Origin 2017 SR1 Bug Fixes

Origin 2017 SR1 Bug Fixes

Top Bug Fixes



Export Geology Pattern as PDF EPS issues related to Third Party dll

We introduced Geology Pattern in Origin 2017 SR0 but the pattern failed to show in exported EPS and PDF files.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

The existing system variable @GDIPPM (GDIPlus pattern drawing mode) now has a new default value: 2, it means to use our new solution to fix the issue.


The length of grids and axis ticks seem to get shorter on the screen and in exported image in Origin 2017.

Before Origin 2017, axis line has rounded-end. If the line thickness is big, it doesn't look good. Therefore in Origin 2017 Sr0, we added square-ended support and set it as default. Corresponding system variable @lca=2. ORG-11202)

Because of this change, the grids and axis ticks seem to get shorter on the screen and in exported image.

Fixed in Origin 2017 Sr1 by changing the length of line segment especially in dash automatically.


Sorting of Category values that are all numbers should sort as Nominal

In the past, Origin treated numbers in Categorical column as strings so they were sorted by alphabetical order, e.g., 1, 2, 5, 10 if sorted ascending will be 1, 10, 2, 5.

In Origin 2017 Sr1, if all data in categories column are numeric, Origin will sort them as nominal, so 1, 2, 5, 10 if sorted ascending will be 1, 2, 5, 10.

From now on, analysis and plotting involving categorical values should work correctly regardless what data are as long as you sort them.


Text and graphic objects on worksheet was misplaced on PC with large DPI

In Origin 2017 SR1, DPI scaling will be taken into consideration when placing text or graphic objects on Worksheet.

you can also easily see this by adding a text to the right and attached to page, and then change DPI scale to 200%.




Contour Profile failed to update with change of data

After plotting Contour Profile, if user delete data, or change some data values, the profiles failed to update before Origin 2017 SR1

Note: This update only works with Image/Contour Profile tool on.

If you have closed Contour Profile tool so only Profile... button shows in graph, change in data will not update profiles.


Graph in .org file (old Project file format) failed to showOpen org (old project file format) in Origin 2017 sr0. Graphs failed to show. Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1


Runtime error when right click column header in middle panel of Plot Setup dialog

New issue in Origin 2017 Sr0.

Open Plot Setup dialog.
3. In select data table, right-click on the column header.
==> Error message "unable to convert COM object property to desired type" dumps to Message Log.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1


Use XYZ column dataset plot contour lead crash in Origin 2017Highlight XYZ column to plot Contour
==> The project file crash.


Column/Bar graph with variable width failed to draw width correctly for large X scale.

E.g. if X value (position of columns is e.g. 1e6, .... ) and on Spacing tab of Plot Details, set column bar width to be based on 3rd column with big values. Set Scaling Factor to 0 (Use X Unit).

The column bars becomes narrow lines.


Origin crashes when deleting plots from graph

New issue in Origin 2017 Sr0.

Remove 1st plot in graph such as via in Plot Setup or Layer Contents, Object Manager, etc.,

==> Origin crashes.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1


Error message prompt when set axis scale as discrete for some data1. New a wks and fill it with the following data:
1 1
5 2
12 3
14 4
2. Highlight the whole wks and make a scatter plot.
3. Open Axis dialog and go to Scale tab. Set scale type as discrete and click OK.
==> Error message prompt: Encountered an improper argument. And graph becomes blank.
1. The problem exists since Origin 2016 SR2. 
2. The problem would not show for some other data. 


Extreme Slowdown in Workbook Calculations in Origin 2017 SR0

Customer found this

This is because in Origin 2017 Sr0, we made a change is to make plot auto updated when source linked data was change,

but it also make workbook cell data auto update when link source changed, which is fine, but the checking for workbook

will slow down Origin heavily, especially for user's opj.

So in Origin 2017 SR1, a new system variable is added to control this behavior: @RSL.

It combines with 2 bits: 1 for graph, 2 for workbook. Default is 1. Set as 0 can rollback to same as Origin 2016.


Text label is placed at incorrect positition in 9.4 SR0
Add some text label in Origin 2016 or earlier by the following code.
label -s -a xpos_string 80 -j 0 -n TEST3 TESTLabel;
TEST3.rotate = 270;

Open it in Origin 2017 Sr0. The text position changed.

This is because we added we include frame when deciding where the text label anchor point is in Origin 2017 Sr0.

In Origin 2017 SR1, system variable @TCC is added and set to 0 so Anchor on Frame is off.

This way text object created in Origin 2016 or older will not change position.


