Origin 2022 Bug Fixes

Origin 2022 Bug Fixes









Merge Graph dialog is slow with many layers when Page Setup Orientation set to Auto

In Merge Graphs dialog, when Page Setup Orientation set to Auto, it took time to calculate page size so it’s very slow if there are many layers to merge.

Improved in Origin 2022.


Geology Pattern truncated if reopened the geology pattern

Set geology pattern for graph object like rectangle, reopen the geology pattern list, it truncated.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Anti-Aliasing causes 2D Color Scale's tick line to be moved when copy to word

Anti-Aliasing causes 2D Color Scale's tick line (Correlation Plot) to be moved when copy to MS-word.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Graph Update Issue When Copy Data

Graph doesn’t get update when copy data to worksheet from Excel.


VM graph's tick label is wrong after appending projects

Appending project with graph plotted by duplicated VM name. The appended graph’s tick label may show incorrectly.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Unneeded straight lines shown on pie chart

  1. Fill some data in workbook and plot a Doughnut Total Wedge=100 graph

  2. Turn off the Percentage label on Label tab of Plot Details dialog . Click Apply button

  3. Disable Anti-aliasing with toolbar button

  4. In Label tab of Plot Detail dialog, turn on Percentage label with Apply button again.
    ==>Unneeded Lines are shown


Transparency for Fill Only not works fine with fill pattern

For line/curve object, Transparency for Fill Only in Object Properties dialog does not works fine with fill pattern.


Rug of box chart is not correct

  1. New worksheet, select all and fill random data, so there is 2 columns * 32 rows

  2. Plot box chart with this data

  3. Open axis dialog with Y axis, go to rug tab, show rug for left axis
    ==>there are only two rug lines for each plot


Network Plot: Fail to select distance matrix when change layout method from custom to MDS

Make a Network plot. Change Layout from Custom method to MDS.

==> Interactive button fails to select multiple columns. Only single column range is picked


Add Inset Graph With Data Toolbar Button Swaps (Reverses) X Error and Y Error Bars.

  1. Make a X Y Error plot.

  2. Click Add Inset Graph With Data toolbar button on the Graph toolbar

==>Note that the X and Y Error Bars in the inset graph are swapped.


Auto Rotate not works fine if tick label is overlapping

  1. Make a plot with tick labels overlapping.

  2. Open Axis dialog and select Format tab. Set Rotate as Auto and click Apply.

==>Fail to rotate the overlapping X tick label. The problem exists in Origin 2021b.


Undo in Layer Management reset all settings to original settings

  1. New a worksheet, fill 5 columns with row numbers, and select Plot: Multi Panel: Stack to plot 4 stacked layers plot.

  2. Open Layer Management dialog, go to arrange tab, change it from 14 to 22, and apply.

  3. Go to size tab, change layer height to 30, apply

  4. Click undo.
    ==> layers become 1*4 arrangement


Dropline Arrow Border is wrong when line style is not solid

  1. Make a vertical drop line plot

  2. Go to drop line tab, change line style to dash

  3. Set arrow shape to 2nd option, and click OK.

  4. Enable Anti-Aliasing

==>Arrow looks not good


Issues of Build Colors dialog

  1. Tools: Color Manager, click New to open Build Colors dialog

  2. Select any color in middle panel and click Replace/Add as New

==> Fails to work


Graph keep refreshing if source link graph has graph table

  1. New a graph, add a link table.

  2. New another graph, insert graph1 into it.

==>graph keep refreshing

Fixed in Origin2022


Wrong Symbol Shape for Bullet Chart when Enable AA

  1. Make a bullet chart

  2. Enable anti-aliasing.

==> Horizontal line symbol in 1st plot become plus symbol.


Fail to set font size to non-integer via graph theme

  1. Save Format as Theme dialog: Root: Global: Size. Change Size from 7 to 9.5 and save the theme.

  2. Open Theme Organizer, select the theme and apply.

==>Font size is 9 instead of 9.5


Table Issue with Date data

For some table-like tick label with date data, some tick label could be missing. And tick position of each cell is not 1 month.


Fill area pattern messed up and Origin becomes slow with special point created in plot

  1. Make a fill area plot

  2. Set Fill Pattern to Median

  3. Press Ctrl+double click on 1st point on plot 1 to create a special point.

==> The dialog opens but shows Not responding. And pattern are not consistent under all plots. After this, the opj is very slow. E.g. i try to move the graph window location or resize the graph window. Single or double click plot, etc.


Minor tick position problem on date axis for some data

For some user’s axis is set as date, when she set minor tick count = 1, minor ticks are not in the right positions. @AMRD = 1 to disable the change


Line/Border Color toolbar fails if set as Palette

Plot Line/Scatter with color mapped, click Line/Border Color toolbar and set Color List as palettes, click the toolbar again, the drop down list of toolbar changes and fails to work.

