

  • Gradient fill support

With the above improvements, Origin can easily plot phase diagram as follows




Fill to Next Plot for radar plot

If plotting two curves in radar plot, user can fill from one plot to next with one color or two colors



Connect Lines within Subset

Easier way to plot grouped line+symbol plots

User can easily plot grouped line+symbol plot based on subset and connect line within subset improvements in Plot Details dialog


Subset tab is added in Plot Details to specify how to create subset.

Then check Connect Line within Subset on Lines tab and index color and style accordingly.



Tick Label Table Improvements

Wrap text and drag to resize each tick table row height

Use mini toolbar to turn on/off wrapping text of tick label table. Further wrap settings on Tick labels → Format tab of Axis dialog.


In the past, all table rows share the same margin and couldn’t be resized individually. In Origin 2022, when clicking on tick label table, handles will show below each row to resize.



Overlap points offset plot on Polar graph should be along the angular direction

Support offset points in polar coordinate to be along angular and radial direction.

On Symbol tab of Plot Details dialog



Matrix Contour Plot Ease of Use improvement

Check matrix units to set isometric, increase speed mode

Add a new system variable @MXY (default value 30, in 1/1000), it means the varientation to satisfy abs(x_to - x_from) / (columns-1)= abs(y_to - y_from) / (rows-1). If you want to make contour plot with isometric, you can change @MXY value.


Inner Border of Bottom 2 follow Bottom 1 in Axis

Add checkbox Extend Inside Border for each table row under Inside Border, in Axis dialog's table tab.

Select it should extend inside border to other table rows. Note inside border will not extend within merged cell.


Allow to change Gap between symbols and arrows on Lollipop graph

Add option Arrow Offset in Plot Detail dialog’s Drop Lines tab, unit is point(same as symbol size)

Positive value means offset arrow away from symbol. So offset of arrow can be set properly.


Mini Toolbar to Make Double-X Plot Easier

Support Add Secondary Axis button in Axes mini toolbar to make Double-X plot easier


Add context menu to copy legend text

Add Copy as Text under Copy in Legend’s context menu

Copy the text that is rendered/visible in the legend, to be able to paste that in outside applications.


More Label Position for Reference Line

Add Middle - Above, Middle - Below option for axis reference line’s label position

Add Middle - Above, Middle - Below option for axis reference line’s label position


Vertical writing in axis label for Japanese/Chinese

This is special for Japanese and Chinese characters.

Add Text Direction option, include Horizontal, Vertical, Stacked, Horizontal Letters and Numbers in Vertical Text (1~3 digits letter or number run horizontally within the vertical flow)


Support recession bar by Span Vertically Pairwise 

Make it easy to add recession bar by pairwise start and end x value of each region

This is an alternative of using Span Vertically by Missing Value option.

First add any plot with zone’s begin and end X value info. as X data. Then set Span Vertically Pairwise in Plot Details dialog.

Use Pattern tab to specify fill color for each bar and use Label tab to turn on the label.



Plot multi-panel graph by X

Make multi-panel graph by number of X columns

If there are Y column against many X columns in worksheet,

user can select Plot: Multi-Panel/Axis: Multiple Panels by …

Click > next to Input and choose Select from Worksheet by X to select the X and Y columns

Origin will build number of plots based on number of X columns.

Then set Group by as X Column

It will plot panels based on number of X columns



Mini Toolbar for Controlling Reference Lines

Support mini toolbar for reference lines and fill of reference lines

Click the reference line to show reference line mini toolbar, click the fill area of reference line to show fill of reference line mini toolbar


Contour support multiple labels on one contour line

Add control in Plot Detail’s Label tab: Repeat Labels checkbox and Distance Between Labels(%)



Contour Label follow the flow of contour line

Add control in Plot Detail’s Label tab: Align with Contour Line and Curve Tolerance.

Select Align with Contour Line, label will follow the flow of contour line. Curve Tolerance is the distance along contour line/straight line distance between the end points of the contour label. It decides the maximum amount of contour curvature allowed when placing labels on contour lines. So curvature of contour line bigger than curve tolerance, we will not place label.


Contour profile/Image profile improvements

Contour profile/Image profile line and text label more control

  1. Show Profile Line checkbox is added in Image/Contour Profile dialog. Check/Uncheck will show/hide H, V or A Lines.

  2. Auto Color Options is added in Profile Label’s Properties control (you can set it by right click the label, or select the label to show mini-toolbar)

  3. Always make the selected label to be on top of all labels


Right align Color Scale Tick Labels

Tick Labels for Color Scale was always left-aligned automatically in the past.

There was an Alignment dropdown list in the past but it was actually for tick position. So it’s renamed as Position.

New Alignment dropdown list is added



Sankey support connect style of the link

Add a checkbox Step-Horz Connect with a editbox under Curvature

When there is enough gap between nodes, Origin would use step-horz connect; but when there is not enough gap, it use current link.


