Sunburst plot is wrong if not set x as categorical
When more than 2 X columns without set as Categorical, highlight all and Plot: Categorical: Sunburst
==> Wrong plot
Fixed in Origin 2023b
Failure to use arrow keys to go to next or previous plot after using space key
In Object Manager, after press Space key to turn off/on plot
==> Fails to use arrow key to go to next or previous plot
Fixed in Origin2023b
3D Layer More MT buttons
Case1 new wks with 6 columns fill col(a)-(c) with row numbers, col(d)=a_10, col(e)=b_10, col(f)=c*10 highlight col(a)-(c), make 3D scatter plot select layer, in MT, set to auto rescale XYZ open PD dialog, go to 3D vector tab, enable 3D vector, set X end=col(d), Y end=col(e), Z end=col(f), click OK ==> no rescale
Case2 open the attached ORG-25213_P5.oggu file select the layer, in MT, set to auto rescale XYZ open PD dialog, go to layer properties, go to miscellaneous tab, change Z value source to auto, click OK ==> level of colormap is changed click rescale button in toolbar --> graph is updated reopen PD dialog, go to layer properties, go to miscellaneous tab, change Z value source back to lone name, click OK ==> level of colormap is changed again
Fixed all in Origin2023b.
Show wrong data info for 3D
new wks with XYZ, fill XY with row numbers, Z with uniform random numbers
highlight col(c), make 3d scatter plot
open PD dialog, go to label tab, check enable, label form=custom, format string=$(wcol👎[i], *4), click OK
take the following image for example, move the mouse cursor to the labels (not the symbol)
==> data point tooltip is shown up, and wrong info displayed.
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Fail to apply layer properties to linked layer
make graph with multiple payers
→ notice that layer properties is applied to linked layers, layer2 is linked to layer1, layer3 is linked to layer2
change font color of layer title of layer1
==> font color of layer3 is not updated
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Display Issue When Multiple Waterfall in same Y
open the attached Double-Y Waterfall_DisplayIssue.opju in
, whose legend is too close to edge and fit page to layer failed to consider it
choose Graph: Fit Page to Layer
Click OK
==> Legend is still not showed all
Fixed in Origin2023b
Could not in-place edit legend
new worksheet, add 5 columns,
fill all 7 columns with random data, plot scatter plot
double click legend try to edit ==> open properties dialog, should in-place edit
Fixed in Origin2023b, now in legend, if the longest line is not more than the value of @TLIPN, double click and in-place edit
Issues with Table in graph
Issues when working with table in Graph, such as
0 in empty cells in table
Newly added rows and columns doesn’t have frame
Paste one cell add many empty rows in table
Some table style not show as described
Fixed in Origin 2023b
Auto Axis Rescale Issues
When X rescale is set to Fixed From, Auto to, then data display range is not properly setup for the X axis range after rescale, thus leading to points outside to affect the Y scale.
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Worksheet in Graph Transparency Issue
Open the attached 23-03-10_(table_background).oggu
Double-click the table in the graph to open up the table worksheet.
Highlight the worksheet and right-click>format cells>Fill color>None. ==>Notice that the table color is not transparent, graph color does not come through.
Change Fill color to Blue, Apply and Update Table. -->Table color is now Blue
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Improve performance of slider in Flip Through dialog of Browser plot
Open attached peaksep.opju. The label on top of the graph is set up with script to show separation between peaks and it is triggered on data change
Bring up the Flip Through dialog from the left panel drop-down menu
Set the skip number to 10
Clicking the forward and backward buttons works fine
But if you try dragging the slider, it get stuck. Have to let it go, then click again, and drag again. Perhaps having the script trigger on data change is somehow interfering with the slider?
Fixed in Origin2023b. Added a new system variable @MTNM
Line Sticking Out for Arrow Tool on 3D Graph
Use Arrow Tool to add an arrow to a 3D graph, then increase the width of the line, the line gets into the arrow cap.
Fixed in Origin2023b
2D Line object transparency fails to work in 3D graph
New a wks and fill with row numbers.
Highlight them to make a 3D XYY bars plot.
Click Line tool button to add a 2D line object to the 3D graph.
Double click the line object to open Object Properties dlg, then change transparency to 50%.
Click OK.
==>Its transparency fails to work.
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Fail to disable movement for arrow object in 3D graph
make 3D scatter plot, add arrow object
open object properties dialog, go to dimensions tab
check disable vertical movement, click OK
try to move the arrow
==> it can be vertical movement
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Set Layer Height Fail to work in Polar, Smith Chart and Radar Chart
The issue existed in Polar, Smith and Radar Chart since at least Origin 9.0.
