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Origin 2016 Highlights

The table below only lists some highlights of Origin 2016. To see more features in 2016, please use the navigation bar on the left panel of this page.

Origin Interface

ORG-13548Enable/Disable Collapsible Menus from Tools:Options

User can disable/enable collapsible menus by check box in Miscellaneous tab of Tools:Options.


Dockable Object Manager to easily Show or Hide Plots on a Graph

Hide and show plots using Object Manager

  • Select an element item in the Object Manager to select the corresponding element in the graph window and Vice Versa.
  • Show group level for the data plot if there is grouped data.
  • Show/hide plots by checking/unchecking the box before the object name. The object name corresponds to the legend name through translation mode.

Useful context menu tools inside Object Manager

  • Hide/Show a set of plots with the same name.
  • Change the order of plots in the same layer.
  • Change the plot style.
  • Go to Plot detail, Plot Setup, Layer Content from object manager.

For 3D Scatter plots, XY Projection, ZX Projection, YZ Projection items are included in object manager as well.

ORG-12904GUI to Rename Plots with Loose Data (2D function plot & virtual matrix)

Set the short name of the 2D function plot

Under the label tab of the Create 2D Function Plot dialog, we can set the Function short name.

Short name or long name of the loose data can be changed in plot detail dialog

Open the plot detail dialog of a 2D function plot or virtual matrix plot, we can change the short name or long name of the plot.

Clicking the small button besides the name will toggle between long name and short name.

ORG-12763Support flip color increment list

Allow the order of colors in the color list or the order of shapes in the shape list be flipped. 

When the Symbol Color is set to increment, can flip the order in the Color List tab. This also applies to the symbol shape.




Use tab style dialog for more analysis and statistics tools

Changed the dialog to be tab-based for the analysis/statistics tools with long trees, especially those statistics tools.

User can change back to old GUI by setting system variable @TSD to 0. (Choose Tools: System Variables... menu. Enter TSD as Variable and enter 0 as Value.)

ORG-10207Support Generating Grid from Triangulation

Right click on the contour plot created from XYZ data and choose "Generate Grid" to generate the grid data.

In the pop-up dialog,  can export the grid to XYZ data or matrix.


New Graph Types

ORG-12500Support 100% stacked column/bar plot with error bar

Error bar is supported in 100% stacked column/bar plot.

ORG-7860Support Interval Plot

Add Interval Plot under the Plot:Statistics.  Interval Plot plots the mean and 95% confidence interval for grouped data. 

Labels, Legend, Color Scale and Bubble Scale




Easier Way to Annotate Graph with Data or Label in Worksheet and Project&Window Information

Support inserting variables from worksheet cell into text (only for graph)

Add a button in Insert Variable dialog, which can hunt worksheet cell and then insert it:

  1. The substitution text will be in the form of (n, @WT, col, row).
  2. It supports both label area and data area.

  3. Also support selecting data range.

Additional Info (%G, %X, %H) in Plot level for Insert Variable Dialog

In the Insert Variable Dialog, if the root folder(root node) of the worksheet(graph) on the right panel is selected, we are able to insert: 

1. Active Window Name //%H
2. Project Path //%X, only show when the project was saved once
3. Project Name //%G, only show when the project was saved once

into the graph or worksheet.

Worksheet insert variable dialog:

Graph insert variable dialog:


Annotation Tool: Customize Display Label, including metadata support, etc.

Allow to customize the format of the annotation added to the plot. It is available for 2D XY plot and polar, and contour from both XYZ data and matrix.

How to...

  1. Select an annotation object, right click and select Customize Label to open the Annotation dialog.
  2. in the Label Form we can specify the quantities or dataset used to create the annotation.
  3. If Custom is selected, Format label is opened up and format string/Labtalk scripts can be entered, and multiple notations and arbitrary fixed strings can be combined as desired. The > button lists the frequently used notations.
  4. Apply to can apply the format to the annotations of the current object, the objects in the current layer or all the objects inside the graph window.