Support Y Value Colormap for Violin

In Ridgeline Chart, we support Y value colormap fill. We could support it too for violin plot.

Add Colormap option in Violin’s Distribution: Fill Control


Add Bend Link after Node(%) control to avoid overlapped link for Sankey plot

When source or target node is flipped or rotate=180, special point link would show Bend Link after Node(%) in Link tab. Default is 50.

It means bend link after 50% of distance between nodes of neighbor level. User could be able to ctrl click to add special point link, and drag and drop the vertical section to change this value.


Show dx and dy info. for Graphic objects

When draw a graph object like Line, click it and show dx and dy info. on status bar (bottom right corner of Origin)


Merge Graph Auto Page Size Like Layout

Get auto page size according to graph size and graph arrangement like Merge Graph to Layout. And after the change, merge graph dialog could align layer frame properly.

Also allow m*n to be less than number of graphs/layers. 


New Smooth Method XYZ Contour and 3D Plotting

Previously, there was a limitation on the maximum number of points that could be smoothed in a contour plot or 3D surface plot. A new NAG function e02jdc (dim2_​spline_​ts_​sctr) increases the number of smoothable points.

This change may alter the appearance of some XYZ graphs made with earlier versions of Origin. Users who need control over the maximum number of smoothable points in XYZ graphs can use LabTalk system variable @TCS.

@TCS = // specifies the maximum number of points for tri-contour smoothing beyond which no smoothing will be done. Default = 100000.











Export Margin Offsets Improvements

Improve the ease of use of Set Margin Offset in Graph

  1. Double-click page edge to check if Graph page has offset, if there is, Set Export Margins dialog will show.

  2. Under Edit menu, rename Export Margin Offsets menu to Set Export Margins.


New Simple Graph Export tool

More image type plus actual size and dpi settings

  • Added Actual Size and DPI nodes for Export Graph as Image tool.

  • Support EMF

  • Change XF menu text Export Graph as Image to Export Graph….

  • Change XF menu text Export Graphs… to Export Graphs(Advanced)….


Make it easier to copy graph as OLE vs PNG/HTML etc.

Changes made to Page tab of Options dialog, and to Edit menu.

  • Simplified Settings in on Page tab of Preferences: Options. dialog, including customization of hotkey Ctrl+C.

  • Copy Page will only copy Unicode object and EMF/WMF - no more DIB or BMP

  • Copy Graph as Image dialog with theme support. Dialog allows image format selection including HTML for easy copy paste to Google Doc. Dialog also has DPI, and Size Factor controls. For PNG, there is Transparent Background checkbox.

  • Page level Mini toolbar button to open Copy as Image dialog


  • Right click graph page will also have Copy as Image… context menu.

  • Edit-> Copy Page
    Edit->Copy as Image… with saved theme showing as submenus

  • CTRL+C can be set to Copy Page or Copy Image. If set to Copy image, it will use last used settings of that dialog.


Export embedded graph with Book and sheet name in File name

Improvements on exporting embedded graphs and sending embedded graphs to powerpoint naming syntax to allow using graph sheet name, etc.

1.Add notations to use embedded graph’s book and holder sheet name.

type "%(%H, @SNS)";//for sheet name type "%(%H, @SN)";//for the sheet display name, if has label will show label type "%(%H, @SNL)";//for the sheet label type "%(%H, @SC)";//for the sheet comment

2.Add above notation to Send Graphs to PowerPoint tool.













Improve Function Search in Origin

Make it more obvious and allow copying function info.

  1. Add Tools: Search Functions.. main menu

  2. Search function then copy the function’s info to other places.


Better data summarization for concatenate fit

Use the double compare relative error for data summarization in concatenate fit

Add system variable @DCDC(means double compare decision)

By default: @DCDC = 0 means use double compare relative error

For old behavior, please set @DCDC = 1e-8;


Allow to set significance level for Datasets/models comparison

Add Significance level for F-test in Compare Datasets and Compare Models tools



Clearer Derived Parameters in NLFit

Some improvements on names and meanings of built-in functions.

  1. Update derived parameter name from tau to thalf for the following functions: ExpDec1, ExpDec2, ExpDec3.

  2. Update derived parameter name from tau to Td for the following functions: ExpGro1, ExpGro2, ExpGro3.

  3. Add Meaning output quantities for nonlinear fit dialogs.











Two sample t-Test On Rows supports "Equal Variance not Assumed"

Two sample t-Test On Rows supports "Equal Variance not Assumed"



Allow setting the percentile range of the probability plot

Allow setting the percentile range of the probability plot/weibull fit/distribution fit

Probability plot and Weibull Fit: P-P plot dialog added X Minimum, X Maximum and Auto checkboxes.