Fixed in Origin2022


Box Connecting Line drawing issue with page size

Box Connecting Line, stacked column plot connect lines, label’s leader line could not downscale like other graph elements, when change page size


Y error band cannot be X offset with Y

  1. Make a group error band plot.

  2. Drag to move the curve on x direction

==> Error bands are not moved. A workaround is set @DME=0 in old build.


X Y Error Plot Template Issue

  1. Create a worksheet with 4 columns data.

  2. Select X Y Error template (menu Plot:Basic 2D:X Y Error) to open Plot Setup dialog.

  3. Set A,B,C,D to X, xEr, Y, yEr and OK

==>X error bars are not added. Open PD dlg, under X Error Bar tab, uncheck X error bar box and check again and apply, the x error comes back.


Fail to show template preview image in template library dialog if temp folder is full

If system temp folder(C:\Users\<account>\AppData\Local\Temp) is full,such as size is 25G, origin may fail to show template preview image in template library.

workaround in old build is to clean up temp folder.

Fixed in Origin2022


Date axis tick, grid and table issues

  1. Tick and grid should use same increment for some date data. Some vertical grids use 31 days. It should show the the same increment as ticks.

  2. When Axis scale's from/to changes, sometimes table-like tick label would not show the last cell.


Origin crash when set a big graph page dimension

Setting a very big page dimension (say 640 cm x 480 cm via Plot Detail’s Print/Dimensions tab) for some graph will lead to crash.


Radar Chart Reference Line tab should only have one tab

  1. Make a radar chart with 5 rows data.

  2. Open Axis dialog. Uncheck Use Same Options for All Axes.

  3. Go to Reference Lines tab.

==> There are 5 tabs in left panel.


Total Value Label of Stack Columns Use Wrong Auto Color

  1. Make a 100% stacked column plot

  2. Open Plot Detail dialog, go to layer level, go to stack tab, select Show Total Label on Stacked Column/Bar, then click OK.
    ==>total label use color of 1st plot, should be black with light background, and white with dark background.


Fail to set image background when insert image as IMG object

  1. Insert a image to layout window with insert: image from file.

  2. Open object properties dialog, set background as shadow in image tab, click ok.

==>shadow background is not applied to image object

Fixed in Origin2022


The Total Label has a gap to the columns for ribbon chart

Check Show Total Label on Stacked Column/Bar, Ribbon chart’s total labels would have a gap to the columns.


Improve drawing quality of inserted image

When insert image from file to layout/graph, the default inserted image object type changed from bitmap to Oimage since Origin2021b, but it's drawing quality is worse than bitmap.
the drawing quality get improved in Origin2022


Limit of Special Points on Sankey plot

User could not move the nodes in the Sankey diagram if there are too many special points on the plot. Origin 2022 improve the limit of special point to 255.


Graph Browser show sparkline window

Graph Browser in Merge Graph dialog will show Sparkline when check Show Embedded Graph.


Special Tick dialog fails to work if set Axis

In axis dialog, Special Ticks tab, click Detail to open Special Tick dialog, set Axis as another one, click Cancel, then reopen Special Tick dialog, fails and pops up error message No Info or invalid Info property.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Crash when Add Panel on Grouped Columns Plot

Origin crash when add panel and wrap it for grouped columns plot.


Column Label Tick Label should use display format

Make a box chart. Set axis Tick Labels to comments or column header rows with date format. ==> Tick Labels show as numeric.


Data Lost for Network Plot when Weight<1

  1. When weight<1, network plot may lose some data in the results.

  2. Allow negative weight if layout is custom, for Adjacency matrix or incidence matrix for network plot.


Use same Display as Column in tick labels and Using real value instead of display value to decide if X or Y data is monotonic

  1. Make contour plot via virtual matrix with date format for x column. ==> X tick labels are julian dates. Now we use same display as column A as tick label in such case.

  2. Make contour plot via virtual matrix with date format for x column. In virtual matrix plot dialog, set X Format as Date. ==> Error message will show.









Export Raster Image File Showing Blank in 2021b

Failed to export multiple panel with Means plot as Raster Image File.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Plot labels not shown in graph or when copying page and pasting it to PPT, etc.

Fixed some issues of plot labeling showing at the end of plot but not showing in graph or not showing in graph page pasted to Powerpoint.