ORG-10446Data Labeling on Indiced Points Only and More Label Format Controls

Show Legend along Plot by Attaching Data Label on a Single Point or several points

ORG-12227GUI for leader line in 3D plot label

Add GUI to allow the access to the leader line setting

Color, width, direction, shape of the leader line in 3D plot can be changed.




Legend and Color Scale improvements

Legend text follow legend symbol color. Also works for color scale.

right click legend to enable object property. Setting color to Auto will have the color of the label follow the color of the symbol.

This is also support for regular text label. If there is %(n) substitution notation(s) and color is set to Auto, it will use the 1st substitution notation's corresponding plot's color for the whole text

Also works for color scale label

Show color scale as blocks of colors and their corresponding range

  1. In the Color Scale Control dialog, we can change the display format of the labels from just showing a value to showing a range. (see the result)

2. Allow color bar to be separated.

3. the result:

Notation to Alignment different portions of text in multiple line

add "\^()" as cell anchor, use alignment from the whole text object "\^(l)", "\^(c)", "\^(r)" are LEFT,
CENTER and RIGHT alignment respectively.

"^(lu)" means the text before and after this anchor is a unit, the part before and the part after will not be added extra space by drag and control. But the part before and after "^(lu)" will still consider the alignment separately, like it contain 2nd level.

Plot Manipulation


New, Powerful Color Chooser: Larger Color Collection, Easier Way to Pick Custom Colors, and Recent Colors

New Color chooser for all elements in Origin that supports color customizatin, such as plots, axis, text labels, graphic object, cells in worksheet, etc.

  • Set color as Single, By Points or By Plots
  • Large Selection of Color Lists with Varying Luminance
  • New Custom color dialog with Color Picker
  • Save/load Custom color lists
  • Recent Colors list

Color button-menus for various type of single plot is improved: 

  1. Support more colors.  In the dropdown list of More colors, user can choose a color list and luminosity variations for each color are generated automatically as a table that user can choose from.
  2. Custom color can be changed by Ctrl+click the colorbox. This is indicated via tooltip in colorbox.  Also Custom dropdown list provide users more flexibility to customize the color. 
  3. Added a single row of "Recent Colors"  .


Custom dropdown list:  User can load increment color list, save user's own color list and edit existing color list, etc. 


Customer color dialog is improved.  Add eye drop tool so that user has more freedom to choose color any where on the screen

Users can customize the color of the plots through toolbar control icons and the tab style color selection fly-out offers user more options for color control of the plots. 

By Points tab:

  1. Index/RGB/map the color of lines/symbols/area of each curve to columns. 
  2. map the color to the values of whole dataset using y-value mapping.
  3. Color using increment color list which can be edited in the plot detail dialog. 


By Plots tab:

  1. Each curve are colored with a increment color list.
  2. Each curve are colored with palettes.


      3.  The increment list or palettes for "by plots" coloring can also be adjusted in the group tab in plot detail dialog. 

ORG-12624Map line style and line width to another column

In the plot detail dialog, can set the style and width of the line to be mapped to a column.

ORG-7873Allow sorting column sets even when cumulative is None

Add Incremental option in Plot Detail dialog under Layer level allowing draw small blocks first.

If two blocks are of equal size, can let them show side by side by check the "Show Overlapped Column/bar" box.




Box chart\bar\column plot improvements: allow map color to groups defined through column label

Specify subgroup according to its column label

In the plot detail of grouped box chart plot, allow the color of the box to map to which level of the group which is very useful for dataset with unbalanced group size.  

  1. if color is set to vary between subgroups, each group starts with same color(red here) although the size of each group differs(3-4-3 here).

2. If color is set to vary within subgroups:

Stack plot support groups defined by column label

In stack column/bar plot, if subgroup is set based on column label, then we can have the column/bar to stack based on that subgroup.