While distribution fit dialog only added X Minimum, X Maximum options for continuous distribution



Support modifying number of points for individual peaks in Peak Analyzer's Recalculate

After fit in PA, now support X Data Points for Individual Peak option in PA’s recalculation to make the individual peak curve more smooth


Support Gaussian and Kaiser window function for FFT and IFFT

Add Gaussian and Kaiser window function for x-function FFT1 and IFFT1



Improve ROC curve in OriginPro

Cosmetic changes of ROC Curve

1.Update template to be isometric;

2.GUI: Add a checkbox “Optimal Cutpoint“, placed under “With Diagonal Reference Line“ checkbox.

When it is checked, output the xy coordinates data as XY columns in “ROCValues1“ sheet. set col Long Name as “Optimal Cutpoint“.

Add it as scatter plot on the ROC curve graph.

3.Initialize the reference line as dash style, gray color.

4.In “ROCValues1“ sheet, change the Comment label from “1 - Specificity” and “Sensitivity” to be 2 lines text

1 - Specificity

False Positive Rate



True Positive Rate



Quite inconvenient to change plot in some gadgets

Show Select menu to easily change plot

When using Gadgets like Statistic on multiple curves, click the triangular button and click Change Data, show Select context menu to easily change.

Data Handling











Make worksheet tab color changeable like in Excel

Support color worksheet tab.

Right click a sheet and choose Name and Comments… to set sheet color.

Select sheet in Object manager and use Sheet Comments button on mini toolbar to set color.

When a workbook/matrix book is active, and nothing is selected, click the Fill Color toolbar button can change sheet tab color now. Set color by Labtalk command, e.g.

wks.tabcolor=color(128, 128, 0);

Sheet tab color also shows in Object Manager.

Right click sheet and choose Comments mini toolbar button to change sheet tab color and comments.



Worksheet Cell Note

Insert Note in Worksheet Cell

Add Notes to individual Worksheet Cells, similar to Excel and Google Sheets.

Cell Notes in Excel file can be kept when importing Excel into Origin

  • Use cell mini toolbar to insert note.

  • Mouse over it will show the cell note as tooltip

  • Edit cell notes in Notes window with HTML support



Named Range

Assign Names to cell(s), column, matrix object for later use in calculations:

  • Assign name to a cell, a range of cells, or a column

  • Names can be defined with scope set to sheet, book or project level

  • Use the defined names in cell formula and column formula for calculations

  • Names can also be used for Reference Lines in graphs

  • Name Range Manager dialog to manage defined names

  • View list of Named Ranges in Object Manger. Double-click to open Named Range Manager dialog

  • Use Name as function for calculating interpolated values

  • Define Named Range by LabTalk

    def -n name range;//for sheet def -nb name range;//for book def -np name range;//for project


Auto Complete for entering Formula in worksheet

Auto complete for Functions and Named Ranges in Formula bar, Data Cell, User-Defined parameter label cell, and Formula box in Set Values dialog.

Type lowercase letter(s), Labtalk function or named ranges matching the typed letter(s) will be shown.




Improvements on the simpler Find dialog

Improvements on the little Find tool such as find previous & next, minimize the dialog to make changes in worksheet

Edit: Find in Sheet, Ctrl+F or using Mini toolbar to open the simpler Find dialog

Enter keyword to do string search. Previous and Next buttons supported.

Click … icon to open the old Edit: Find and Replace dialog with more options.

Click Minimize button on top-right corner of the dialog to minimize the dialog. In minimized mode, user can

  • Use Ctrl+Pageup or Ctrl+Pagedown to do Previous and Next search.

  • Edit worksheet.

  • Select other columns and then restore dialog to search in another range.


Support sorting of columns and worksheet by categorical order

Support sorting worksheet by categorical order.

  • Add sub menu By Categorical Order under Sort Column, and Sort Worksheet fly-out menu.

  • Add Categorical button above Ascending in Nested Sort dialog, show this button only when user select this categorical column.



New Join Worksheets by Column Tool

Introduce a new tool to join two worksheets by column more convenient.

From main menu Worksheet: Join Worksheets by Column will open this new tool.

  • Support two input worksheets to be joined.

  • Support multiple matching columns.

  • Support drop non-matches and drop multiples for each input sheet.

  • Support drop multiples by merged value.

  • Support sort output by specified column.

  • Support output additional info to column label to indicate different source.

  • Support query language like SQL to join columns. See following example,

    wjoincols -r 2 irng:=([Book1]Sheet1,[Book2]Sheet1) query:="w1 inner join w2 on w1.A=w2.A and w1.B=w2.B order by match asc w1 merge multiples by first row"; //Join method supported: Inner Join, Left Join, Right Join, Full Outer Join



Put Dataset Identifier in front of Data column

When appending worksheets rowwise or join worksheet by labels, support putting Dataset Identifier in front of data columns

Insert Before Data checkbox added in Append Worksheets and Join Worksheets by Label dialogs.