Failed to set line with 0 width to make it disappear in graph

E.g. Plot an area graph and on line tab, set line width to 0. Line still showed.

This is newly broken in Origin 2017 Sr0. Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

This also exists in line plot, fill area, and stacked area plot, etc.


Fill Area Under Curve->Fill to next data plot - Above Below Colors is broken when duplicate X values exists

This was a limitation since the pattern above and below feature was introduced in Origin 9.1.

We only allowed monotonic data. Removed the limitation in Origin 2017 SR1.


Image Plot displayed wrong after Exchanging XY Axes

Reported on forum http://originlab.com/forum/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=22852

Import Image file into Origin and choose Plot: Image Plot. Then choose Graph: Exchange X-Y Axes,

==> Result is wrong since Origin 8.1

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1. Expected result


Crash when using large dimension matrix data as colormap value and Fill color with piece by piece mode

1. New a matrix with 2 objects, set dimension as 1024 * 1024.
2. Set value in Mat(1) by script "matrix -v i;", Mat(2) by "matrix -v j;".
3. Active Mat(1), make a 3D Colormap Surface plot.
4. Open PD dialog, active Fill tab, choose Fill piece by piece: Map: Mat(2).
5. Click Apply.
==> Origin crashes.

Note: This problem exists since 92Sr0. Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.


Fill Area and Line plot draw differently since 2017 sr0

New issue in Origin 2017 Sr0 but hard to reproduce. The problem could be gone if set @dm=0.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.


3D XYZ Bar width is too thin for certain data

When deleting some data, all 3D bars became very thin and only gray lines show.

This existed since Origin 9.0 and fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

New System Variable is added. @OGLBWF, XYZ Bar width calculation factor, default value is 2, 
if gridding result >= factor * datasize, we will reset to default size (sqrt(datasize) or datasize if too small).


Issues when customizing same single Point on a plot that is plotted twice

Origin can't add two data labels to one plot. E.g. User as column A(X), B(Y) and other column C for label.

If user wants to show both Y values and column C labels in the graph, user has to plot the B data twice.

And for each plot, enable Labels, with one label from column C and one label from Y value.

Sometimes the data labels overlap so user may need to adjust position of certain label.

E.g. Ctrl+select a data label to select it and move it. Before Origin 2017 SR1, the other label of the same data point were moved as well.


Color scale fails to generate for contour plot with colormapped line only

User can customize contour plot to hide color fill and only show colormapped line by

  1. Double click the plot.
  2. In the plot detail. Under Colormap/Contour tab, uncheck Color Fill
  3. Click the Line column header, check Link Line to Colormap Color

Before Origin 2017 SR1, color scaler failed to show for such graph.


The length of grids and axis ticks seem to get shorter on the screen and in exported image in Origin 2017.

Before Origin 2017, axis line has rounded-end. If the line thickness is big, it doesn't look good. Therefore in Origin 2017 Sr0,

we added square-ended support and set it as default. Corresponding system variable @lca=2. ORG-11202)

Because of this change, the grids and axis ticks seem to get shorter on the screen and in exported image.

Fixed in Origin 2017 Sr1 by changing the length of line segment especially in dash automatically.


Deleting a Plot From Graph with text object as legend causes crash in Origin 9.4

New issue in Origin 2017 Sr0.

  1. In a graph with grouped plot, press Ctrl key and drag the legend to be multiple columns
  2. Copy the legend and paste it to have a new text object
  3. Hide the first plot from the Plot Details dialog, or Object Manager

==> Origin crashes.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1


Position Offset Values Not Saved to Annotation Default

Annotation position control is added in Origin 2017 sr0. But the Offset values of annotation position failed to be saved as default for future use.

Fixed in Origin 2017 Sr1.




Origin crashes when dragging and dropping certain CSV file into Origin

New issue since Origin 2017 Sr0. Fixed in Sr1. It's fixed in Origin 2017 SR1


Start new project after importing unsupported HDF5 file twice lead to Origin Crash

This problem exists since Import into Hierarchical Structure node was added in Origin2016.

It's fixed in Origin 2017 SR1


Import time data in excess of 24 hours from excel failed

New issue in Origin 2017 Sr0.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.


Slowness when reimporting spss sav file into an existing opjSPSS reimport speed is greatly improved in Origin 2017 SR1.
system variable @ISSSU (Import SPSS Suppress Series Update) is added to suppress series update during loop to accelerate importing. Default value is 1, can set @ISSSU = 0 to close this modification. 