In this case, subgroup are set based on "Parameters" . 

The resulting bars are colored and stacked based on this subgroup. 

Grouped box chart plot from raw data can sort plot order by group info

Add a check box "sort By Group Labels" to allow nested sorting of the box labels:

Before sorting, boxes are ordered by appearance order.

After sorting, boxes are ordered alphabetically on each group label.

ORG-9556Fill Pattern needs to support custom list

Under the Pattern tab in plot detail dialog, user can set the filled pattern with index referencing to other dataset. 

A new tab "Pattern List is" is added when increment or indexing is selected in fill pattern where user can customize the pattern list.

ORG-4856Stack Line by Y Offset with Scaling Factor and Log Scale Support

Add scaling factor for both X and Y direction

Set Multiplier for each plots to enlarge some details.

Keep Proportion of Stack Lines by Offset on Log Scale

By checking Keep Propertion of Plot Range, user can still see details of each stacked plot on nonlinear log scale.



Template-Support using column name when mapping color to a column

Under the Miscellaneous tab in the page level dialog of the graph, add the option Match modifiers by( for template and copy format) that allow users to customize the modifier mapping method when copy format and plot with template. Users can fetch the modifier column by  <offset> ,longname , shortname, etc. 

In this case, two plots are made from col(B) and col(C). In Graph1, the color of the points are mapped to col(D) with longname color.  Setting Match  Modifiers by to longname makes the plot2 colormap to the column with the same column longname, col(D) in this case. If set Match Modifiers by to <offset>, the color mapping column will be specified by the relative position to the plotting column. 


The tooltip in the plot detail dialog of the plot shows the modifier match method.

ORG-13741Y-Value Colormapping for Scatter, Column/Bar, Area Plots

Y-Value color mapping was only supported for line plots including waterfall plots. Since Origin 2016, we added it for plot plot types that support colormapping.


  1. Import Group.dat under Samples\Graphing folder.
  2. Select column B, C and D to plot them as scatter graph.
    --> Each plot has a unique color, e.g. B is black, C is red and D is blue.
  3. If you want to map color of the points to corresponding Y values, click on any scatter point
  4. Click Line/Border Color  dropdown list on Style toolbar.
  5. Go to By Points tab, choose Y-Value: Color Mapping.
    --> Each point is colored based on the Y values.

When using Y-Value Color Mapping. Origin find the min and max of all Y plots in the group and build colormap levels.

On Plot Details dialog, you will see on Group tab, color's Increment column is set to None, while on Symbol tab, Symbol Color is set to Y-Value: Color Mapping

On Colormap tab, the Levels are from min to max of all Y columns in the group of plots.

For column/bar or area plots, the color control is on Pattern tab.

Graph Page and Layer

ORG-12495, ORG-12522, ORG-13209, ORG-13664

Smart Plotting from Cloneable Template and New Template Library

Save Template As Dialog Changes

  • Mark as Cloneable Template

  • Preset Graph Short Name and Long Name

  • add "Match modifiers by" to Save template dialog

  • Still support plotting from built-in system template.

  • Clone Graph from Plot: User Templates: menu

  • Template Library only Shows User-Defined Templates



Switch Layer or Create New, and Move Plot Order in a Group in Layer Contents Dialog

Switch Layer or Create New to easily add or remove plots on different layers in graph

  • Switch between layers in Layer Contents dialog to easily add plot(s) to each layer.

  • Create new layersand add plots to it in Layer Contents dialog.

Change the order of plots within a group

Change plot order within a group with no need to ungroup first

ORG-11447Adjust Line spacing between lines in Text Object

Adjust line space between lines in Text Object including Legend

Change the line spaces in the properties of text object:

  1. Go to Property in the menu contents of the legend and make changes in the Line Spacing

2. The gap between lines is enlarged.

ORG-12944Allow Labels on right side when merge graph

When merging graphs,  now allow to put label to different positions of the plot.  inside or outside, left or right.