Status bar improvements

Improved info. on Status bar

  • Masked Data Count and Unmasked Data Count are added in Origin 2022.

  • Rename Active Range to Info. to show workbook/matrix sheet info such as number of columns and rows, etc.

  • Rename Active Page to Selection since it shows active selection



Include Label Rows in wreplace X-Function

Add Include Label Rows option when using wreplace X-Function to find and replace cell values

In Script window, run wreplace -d to open the dialog



Worksheet mini toolbar for empty cell

Support mini toolbar for empty cell.

Right now, two buttons are supported, includes Insert Note, and Define Name.



Stack columns in all sheets of a book

Stack columns with common label from all sheets

Worksheet: Stack Worksheets menu is added for new tool to stack columns with same name/label in all sheets of a book. Corresponding X-Function: wstacksheets












Matrix ROI stats on status bar

Easier way to get matrix statistics in region of interest

  1. When nothing selected in matrix, whole matrix stats show on status bar.

  2. When select a region in matrix, the matrix stats of that region show.

  3. If show matrix in image view and add ROI, stats of that ROI will show on status bar


Convert matrix to worksheet Improvements

Improvements on output worksheet to make it easier to read, also supports converting multiple matrix objects into XYZZZ… columns and color matrix converting to worksheet.

  1. Keep the source matrix’s long name, units and comments in the result worksheet.

  2. Supports converting all the matrix objects to XYZZZ…columns in the result worksheet.

  3. Convert color image in matrix to worksheet should create Color Column.



Matrix Shrink Smooth Improvements

Support Column and Row Factor for the Analysis: Signal Processing: Smooth tool

  1. Fix missing value handling issue for the Matrix: Shrink/Expand tool.

  2. Support Column and Row Factor for the Analysis: Signal Processing: Smooth tool.


Easier way to copy matrix object to other sheet

Add Copy To menu in matrix image thumbnail’s context menu. It could copy matrix object to new sheet/book.


More ROI Features for Image Window

Add Labtalk command to convert ROI back to Rectangle/Circle/Polygon object.

Labtalk command: (Your ROI’s Name).ROI = 0 or 1.


Dim image outside ROI box

Image outside ROI box is dimmed to highlight the region of interest

System variable @IMGID to control the effect. 0 to disable. 1000 totally black.


Clear data in ROI

Right click on ROI and choose Clear menu to clear data in ROI.


Matrix mini toolbar More

Define Name…(Ctrl+L) button is added on matrix’s mini toolbar.

Define matrix object as a name and use it to do calculation












DC Connect to Google Drive or OneDrive

Connect to files on google drive or onedirve.

Data: Connect to Cloud… menu and Open from Cloud button on Standard toolbar.

The first time you click it will ask you to authorize the google drive or onedrive connection.

Originlab only access and transfer user's data to user's computer via a temporary file on user's computer and no communication to anywhere else in that process

Click Account… to switch accounts in one service. E.g. user has multiple google drives. Can choose Google Drive on top, and then click Account… to switch to another google drive account.


Improve Auto Detections

CSV Connector support auto detect German thousand separator and decimal.

CSV Connector support auto detect German thousand separator and decimal.


Add Support for N42 in XML import

Added N42 Connector to import N42 files.

Data: Connector File: N42 menu is added


CSV Connector date time improvement

CSV Connector supports auto detect “yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss,###” date format.

For example,

“2020-11-13 12:04:41,000” will be imported as “2020-11-13 12:04:41.000“.


Origin crashed when Import *.ROI file

Supports import and export polypolygon type ROI in Matrix.

Right click such polyon shape ROI, and choose Export ROI as *.roi file.

Right click in matrix or existing ROI and choose Import ROI to import saved *.roi file.


Auto Separate LN Unit in Connectors

Connector re-import will remember the action “Extract Units from Long Name“.

If user has extracted units from long name and then reimport new/updated data, the units will be extracted from long name row as well


Want new options to detect main headers in CSV Connector

Added Main header ends with node under Main header lines for CSV Connector, available only when Auto is unchecked.

Can set main header by setting end line.


ODBC Import to handle images

Database import using ODBC support image now.

Database import using ODBC support image now.


Connect to Web Improvements

Some improvements in Connect to web.

  1. Added Command timeout in minutes option to Basic page.

  2. Keep the Connect to Web dialog open if an error occurs before dialog closes.

  3. Connect to Web… supports ftp access.











Use new Image window when drag and drop image into Origin

Drag and drop image file into Origin workspace. New image window will be used by default.

Set System variable @imgd=0 to roll back to use Matrix window when drag and drop image into Origin.

By default, image will be set as linked file to keep project file size smaller. Right click image to uncheck Linked File if needed.


