Origin 2025b Bug Fixes
ORG-30289 | Improve Merge Graph Windows exclude rule | Multi-layer graphs (e.g. multi-panel graph made by previous merging) were excluded in Merge Graph Windows Dialog. The rule is improved in 2025b so that
If the graph you want to merge is still not included in the dialog, please click > button in Graphs list box to manually add. |
ORG-30305 | Heatmap in Plot Setup is different | Open attached PlotSetupHeat.opju 2.New a graph window, right click on layer icon and select Plot Setup. 3.On the top panel, select Virtual Matrices from Available Data combo, then select VM1 on the right panel. 4.Select Heatmap in the Plot Type list in middle panel, then check Z checkbox on the right panel, click Add and OK. ==> the added plot is full black. 5.Double click it to open PD. ==> There is no Colormap tab. Fixed in Origin2025b. |
ORG-30056 | Fail to show both start and end arrow for 3D line |
Fixed in Origin2025b. |
ORG-30329 | OM Fail to show legend text when there are more than 9 plots |
Fixed in Origin2025b |
ORG-30008 | Fail to rescale for polar heatmap |
Fixed in Origin2025b. |
ORG-29995 | 3D Graph Messed if Uncheck Layer1 Box | For any 3D graph, uncheck the box of Layer1 on the Object Maneger. Then resize the graph window by dragging the window edge. ==> The graph is not redrawn properly. Fixed in Origin2025b. |
ORG-30293 | Data Highlighter Add Category Fail to Color 3D Scatter Points | Use Data Highlighter on 3D scatter plot, and click Create Category button. In the dlg, check Color Data By Category, click OK. ==> Data points are not colored. Fixed in Origin2025b. |
ORG-30285 | Origin hangs when set Break Band as Wavy for certain project | Add an axis break in graph, set Break Half Length as 0, click the axis break to show mini toolbar, set Break Band as Wavy ==> Origin hangs and then crash Fixed in Origin2025b |
ORG-30480 | Resize is wrong if asterisk bracket is vertical |
Fixed in Origin2025b. |
ORG-30439 | Polar Heatmap Fail For Numeric Labels |
==> a. The 0 in the year is trimed. e.g. 2013 → 213. ==> b. The heatmap cells corresponding to year 2013 moved to wrong place. Fixed in Origin2025b. |
ORG-30226 | Some Plots Looks Bad in Window View |
Fixed in Origin2025b. |
ORG-30520 | Line is missing if arrow for Arc is none |
==> the begin is missing Fixed in Origin2025b. |
ORG-30722 | Function Plot error when appending projects | If in the appended second project, there are function plots with same name as current project in workspace, function names failed to be updated. Fixed in Origin2025b. |
Data Handling
ORG-30686 | Worksheet row size auto reduces if source data used in calculation is reduced | In older versions, after deleting input data still leaves a lot of empty rows in output column and will accumulate file size. To see the issue:
Same issue if column is used in other worksheets. If saving project, the file size will be big and recalculation will be slow. Fixed in Origin 2025b. |
PA's residual plot in preview is not right in some cases | When baseline mode is used defined, and fit with multiple peaks. ==>The PA's residual plot in preview is not right. Fixed in Origin 2025b. | |
xop Statistics on Columns is slow when number of input data is large | xop Statistics on Columns is slow when number of input data is large Fixed in Origin 2025b. | |
CWT tool support date/time X | Before origin2025b,CWT can not recognize Date/Time X data. | |
ORG-30625 | Fail to duplicate operation in embedded graph with slicer | Try embedded the graph with slicer to workbook then do operation for example as Smooth. Duplicate the workbook. ==> Fail to duplicate the slicer and operation. Note: this issue existed since Origin 2025 and fixed in Origin 2025b |
ORG-30022 | Error pops up after Reset All Graphs in Nonlinear Surface/Matrix Fit | When Nonlinear Surface/Matirx Fit with data, in result sheet, right click and click Reset All Graphs ==> Error failed to find object during method call pops up and Fitted Curve Plot broken Fixed in Origin2025b |
ORG-30519 | Wrong confidence ellipse data when linear fit with Y error input | When linear fit with Y error data (example like build in Linear Fit.dat), check Confidence Ellipse ==> The result is bad Fixed in Origin2025b |
ORG-30631 | Origin crashes when redo removing shdf plot/layer/page and operation with Find X from Y |
==> Origin crashes. Issue existed since Origin 2025 and is fixed in Origin2025b |
ORG-30550 | Name Range does not work for PA or NLFit | Do PA/Fitting with name range, like set name range as Peak Center and fixed. after change the name range value, recalculate ==> Result keeps Fixed in Origin2025b |
ORG-30288 | Origin hangs when export worksheet as image file |
==> Origin hangs. Fixed in Origin2025b. |
python add_plot() failed to use plot type in template | import os
import originpro as op
wks = op.new_sheet()
wks.from_file(os.path.join(op.path('e'), 'Samples', 'Graphing', 'Group.dat'))
graph = op.new_graph(template='scatter')
plot = gl.add_plot(f'{wks.lt_range()}!(?,2:end)') ==>It added 1 scatter plot and 2 line plots. Fixed in Origin 2025b, will add three scatter plots for above case. | |
Python set_label() fails when the number of user parameter exceeds 16 | Change the maximum number of labels for worksheet::set_label() and worksheet::get_label() to 128 now. |
Wrong Modified Date and Created Date in PE | Open an project. Mouse over the root folder on top panel of PE. ==> The Modified Date in tooltip wasn’t the date the project got saved. Instead it shows the current open date. Create a folder and append a project to it. Choose No not to create subfolder. Mouse over current folder ==> The Created Date in tooltip changed to the appended project’s save date Fixed in Origin 2025b | |
ORG-30692 | Double Click OGWU or OGGU File Opens it Twice | New bug in Origin 2025. Double click on .oggu or .ogwu file in windows explorer to launch Origin to open the file. ==> it opens the book/graph twice in Origin (same instance). Fixed in Origin 2025b |
ORG-30673 | Fail to keep minimized window icons' layout after resizing Origin |
==> some window icons are covered each other Note: this issue existed since Origin 2023b and is fixed in Origin 2025b. |