Multi-layer Graph Improvements: Set Layer Width or Height by Common Scale and Align Layers with Specified Value

Set Layer Width or Height by Common Scale

In Layer Management and Merge Graph Windows dialogs, check boxes to set layer width or height by commonb scale are added.

Before and after setting layer height to common scale.

Align linked Layers at Specified Value

In Plot Details dialog, when linking Axis, choose Align, Two layers will be aligned at the specified value.

Can also align layers in Layer Management dialog

ORG-12506Preview the plot inside Plot Setup

In Plot Setup Dialog, add a Preview button that gives a preview of the plot.

ORG-12499Provide more options for customizing scatter matrix

Support different matrix display method.

More option for tick and label show hide in GUI

Can set whether changing of one layer apply to all the other layers in page level.



Set Graph window Short and Long Name during Batch Plot and in Graph Template

Set Graph short name and long name during batch plotting

Right click the graph page, select Duplicate(Batch Plotting) to bring up the dialog.

  1. Set graph short name and long name using metadata

E.g. in image blow, Graph Short Name is set as 1st plot's Worksheet Display Name.

Graph Long Name is set as each layer's 1st plot's column long name connected with dash.

Corresponding LT syntax shows in the boxes.

2. Select worksheet or columns to batch plot and click OK. Graph names are set accordingly.

Preset Graph short name and long name in template

When plotting Graph with this template, the graph short name and long name will be set so.

ORG-12495, ORG-12522, ORG-13209, ORG-13664Smart Plotting from Cloneable Template and New Template Library

In Origin 2016, if user mark a graph template as cloneable during saving, user can directly clone a new graph with new data using such template. 

Save Template As Dialog Changes

  • Mark as Cloneable Template

  • Preset Graph Short Name and Long Name

  • add "Match modifiers by" to Save template dialog

  • Still support plotting from built-in system template.

  • Clone Graph from Plot: User Templates: menu

  • Template Library only Shows User-Defined Templates





Set Global Axis Units and Scientific tick label Display in Tools: Options Dialog

Various unit formats to choose from in Tools:Options:Axis

Different unit format are now supported and can be selected in Options dialog.

More Scientific Format Display Control

Different scientific format displays can be selcted in the options dialog.

ORG-13507    ORG-13703Allow Special Tick Labels to be Individually Dragged on Graph to Change Label Offset(s)
  1. Now supports dragging the special tick labels individually to customize its position. 
  2. The special tick font can be customized via toolbar.

ORG-12991Allow User to set Axis Ratio on Layer level

How to...

  1. Go to the plot detail of a graph. Select the Size/Speed tab under the layer level.

2. When the box before Link Axis Length to Scale with X:Y is checked, we can link the graph axis length to the scale by any ratio.

Before linking the size to scale.

Set the link ratio to 1, axis length to scale ratio is the same for x and y.

ORG-12898Minor tick label improvements

Add Display Format in the Minor Tick labels tab

In the past, minor tick label can only use same display format as major tick label. Now it can be set to different format.  
ORG-12946New Axis scale type: Discrete to support skipping weekend and holidays in financial plots

Use discrete as plot scale type to skip weekend when plotting

When plotting financial graph where there is no trading on weekends and holidays, there used to be a gap in axis.

But now in Origin 2016, by using Discrete scale type, there will be no such gaps and the data will look more cotinuous.

This is the default setting for all plot types under Plot: Stock: menu.

If Discrete is set as scale type, no gap between candle sticks.

Old way: Axis Scale is Linear, there are gaps on weekend and holidays.

Basically if Discrete is set as scale type, missing data is not plotted and continuity preserves.

Add a Line option under Plot: Stock menu and the toolbar

If make line plot with Plot:Stock:Plot, x axis scale type is set to discrete by default.

ORG-9226Non-Zero Baseline in Axis dialog for Column/Bar, Drop lines and Area Plot

Allow base line position to be customized

Now baseline position can be set to any value while keep the axis unmoved.

before specifying the baseline.