Edit Images in Graphs and Worksheet cells in Image Window

New image window will be used to edit images inserted in graph, worksheet and layout window

  1. Insert images files in worksheet cell, graph or layout window as Graph Object.

  2. Double click to edit the images in Image window.

Note: If the image is inserted as layer background, user will need to click layer to show mini toolbar and pick Open Image button to open it in the new image window; or double click image object in Object Manager - Graph Object mode to open it in the new image window.


Basic image operations for image window

Click anywhere in image to show mini toolbar with basic operations: Add ROI, Actual Size, Flip, Rotate, Convert to Gray and Stack Navigation.

Please note that Stack Navigation is only available for video and multi-frame image like gif.


  • File: Open menu

  • Mini toolbar for basic operations


Basic Image Operations in New Image Window

Import or copy image into Graph using new image window

  1. Choose menu File: New: Image/Video to open image

  2. Choose menu Edit: Copy/Paste to copy image as graph object. Or copy image to the empty image window, graph window, etc.


Import multiple images as an image stack in Image Window

Supports importing multiple image files into one image window.

Choose menu File: New: Multiple Image Files and select specific files or folder.


Information and Navigation bar of new image window

Use Information and Navigation for basic info. reading and navigation.

  1. Use View: Show Information or View: Show Navigation to turn them on or off.

  2. Hover cursor over the image and check the information like pixels, coordination in the information bar

  3. For video or multi-frame image, use navigation bar to navigate it. Different navigation mode such as thumbnail, video or slider.

4. Mini toolbar for basic operation such as add ROI, Display Actual Size, Fit to Window, Flip, Rotation, etc.


Context menu for new image window

Right click on image with common operations



Keyboard Access to Video Navigation

Choose menu File: New: Image/Video to open a video file, press Shift + Arrow or Shift + Ctrl + Arrow to switch frames.

For video control in image window, press Arrow key will active the last/next frame.

Shift + Arrow: active frame by increment step as 5.

Shift + Ctrl + Arrow: active frame by increment step as 20.


Image Import from saved file name

Image file info. saved in image window for link, reimport, etc.

  1. New a empty image window then right click and choose “Import“ context menu to import image.

  2. Right click on image and choose Link File context menu to save project without image to make project file size smaller.

  3. For project with linked file, Ctrl+4 or right click on image window and choose “Import” to load the image.

  4. @IWP=800 by default. If image file’s max width/height is less than the value of @IWP. Open that image and Actual Size mode will be turned on by default.

  5. Right click on image and choose Source File Path… context menu to save image with relative path project path.



Image Window Should Allow Pixelation When Zoomed In

New a image window then click the Zoom button on Standard toolbar to set the zoom level.

  1. Enable pixelation for image window when zooming in

  2. Increase the maximum zoom level for image window as 3200%


Export Image from new Image window

After crop, rotate, flip, etc. on image window, user can export the image.

1.Added File: Export Image… menu for Image window to export image.

2.When there has no Source File Path, export image will auto set Source File Path with the exported image.


Using ROI in new Image Window

Better default and easier way to edit ROI position.


  1. New a image window and the ROI tool should be Rectangle shape by default. If open video in image window, the ROI tool should be disabled.

  2. Double click the ROI to open ROI Position dialog, it could adjust the left/right/top/bottom coordinates.


More Basic Image Support in Image Window

Cut and clear entire image, copy image within ROI and paste to another image window, clear ROI object in image window

Without ROI in image window,

  • Edit: Cut will cut entire image and paste it to other places, including other graph window, image or even outside Origin.

  • Edit: Clear will clear entire image window. One usage is make the project file size small if it’s not set as linked file. User can later right click and choose Import to reimport the data.

These doesn’t work on embedded image.

With ROI in image window,

  • Edit: Copy or right click ROI and choose Copy will copy the image within ROI box. User can paste it to other graph, new image window or even outside Origin.

  • Edit: Clear will remove ROI. Or user can directly select ROI and press delete to remove the ROI box.



Resize image

Resize image support

Image: Resize… to resize image


Image Window Conversions

Convert image to matrix, merge to color image or split color image.

  1. Add Image: Convert to Matrix menu to covert OpenCV image to matrix

  2. Add Image: Merge menu to merge image. Image should contain 3 or 4 frames which are channel data. It’s supported in Python too.

  3. Add Image: Split menu to split colorful image to stacked image with RGB(A) frames. It’s supported in Python too.


Set Scale of an Image

Set image scale based on scale marker in image

Choose Image: Set Scale menu to open the tool

An ROI shows in image. Resize it to same width of the scale marker

Enter known distance, unit, etc. to set the image scale.

Then the actual XY should be shown in the information bar.

If insert image to graph or plot image plot, such scale will be used.