Open Plot Details (PD) dialog, go to layer’s Size tab, set Height to 50, apply ==> size is not changed, the graph move to top, note top is 11.74
ok with PD, reopen dialog, go to size tab ==>Top is -0.2641
Fixed for Polar and Smith Chart in Origin 2023b. But too hard to fix it for Radar chart. So the issue will still exist in Radar Chart.
Origin crashed on inserting certain SVG
Inserting certain SVG file may crash Origin. Fixed in Origin2023b.
Sankey Diagram Node Position Issue
Drag the node of the Sankey diagram to the bottom, but it jumps to the top of the graph. We found that when the vertical offset of the node is set beyond 327, it will change to -327.
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Wrong gradient fill transparency when mode is auto
make XYY 3D bars plot
open PD dialog, go to pattern tab, set gradient fill to two color, click OK
add one special point, open PD dialog, go to pattern tab, uncheck auto transparent under fill, set value to 100, click OK
==> the special bar does not disappear the whole
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Graph created from Excel book cannot open Axis dialog
Open an excel sheet
Make a scatter plot with the data in excel
Double click on Y axis to open Axis dialog.
==> dialog mess up
In-frame labels can not be displayed in Polar if clip to frame
For some specific polar graph project, data label can not be shown unless we choose Do not clip to Layer. While all the labels are in layer frame
The text object turns to be bold in a specific project
For some specific project, a text object is bold unexpectedly.
Copy/paste format make hidden bar show in bar map
Make a bar map plot
Duplicate the graph window
In the duplicated window, clear the check box next to special points in OM to hide them
Select the bar map in original graph window, choose “Copy Format: All“
Go to the other graph window, right click on the white space and choose “*Paste Format: Advanced*“
In the opened dialog, set Root: Page: All Layers: All Bar Map Plots: Map: Bar Size: Width as 2.. I want to paste the width of bar size only.
==>The special points are removed. all the hidden bars are shown
Pie Label Properties Fail to copy paste format for special point
plot pie chart with row number, duplicate graph
ctrl click on one wedge in Graph 1 to add special point,
in label tab of special point, select categories in format group
set position to center, ok
select plot in graph 1 copy format and paste format all to graph 2
==> label content and label position fail to change
Failure to exchange XY for 2D colormapped line series
pen the build-in sample Line and Symbol Graphs - Colormapped Line Series.opju
With graph window active, click Exchange XY.
==> The graph is distorted and some block shows.
Wrong contour graph after ignoring Z missing values
Make a contour with missing values.
Highlight col(c) and plot a contour-color fill graph.
Run LT: set %c -lczm 1;
==> Wrong graph.
Column Browser can not be called in Pattern box for a specific project
Make a column/bar plot with many columns and sheets in source worksheet.
In the Pattern tab of PD, Select Pattern dropdown list, Click the triangle of Use Column Value and choose More
==> Nothing happens. No column browser pop up to let me select other column
Grouped plot should apply style holder from group
For some specific project, save the graph template as, uncheck closeable, ok. Then plot with this template ==> only 1st plot in each layer show label
Plot Disappear When Select 1st Doughnut/Sunburst
Make a donut plot/sunburst plot.
Ctrl click one wedge in 2nd plot and change color to grey to create special point, ok
In OM, select 1st plot
==> plot disappear
Color MT button fails to work for Ellipse plot
New a workbook with 4 columns and fill with data.
Highlight all columns, select menu Plot: My Template: Ellipse to make a Ellipse plot.
Click on the plot, try the Symbol Edge Color or Symbol Fill Color mini button.
==> Neither works.
Crash if Use Sum in Plot Label Format String
Make a simple scatter plot.
Open PD, plot level, Label tab, check enable.
Set Label Form as "Custom", and fill Format String as: $(sum(wcol(n)))
==>Origin Crashes.
Theme Undo Apply issue when plot has Special points
Make two column plot with diff special points
Copy format from one and simple paste to another
Ctrl+z to undo
==>special point fails.
Run-time error after switching left/right with reference line label shown
New worksheet, fill columns with row number,
add one column, fill with random data
highlight all and select Plot: Multi-Panel/Axis: Double Y
Double Click Left Axis to open axis dialog and go to Reference Line tab. Click Details to open Reference Lines dialog.
Click Add and set At Axis value for 12. Check Show Label. Then click Apply.
Click Add and set Value type as Statistics. At Axis Value as Median. Then Enable ref line Label and set Label Form as Value. Click Apply,
Click Right in Axis control in the upper-right corner.