After setting the baseline to y = 0.6. The x axis is unchanged.

3D and Contour

ORG-134253D waterfall plot supports both line and symbol

In the Plot Detail dialog of 3D waterfall plot,  add Symbol tab to allow plotting symbols.  Both 2D and 3D symbols are supported.

Display of the 3D waterfall plot with symbols.

ORG-12492Allow using true scales of X and Y data in contour triangulation

In Origin 2016 SR0, Origin has implemented the contour triangulation algorithm to be based on raw X and Y data instead of normalized X and Y data as used in old treatment. To revert to old behavior, you can run the command below in Script Window or Command Window and refresh to see:


In Origin 2016 SR3, there is GUI access to revert.


ORG-11102Gadget: Add new column for category info in Cluster gadget

How to...

  1. Select the interested datapoints on the plot.
  2. In the Cluster Gadget dialog, click the Add Categories button.
  3. In the Create Categorical Value dialog,  give a name to the new group(CustomerGroup ) and names(group3) for each category. 

       4.  This will generate a new column in the source data which denotes the category info of each points.

          5.   Data points can be recolored referring to the new category info.

ORG-13318Fitting: Display Nonlinear Equation with Values in Fitting Report Table in Graph

In Nonlinear fitting dialog, add "Equation in Notes" in the Output section that user can choose to display the equation with fitted parameter values. 




Gadget: Statistics Gadgets Improvements

Improvements on statistics gadget

On ROI Box tab,

  1. Add more flexibility of controlling Mean Line such as Style, Width, Color.
  2. Can show SD line as well.
  3. Add Line Length dropdown list with options: Within ROI Box, Span to Layer, Custom.

Tag Line(s) option is added in the fly-out menu.

User can click it to add Mean&SD lines and labels in graph.

Move or delete the gadget will not remove the tags.

Add curve translate gadget

When click the > button. Now the customer can:

  1. switch between horizontal translate and vertical translate.
  2. Can set the translate mode to stack offset(source data doesn't change) or data update.
  3. Translate Duplication in allows to save the updated data to new columns, new sheet, or new book.
  4. If grouped data are plotted, can specify the curve to translate by Change data.

ORG-7940Fitting: Add a combo option Invalid Weight Data Treatment for users to replace the invalid weight data.

In NLFit and PA fit control dialog,  add Invalid Weight Data Treatment enabling customer to replace the invalid weight data.

ORG-12843Fitting: Improvement of the output plots for multiple linear regression

 Add two checkboxes Predicted vs. the Order of the Data Plot and Stack with Residual Plot (both default unchecked) in the Plots tab in Multiple Regression dialog. This will generate extra two plots in the result that shows the dependent variable/predicted variable vs row number  and residual vs row number. 



Peak Analysis:Support Snap to Spectrum in peak finding

In PA dialog, add an option Snap to Spectrum in find peaks page so that the spectrum height will be automatically calculated from the curve. This is useful that customer only need to save the peak center in the theme and the height will be calculated.

ORG-11946Peak Analysis:Batch Peak Analysis supports relative column on using existing dataset as baseline

In the PA setting baseline step, relative column position is used as baseline input if only column number is set in Dataset. This is useful in Batch processing that user wants the same column in each worksheet as baseline.

ORG-13430Peak Analysis:Output the Peak field table to source graph, when start PA with a graph

Under Result:Create Report Graph, can add result table to the source graph.

ORG-12990Peak Analysis:Allow User to set Slope and Y intercept for Straight Line Option on Baseline mode Page

Customer is now able to set the intercept and slope of the straight line as the base line.

ORG-12875Peak Analysis:Set upper and lower bound of peaks in Peaks Find Page

When peak analysis goal is Fit Peaks, we added a Treenode type branch Peak Fitting Bounds that customer can preset the bounds of fitting parameters.
The bounds can be set as: None (default), By Difference or By Percentage.
After the setting, the Bounds in the fit control in the next page will be automatically updated.