Crash when dragging and dropping multiple files to active sheet to CloneWhen importing data, if user set Import Mode to start new book/sheet and template as <clone>, then drag and drop more files into the active sheet, Origin should import new data into new book/sheet with cloned settings. Crash happens. This crash started in Origin 2017 Sr0. Fixed in Origin 2017 Sr1.




Export ASCII: Failed to export whole selected data when hidden row(s) exist

New issue in Origin 2017 Sr0.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.


Export Geology Pattern as PDF EPS issues related to Third Party dll

We introduced Geology Pattern in Origin 2017 SR0 but the pattern failed to show in exported EPS and PDF files.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

The existing system variable @GDIPPM (GDIPlus pattern drawing mode) now has a new default value: 2, it means to use our new solution to fix the issue.


Lose contour plot when open in Origin 2017

Fixed ternary contour lost when same data use twice with different range.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.


Create PDF Using Word's Add-in PDF-Maker fails to clip enhanced metafile image copy paged from Origin


Tools: System variable dialog, gdip=0. Run as admin to launch Origin.


Graph Export PDF/EPS problems related to Third Party dll for 9.5

Several issues have been fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

Users can export image window, google map as eps/pdf with this update.


Labels are moved in Printed graph

Fixed smart labeling fail when special point not repos.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.




Origin crashes when copy long formula from F(x) cell

The crashes happens since Origin 2016 Sr0.

It's fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.



Set Column Values Issues with the introduced Spreadsheet Cell Notation in Origin 2017 Sr0.
  • Column name with $ failed to find column if the column reserved variable with same name exists
    Look at this page to see system variables. http://www.originlab.com/doc/LabTalk/ref/System-vars, e.g. E is an internal variable.
    Fill column D and E with some text. In F(X) cell of Column A, type D$+E$ to concatenate the two text strings. ==> Column A is only updated to show text form column D.
  • column name should take higher precedence than project variable
    In Script window, run A=10 to define a variable A, in F(x) cell of column B, type A$. Missing value shows. Should show nothing and give error message.
  • Failed to update formula with $
    Fill column A and B with text and then enter A$+B$ in F(x) cell of column C to concatenate the texts. Insert a column before column A. The formula is still A$+B$. Should be B$+C$.
  • A[L]$ fails to update
    Enter some text in Long Name cell of column A. Type A[L]$ in F(x) cell of column B. Insert column before column A. The formula is still A[L]$. Should be B[L]$
  • LabTalk expression error when nested call with diff() function
    Fill col(A) with data.
    Set col(B) with formula "abs(diff(A))".
    ==> "LabTalk expression error: 1" dumps to Message Log.
  • LabTalk expression error if reference cell is missing when using A1 notation
    Fill col(A) with data, deleted value in 2nd cell A2
  • Set col(B) with formula "sin(A2)".
    ==> "LabTalk expression error: 1" dumps to Message Log, and the lock becomes red.


Sorting of Category values that are all numbers should sort as Nominal

In the past, Origin treated numbers in Categorical column as strings so they were sorted by alphabetical order, e.g., 1, 2, 5, 10 if sorted ascending will be 1, 10, 2, 5.

In Origin 2017 Sr1, if all data in categories column are numeric, Origin will sort them as nominal, so 1, 2, 5, 10 if sorted ascending will be 1, 2, 5, 10.

From now on, analysis and plotting involving categorical values should work correctly regardless what data are as long as you sort them.


Text and graphic objects on worksheet was misplaced on PC with large DPI

In Origin 2017 SR1, DPI scaling will be taken into consideration when placing text or graphic objects on Worksheet.

you can also easily see this by adding a text to the right and attached to page, and then change DPI scale to 200%.


Delete a column with formula and Undo failed to workUndo only worked for column without formula in the past. Now in Origin 2017 SR1, even if a column is created by set column values formula, delete it. Undo works.




Origin crashes when duplicating matrix book with both image thumbnail and image mode on

New crash in Origin 2017 Sr0.

In Matrix window, if Image Thumbnail is turned on and View: Image Mode is checked and try to duplicate the Matrix window.

==> Origin crashes

It's fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

ORG-16083Image Thumbsnails not show all objects after using ms2o to merge sheetsThis problem exists since 90Sr0. Now it has been fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.
ORG-16144No recalculate lock when set matrix value with specific predefined variable

New issue in Origin 2017 Sr0. When set matrix value with x,y,i,j ==> No analysis lock is added.

ORG-15526Crop to create new matrix not work fine if data type is not doubleThis problem exists since 91Sr0. Now it has been fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.
ORG-12549Issues about undo deleting matrix objectFix the crash and matrix formula lost issues after undoing delete object.