Set Coordinates of an Image

For image with known scale, use Set Coordinate dialog to set the left, right, top bottom coodinates and unit

  1. Choose Image: Set Coordinates menu to set XY Mapping for the image. The info. will be used when inserting image to graph window as layer background.

  2. XY coordinates shows on the bottom status bar.

  3. Show RGBA value for the 4 channel images

  4. Add More Labtalk access for image window



Insert Image from Image Window

Choose Insert: Image from Image Window… to choose images in new Image window into graph.

Using Insert: Image From File… will build up project file size dramatically.

For images user will insert into multiple graph windows, user can first do the following:

  1. Choose File: New: Image: Image/Video… to import it into Origin’s new Image window first.

  2. Use Image: Set Coordinates… to set the XY range of the image.

  3. Then with graph active, choose Insert: Image from Image Window… to insert it into graph window.

Note: To insert an Image that was first inserted as layer background in graph window to another graph, user needs to extract image from graph first. Steps:

  1. In the graph with image background, right click Graph node in Object Manager and choose Show Graphic Objects.

  2. Double click Layer Background entry to open it in Image Window.

  3. Right click in Image Window and choose Extract Image From Graph or run LT “Img.Transfer()“

  4. Go to graph window and choose Insert: Image from Image Window… to insert it in new graph.


Set Image File in Graph/Layout to be a linked file

Set Image File in Graph/Layout to be a linked file to save project file size

After inserting image file to graph, double click it to open it in the new Image window. Right click in the new image window to set it as Linked File


Palette support in new image window

Use mini toolbar or Labtalk command for palette

  1. Use Palette toolbar to set palette for grayscale image

  2. Use Reverse Palette button on image’s mini toolbar to reverse palette

  3. Use Labtalk img.Palette$="blue"; to set the blue palette for example

  4. Use Labtalk img.Palette$="" to remove palette

  5. Use Labtalk Img.RevPal(); to reverse palette


Crop or Clip ROI in image window

User can crop image and if the image is inserted to graph window, user can clip to only show region of interest in graph

  • Insert images from files or image window to graph or layout window as Graph Object.

Double click object to open it in image window. Add ROI and right click to choose Apply Clip to Graph (Ctrl+E) to update image in graph to only show region of interest. Right click image to remove clip


  • Insert images from files or image window to graph or layout window and later set it as layer background.

Add ROI on image and right click to choose Apply Scale To: Graph (Ctrl+F) context menu to rescale graph layer to only show the region of interest.


Image Window Linked File and Insert into Graphs

Image’s linked file path will show on the status bar. Right click Image and choose Source File Path context menu to update image.

Image’s linked file path will show on the status bar. Right click Image and choose Source File Path context menu to update image.


More on grayscale image and Palette support

Added LT img.GrayMax for new image window to set the maximum value of palette.

Added LT img.GrayMax for new image window to set the maximum value of palette.


Image with XY Mapping Issues

It supports transfer image to Graph. After inserting Image From Image window. right click on Image and choose Embed Image to Graph.

Labtalk is available too: img.Transfer(Graph1).


Support more image types like floating-point images

Support open images in Real32 and Bit16.

Support open images in Real32 and Bit16.


Zoom and Rescale support wanted for graph with layer background image

Add Apply Whole Image Scale to Graph context menu for images inserted as layer background.

  1. Insert images as background from files or image window.

  2. Right click on the image and choose Apply Whole Image Scale to Graph context menu.


InsertImg2g XF improvement

Use new way to insert image

Use sysem variable @IMGB=1 to insert image in old way(BMP mode).

ORG-24343 S1

Convert old BMP image object to new CV image object

convert to new CV image when double click old BMP image in graph or object manager


If project contains old image object(bitmap) which is saved before Origin2021b, double click image object in graph or object manager, origin will auto convert it to new CV image(OImage).

set @BMP=1 to disable this.


Insert image to worksheet cell

Add Copy as Image button on worksheet cell’s mini toolbar. It could copy the inserted image in a cell. And Ctrl+C should also work.

  1. Right click on cell then choose Insert Images from files menu to open an image.

  2. Click the cell to show mini toolbar and click the Copy as Image button.

  3. Or press Ctrl+C to copy and Ctrl+V to paste in the other places.


Issues about saving and loading image linked file

Insert the GIF type image file to graph or worksheet cell and shows all frames in the file.

Add system variable @IMGS.

@IMGS = 1; //Force gif image inserted in graph/cell as single frame.

@IMGS = 0; //Insert Gif image to graph/cell as all frames.


Insert Image File to Graph window Improvements

Improve the experience of inserting image file to graph

Insert: Image from file will directly insert image as graphic object. User can double click the image to open it in Image window. Set Coordinates and set it as layer background later.


Create Graph from Image Window

Open and image then choose Image: Plot Image main menu to use image as new graph’s background.

The new graph will automatically set layer isometric and fit page to layer.