ORG-12784Peak Analysis:Support to only save initial peak parameters instead of baseline

User has the option now to exclude the baseline info from the saved theme that user can manually set the baseline with other parameters are predefined in a theme.

ORG-13116Peak Analysis:Make it easy to delete peaks / anchors in Peak Info dialog

In the Peak Find page, inside Peak info dialog, peaks can be selected/deselected through the enable check box.

Peaks can also be sorted using the sort center ascending button.

It also works for anchor info dialog.

ORG-12844Peak Analysis:Add ALS baseline method (Pro-only) to PA and Quick Peaks

Add Asymmetric Least Squares Smooting option in Baseline Mode drop-down list.

ORG-5405Fitting: Provide Deming method in Fit Linear with X Error

Deming method is added to Linear fit with X error dialog.



Fitting: Provide GUI for customization of LR report table on graph

In doing Linear Fit, NLfit, Fit Linear with X Error, Polynomial Fit dialog on graph,  add a "..." button after the edit box of Quantities in Table. It will open a dialog to add or delete the quantities to put in the graph table. In the following example, when only "Equation","Intercept","Slope" are selected, the table displayed in the graph only shows these three items. 

The nonlinear fitting dialog also has this feature. 

double click the report table will open the Quantities in Table dialog that can choose the variables displayed in the table.  Right click the table and select "Go to Worksheet" context menu leads to the real worksheet of the table. 

ORG-10680Fitting: Show both X and Y intercept for Linear quick fit gadget

In linear fit gadget, add a checkbox "X-Intercept" under parameter list branch on ROI Box tab when it is linear fit that it shows the x interception. 

ORG-4645Signal Processing: Support Binomial filter for smoothing

Add Binomial as smoothing method now.

ORG-12921Statistics: Exclude Masked Data in Analysis Output

When running column statistics on masked data, the resulting statistics still includes the lines with masked data, even though it's empty. 


Add a check box to exclude the empty dataset so that the redundant statistics line in the output is excluded. 


ORG-2873Fitting: Improvement in linear regression

Support Test for Lack of Fit test

It is available in Linear Fit, Polynomial Fit, and Multiple Linear regression.

ORG-1528Statistics: Means Comparison on Interaction Combinations in Two-Way ANOVASupport means comparison on interaction combinations in two-way ANOVA.

Data Processing


Define and access Project Variables in Set Column Values dialog

Allow inserting project variable in Set Column Value dialog.

How to...

  1. Inside SCV dialog, Clicking Variables:Project Variables:More... will bring up Project Variables dialog.
  2. Can create/delete project variables and can copy the variable name to avoid typo.
  3. The project variable names will be listed under the menu context under Project Variable.

ORG-13044Edit: Select... menu to Select or Hide Columns by Column Label Rows or Skipping

Choose Edit: Select... menu will open Select dialog where user can easily select and hide columns which fit the column label string, or by select N columns and skip M columns.

Since it's a modeless dialog, you can keep this dialog open and keep on doing selection and plotting or analysis. 

Note: if the column label row has numbers, you can even set the >, <, etc. as conditions to select such columns. 

Select or Hide Columns by Column Label Rows

  1. In the dialog, choose Mode: By Column Label
  2. Pick column label row and set matching condition and string
  3. Click Test - select if True to select. Click Hide button to hide selected columns

Select or Hide Columns by Skipping

  1. n the dialog, choose Mode: By Select N columns and Skip M columns
  2. Pick column label row and set matching condition and string
  3. Click Test - Select if True to select. Click Hide button to hide selected columns
ORG-7856Allow unstacking Group columns

Before 9.3, after unstacking data based on a group column, group info. can only show in column label row.

Now it can show in columns next to data.