Repeat analysis fails to initial Nonlinear Fit’s parameter values correctly

Fixed in Origin 2022


Confidence Band is different between LR and NLFit

Confidence Band is different in LR and NLfit if Slope is fixed.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Recalculate not works fine with LT Expression

Recalculate operations with LT Expression fails since the second time.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Collected issues about book with embedded VM graph in batch processing dialog

Batch processing not works fine with graph plotted by virtual matrix.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Group data show incorrect in result sheet when Decimal separator is comma(1.000,0)

When Separators is set to 1.000,0 in Origin and group data contains decimal value, do statistics on column with two group columns and show box chart in report sheet.
==>in column label row of DescStatsCurves sheet, decimal value is separated into two value by comma


Saving Analysis template with embedded matrix may crashes Origin

Issue existed since Origin 2021b sr2 and fixed in Origin 2022.


FFT tool support Date-Time data

Before origin2022, FFT can not recognize Date/Time data.

In Origin2022, When source signal data having Date/time data, FFT will allocate suitable unit(Hz,kHz,mHz) for Frequency in FFTResultData sheet according to source time data, also in FFT dialog, Sampling Interval support time input( sec,min,hour,day etc).


operation is broken after saving analysis template when source data contains categorical data

if source data of analysis template contains categorical data, such as group columns-index data tool. save it as analysis template, open template and reimport source data.

==>green lock become red

System variable @ASCM is introduced.
@ASCM =1,default option, always save Categorical Map when saving analysis template.
@ASCM =0, roll back to old behavior, but the above issue will not be existing.


Origin crashed when output hierarchical sheet to matrix window

Fixed in Origin 2022.

Origin 2022 will not output hierarchical sheet to matrix window.


Origin hangs after recalculate PA with Report Graph deleted

After fit with Peak Analyzer (PA), delete the report graph window, then recalculate, Origin hangs

Fixed in Origin 2022


NLFit: SetParamBounds OC function did not return correct value

Issue existed since Origin 8.6 and fixed in Origin 2022.


Descriptive Statistics on matrix compute wrong results

Fixed in Origin 2022


Crash if Delete PA Preview Page

Fixed in Origin 2022

Data Handling









Custom Date format fails to recogonize

For example, enter “Tue 15 Jun 2021 09:32:16” in A1 cell. Open Column Properties dialog, set format as Date, custom display as “ddd dd MMM yyyy HH:mm:ss“.

==> Fails to set correct date.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Unstack column cause Origin stop working if too many other columns

For example, have a workbook with 25 columns and fill with data, unstacks col(B) with col(A) as group column, the rest columns as other columns.

==> Origin stop working.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Image cells lost after join worksheets

After joining the worksheets , image cells are gone.

Fixed in Origin 2022.

All join worksheet XFs(wAppend, wjoinbylabel, wjoinbycol, wjoincols) support this behavior now


mini toolbar Copy as Image issues

Click embedded EMF in worksheet cell, then click Copy as Image button in mini toolbar, paste into another cell.

==> Origin becomes very slow, the image preview is very bad.

Fixed in Origin2022, now paste into another cell with EMF by default, sys variable @PEMF=1


GDI objects get increasing when resize workbook which contains EMF graph cell

When analysis template contain graph sheet, do batch processing and set graph sheet as result sheet. then resize Summary book.
==>GDI objects of origin get increasing in task manager.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Range interpolation failed if connection method specified in Set Column Value

Declare range variable like “bb”, then set value with formula like “bb(C, bspline)” will be failed.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Set Values dialog wrongly replace Python function separator in Germany version

For example, open Set Column Values dialog, define following Python function in the Python Function tab.

def fill_column(): return [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]

Set column value with formula py.fill_column()

==> The last cell wrongly set as “7,8”.

Fixed in Origin 2022









Fails to execute "run.section(ROI,crop); " in Origin 2021b

If ROI exists on Matrix and run LT “run.section(ROI,crop);“, it fails to crop the matrix.

Fixed in Origin 2022


Return missing value if pixel extraction fail

If specific point is out of the matrix data range, Pixel Extraction may fail and it should return missing value since Origin 2022.


Convert Matrix to Worksheet Overwriting Missing Data

Convert matrix to XYZ columns, Z column should not be overwritten if it’s filled with missing value.

This issue existed since 2018b and it’s fixed in Origin 2022.









Header of TXT file can not be detected by DC while XF works fine

When there is an empty line between header and data area, CSV Connector fails to auto detect header lines.

Fixed in Origin 2022


CSV connector can't handle the file with complicate head lines

CSV Connector fails to auto detect complicate header lines, and fails to import even though enter main header lines manually.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Fail to insert image if file name contains %,= or {

Origin fail to insert image to graph/layout by insert: images from files menu when file path contains special character %, = or {

Fixed in Origin2022.