Ctrl+C Copy image window lost data type

Copy image window then paste to the other places. The pastes image’s data type should be same as source graph’s.

Set @IMGCP=0 to turn it off.












Want option in X-Function to open different Folder Browser

Added a new Control keyword …Path2 to decide the Folder Browser style.

…Path: new Folder dialog

…Path2: old Windows Standard Folder Browser


Profiling on Image Stack Low Level Functions

  1. Pixel Profile for image with multiple frames or matrix with multiple objects.

  2. Horizontal, Vertical and Arbitrary Line Profile for image with multiple frames or matrix with multiple objects.


provide a way to delete all associated loose dataset when delete Graph


  2. use @DLWG=1 to turn on this macro for delete action(win -c, OPJ Examiner app).

note: @DLWG=1 will not work for deleting graph by X button or delete key.

Example Code:


X-Function range support resolve Page input to all layers

If only Page is specified, it can be resloved to all layers in the page for range input.

Append Worksheet as an example,











Data Connector Class for controlling settings

Added following functions:




Methods to set parameter value and pop up Parameters dialog during fitting


Sequential Fit Multiple Files.py

Open Dialog for Interactive Control of the Fitting.py


Python Access to Image Window

1.Added IPage class, and add following functions:

1.1,Added following functions to originpro.

1.2,Added following functions to IPage class.

1.3,Added following function to Page class.

1.4.Support adding 2D symbol and line plot to Image window.




originpro improvements in worksheet

Added following functions to WSheet class.



Python Packages Manager Supports Proxy Setting

Built-in Python Packages Manager support uses Proxy Server

Open Preferences: Options dialog, go to Miscellenous tab, choose Use HTTP Proxy Server for Proxy, enter your proxy address. Then when install package with Python Packages Manager, it will install package from Proxy Server.


Release Origin After Python Script Finished

Added op.detach() to detach Origin working with interactive python.



More on Matrix and Image Access from Python

Improved/added some Python functions for image analysis.

1.Improve to_np2d(frame) and from_np2d(data,frame) to get/set single matrix object/image frame in Matrix Layer/image window.

2.Support basic Image Window properties, like channels, frames, size, type(single, multi, video etc).

3.Support more image types for IPage::to_np() and IPage::from_np().


originpro, OriginExt and OrglabExt support Python 3.10.x

Improved originpro and OriginExt packages to support Python 3.10.x

Uploaded originpro and OriginExt packages that support Python 3.10.x, so Python 3.10.x user can download and install originpro and OriginExt packages to call Origin now.











LT access for fill only transparency

Added new switch to access Transparency for Fill Only and Follow Line Transparency option in Line, Column plot.


Support to disable Anti-Aliasing in plot level

Added a new property to layer.plot object to control the Anti-Aliasing in plot level.

  • To enable AA for plot data, run layer.plot.aa = 1;

  • To enable AA for plot label, run layer.plot.aa = 16;

  • To enable both of them, run layer.plot.aa = 17;


LET function to support vector intermediates

LET function suppports vector variable as argument.


Following formula can work now,


LT wks property to count user-defined parameters

Added a new property to wks object to count user-defined parameters.


Labtalk page method to save workbook

Added a new save method to page object to save workbook.

workbook contain operation

  • n=0: save book

  • n=1,2,3: save as analysis template

workbook contain no operation

  • n=1: no clear data

  • n=2: clear imported data

  • n=3: clear data in active sheet

  • n=4: clear data in all sheets


LT access on ROI object

LabTalk command to add/delete ROI object for both matrix and image layer.




For matrix layer, when Region of Interest Tools option is on, “draw -n ObjName -b“ will create ROI object instead.


Improvements of Color() function

Using Color function to pick color from built-in or user-defined color list or palette

Color("candy1.oth", 1) will pick 1st color in Candy1 color list. It will first search uff folder than system folder for the file name

Color("BlueOrange2.pal", 1) will pick 1st color in BlueOrange2.pal palette file. It will first search uff folder than system folder for the file name

E.g. use Set %c -c color("candy.oth", 2) to set plot color to 2nd color of Candy color list.


Command to remove all formula and keep results

A new command is added to remove all formula and keep only static results so user can easily release a project to a 3rd party.

This command will do,

  1. Replace cell formula, link data with raw text.

  2. Remove column formula and keep values.

  3. Delete script in all LT executable places, includes worksheet script, buttons etc.

Origin C










file section access with UTF16 needed

Pass “UTF16” for comment to keep the encode as “UTF16“.

For example:

1.If the 4th parameter is “UFT16“, then keep encode as “UTF16“.

2.If the 4th parameter is other string, then convert to UTF8, and write string as comment.


More OC Support for image handling

Added three OC functions to handle image.

1.Added OC callable Function to get unique integer values from array.