Add Worksheet Script into Worksheet Properties dialog

Worksheet Script can be managed from Worksheet Properties dialog now.


Ignore the hidden columns in plotting.

In this example, columns with x > 604 are hidden. Select all the columns to make a 3D waterfall plot, the hidden columns are ignored..


Copy a cell value and Paste Link to multiple cells

When one cell is copied, select multiple cells and click Edit:Paste Link, the link of the single cell will be pasted to multiple cells.


Mask whole column

Menu contents of Mask when whole column is selected supports apply Mask:


Append Worksheet with Specified Columns

When append worksheet, can specify the columns to be included for each worksheet.


ORG-3364Worksheet Script can be triggered after all kinds of file importIn the past, if After Import is checked in Worksheet Script, the script will only run for ASCII import. Now the script can be triggered by all kinds of import file types.

Exporting and Presentation

Batch Processing

ORG-8482Support Before Script in Batch Processing

In the Batch Processing or Batch Peak Analysis Using Theme dialog, we can run labtalk script before running the analysis.

How to...

Example 1: Data selection before running batch peak searching.

  1. In this case, we want to do peak search only on spectrum of column B,C,D,E and ignore noise column F1, G1.

2. Highlight the whole worksheet and go to Analysis:Peaks And Baseline:Batch Peak Analysis Using Theme dialog. Input Labtalk script to skip the columns with noise (Maximum column value is less than 100 ).

3. In the result sheet, Data of B,C,D,E columns are analyzed.

Example 2: Data filtering before batch processing.

  1. If want to do batch processing with the following template where column B is filtered before doing linear regression.

2. In the Batch Processing dialog, we input the following script to activate the filter of each imported data.

3. In the result sheets, the filter in each dataset is activated before analysis.

ORG-6141Support  append results by columns

Analysis result can be appended vertically in the report sheet.

ORG-12759Batch Processing with Analysis Template Support Import Multiple Files into Sequential Worksheets

When the analysis template has multiple sheets as input for analysis, we can now insert multiple data files into individual worksheets in batch processing:

How to...

  1. In batch processing dialog, when the datasheet(s) is set to auto, Origin will detect the number of input worksheets in the template. (The blue hint lines shows the detected worksheets)
  2. The import file numbers should be multiple of worksheet number. Then each file will be imported into individual worksheet for later analysis.

ORG-13400Allow using X Data Info. as Dataset Identifier in Batch Processing

Sometimes data information is in X data column instead of Y. In Batch Processing dialog (including Batch Peak Analysis using Theme dialog), user can set Dataset Identifier from X columns.



Word template with Bookmark for Report Creation in Batch Processing

By creating a work template with Bookmarks and adding such bookmarks in Origin's Workbook Analysis template, Origin can perform batch analysis of multiple files and create PDF or Word reports with such Word template for each file. 

How to...

we will use a built-in Word template Sensor Analysis Report.dotx which is located at <Origin EXE folder>\Samples\Batch Processing\ folder. To view the bookmark labels on the Word template, with the file open go to File: Options to open Word Options dialog. Then select Advanced on the left panel and scroll down to section Show document content on the right panel and check Show bookmarks checkbox there.