Wrong Derivatives in build in Hill1 fitting functionThis issue exist since Origin 8.5 and fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

ORG-16000 P1

Peak Analyzer Range Setting does not remember ByX

On 1st page of Peak Analyzer, user can expand the Input node and set the subrange by X values. But when open the dialog again by Change Parameter, the setting is back to By Row indexing.

This will not work for analysis template purposes where user wants a specific X range.

The problem exists since 8.6 when ByX is implemented and seems in PA tool only. Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

ORG-16000 P2PA recalculate failed when input data is a sub range

Do a Peak analysis in a subrange of data (by setting the subrange on 1st page of PA.. Then copy new XY data into the data worksheet. The subrange used in calculation is changed.

You can run list -op before and after pasting new data to see the change of subrange.

The problem exists since Origin 9.3 and fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.


Crash when right click anchor point in Peak Analyzer Preview

In Peak Analyzer took,

  1. Set Baseline Mode as User Defined and check Snap to Spectrum, Uncheck Enable Auto Find checkbox and then click Modify/Del button to adjust anchor points.
  2. Maximize the Peak Analyzer Preview window.
  3. Select the some anchor point and click left arrow key on keyboard to move the anchor point close to e.g. first peak
  4. Right click the anchor point.
    ==> Origin crashes.

This is newly introduced in Origin 2017 Sr0 and Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

ORG-159283D Curve fitting on graph with log scale lead Origin crash in Origin 2017

Perform surface fit on the 3D scatter graph whose X scale is log and some Zs are 0

==> The project file crash.




Ctrl+A to Clear Comand Window logs will leads a crashThe issues started since Origin 2016 Sr1.


Slowness in opj with many graph windows created from unstacked worksheets

If there are many unstacked worksheet and graphs from unstacked worksheet.
Reimport data or change some value in source data to trigger the recalculation. It was very slow.

The speed is greatly improved in Origin 2017 SR1.


Fails to access Date/Time value using %(%H, Col, Row) notation

Run following script in Script window,

window -t wks origin; //open a new workbook
%H!wks.col1.format=3; //set column 1 as time column
%H!wks.col2.format=3; //set column 2 as time column
%(%H,1,1)=1.5; // assign some value to 1st cell of column 1
%(%H,1,2)=2.5; // assign some value to 2st cell of column 1
%(%H,2,1)=%(%H,1,1); //assign value of 1st cell of column 1 to 1st cell of column 2

==> Failed to assign the value.

This is broken in Origin 2017 Sr0, and now fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

ORG-16050Custom Filter not working fine with LabTalk variable

See following case,

    1. Define a LabTalk variable like textv1 = 10 in Script Window.
    2. Fill column with row number, add a filter, set filter condition as "x > textv1".
    3. In Script Window, change textv1 = 15.
    4. Run wks.runfilter() in Script Window.
      ==> Hidden row status not changed.

This is because after filter was run, the last run results with be cached, and when run wks.runfilter() or click Reapply data fitler toolbar button, the cached will be used so the show hide status is the same.

Now, this has been improved. So wks.runfilter() will always rerun filter regardless of cache, and above case will works. Also, adds wks.runfilter(*) to keep using cache, and toolbar button stays the old behavior.


nlbeginm/nlbeginz fails to read replica in theme
  1. In Nonlinear Matrix Fit dialog, save an fitting theme e.g. MyTest with Number of Replicas as 3.
  2. Run the following script:

    nlbeginm theme:=MyTest;
    nlend 1 2;

    ==> Only one peak is fitted in the report sheet.

1. This issue also exists in nlbeginz.
2. This issue exists since Origin 8.6, and fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.


wextract for Worksheet Query failed setting Recalculation 

Please try the following sample steps:
1) Make a new worksheet, and enter row#'s to columns A and B.
2) From the Script window, issue the following command:
wextract settings.stCondition.Condition:="COL(2)>5" settings.Cols:="0|1" settings.RecalMode:=1 oy:=[%H]<new>;

The result data is correct, but it doesn't get Auto recalculation. See:
Note "-r 1" option works.

The problem occurs since 8.1sr0 when it was implemented.

Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.


OC function Matlab::PutMatrix() fails to work

Reported by customer

1. New a Matrix and fill with data.
2. Open Code Builder and compile the Examples on the PutMatrix() help page.
3. Debug this example.
==>PutMatrix() function returns false and thus doing nothing.

This exists at least since Origin8.1SR2 and Fixed in Origin 2017 SR1.

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