Click Add and set Value type as Statistics. At Axis Value as Mean. Then Enable ref line Label and set Label Form as Value. Set Label Position as Outside Begin. Click Apply and OK.
==> Error message shows: Index out of range.
Slowness on Rescaling Area Plot with Pattern
For some specific graph window, set the y axis from to 0. It takes very long time to update the graph.
Resize or reverse legend entry issues with separator
Make a graph with legend which are \sep:50 added .
Click on the legend and choose Reverse Order.
==> legend shows with \sep:50
Text Object Normal Button Fail to Remove Font format
New worksheet, select 4 columns to fill random data, plot scatter
Open Properties dialog with legend, select 1st line, select font =Times New Roman → \f: add to text part of 1st line
Select normal button
==> Nothing happen
Crash if Change Font After Combine Legends
Create a simple horizontal 2 panel plot.
Click legend in layer1, select "One Legend for Whole Page" in Mini-Toolbar.
Do not close Mini-Toolbar, change font. ==>Origin crashes.
Show Label for Radar Graph Doesn't Work
Make a radar chart. Select the data point and select show data label in mini-toolbar. ==> Show Label MT for Radar Graph Doesn't Work
Merge Polar and Radar chart does not work in 2023
Make a radar chart and a polar graph. Use merge graph tool to merge them. ==> The graphs overlap even the setting is 1 row 2 column. If I set Orientation to be Landscape, there is no such problem. But if Orientation isLandscape, there is problem if arrangement is row 2, column 1.
Support More Than 15 Columns in Scatter Matrix
In the past, the limitation for scatter matrix input is 15 columns. Now the Limitation changes to 30
High-Low-Close PD control Issues
Make a High-Low-Close plot
Select plot, set color indexing to column F in MT ==> color is not change
Double click plot to open PD ==> All controls in Line tab are disable
Scatter Matrix Keep scatter style when recalculate and change parameter
In the past, Scatter matrix plot’s scatter plot and diagonal plot do not share color, so if user want to change color, they need to change in two place. Now it share color list between symbol edge color, box color(for box and histogram) and line color(distribution curve).
Crash if Undo after Hide Data Plot on Legend
Make a simple scatter plot.
Open PD, plot level, Symbol tab, change Symbol Color as Red, OK.
Right-click on the left symbol of legend, select "Hide Data Plot" (From user’s operation). Or Just click to activate the symbol of legend, no need to hide plot.
Ctrl+Z to undo step 2. ==>Origin Crashes.
Set separate axis tick table row format fails
Make a bar plot.
Open Axis dialog and go to tick labels tab. Enable table and set numbers of Rows to 2. Set Bottom 1 and Bottom 2 axis’s display. Click OK.
Double click to open Bottom 2 axis dialog and go to tick labels tab.
Go to Format subtab. Uncheck Auto box. Set Direction to Vertical. Click Apply.
==> Auto box is checked. Text direction is not changed.
Disable offset when a plot is remove in stacked plot
Make a graph with two plots and the Offset is set to Individual.
Set Y offset value in the Offset tab of plot1.
Remove plot2.
→ Now there is only 1 single plot and it is not grouped.
==>The plot1 offset is kept in the graph even rescale the graph. And in the Plot Details dialog, the Offset tab does not show.
Bar Map use Wrong Bar Width
New worksheet, fill XYYY with random data, plot bar map
add rectangle object to graph, open Properties dialog,
go to dimensions tab, set Left margin to 12, right margin to 85% of layer to get rectangle width to be 3% of layer
compare bar width and rectangle width
==> bar width is smaller than rectangle width, note default bar width setting is 3% of layer
Fail to select 1st legend symbol if select legend content from end
New worksheet, fill 4 columns with random data, select all and plot scatter
double click legend, try to select all content from end of content
==> fail to select 1st symbol
Doughnut Order by Column only affect 1st plot
open attached WindowsVersion.ogwu
select Column A~E plot Doughnut plot
open PD, go to wedges tab, set order of wedges by column, select col(F), ok==> only 1st plot(inner plot) use the new order
reopen PD, go to group tab, set edit mode to independent, ok --> order is correct
Reverse the Y scale on the contour profile, the HLine will disappear
Make a contour profile. Now there are VLines and HLines in the profile.
Open Axis dialog and select Vertical in the left. Exchange From & To values. Then click OK.
==> HLine disappear.
HH:mm format is different for Custom and Standard Options
The 24:00 have different display when time is set as HH:mm in standard and custom type. Previous one shows as 00:00, and the later one shows as 24:00.