To add bookmarks to analysis template

  1. Open File: Open and browse to <Origin EXE folder>\Samples\Batch Processing\ folder, select file Sensor Analysis.ogw.
  2. Click File:Add Word Bookmarks to Analysis Template. Select <Origin EXE folder>\Samples\Batch Processing\ folder to select Sensor Analysis Report.dotx. Select all Bookmarks and click OK.
  3. A bookmarks worksheet is added to the end of Sensor Analysis workbook. 
  4. Right click cell next to FileName bookmark in Links column (Long Name) and select Insert Variable. In appeared dialog, click Info tab and select FILEName under SYSTEM.IMPORT treenode. Click Insert button to insert it.
  5. Do the same to insert info variable for bookmark FileDate. To make it display as normal date, right click that cell and select Format Cells. Select Date from Format drop-down list and click OK button to close dialog.
  6. For graph bookmark FittedGraph, right click the cell in Links column (Long Name) in newly generated worksheet Bookmarks to select Insert Graph to open dialog. In appeared dialog, click the browser button Tutorial Import 005.png to the right of the Graphs box to open Graph Browser dialog. Check Show Embedded Graph checkbox on the bottom left to make embedded graphs available in panel on the left. Click to select desired graph and add it to panel on the right. Click OK to insert graph toBookmarks worksheet. Set the graph width as 250.
  7. Do the same to insert graph for bookmark ResidualPlot
  8. For bookmarks related to parameter values, you can copy and paste values as link from report sheet. To do it, click report sheet Linear Fit of Data B "Sensor Output"and locate the Parameters table. Click the corresponding data cell and right click to select Copy. Return to Bookmarks sheet, right click desired cell in Links column and select Paste Link to build the connection between bookmarks in Word template and values in report sheet.
  9. Repeat this "Copy and Paste Link" operation to fill in the rest of bookmark links. When done, select menu File: Save Workbook as Analysis Template... to save the analysis template as Sensor Analysis Template.ogw .And then save to .ogw by using "Save Workbook As Analysis Template". Now the template can be used to output analysis result into a word template.

To do batch processing to generate report based on Word template

  1. Open Batch Processing dialog. In the Analysis Template drop-down, select the Sensor Analysis Template.ogw file we created earlier 
  2. Select PDF from Export to drop-down list to export report as PDF file.
  3. Click the browser button Tutorial Import 005.png to the right of the Word template box and browse to <Origin EXE folder>\Samples\Batch Processing\ folder to select Sensor Analysis Report.dotx.
  4. Optionally you can click browser button Tutorial Import 005.png on the right of Export Path to specify another path for export.
  5. Click on the Browse button Tutorial Import 005.png in the File List section and select the Sensor01.datSensor02.dat and Sensor03.dat from the <Origin EXE Folder>\Samples\Curve Fitting folder.
  6. Select File Name as Dataset Identifier.
  7. Make sure the Data Sheet drop-down is set as Data.
  8. Make sure the Result Sheet drop-down is set as Result.
  9. Make sure that Delete Intermediate Workbook is cleared.
  10. A sample of exported PDF version report is as following:

Project and Data Management

Programming and Connectivity

ORG-12610X-Function: For X-Function based tools, Ctrl + Click on menu to view code behind it

Ctrl click the menu item will open up the XF in X-Function Builder


ORG-11972Nested Sorting in Project Explorer, Layer Contents dialog, and Dataset Browsers with Shift key

Nested sorting will be helpful for customers to quickly find 

Supported in Detailed View of Project Explorer

Left Panel of Layer Contents dialog

Column/Dataset/Matrix Browsers in different analysis tools that supports multiple Input.

PE now support nested sort that allowing files to be sorted within each group

  1. Start with files disordered by both type and short name in the PE.

2. Click Type to sort the files by type first, notice that they are still disordered by short name.

3. Want to sort by short name within each type group, Hold shift key and click Short Name. Now within each type, files are sorted by short name.

Layer contents dialog now supports nested sort

The Long Name is sorted within each Book group:

Dataset Browser supports nested sort

The Long Name is sorted within each Book group:

Origin 2016 Highlights on YouTube

Top Features

Ease of Use




Import and Export



We will continue to make more Add-in tools available for Origin 2016. To find out what is available, choose Tools: Apps on File Exchange: menu and see what's available there. E.g. Insert Map Images, Plot Submatrix and ODESolver for now.

There is a new dockable window called Apps on the right edge of Origin workspace. Click the icon to launch the App.

  • Solve Ordinary Differential Equations
  • Heat Map with Dendrogram
  • Tangent
  • Plot Sub matrix
  • Send Graphs to Word
  • Simple Fit
  • Maps Online

  • No labels