NetCDF data average import failed on special time data

NetCDF Connector fails to average the data with special time data.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Python Import Filter Can't Import As New Rows

When use Python to import files by Import Wizard tool, Start New Rows fails.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


HTML Connector issues

HTML Connector failed to recognize German thousand separator and decimal separator.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Unable to detect import filter shared in group folder when importing file via drag and drop

Drag and drop import and Import Filter connector fail to detect the filter under group folder.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Some PCM format of wav file doesn't be supported

impWav fails to import wav file in PCM(floating point) format.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Connect to Web... fails to connect to dropbox

Connect to Web… fails to connect to file from dropbox.

Fixed in Origin 2022. Need to set @HTTPMR=1 to make it work.


CSV connector trouble with some files

CSV Connector fails to import TAB delimited German separator ascii file.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Datasheet::ImportASCII has bug in numeric recognition

Import Wizard and OC Function Datasheet::ImportASCII fail to import D exponent numbers.

Fixed in Origin 2022.









Origin crashed in R console with R 4.0.3/4.1.0

If install R version on your PC is 4.0.3 or newer, then type "b" (or any character) and press Enter in Python Console.
==> Origin is gone.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


from_list() set wrong values to worksheet when Separators is set to 1.000,0

If Separators is set to 1.000,0 in Origin, and use from_list() to set data with decimal “.“ to Worksheet in external Python.

==>Some data with decimal “.“ are recognized as thousand separator.

Fixed in Origin 2022 with OriginExt-1.1.6.


Python Vector function form fails with Constant

Defined a Python Vector fitting function with constant like following fails to work.

[Constants] cc=17 [PythonV] def myfunc(x,a,c): return [a*xx+c for xx in x] [Formula] y = myfunc(x,A,cc)

Fixed in Origin 2022.

ORG-23268, ORG-23562

OC function GetFilenamesInFolder() fails to recognize wildcard ?

GetFilenamesInFolder() fails to search the file name with wildcard in file extension.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


set label color in GetN dialog

GetN fails to set color to branch node label.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Get -er not working since 2020

“get -er” to get the end of the display range fails to work, although user can still use the “get -e” switch.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Type %@A output wrong path in Origin 2021b

Broken in Origin 2021b. Fixed in Origin 2022.

Run type %@A; in Script Window.
==> The output path is not correct, \Users is lost.


Wrong Model in Notes table generated by Operation

Use OC’s operation to generate NLFit report, the model is Notes table is wrong if fitting with user defined functions.

Fixed in Origin 2022.

ORG-9615 P6

%@S returns wrong login user name

Execute %@s=; in script window.

==> it will return the user who installed origin, not the current login user.

Fixed in Origin2022


Fail to export graph with labtalk script when there is both graph and layout window

doc -e p{ { if ([%H]!Page.isEmbedded !=1 ) {expGraph type:=png filename:=<long name> path:=%Y overwrite:=rename;} } }

==>error message “Input graph is invalid“ dump to message log

Fixed in Origin2022


Unable to loop Worksheet in Workbook in external python

==>Dumps error message.

Fixed in new originpro.









Some files under UFF failed to show in Group Folder Manager

Master.otpu and Colormanager.ini failed to show in Group Folder Manager in Origin earlier versions.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Crash on open sougou picture face from start menu

Start Menu not works fine with Sougou input method.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Project Explorer Lower Panel Scroll Issue

User’s project has many graphs in the current folder. When he double click to open the hidden window in Project Explorer, Project Explorer refreshes and the active window jumps to the bottom, which makes navigation very inconvenient.

Fixed in Origin 2022.


Fail to import QQ image from clipboard with digitizer

Copy image from QQ/TIM message, then import it by Import from clipboard button in digitizer dialog.

==>the imported image is blank.

Fixed in Origin2022


x range of fitted curve is incorrect when fitting on graph if x range is span to full axis range

If do fitting on graph and set x range as span to full axis range in fitting tool. then set axis as auto rescale and insert graph to worksheet as floating graph, save as analysis template.
when do batch processing with the saved template, the x range of fitted curve will be always source x axis range when saving template in above step.

Fixed in Origin2022


Origin crashed when do some actions like move legend in certain project

In certain large project File which GDI object has nearly reached 10000 limitation, Origin earlier versions will crash when do some actions like move legend.

Fixed in Origin2022, by reducing total GDI objects to 5000.










Output to clipboard fails to work for Gadgets: 2D Integrate

When do 2D Integrate, check Output to clipboard, then New Output, active a graph window, fails to paste

Fixed in Origin 2022


Differentiate Gadget shouldn't show warning msg when turn on Smooth with descending data

When do Gadgets: Differentiate with descending data, go to Smooth tab, check Savitzky-Golay Smooth. it always pops up Warning msg: The points of window should be more than 1 and less than total number of data points.

Fixed in Origin 2022

License and Installation








Modify Option creates extra program folder in start menu

When use the Repair or Uninstall Origin program to modify the installed Origin, an extra Origin folder is created in Start Menu.

Fixed in Origin 2022.

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