Increase Histogram Number of Bin Limit
In the past, Origin number of bins limit was 1000. Now it increases to 1048575.
Select from Worksheet by X should support YXXX
New worksheet, add 3 columns, set 1st column as Y, B~E as X
fill all with random data.
select multiple panel by label, select Select from Worksheet by X from input fly-out,
select all columns ==> dialog shows (,A).
Fails to auto rescale when make multi-panel plot with XYYXYY data
New a workbook with 6 columns, fill it with random numbers.
Set as XYYXYY designation.
Highlight all columns, plot Vertical 2 Panel.
==> The plot is in wrong scale.
Align Column checkbox should work for regular text object
For some multi lines text object with both symbol and text, open Text properties dialog and go to Text tab, check “Align Columns” and click Apply.
==> Legend symbol part still not aligned.
In Origin 2023b, new system variable @LSA (Legend Symbol anchor) is introduced to control if we need to start a new section with legend symbol(\l()) in normal text object. @LSA=1 means legend symbol need to start a new section for alignment, which will insert ^() before symbol. @LSA=0 means legend symbol works like normal text. Set @LSA=1 and check Align Columns, the original problem should be fixed.
Fail to active window after clicking button on browser graph
Open the Export with Preview and Link.opju attached in
Click the Triangle button on Graph5 and choose Flip Through menu. ==> Active window is matrix still.
Click the Export button.
==> Run time error: Invalid active window.
Palette not applied if export image window
Open an gray scale image and applied palette then export it.
==> Palette is not applied in the exported image. Fixed in Origin 2023b.
Export RGBA GIF image as AVI fail
Open a gif image which is not gray scale then export it.
==> Fail to export. Fixed in Origin 2023b.
SVG Path Drawn Incorrectly
If we download some subway map SVG and insert into Origin, there are some troubles.
==> Origin may has assert.
==> A black rectangle shows in graph.
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Strange color block showed on graph
With AMD display card, some 3D graphs have strange color block so that we cannot get the whole plot.
Fixed in Origin2023b with system variable @OGLDP=1 .
Surrogate Pair Not Exported Correctly in SVG
Export Graph as SVG
==> The a and b behind the 𤭢 overlap.
Fixed in Origin2023b. Only fixed for SVG format. Others like eps/pdf will be later.
Extra line shows in Exported PDF After Copy Page to PPT
Open the attached project file in ORG-25258.
Set @PFNC to 1.
Print as pdf.
==> show a vertical line.
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Export image window failed to include graph object
If there is graphic object in new image window and export the image, no graphic object in the exported image file.
Fixed in Origin 2023b.
Back line is showed in front in the exported file
make box chart, set draw connect line behind
export graph
==> the back lines are always drawn in front in the exported file or preview
Fixed in Origin2023b
Wrong image type is selected when open expGraph dialog with default theme
to be clear, make sure there is no 0-expGraph-Last used.ois file in UFF’s Themes subfolder.
new graph, open expGraph dialog from File menu
set image type to PDF, click the triangle button, select save as default, close the dialog
reopen the dialog from File menu “Open Dialog“ entry.
--> <default> theme is showed up as dialog theme,
==> but image type is EPS
click the triangle button, select default
→ image type is changed to PDF
Fixed in Origin2023b.
Wrong script after Generate Script for SubGroup Method By Reference Colum(s) in XF reducexy
For Analysis: Data Manipulation: Reduce by Group tool, it supports SubGroup Method By Reference Colum(s) in Origin2023, but if customize some settings and Generate Script, it outputs wrong script
Fixed in Origin2023b
Reduce by Group issues
For date data, open Analysis: Data Manipulation: Reduce by Group tool, set Subgroup method as X Increment, set X Increment as 1year/1month, it uses hard coded day 365/31, in Origin2023b, now check year/month info
Input column disable after change parameters for Integrate tool
Run below LabTalk, in worksheet, click change parameters ==> Input column is disable
OC function okutil_http_get() failed to get certain JSON file from web.
Fixed in Origin 2023b.
XOP in a loop
When use Python function to do Linear Fit in a loop, it fails. Create XYY data in active worksheet with random numbers then run below code to see the failure.
import originpro as op
wks_all = op.find_sheet()
for i in range(wks_all.cols):
if i==0:
lr = op.LinearFit()
lr.set_data(wks_all, 0, i)
rr = lr.result()
b = rr['Parameters']['Slope']['Value']
b_err = rr['Parameters']['Slope']['Error']