2.Added two oc functions for cvMat class.



OC to load template as minimized

Added a bit CREATE_MINIMIZED to Page::Create function to support creating page as minimized.

For example:


Origin C OC Issues and Improvements 2022

Support OC way to get GraphObject from Range String.

For example:


Support put SQLite database query result to vector

Add two functions into Class OSQLite to support output query result to vector data.

For example:


Adding Plot to Layer with Bubble Chart Issue

Support add basic scatter plot to the graph layer that has a bubble plot.

For example:

Make a Bubble plot and run following code to add scatter plot.

License and Installation











App Center requires registration

When concurrent user tries to open App Center to download Apps, they are asked to register the Origin product on our website first

When concurrent user tries to open App Center to download Apps, they are asked to register the Origin product on our website first


Easy way to publish installed opx

Copy opx file to \Users File Folder\Auto Install\ Folder for group client PC

Origin 2022 installing opx will copy opx file to \Users File Folder\Auto Install\ Folder for group client PC B. So that if PC B later adds as a leader group, it can publish the above opx.












Support open Template Center from Template Library and New Book dialog

support open Template Center directly from Template Library and New Book dialog to download Graph/Book Template

Note: Template Center is not ready yet.



ORG-14667 S2

Quickly Switch back to last window in project

Add Return to Last Window to more context menus

There was Return to Last Window (Ctrl+Alt+Z) under Windows menu in Origin but many users didn’t know it. In Origin 2022, it’s added to

  1. Context menu when right clicking empty space in folder panel (top panel) of Project Explorer

  2. Context menu when right clicking empty workspace (MDI client)


HTML Notes Improvements and Issues

Support add Graph/Image with Graph/Image dialog

Add HTML Report as sheet will show HTML* as default name and syntax is HTML


Improvement on gridline removal for digitizer tool

Improve remove gridline for catesian axis for digitizer tool

For source image having thick gridlines, digitizer only remove part of gridlines before Origin2022. after this improving, digitizer can handle thick gridline better.


Support modify row range of Input Data during Batch Process

Add pre-defined variables _i1 and _i2 to modify row range in Batch Process

Two pre-defined variables _i1 and _i2 are added to modify row range of input data in batch process, it can be used in script before Each Process of batchProcess dialog

  • _i1 refers to the start row index of the i-th dataset

  • _i2 refers to the end row index of the i-th dataset


  1. Row range will be overwrote by _i1 and _i2 if operation have already specified row range in analysis template

  2. Those two variable is only supported in batch process dialog, not in paMultiY dialog


standard GUI accelerator not allow reassign from UFF origin.ini

If an origin tool has already been assigned hotkey by default, then user can not further change accelerator by UFF origin.ini. such as CTRL+Y is always for NLFit dialog.

Internal XF accelerator will have higher precedence, so UFF origin.ini can be used to add other XF, but those specified internally will be standardized and cannot be changed by UFF ini, this allows centralization on things like Ctrl+Y to always mean to open NLFit dialog.


Support package.ini for Apps

  1. Add option to create package.ini from app in code builder

  2. Support make opx from package.ini

  3. Add more app info control in Package Manager dialog

  • Make opx and package.ini for App

  • More app info control in package manager dialog


Improve Attaching files to opju

Improvements of how to attach files to Origin Project File

  1. Code builder window: Workspace: Project sub-file: context menu

  2. Labtalk command: run.loadOC(file, 3072)



Show different messages at 2 cases for AutoHide pin in Project Explorer

Origin 2022 Shows different hint messages at 2 cases for AutoHide pin in Project Explorer/Messages Log and so on


ORG-24041 and ORG-24086

Update Grid Spacing settings in page tab of Options dialog

  1. Update name of grid spacing settings in Options dialog

  2. Remove Page grid control from Options dialog

In Page tab of Options dialog, under Grid Spacing in Pixels section

  • Change Object to Layer, which refer to View: Show: Layer Grid

  • Change Axis to Page, which refer to View: Show: Page Grid

  • Remove Page Grid control, page grid can be controlled from menu Format: Page Grid Settings



Improve the performance when make Box Violin plot with large data

The performance of Box Chart, Violin Plot, Histogram has been improved.

It should be within seconds now to make Box Char, Violin Plot, and Histogram with large data (about 10000 rows, 50 columns), which is more than 30 times faster than Origin 2021b.


Improve the performance when save project with embedded EMF cells

The performance of saving project with embedded EMF image cells has been improved a lot.

Suppose there are many embedded EMF image cells, the saving project maybe be cost hours. Now it has been improved, and should be just seconds to finish, about 90 times faster than Origin 2021b.


Modify all the pre-shipped VI files to add the "Close References" application control

Resave all pre-shipped VI sample files with Labview 2020 SP1.

Resave all pre-shipped VI sample files with Labview 2020 SP1.



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